Switching the GPIO of a Raspberry Pi at a fixed frequency - c++

I have a 208 - 232 Bit long binary signal that I want to send via a GPIO of the raspberry pi.
The delay between the bits needs to be constant.
How can I achieve this ?
The simplest solution that came to my mind was this (pseudocode):
send(gpio, message, delay){
for(int i = 0; i < lenght(message); i++){
if (message[i] == 1){
But the frequency at which I want to send this message is around 40kHz so the delay between two bits is only 25us.
How can I assure it is exactly&constantly that much delay.

In userspace there is no way to garantee that anything is happening in "real time".
Because of this I decided using a seperate Microcontroller that is responsible for time critical features that communicates via I2C or UART with the RaspberryPi.
This way the RaspberryPi can do high abstraction level decisions and show animation to a user while being able to send messages over ultrasound.
Another way I came up with is to create a file similar to .wav and then use DMA or other techniques like with audio. But as I haven't tried it I don't know if the Pi is sufficient to do this at higher Samplingrates.


Boost ASIO Serial Communication with Arduino: Error above 9600 bps

I'm developing a C++ interface to communicate with na Arduino UNO which is running some code.
To communicate with the Arduino, i'm using boost asio library. My application works well at a baud rate of 9600bps. Now, i wanted to communicate faster with the arduino, so, i tried to communicate at 115200bps, 57600bps, etc, without success.
At 115200bps, it seems that boost::write is sending two non-desirable bytes (both the same, with value ASCII 240 - this only happens for the first data transaction, so if i unplug and plug again the Arduino, this bytes will be sent during the first communication ). At this baud rate i can read the data that is being sent by Arduino (which is wrong for the first data communication, but is correct for the next ones).
At 57600bps, those 2 wrong bytes are not sent, but data is not read from arduino (it seems that write is not sending nothing).
The code to write to the serial is fairly simple, is just the boost::write and the code to read from the serial is just a loop and a boost::read of one byte (communications are synchronous just to test if everything was okay, which is not for higher baud rates than 9600bps).
The write function:
void sendMessage(char *c, unsigned int size) {
serial.write(c, size);
The read function:
void readMessage(void) {
char c;
uint8_t count = 0;
for (;;)
boost::asio::read(serial, boost::asio::buffer(&c, 1));
cout << "Received char: " << static_cast<unsigned int>(c) << endl;
if (count == 3 ){
I know that the problem is not in the side of the arduino (that's why i posted the question here and not in the arduino stackexchange) because, using realterm and sending the exact same bytes that i send using boost, i get the proper reply from the Arduino for every baud rate (9600, 57600 and 115200bps).
If anyone can help, i would be appreciated, since at this moment i don't know which is the problem (and i'm a beginner to boost).
Best regards
At 74880 bps, I recieve four times the byte with value 252.

QSerialPort continuous reading accumulative delay

I am trying to do communication from QT Application to Arduino. The flow is like this: QT Application sends a '1' and Arduino is expected to respond with some data(the data String length is huge, around 300). QT Application is sending '1' at the rate of around 5Hz(every 200ms).
The problem I am facing is, there is an accumulative delay between the Arduino to QT communication. That is, the data I receive from Arduino is not recent data but the frequency of data coming of Arduino is 5Hz only(which is as expected), just the data coming is not recent. This delay keeps on increasing with time. I believe there is some problem with buffer or something.
What I tried:
QSerialPort serialPort; is my device port
Increasing and decreasing Baud Rate from both ends.
Reduce character length from Arduino, here delay reduces significantly but the accumulated delay is observed after a long time.
to clear serial communication buffer, but the issue still persists.
Here is my code snippet:
connect(timer_getdat, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(Rec()));
where Rec() is the function where I do communication part.
In Rec():
serialPort.write("1", 2);
// serialPort.waitForBytesWritten(100);
long long bytes_available = serialPort.bytesAvailable();
if (bytes_available >= 1)
serialPort.readLine(temp, 500);
serialPort.flush(); // no change
serialPort.clear(); // no change by .clear() also
I have been stuck on this issue for a quite long time. The above code snippet is what I think is necessary but if anyone needs more clarification, I may reveal more of the code.
I also encountered with the same issue, and yes QSerialPort.clear() and QSerialPort.flush() doesn't help. Try doing readAll()
So change the part in your Rec() function to something like this:
serialPort.write("1", 2);
long long bytes_available = serialPort.bytesAvailable();
if (bytes_available >= 1)
serialPort.readLine(temp, 500);
serialPort.readAll(); // This reads all the data in buffer at once and clears the queue.
Even on QT forums, I didn't find the answer to this, was playing with all functions available with QSerialPort class and readAll() seems to work.
About readAll(), Qt documentation says:
Reads all remaining data from the device, and returns it as a byte
My explanation for the resolution is that readAll captures all of the data from the communication buffer and empties it.
This should be the job of clear() function but apparently readAll() seems to work.

