Flask environment ignored in config.py - flask

I'm trying to build a basic flask app for learning purposes. everything flows smoothly, but there's an issue I don't understand. in my run.py file, I have the following line:
This loads config.py in the root, which contains the following code:
class Config:
SECRET_KEY = '1234567890'
STATIC_FOLDER = 'static'
TEMPLATES_FOLDER = 'templates'
class devConfig(Config):
FLASK_ENV = 'development'
DEBUG = True
class prodConfig(Config):
FLASK_ENV = 'production'
DEBUG = False
my understanding is that Config contains a few "default" settings. devConfig and prodConfig are based on Config, so will always contain those values, but each will have different env, debug and testing value. though I don't get any errors and debug seems to be activated, when I run my instance of Flask it tells me I'm running in production, regardless of what I do.
* Serving Flask app "run" (lazy loading)
* Environment: production
WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment.
Use a production WSGI server instead.
* Debug mode: on
* Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
* Restarting with stat
* Debugger is active!
I'm not interested in setting the env variable in the terminal/environment, I know how to do that. what I'm interested in is why this doesn't work. after all, the FLASK_ENV directive is a valid one and it should load when instructed to.
What am I doing wrong?

With Chase's comment in mind, about not setting the FLASK_ENV in the app. Pass a dict of your configurations from your config.py and select the appropriate config based on the FLASK_ENV set outside your app, e.g. with a .env file.
class BaseConfig:
class DevConfig(BaseConfig):
class ProdConfig(BaseConfig):
configs = {"development": DevConfig, "production": ProdConfig}
import os
from flask import FLask
from config import configs
app.config.from_object(configs[os.environ.get("FLASK_ENV", "development")])


How do I store environment variables both locally and not to have to change code when deploying on Heroku in Django

I have a Django project I have been working on offline and now I have hosted it on Heroku and it works well on Heroku but fails on my local machine with this error.
File "/usr/lib/python3.9/os.py", line 679, in __getitem__
raise KeyError(key) from None
KeyError: 'DEBUG'
and I think it is because I used environment variables like this.
from boto.s3.connection import S3Connection
import os
DEBUG = S3Connection(os.environ['DEBUG'], os.environ['DEBUG'])
I also have a .env file in my root(project folder) with the environment variables like this.
export JWT_SECRET_KEY = "dfge..."
export DEBUG = 1
What is the right way to store the environment variables on my local machine?
I have local file secret.py added to .gitignore with all keys, env values needed:
Then in settings.py:
# settings.py
import secret
DEBUG = secret.DEBUG
except ModuleNotFoundError:
DEBUG = S3Connection(os.environ['DEBUG'], os.environ['DEBUG'])

Access\Read Flask Env Variable within app

I can't seem to access my env variables' values inside my app. I'm loading my env variables into my app with a .env file and the dotenv package; I learned about it here.
My .env
I want to use the value of the TESTING variable inside my app and run certain code based on whether it is True or False.
How can I get these values? The docs say
Certain configuration values are also forwarded to the Flask object so
you can read and write them from there: app.testing = True
But I get module 'app' has no attribute 'testing'
When I log app by itself I see a Flask object. When I log this out like app.Flask, I see the env variables, but these appear like this, with no refernce to the current value.
{'__name__': 'TESTING', 'get_converter': None}
I want to be able to do something like:
app.testing => False
app.FLASK_ENV => development
and then eventually:
if app.testing == True:
<do something>
PS - I know the app loads this .env file okay because if I remove the values the environment changes back to production, the default.
from pathlib import Path # python3 only
from dotenv import load_dotenv
env_path = Path('.') / '.env'
import os
Equivalent in JS is process.env

Why do I get the error "A valid Flask application was not obtained from..." when I use the flask cli to run my app?

