SQL Server to Big Query DDL - google-cloud-platform

I am new to big query and finding ways to migrate all the table structures from SQL Server to Big Query. There were close to 300 tables that needs to be created. Is there any way to do this automated or do in less time. Kindly throw some light on it as I presume many would have done this task.
Thanks in advance,

I recenty wrote a blog post about the subject
I also released a package on pypi that you can use as a base for your integrations
from database_to_bigquery.sql_server import SqlServerToCsv, SqlServerToBigquery
sql_server_to_csv = SqlServerToCsv(username="scott",
bigquery = SqlServerToBigquery(sql_server_to_csv=sql_server_to_csv)
result = bigquery.ingest_table(sql_server_table="table_to_read",
Just getting the schema could be something like this.
columns, pks = sql_server_to_csv.get_columns("table", "dbo")
bigquery.write_bigquery_schema(columns, "/path/to/file")
# /path/to/file can be in cloud storage, ie - gs://foo/bar.json
It does make some assumptions on datatypes, that you might want to override, and that is entirely possible.


Great Expectations - Run Validation over specific subset of a PostgreSQL table

I am fairly new to Great Expectations - and have a question. Essentially I have a PostgreSQL database, and every time I run my data pipeline, i want to validate a specific subset of the PostgreSQL table based off some key. Eg: If the data pipeline is run every day, the would be a field called current_batch. And the validation would occur for the below query:
SELECT * FROM jobs WHERE current_batch = <input_batch>.
I am unsure the best way to complete this. I am a using v3-api of great expectations and am a bit confused as to whether to use a checkpoint, or a validator. I assume I want to use a checkpoint but I can't seem to figure out how to create a checkpoint, but then only validate a specific subset of the PostgreSQL datasource.
Any help or guidance would be much appreciated.
I completely understand your confusion because I am working with GE too and the documentation is not really clear.
First of all "Validators" are now called "Checkpoints", so they are not a different entity, as you can read here.
I am working on an Oracle database and the only way I found to apply a query before testing my data with expectations is to put the query inside the checkpoint.
To create a checkpoint you should run the great_expectations checkpoint new command from your terminal. After creating it, you should add the "query" field inside the .yml file that is your checkpoint.
Below you can see a snippet of a checkpoint I am working with. When I want to validate my data, I run the command great_expectations checkpoint run check1
name: check1
module_name: great_expectations.checkpoint
class_name: LegacyCheckpoint
- batch_kwargs:
table: pso
schema: test
query: SELECT p AS c,
[ ... ]
AND lsr = c)
datasource: my_database
data_asset_name: test.pso
- exp_suite1
Hope this helps! Feel free to ask if you have any doubts :)
I managed this using Views (in Postgres). Before running GE, I create (or replace the existing) view as a query with all necessary joins, filtering, aggregations, etc. And then specify the name of this view in GE checkpoints.
Yes, it is not the ideal solution. I would rather use a query in checkpoints too. But as a workaround, it covers all my cases.
Let's have view like this:
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW table_to_check_1_today AS
SELECT * FROM initial_table
WHERE dt = current_date;
And checkpoint be configured something like this:
name: my_task.my_check
config_version: 1.0
- expectation_suite_name: my_task.my_suite
datasource_name: my_datasource
data_connector_name: default_inferred_data_connector_name
data_asset_name: table_to_check_1_today
Yes, a view can be created using the "current_date" - and the checkpoint can simply run the view. However, this would mean that the variable (current_date) is stored in the database - which may not be desirable; you might want to run the query in the checkpoint for a different date - which could be coming from a environment variable or elsewhere - to the CLI or python/notebook
Yet to find a solution where we can substitute a string in the checkpoint query; using a config variable from the file is a very static way - there may be different checkpoints running for different dates.

Fetching data from large BigQuery table in python

What I have is a BigQuery table(>5mil rows).
I need to fetch this data in batches and process it inside AppEngine, python.
The only way to fetch from a table that I know is to run SELECT query on this table and then iterate the result using tokens fetch_data returns.
It looks like this:
query = u"""\
""" % (query_table)
query_job = client.run_async_query(str(uuid.uuid4()), query)
wait_for_job(query_job, 1)
query_results = query_job.results()
rows, total_rows, next_token = query_results.fetch_data(max_results=per_page, page_token=page_token)
This works on smaller tables, but on larger ones like mine it asks to allow large requests and specify target table. But this makes no sense to me. For to simply fetch data from a table I have to copy it to another table?
What you are running into is described in this documentation. In summary, apart from the limit on how much data can be fetched at a time, there is a point where your results become "large results." This is when your results are more than 128MB compressed as described here. When your results are classified as large, you can only store the result of a query in a table in Big Query.
Unfortunately I'm not sure there's a nice way to do what you want without reducing how many rows you are retrieving at once. What you'll likely need to do is explore the exporting data documentation for big query.
You should use tabledata.list API for fetching data from table.
Using parameters (startIndex or pageToken) and maxResults you can control size of page you fetch.
I think this is exactly what you need link, as far as I understood you can't get a large result of a query but you can get the entire table data to your app no mater how big it is, thats why you need to put the large result in a table and then get this table data to your app and do whatever you want with it
good luck :)

