Spark Scala: SQL rlike vs Custom UDF - regex

I've a scenario where 10K+ regular expressions are stored in a table along with various other columns and this needs to be joined against an incoming dataset. Initially I was using "spark sql rlike" method as below and it was able to hold the load until incoming record counts were less than 50K
PS: The regular expression reference data is a broadcasted dataset.
dataset.join(regexDataset.value, expr("input_column rlike regular_exp_column")
Then I wrote a custom UDF to transform them using Scala native regex search as below,
Below val collects the reference data as Array of tuples.
val regexPreCalcArray: Array[(Int, Regex)] = {
.select( "col_1", "regex_column")
.map(row => (row.get(0).asInstanceOf[Int],row.get(1).toString.r))
Implementation of Regex matching UDF,
def findMatchingPatterns(regexDSArray: Array[(Int,Regex)]): UserDefinedFunction = {
udf((input_column: String) => {
for {
text <- Option(input_column)
matches = regexDSArray.filter(regexDSValue => if (regexDSValue._2.findFirstIn(text).isEmpty) false else true)
if matches.nonEmpty
} yield => x._1).min
}, IntegerType)
Joins are done as below, where a unique ID from reference data will be returned from UDF in case of multiple regex matches and joined against reference data using unique ID to retrieve other columns needed for result,
dataset.withColumn("min_unique_id", findMatchingPatterns(regexPreCalcArray)($"input_column"))
.join(regexDataset.value, $"min_unique_id" === $"unique_id" , "left")
But this too gets very slow with skew in execution [1 executor task runs for a very long time] when record count increases above 1M. Spark suggests not to use UDF as it would degrade the performance, any other best practises I should apply here or if there's a better API for Scala regex match than what I've written here? or any suggestions to do this efficiently would be very helpful.


How do I conditionally remove text from a string in a column in a Scala dataframe?

I'm currently exploring Azure Databricks for a POC (Scala and Databricks are both completely new to me. I'm using this (Cars - Corgis) sample dataset to show off the manipulation characteristics of Databricks.
My problem is that I have a dataframe column called 'model' that contains data like '2009 Audi A3' and '2005 Mercedes E550'. What I would like to be able to do is alter that column so instead of the aforementioned, it reads as 'Audi A3' or 'Mercedes E550'. I have a separate model year column so trying to reduce the size of the columns where possible.
From what I have seen, replaceAllIn doesn't seem to work with strings with Scala.
This is my code so far:
//Use the dataframe from the previous cell and trim the model year from the model column so for example it reads as 'Audi A3' instead of '2009 Audi A3'
import scala.util.matching.Regex
val modelPrefixPatternMatch = "[0-9 ]".r
val newModel = modelPrefixPatternMatch.replaceAllIn(("model")),"")
However, when I run this code, I get the following error message:
command-1778339999318469:5: error: overloaded method value replaceAllIn with alternatives:
(target: CharSequence,replacer: scala.util.matching.Regex.Match => String)String <and>
(target: CharSequence,replacement: String)String
cannot be applied to (org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame, String)
val newModel = modelPrefixPatternMatch.replaceAllIn(("model")),"")
I have also tried completing the SparkSQL but didn't have any luck there either.
In Spark you would normally add additional columns using withColumn and then select only the columns you want. In this simple example, I use regexp_replace function to trim out the years, something like this:
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.Column
.withColumn("cleanColumn", regexp_replace($"`Identification.Model Year`", "20[0-2][0-9] ","") )
.select($"`Identification.Model Year`", $"cleanColumn").distinct
My results:
We could probably make the regular expression tighter, eg tie it to the start of the column or open it up for years 1980, 1990 etc - this is just an example.
If the year is always at the start then you could just use substring and start at position 5. The regex approach at least protects from the year not being there for some records.

How to normalize fields delimited by colon thats into a single column in informatica cloud

I need help to normalize the field "DSC_HASH" inside a single column delimeted by colon.
I achieved what I needed with java transformation:
1) In java transformation I created 4 output columns: COD1_out, COD2_out, COD3_out and DSC_HASH_out
2) Then I put the following code:
String [] column_split;
String column_delimiter = ";";
String [] column_data;
String data_delimiter = ":" ;
Column_split = DSC_HASH.split(column_delimiter);
COD1_out = COD1;
COD2_out = COD2;
COD3_out = COD3;
for (int I =0; i < column_split.length; i++){
column_data = column_split[i].split(data_delimiter);
DSC_HASH_out = column_data[0];
There are no generic parsers or loop construct in Informatica that can take one record and output an arbitrary number of records.
There are some ways you can bypass this limitation:
Using the Java Transformation, as you did, which is probably the easiest... if you know Java :) There may be limitations to performance or multi-threading.
Using a Router or a Normalizer with a fixed number of output records, high enough to cover all your cases, then filter out empty records. The expressions to extract fields are a bit complex to write (an maintain).
Using the XML Parser, but you have to convert your data to XML before, and design an XML schema. For example your first line would be changed in (on multiple lines for readability):
Using SQL Transformation or Stored Procedure Transformation to use database standard or custom functions, but that would result in an SQL query for each input row, which is bad performance-wise
Using a Custom Transformation. Does anyone want to write C++ for that ?
The Java Transformation is clearly a good solution for this situation.

How do I find all the data containing an id from a list of ids in Spark?

