Testing AWS Lambda using Jest and Sinon causing Timeout error - amazon-web-services

I am attempting to execute the following Jest test to test an AWS Lambda locally:
const sinon = require('sinon');
const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
const { handler } = require('../queue_manager.js');
let result = {
// some result
let sinonSandbox;
beforeEach((done) => {
sinonSandbox = sinon.createSandbox();
afterEach((done) => {
it('queue-manager', async () => {
sinonSandbox.stub(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.prototype, 'get').returns({
promise: function () {
return Promise.resolve(result);
const lambdaResponse = { code: 200, data: 'some mocked data' };
var callback = function() { };
var context = {}
const event = {
somedata: "data"
const actualValue = await handler(event, context, callback);
I am attempting to test processing after a DynamoDB call, however, the test fails with a: Timeout - Async callback was not invoked within the 5000ms timeout specified by jest.setTimeout.Timeout
I tried giving it more time but the same result so it is not that it cannot return successfully in 5 seconds, it is not returning all.
Anyone familiar with Sinon that could possibly point out my issue?

Post edited, fist edition pushed at the bottom of the answer a
Second thought
here is an example on how to test an asynchronous function with Jest
test('the data is peanut butter', done => {
function callback(data) {
try {
expect(data).toBe('peanut butter');
} catch (error) {
then I think the missing part in your code is the done callback on the unit test function. could you try this:
it('queue-manager', async (done) => {
sinonSandbox.stub(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.prototype, 'get').returns({
promise: function () {
return Promise.resolve(result);
const lambdaResponse = { code: 200, data: 'some mocked data' };
var callback = function() { };
var context = {}
const event = {
somedata: "data"
const actualValue = await handler(event, context, callback);
Another option could be to specify the number of assertions (instead of the callback done) :
// before the await handler(...)
Hope this help.
First lead was the dynamo db ressource hanging:
Quite often the lambda is not returning the result and then runs into timeout because the lambda function is waiting for resources ie: dynamoDB connection for instance.
You can configure the runtime to send the response immediately by setting context.callbackWaitsForEmptyEventLoop to false.
First line of the handler must be:
context.callbackWaitsForEmptyEventLoop = false


How to mock function with callback and return type in Jasmine

I'm trying to mock function that has a stream return type and callback as arg. I get timeout because the call back function never get called.
This is the function I'm trying to test:
public setServerUrls(): Observable<void> {
const obs: Observable<void> = new Observable((observer: Observer<void>) => {
const stream: ClientWritableStream<Util.Server> = this.fileTransferClient.setURLs((error: ServiceError, response) => {
if (error) {
observer.error(`TransferManager Electron: unable to set server urls error: ${error.message}.`);
logger.info(`TransferManager Electron: setting URLs completed.`);
const transferRequest = new Util.Server();
return obs;
My jasmine setup:
const settingStream = {
write: () => { },
end: () => { }
const callBack = () => {
const f = function (callback: Function): any {
return settingStream;
mockFileTransferClient = jasmine.createSpyObj('FileTransferClient', {
subscribe: () => mockFileTransferStream,
uploadFile: () => duplexStream,
setURLs: f(callBack)
mockFileTransferClientWrapper.createNewFileTransferClient.and.returnValue(mockFileTransferClient as any);
// Question here... does not work!
it('should set urls', done => {
x => {
This is Elctron + grpc functionality test.
Test timeout because it never gets into the callback and observable never completes.
I'm not sure how to mock setURLs with return value AND callback.
You have to first mock your setUrls to return a resolved observable.
I think what you need here is to use fakeAsync() functionality as you are dealing with async test. Using Tick with fakeAsync ensures that all pending asynchronous activities will finish. In your case it will wait for setTimeout.
Note that you should also inject the setServerUrls using TestBed.inject...
So I think your tests should look like this
it("should .....", fakeAsync(() => {
// Arrange - mock functions
// Act - Make a call to the function
// Use tick() after making call to the function which will flush your setTimeouts
// Assert
For more information, see the fakeAsync documentation

In Jest, how do I mock my Mongoose document's "get" method?

I'm using NodeJS and a MongoDB. I have this simple function for returning a generic property of a document ...
import mongoose, { Document, Schema } from "mongoose";
export interface IMyObject extends Document {
export async function getProperty(
req: CustomRequest<MyDto>,
res: Response,
next: NextFunction
): Promise<void> {
const {
params: { propertyName, code },
} = req;
try {
const my_obj = await MyObject.findOne({ code });
const propertyValue = my_obj ? my_obj.get(propertyName) : null;
if (propertyValue) {
I'm struggling to figure out how to test this function. In particular, how do I mock an instance of my object that's compatible with the "get" method? I tried this
it("Should return the proper result", async () => {
const myObject = {
name: "jon",
MyObject.findOne = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue(myObject.name);
const resp = await superTestApp.get(
but this fails with
TypeError: my_object.get is not a function
You would need to spy your object and its methods. Something like:
import MyObject from '..';
const mockedData = {
get: (v) => v
let objectSpy;
// spy the method and set the mocked data before all tests execution
beforeAll(() => {
objectSpy = jest.spyOn(MyObject, 'findOne');
// clear the mock the method after all tests execution
afterAll(() => {
// call your method, should be returning same content as `mockedData` const
test('init', () => {
const response = MyObject.findOne();

Jest mock twilio - how to?