QCustomPlot Huge Amount of Data Plotting

I am trying to plot some serial data on my Qt Gui program using qcustomplot class. I had no trouble when I tried to plot low sampling frequency datas like 100 data/second. The graph was really cool and was plotting the data smoothly. But at high sampling rates such 1000data/second, plotter makes a bottleneck for serial read function. It slow downs serial there was a huge delay like 4-5 seconds apart from device. Straightforwardly, plotter could not reach the data stream speed. So, is there any common issue which i dont know about or any recommendation?
I thougth these scenarious,
1- to devide whole program to 2 or 3 thread. For example, serial part runs in one thread and plotting part runs in another thread and two thread communicates with a QSemaphore
2- fps of qcustom plot is limited. but there should be a solution because NI LABVIEW plots up to 2k of datas without any delay
3- to desing a new virtual serial device in usb protocol. Now, I am using ft232rl serial to usb convertor.
4- to change programming language. What is the situation and class support in C# or java for realtime plotting? (I know it is like a kid saying, but this is a pretex to be experienced in other languages)
My serial device send data funct(it is foo device for experiment there is no serious coding) is briefly that:
void progTask()
DelayMsec(1); //my delay function, milisecond
//read value from adc13
sendData[0] = (char)'a';
sendData[1] = (char)'k';
sendData[2] = adcValue.bytes[0];
sendData[3] = (adcValue.bytes[1] & 15);
Qt Program read function is that:
//send test data
unsigned char bytes[2];
unsigned int intPart;
unsigned char *ptr;
void MedicalSoftware::serialReadData()
//if the frame size is less than 4 bytes return and
//wait to full serial receive buffer
//note: serial->setReadBufferSize(4)!!!!
QByteArray serialInData = serial->readAll();
//my algorithm
if(serialInData[0] == 'a' && serialInData[1] == 'k')
serData.bytes[0] = serialInData[2];
serData.bytes[1] = serialInData[3];
}else if(serialInData[2] == 'a' && serialInData[3] == 'k')
serData.bytes[0] = serialInData[0];
serData.bytes[1] = serialInData[1];
else if(serialInData[1] == 'a' && serialInData[2] == 'k')
}else if(serialInData[0] == 'k' && serialInData[3] == 'a')
serData.bytes[0] = serialInData[1];
serData.bytes[1] = serialInData[2];
serData.intPart = 0;
And qcustom plot setting fuction is:
void MedicalSoftware::setGraphsProperties()
QSharedPointer<QCPAxisTickerTime> timeTicker(new QCPAxisTickerTime());
QPen pen;
dataTimer = new QTimer;
And the last is plot function:
void MedicalSoftware::plotMainGraph(const quint16 serData)
static QTime time(QTime::currentTime());
double key = time.elapsed()/1000.0;
static double lastPointKey = 0;
double value0 = serData*(3.3/4096);
lastPointKey = key;
ui->mainPlotter->xAxis->setRange(key+0.25, 2, Qt::AlignRight);
counter = 0;
Quick answer:
Have you tried:
according to the documentation it can improves performances when doing a lot of replots.
Longer answer:
My feeling on your code is that you are trying to replot as often as you can to get a "real time" plot. But if you are on a PC with a desktop OS there is no such thing as real time.
What you should care about is:
Ensure that the code that read/write to the serial port is not delayed too much. "Too much" is to be interpreted with respect to the connected hardware. If it gets really time critical (which seems to be your case) you have to optimize your read/write functions and eventually put them alone in a thread. This can go as far as reserving a full hardware CPU core for this thread.
Ensure that the graph plot is refreshed fast enough for the human eyes. You do not need to do a full repaint each time you receive a single data point.
In your case you receive 1000 data/s which make 1 data every ms. That is quite fast because that is beyond the default timer resolution of most desktop OS. That means you are likely to have more than a single point of data when calling your "serialReadData()" and that you could optimize it by calling it less often (e.g call it every 10ms and read 10 data points each time). Then you could call "replot()" every 30ms which would add 30 new data points each time, skip about 29 replot() calls every 30ms compared to your code and give you ~30fps.
1- to devide whole program to 2 or 3 thread. For example, serial part
runs in one thread and plotting part runs in another thread and two
thread communicates with a QSemaphore
Dividing the GUI from the serial part in 2 threads is good because you will prevent a bottleneck in GUI to block the serial communication. Also you could skip using semaphore and simply rely on Qt signal/slot connections (connected in Qt::QueuedConnection mode).
4- to change programming language. What is the situation and class
support in C# or java for realtime plotting? (I know it is like a kid
saying, but this is a pretex to be experienced in other languages)
Changing the programming language, in best case, won't change anything or could hurt your performances, especially if you go toward languages which are not compiled to native CPU instructions.
Changing the plotting library on the other hand could change the performances. You can look at Qt Charts and Qwt. I do not know how they compare to QCustomPlot though.