Right now I have an inefficient approach:
ids = [...]
matched = []
for id in ids:
d = data.where( == id)
d = d.take(1)
I'm wondering how I can do this faster?
The data contains 4 column, where the fourth one contains ids.
Perhaps like this?
sqlContext = SQLContext(sc)
sqlContext.registerDataFrameAsTable(data, "data")
s = ','.join(str(e) for e in ids)
q = "SELECT * FROM data WHERE id IN (" + s + ")")
This takes 5 min instead of 40 min at the approach above.
In the first example, you are collecting all of the data on the driver node, and processing it in python. You aren't getting the benefits of using Spark because the approach isn't distributed.
The second approach uses spark SQL and is distributed. You could also use RDD apis as below. The RDD APIs are more flexible, but typically a bit slower. If you can use the dataframe APIs (or SQL ones as above), stick with those.
ids = [...]
data.rdd.filter(lambda x: in ids).collect()

Regex with SQL Server 2008 CLR performance issues

I am trying to understand why is it taking so long to execute a simple query.
In my local machine it takes 10 seconds but in production it takes 1 min.
(I imported the database from production into my local database)
select *
from JobHistory
where dbo.LikeInList(InstanceID, 'E218553D-AAD1-47A8-931C-87B52E98A494') = 1
The table DataHistory is not indexed and it has 217,302 rows
public partial class UserDefinedFunctions
public static bool LikeInList([SqlFacet(MaxSize = -1)]SqlString value, [SqlFacet(MaxSize = -1)]SqlString list)
foreach (string val in list.Value.Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.None))
Regex re = new Regex("^.*" + val.Trim() + ".*$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
if (re.IsMatch(value.Value))
return (false);
And the issue is that if a table has 217k rows then I will be calling that function 217,000 times! not sure how I can rewrite this thing.
Thank you
There are several issues with this code:
Missing (IsDeterministic = true, IsPrecise = true) in [SqlFunction] attribute. Doing this (mainly just the IsDeterministic = true part) will allow the SQLCLR UDF to participate in parallel execution plans. Without setting IsDeterministic = true, this function will prevent parallel plans, just like T-SQL UDFs do.
Return type is bool instead of SqlBoolean
RegEx call is inefficient: using an instance method once is expensive. Switch to using the static Regex.IsMatch instead
RegEx pattern is very inefficient: wrapping the search string in "^.*" and ".*$" will require the RegEx engine to parse and retain in memory as the "match", the entire contents of the value input parameter, for every single iteration of the foreach. Yet the behavior of Regular Expressions is such that simply using val.Trim() as the entire pattern would yield the exact same result.
(optional) If neither input parameter will ever be over 4000 characters, then specify a MaxSize of 4000 instead of -1 since NVARCHAR(4000) is much faster than NVARCHAR(MAX) for passing data into, and out of, SQLCLR objects.

MongoDB MapReduce update in place how to

*Basically I'm trying to order objects by their score over the last hour.
I'm trying to generate an hourly votes sum for objects in my database. Votes are embedded into each object. The object schema looks like this:
_id: ObjectId
score: int
hourly-score: int <- need to update this value so I can order by it
recently-voted: boolean
votes: {
"4e4634821dff6f103c040000": { <- Key is __toString of voter ObjectId
"_id": ObjectId("4e4634821dff6f103c040000"), <- Voter ObjectId
"a": 1, <- Vote amount
"ca": ISODate("2011-08-16T00:01:34.975Z"), <- Created at MongoDate
"ts": 1313452894 <- Created at timestamp
... repeat ...
This question is actually related to a question I asked a couple of days ago Best way to model a voting system in MongoDB
How would I (can I?) run a MapReduce command to do the following:
Only run on objects with recently-voted = true OR hourly-score > 0.
Calculate the sum of the votes created in the last hour.
Update hourly-score = the sum calculated above, and recently-voted = false.
I also read here that I can perform a MapReduce on the slave DB by running db.getMongo().setSlaveOk() before the M/R command. Could I run the reduce on a slave and update the master DB?
Are in-place updates even possible with Mongo MapReduce?
You can definitely do this. I'll address your questions one at a time:
You can specify a query along with your map-reduce, which filters the set of objects which will be passed into the map phase. In the mongo shell, this would look like (assuming m and r are the names of your mapper and reducer functions, respectively):
> db.coll.mapReduce(m, r, {query: {$or: [{"recently-voted": true}, {"hourly-score": {$gt: 0}}]}})
Step #1 will let you use your mapper on all documents with at least one vote in the last hour (or with recently-voted set to true), but not all the votes will have been in the last hour. So you'll need to filter the list in your mapper, and only emit those votes you wish to count:
function m() {
var hour_ago = new Date() - 3600000;
this.votes.forEach(function (vote) {
if (vote.ts > hour_ago) {
emit(/* your key */,;
And to reduce:
function r(key, values) {
var sum = 0;
values.forEach(function(value) { sum += value; });
return sum;
To update the hourly scores table, you can use the reduceOutput option to map-reduce, which will call your reducer with both the emitted values, and the previously saved value in the output collection, (if any). The result of that pass will be saved into the output collection. This looks like:
> db.coll.mapReduce(m, r, {query: ..., out: {reduce: "output_coll"}})
In addition to re-reducing output, you can use merge which will overwrite documents in the output collection with newly created ones (but leaving behind any documents with an _id different than the _ids created by your m-r job), replace, which is effectively a drop-and-create operation and is the default, or use {inline: 1}, which will return the results directly to the shell or to your driver. Note that when using {inline: 1}, your results must fit in the size allowed for a single document (16MB in recent MongoDB releases).
You can run map-reduce jobs on secondaries ("slaves"), but since secondaries cannot accept writes (that's what makes them secondary), you can only do this when using inline output.