I have been using Jest to do my unit tests with node.
I am used to mocking the first level of the modules/functions, but on the challenge to mock Twilio, I am not having so much luck.
I am using the twilio method: client.messages.create, so here I have the twilio client from the constructor require('twilio')(account sid, token), and the first layer is from the object/method(?) messages, and last the third level create, and it's this last guy that I am trying to mock.
I was trying something like this:
jest.mock('twilio', () => {
const mKnex = {
messages: jest.fn(),
return jest.fn(mKnex);
However, I am not able to mock the client resolved value, where I get client.message.create is not a function.
If I try the above mock plus this client.messages.create.mockReturnValueOnce({sid: "FOO", status: "foo"); I get that cannot read the property create from undefined(messages).
Any tip, post, docs that could give me some luck on this?
The solution for this is:
Create a file for Twilio client:
// sms.client.ts
import { Twilio } from 'twilio';
const smsClient = new Twilio(
export { smsClient };
Then, your service file should look like this:
// sms.service.ts
import { smsClient } from './sms.client';
class SMSService {
async sendMessage(phoneNumber: string, message: string): Promise<string> {
const result = await smsClient.messages.create({
from: '(555) 555-5555',
to: phoneNumber,
body: message,
if (result.status === 'failed') {
throw new Error(`Failed to send sms message. Error Code: ${result.errorCode} / Error Message: ${result.errorMessage}`);
return result.sid;
export const smsService = new SMSService();
Last but not least, your spec/test file needs to mock the client file. E.g.
// sms.service.spec.ts
import { MessageInstance, MessageListInstance } from 'twilio/lib/rest/api/v2010/account/message';
import { smsClient } from './sms.client';
import { smsService } from './sms.service';
// mock the client file
// fixture
const smsMessageResultMock: Partial<MessageInstance> = {
status: 'sent',
sid: 'AC-lorem-ipsum',
errorCode: undefined,
errorMessage: undefined,
describe('SMS Service', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
// stubs
const message: Partial<MessageListInstance> = {
create: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({ ...smsMessageResultMock })
smsClient['messages'] = message as MessageListInstance;
it('Should throw error if response message fails', async () => {
// stubs
const smsMessageMock = {
status: 'failed',
errorCode: 123,
errorMessage: 'lorem-ipsum'
smsClient.messages.create = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({ ...smsMessageMock });
await expect(
smsService.sendMessage('(555) 555-5555', 'lorem-ipsum')
).rejects.toThrowError(`Failed to send sms message. Error Code: ${smsMessageMock.errorCode} / Error Message: ${smsMessageMock.errorMessage}`);
describe('Send Message', () => {
it('Should succeed when posting the message', async () => {
const resultPromise = smsService.sendMessage('(555) 555-5555', 'lorem-ipsum');
await expect(resultPromise).resolves.not.toThrowError(Error);
expect(await resultPromise).toEqual(smsMessageResultMock.sid);
I've found a solution. It's still calling the endpoint, but for each twilio account, you get a test SID and Token, I used this one so it does not send a sms when testing with this:
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'test') {
client = require('twilio')(accountSid, authToken)
listener = app.listen(3010, function(){
console.log('Ready on port %d', listener.address().port)
client = require('twilio')(testSid, testToken)