I try to use the flask cli to start my application, i.e. flask run. I use the FLASK_APP environment variable to point to my application, i.e. export FLASK_APP=package_name.wsgi:app
In my wsgi.py file, I create the app with a factory function, i.e. app = create_app(config) and my create_app method looks like this:
def create_app(config_object=LocalConfig):
app = connexion.App(config_object.API_NAME,
app.app.json_encoder = JSONEncoder
app = register_extensions(app)
app = register_blueprints(app)
return app
However, the application doesn't start, I get the error:
A valid Flask application was not obtained from "package_name.wsgi:app".
Why is this?
I can start my app normally when I use gunicorn, i.e. gunicorn package_name.wsgi:app
My create_app function didn't return an object of class flask.app.Flask but an object of class connexion.apps.flask_app.FlaskApp, because I am using the connexion framework.
In my wsgi.py file, I could simply set:
application = create_app(config)
app = application.app
I didn't even have to do export FLASK_APP=package_name.wsgi:app anymore, autodescovery worked if the flask run command was executed in the folder where the wsgi.py file is.
application = create_app(config)
app = application.app
App = app.app
For me I just created another variable pointing to connexion.app.Flask type and I set the environ as below
export FLASK_APP= __main__:App
flask shell

After deploying to heroku

I have a webapp which is not yet complete but I recently deployed it to heroku. It uses:
Now, I have deployed deploy-heroku branch of my project to master of heroku.
The only difference between my project's master branch and deploy-heroku branch is that I have made additional changes in settings.py (adding prostgre sql settings and all) in the deploy-heroku branch.
I want to add more features to my webapp so should I work on master and later copy-paste those changes to deploy-heroku. This seems redundant !! Is there any other better way to do this?
You could just let Heroku automatic deploy on master and use a ".env" file with Django-environ (https://github.com/joke2k/django-environ) to change your settings.py. You should be able to create a local Django setting and a Heroku prod setting.
Example :
.env :
import environ
env = environ.Env(
# set casting, default value
DEBUG=(bool, False)
# reading .env file
# False if not in os.environ
DEBUG = env('DEBUG')
# Raises django's ImproperlyConfigured exception if SECRET_KEY not in os.environ
# Parse database connection url strings like psql://user:pass#
# read os.environ['DATABASE_URL'] and raises ImproperlyConfigured exception if not found
'default': env.db(),
# read os.environ['SQLITE_URL']
'extra': env.db('SQLITE_URL', default='sqlite:////tmp/my-tmp-sqlite.db')
Don't forget to add the .env file to your .gitignore and to update your Heroku environment variables in your app -> settings -> Reveal config vars
You can merge branches.
Here is a good explanation of how it works

uwsgi and flask - cannot import name "appl"

I created several servers, without any issue, with the stack nginx - uwsgi - flask using virtualenv.
with the current one uwsgi is throwing the error cannot import name "appl"
here is the myapp directory structure:
+ run.py
+ venv/ # virtualenv
+ myapp/
+ init.py
+ other modules/
+ logs/
here is the /etc/uwsgi/apps-avaliable/myapp.ini
# Variables
base = /srv/www/myapp
app = run
# Generic Config
# plugins = http, python
# plugins = python
home = %(base)/venv
pythonpath = %(base)
socket = /tmp/%n.sock
module = %(app)
callable = appl
logto = %(base)/logs/uwsgi_%n.log
and this is run.py
#!/usr/bin/env python
from myapp import appl
if __name__ == '__main__':
DEBUG = True if appl.config['DEBUG'] else False
appl is defined in myapp/ _ init _ .py as an instance of Flask()
(underscores spaced just to prevent SO to turn them into bold)
I accurately checked the python code and indeed if I activate manually the virtualenvironment and execute run.py manually everything works like a charm, but uwsgi keeps throwing the import error.
Any suggestion what should I search more ?
fixed it, it was just a read permissions issue. The whole python app was readable by my user but not by the group, therefore uwsgi could not find it.
This was a bit tricky because I deployed successfully many time with the same script and never had permissions issues