Android usb host input bulktransfer fails to read randomly when data available

The following code is inside a thread and reads input data coming over usb. Approximately every 80 readings it misses one of the packets coming from an stm32 board. The board is programmed to send data packets to the android tablet every one second.
// Non Working Code
int resp = bulktransfer(mInEp,mBuf,mBuf.lenght,1000);
}else if(resp<0)
I was looking the Missile Launcher example in android an other libraries on the internet and they put a delay of 50ms between each poll. Doing this it solves the missing package problem.
//Working code
int resp = bulktransfer(mInEp,mBuf,mBuf.lenght,1000);
}else if(resp<0)
}catch(Exception e){}
Does anyone knows the reason why the delay works. Most of the libraries on github has this delay an as I mention before the google example too.
I am putting down my results regarding this problem. After all seems that the UsbConnection.bulkTransfer(...) method has some bug when called continuously. The solution was to use the asynchronous API, UsbRequest class. Using this method I could read from the input endpoint without delay and no data was lost during the whole stress test. So the direction to take is asynchronous UsbRequest instead of synchronously bulktransfer.

How to use ALSA's snd_pcm_writei()?

Can someone explain how snd_pcm_writei
snd_pcm_sframes_t snd_pcm_writei(snd_pcm_t *pcm, const void *buffer,
snd_pcm_uframes_t size)
I have used it like so:
for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
f = snd_pcm_writei(handle, buffer, frames);
Full source code at http://pastebin.com/m2f28b578
Does this mean, that I shouldn't give snd_pcm_writei() the number of
all the frames in buffer, but only
sample_rate * latency = frames
So if I e.g. have:
sample_rate = 44100
latency = 0.5 [s]
all_frames = 100000
The number of frames that I should give to snd_pcm_writei() would be
sample_rate * latency = frames
44100*0.5 = 22050
and the number of iterations the for-loop should be?:
(int) 100000/22050 = 4; with frames=22050
and one extra, but only with
100000 mod 22050 = 11800
Is that how it works?
frames should be the number of frames (samples) you want to write from the buffer. Your system's sound driver will start transferring those samples to the sound card right away, and they will be played at a constant rate.
The latency is introduced in several places. There's latency from the data buffered by the driver while waiting to be transferred to the card. There's at least one buffer full of data that's being transferred to the card at any given moment, and there's buffering on the application side, which is what you seem to be concerned about.
To reduce latency on the application side you need to write the smallest buffer that will work for you. If your application performs a DSP task, that's typically one window's worth of data.
There's no advantage in writing small buffers in a loop - just go ahead and write everything in one go - but there's an important point to understand: to minimize latency, your application should write to the driver no faster than the driver is writing data to the sound card, or you'll end up piling up more data and accumulating more and more latency.
For a design that makes producing data in lockstep with the sound driver relatively easy, look at jack (http://jackaudio.org/) which is based on registering a callback function with the sound playback engine. In fact, you're probably just better off using jack instead of trying to do it yourself if you're really concerned about latency.
I think the reason for the "premature" device closure is that you need to call snd_pcm_drain(handle); prior to snd_pcm_close(handle); to ensure that all data is played before the device is closed.
I did some testing to determine why snd_pcm_writei() didn't seem to work for me using several examples I found in the ALSA tutorials and what I concluded was that the simple examples were doing a snd_pcm_close () before the sound device could play the complete stream sent it to it.
I set the rate to 11025, used a 128 byte random buffer, and for looped snd_pcm_writei() for 11025/128 for each second of sound. Two seconds required 86*2 calls snd_pcm_write() to get two seconds of sound.
In order to give the device sufficient time to convert the data to audio, I put used a for loop after the snd_pcm_writei() loop to delay execution of the snd_pcm_close() function.
After testing, I had to conclude that the sample code didn't supply enough samples to overcome the device latency before the snd_pcm_close function was called which implies that the close function has less latency than the snd_pcm_write() function.
If the ALSA driver's start threshold is not set properly (if in your case it is about 2s), then you will need to call snd_pcm_start() to start the data rendering immediately after snd_pcm_writei().
Or you may set appropriate threshold in the SW params of ALSA device.