Jest - Mock promisified SQS calls

Let's assume that I have a QueueClass with a method send, that gets some data as parameter
which then sends to a SQS queue.
I want to write 2 tests:
One that tests that the MessageBody and QueueUrl keys have the expected values passed in.
One that in case of error an exception gets thrown.
The method to be tested looks like this:
My send method:
async send(data) {
return SQS.sendMessage({
MessageBody: JSON.stringify(data),
QueueUrl: 'queue_url_here',
.catch((error) => {
// Throw exception ...
The test I have for that method:
const aws = require('aws-sdk');
jest.mock('aws-sdk', () => {
const SQSMocked = {
sendMessage: jest.fn().mockReturnThis(),
promise: jest.fn(),
return {
SQS: jest.fn(() => SQSMocked),
sqs = new aws.SQS();
test('my test', async () => {
const data = {};
await QueueClass.send(data);
MessageBody: JSON.stringify(data),
QueueUrl: 'queue_url_here',
That test gives me the following error:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'catch' of undefined
I did try adding catch: jest.fn() to the SQSMocked object, the exact same way I do with promise, but kept getting the same error.
The thing is that when I change the method that I am trying to test so it uses try-catch block instead of .promise() and .catch() :
async send(data) {
try {
return SQS.sendMessage({
MessageBody: JSON.stringify(data),
QueueUrl: 'queue_url_here',
} catch (error) {
// Throw exception ...
my test passes, so that makes me think that this is not necessarily an issue about properly mocking the SQS.
Any ideas why when using .promise() and .catch() my test fails ?
Also how could I test a case where an Error gets thrown by the queue ?
I would like to be able to do something like this:
await expect(sqs.sendMessage)
await expect(sqs.sendMessage)
.toThrowError(new Error('Some error thrown.'));
promise is stubbed and returns undefined, this is the reason why it doesn't return a promise that could be chained. It's supposed to return a promise, as the name suggests.
Since values may be different in different tests, it's better to expose it as a variable. sendMessage can be exposed as well for assertions:
const mockPromiseFn = jest.fn();
const mockSendMessage = jest.fn().mockReturnThis();
jest.mock('aws-sdk', () => {
return {
SQS: jest.fn().mockReturnValue({
sendMessage: mockSendMessage,
promise: mockPromiseFn
It doesn't make sense to test it with await expect(sqs.sendMessage).rejects... because it tests the code you've just written.
It likely should be:
mockPromiseFn.mockRejectedValue(new Error(...));
await expect(QueueClass.send(data)).rejects.toThrowError(...);
This is potentially a mistake:
async send(data) {
try {
return SQS.sendMessage(...);
} catch (error) {
// Throw exception ...
try..catch is unable to catch asynchronous errors from async return, also sendMessage return value wasn't converted to a promise.
It should be:
async send(data) {
try {
return await SQS.sendMessage(...).promise();
} catch (error) {
// Throw exception ...
duplicate questions
How to mock AWS sqs call for unit testing
just add the method around to be called like so...
class EventService {
static async sendFifoMessage(
) {
const sqsMessageRequest = {
QueueUrl: url,
MessageBody: JSON.stringify(message),
MessageGroupId: groupId,
if (!!dedupeId) {
sqsMessageRequest.MessageDeduplicationId = dedupeId;
return await new SQS().sendMessage(sqsMessageRequest).promise();
import AWS = require('aws-sdk');
const URL = 'URL';
const GROUP_ID = 'GROUP_ID';
jest.mock('aws-sdk', () => {
const SQSMocked = {
sendMessage: jest.fn().mockReturnThis(),
promise: jest.fn(),
return {
SQS: jest.fn(() => SQSMocked),
const sqs = new AWS.SQS({
region: 'us-east-1',
describe('EventService', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
(sqs.sendMessage().promise as jest.MockedFunction < any > ).mockReset();
afterAll(() => {
describe('sendFifoMessage', () => {
const messageResult = {
QueueUrl: URL,
MessageBody: JSON.stringify(MESSAGE),
MessageGroupId: GROUP_ID,
MessageDeduplicationId: DEDUPE_ID,
it('sendMessage successfully', async() => {
(sqs.sendMessage().promise as jest.MockedFunction < any > ).mockResolvedValueOnce('mocked data');
await EventService.sendFifoMessage(URL, MESSAGE, GROUP_ID, DEDUPE_ID);
it('sendMessage throws', async() => {
(sqs.sendMessage().promise as jest.MockedFunction < any > ).mockRejectedValueOnce(BAD_REQUEST);
expect(async() => await EventService.sendFifoMessage(URL, MESSAGE, GROUP_ID, DEDUPE_ID)).rejects.toThrowError(
new Error(BAD_REQUEST),

Trying to mock response body from a fetch for a unit test

I'm pretty new to sinon and proxyquire and I think I've read all the answers here on SO but I'm still not finding out what I need. Anyway, here's a sanitized version of my code.
const fetch = require('node-fetch');
async function deleteID(id, endpoint) {
try {
let url = `${endpoint}/delete/${id}`;
let res = await fetch(url, { method: 'DELETE' });
res = await res.json(); // <---- THIS FAILS WHEN fetch IS MOCKED
// do stuff with res
} catch (err) {
logger.error(`Error: ${JSON.stringify(err)}`);
It's pretty simple, it uses node-fetch to hit a url and then does stuff if the request succeeds or fails. Here's my test, lets setup the mocking for fetch:
const proxyquire = require('proxyquire').noCallThru();
const sinon = require('sinon');
beforeEach((done) => {
const validResponse = {
status: 200,
data: 'hello, world\n'
deleteProxy = proxyquire('./delete', {
'node-fetch': sinon.stub().returns(Promise.resolve(JSON.stringify(validResponse)))
So the fetch call now returns validResponse instead of hitting the server. And here's my test:
it.only('should delete', async () => {
try {
deleteProxy.deleteID('id', 'endpoint');
} catch (err) {
This fails since res is just an object with status and data, it is not a proper Response that has a Body etc... The rest of our code uses node-mocks-http but all of the tests using that module hit the url directly, not indirectly, via fetch, like I'm doing above.
How do I either create a mocked Response to fit into the above test or is there a different approach I should be using?
By looking at the code and my experience with sinon I would say as this is not an actual HTTP response so you have to mock json() as well.
In beforeEach method:
const body = {
status: 200,
data: 'hello, world\n'
var validResponse = { json: () => { return body } };
deleteProxy = proxyquire('./delete', {
'node-fetch': sinon.stub().returns(Promise.resolve(validResponse))
try with out JSON.stringify()
Let me know if it doesn't work.