Identifying needed statistics - Azure SQL Data Warehouse

Is there any hint or directive that can be used with EXPLAIN of a query on Azure SQL Data Warehouse that would return recommended statistics that were not available for the optimizer? Alternatively is there a tool that can analyze a workload and make any recommendation.
Today, no. Right now the recommendation is to create statistics on every column as these are needed to create an optimal parallel query plan (I.e. how to move data around between nodes to return a result since it's a MPP architecture).
An example of how to script this out can be found here as well (example H).
As you know, statistics should be created (according to this article):
on columns involved in JOINs, GROUP BY, HAVING and WHERE clauses.
There are no tools to do this (yet), but if you have access to the EXPLAIN plans they give you certain information. For example the shuffle_columns element lists all columns involved in a SHUFFLE_MOVE:
as well as myriad other information. Review the annotation I did of an Azure SQL Data Warehouse plan here.
Lastly, (and I haven't actually done this, I've only been thinking about doing it), you could set up a copy of your database on SQL Server 2016, bearing in mind the syntax differences (eg distribution, lack of unique indexes etc). this would give you access to certain useful resources like execution plans, including index suggestions, and certain trace flags which tell you what stats were used. I mean the database engines and indexing are really different so I don't know how worthwhile this might be. I'll post back if I progress my thinking on this. I do find the question "Why is this query going slow?" much harder to answer on this platform that ordinary "box product" SQL Server because the tools aren't as mature yet.

What is the best way to do intense read only queries in Django

We have a really big application in Django which uses Postgres database. We want to build an analytics module.
This module uses a base query e.g.
someFoo = SomeFoo.objects.all() # Around 100000 objects returned.
Then slice and dice this data. i.e.
someFoo.objects.filter(Q(creator=owner) | Q(moderated=False))
These queries will be very intense and as this will be an analytics and reporting dashboard the quires will hit the database very badly.
What is the best way to handle complex queries in such conditions ? i.e. when you have a base query and it will be sliced and diced very often in a span of short time and never be used again.
A few possible solutions that we have though of are
A read only database and a write only database.
Writing Raw sql queries and using them. As django ORM can be quite inefficient for certain types of queries.
Caching heavily (Have not though or done any research in this.)
Edit : E.g. query
select sport."sportName", sport.id, pop.name, analytics_query.loc_id, "new count"
from "SomeFoo_sportpop" as sportpop join "SomeFoo_pop" as pop on (sportpop.pop_id=pop.id) join "SomeFoo_sport" as sport on (sportpop.sport_id=sport.id) join
(select ref.catcher_pop_id as loc_id,
(select count(*) from "SomeFoo_pref" where catcher_pop_id=ref.catcher_pop_id and status='pending' and exists=True) as "new count"
from "SomeFoo_pref" as ref
where ref.exists=TRUE and ref.catcher_pop_id is not NULL
group by ref.catcher_pop_id) as analytics_query on (sportpop.pop_id=analytics_query.loc_id)
order by sport."sportName", pop.name asc
This is an example of a raw sql query we are planning to make and its going to have a lot of where statements and groupby. Basically we are going to slice and dice the base query a lot.
Is there any other possible solution or method that you can point us to. Any help is highly appreciated.
I can think to PREPARED STATMENT and a faster server, may be on linux...

Django create/alter tables on demand

I've been looking for a way to define database tables and alter them via a Django API.
For example, I'd like to be write some code which directly manipulates table DDL and allow me to define tables or add columns to a table on demand programmatically (without running a syncdb). I realize that django-south and django-evolution may come to mind, but I don't really think of these tools as tools meant to be integrated into an application and used by and end user... rather these tools are utilities used for upgrading your database tables. I'm looking for something where I can do something like:
class MyModel(models.Model): # wouldn't run syncdb.. instead do something like below
a = models.CharField()
b = models.CharField()
model = MyModel()
model.create() # this runs the create table (instead of a syncdb)
model.add_column(c = models.CharField()) # this would set a column to be added
model.alter() # and this would apply the alter statement
model.del_column('a') # this would set column 'a' for removal
model.alter() # and this would apply the removal
This is just a toy example of how such an API would work, but the point is that I'd be very interested in finding out if there is a way to programatically create and change tables like this. This might be useful for things such as content management systems, where one might want to dynamically create a new table. Another example would be a site that stores datasets of an arbitrary width, for which tables need to be generated dynamically by the interface or data imports. Dose anyone know any good ways to dynamically create and alter tables like this?
(Granted, I know one can do direct SQL statements against the database, but that solution lacks the ability to treat the databases as objects)
Just curious as to if people have any suggestions or approaches to this...
You can try and interface with the django's code that manages changes in the database. It is a bit limited (no ALTER, for example, as far as I can see), but you may be able to extend it. Here's a snippet from django.core.management.commands.syncdb.
for app in models.get_apps():
app_name = app.__name__.split('.')[-2]
model_list = models.get_models(app)
for model in model_list:
# Create the model's database table, if it doesn't already exist.
if verbosity >= 2:
print "Processing %s.%s model" % (app_name, model._meta.object_name)
if connection.introspection.table_name_converter(model._meta.db_table) in tables:
sql, references = connection.creation.sql_create_model(model, self.style, seen_models)
for refto, refs in references.items():
pending_references.setdefault(refto, []).extend(refs)
if refto in seen_models:
sql.extend(connection.creation.sql_for_pending_references(refto, self.style, pending_references))
sql.extend(connection.creation.sql_for_pending_references(model, self.style, pending_references))
if verbosity >= 1 and sql:
print "Creating table %s" % model._meta.db_table
for statement in sql:
Take a look at connection.creation.sql_create_model. The creation object is created in the database backend relevant to the database you are using in your settings.py. All of them are under django.db.backends.
If you must have ALTER table, I think you can create your own custom backend that extends an existing one and adds this functionality. Then you can interface with it directly through a ExtendedModelManager you create.
Quickly off the top of my head..
Create a Custom Manager with the Create/Alter methods.