I was wondering if there was another way to create a per-pixel lookup table in Opencv. What I have now works okay for small resolutions (~4 frames per second) but slow on high resolutions (less than 1 frame per second).
I have read that I can use CUDA but do not know how to use it. If it is the only way can someone point me in the right direction? Thank you.
In header file:
Mat_<Vec<uchar,256>> _GB;
Mat_<Vec<uchar,256>> _GG;
Mat_<Vec<uchar,256>> _GR;
Mat VideoProcessor::CamCalib(Mat _tempFrame)
Mat_<Vec3b> _frame = _tempFrame;
for( int i = 0; i < _tempFrame.rows; ++i)
for( int j = 0; j < _tempFrame.cols; ++j )
_frame(i,j)[0] = _GB(i,j)[ _frame(i,j)[0] ];
_frame(i,j)[1] = _GG(i,j)[ _frame(i,j)[1] ];
_frame(i,j)[2] = _GR(i,j)[ _frame(i,j)[2] ];
_tempFrame = _frame;
return _tempFrame;
Thanks Jerome, I followed your suggestion. A simple implementation with a 25% increase in performance. For me, since I am doing real-time image capture with software lens correction, memory is not as costly as speed.
So here is what I added:
added in Pro file:
added in CPP file:
#include "omp.h"
and added just before the "for loop" in method:
#pragma omp parallel for
Did some fine tuning.(Added before and after correction image at the end of post)
(1) Assuming lens spherical shape identical in all 4 quadrants, I was able to further increase the frame rate to 9fps for 1920x1080 resolution.
(2) Forced less threads reducing CPU usage from 100% to 80%
(3) Less memory used, lookup table 1/4 of the original size
Note: must be in "release" mode for openMP to function correctly! Again thank you Jerome!
Mat VideoProcessor::CamCalib(Mat _tempFrame)
Mat_<Vec3b> _frame = _tempFrame;
int nrows = _tempFrame.rows-1;
int ncols = _tempFrame.cols-1;
#pragma omp parallel for num_threads(2)
for( int i = 0; i < _tempFrame.rows/2; ++i)
for( int j = 0; j < _tempFrame.cols/2; ++j )
_frame(i,j)[0] = _GB(i,j)[_frame(i,j)[0]];
_frame(i,j)[1] = _GG(i,j)[_frame(i,j)[1]];
_frame(i,j)[2] = _GR(i,j)[_frame(i,j)[2]];
_frame(nrows-i,j)[0] = _GB(i,j)[_frame(nrows-i,j)[0]];
_frame(nrows-i,j)[1] = _GG(i,j)[_frame(nrows-i,j)[1]];
_frame(nrows-i,j)[2] = _GR(i,j)[_frame(nrows-i,j)[2]];
_frame(i,ncols-j)[0] = _GB(i,j)[_frame(i,ncols-j)[0]];
_frame(i,ncols-j)[1] = _GG(i,j)[_frame(i,ncols-j)[1]];
_frame(i,ncols-j)[2] = _GR(i,j)[_frame(i,ncols-j)[2]];
_frame(nrows-i,ncols-j)[0] = _GB(i,j)[_frame(nrows-i,ncols-j)[0]];
_frame(nrows-i,ncols-j)[1] = _GG(i,j)[_frame(nrows-i,ncols-j)[1]];
_frame(nrows-i,ncols-j)[2] = _GR(i,j)[_frame(nrows-i,ncols-j)[2]];
_tempFrame = _frame;
return _tempFrame;
Before and After correction
I am trying to implement an image processing algorithm for a gamut mapping filter for Hardware using Vivado HLS. I have created a synthesizable version from a Halide code. But it is taking way too long for an image of (256x512) it was taking around 135 seconds which shouldn't be the case. I have used some optimizing techniques like pipelining the innermost loop, By pipelining, I have set the target(initiation interval) of II=1 for the innermost loop but the acheived II is 6. From the warnings thrown by the compiler, I have understood that it is because of accessing of the weights like ctrl_pts & weights, From the tutorials, I have seen, using array partitioning and array reshaping would help with the faster accessing of the weights. I have shared the code I have used to synthesize below:
include "hls_stream.h"
#include <ap_fixed.h>
//#include <ap_int.h>
#include "ap_int.h"
typedef ap_ufixed<24,24> bit_24;
typedef ap_fixed<11,8> fix;
typedef unsigned char uc;
typedef ap_uint<24> stream_width;
//typedef hls::stream<uc> Stream_t;
typedef hls::stream<stream_width> Stream_t;
struct pixel_f
float r;
float g;
float b;
struct pixel_8
uc r;
uc g;
uc b;
void gamut_transform(int rows,int cols,Stream_t& in,Stream_t& out, float ctrl_pts[3702][3],float weights[3702][3],float coefs[4][3],float num_ctrl_pts);
//include the header
#include "gamut_header.h"
#include "hls_math.h"
void gamut_transform(int rows,int cols, Stream_t& in,Stream_t& out, float ctrl_pts[3702][3],float weights[3702][3],float coefs[4][3],float num_ctrl_pts)
#pragma HLS INTERFACE axis port=in
#pragma HLS INTERFACE axis port=out
//#pragma HLS INTERFACE fifo port=out
#pragma HLS dataflow
pixel_8 input;
pixel_8 new_pix;
bit_24 temp_in,temp_out;
pixel_f buff_1,buff_2,buff_3,buff_4,buff_5;
float dist;
for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
for (int j = 0; i < 512; i++)
temp_in = in.read();
input.r = (temp_in & 0xFF0000)>>16;
input.g = (temp_in & 0x00FF00)>>8;
input.b = (temp_in & 0x0000FF);
buff_1.r = ((float)input.r)/256.0;
buff_1.g = ((float)input.g)/256.0;
buff_1.b = ((float)input.b)/256.0;
for(int idx =0; idx < 3702; idx++)
buff_2.r = buff_1.r - ctrl_pts[idx][0];
buff_2.g = buff_1.g - ctrl_pts[idx][1];
buff_2.b = buff_1.b - ctrl_pts[idx][2];
dist = sqrt((buff_2.r*buff_2.r)+(buff_2.g*buff_2.g)+(buff_2.b*buff_2.b));
buff_3.r = buff_2.r + (weights[idx][0] * dist);
buff_3.g = buff_2.g + (weights[idx][1] * dist);
buff_3.b = buff_2.b + (weights[idx][2] * dist);
buff_4.r = buff_3.r + coefs[0][0] + buff_1.r* coefs[1][0] + buff_1.g * coefs[2][0] + buff_1.b* coefs[3][0];
buff_4.g = buff_3.g + coefs[0][1] + buff_1.r* coefs[1][1] + buff_1.g * coefs[2][1] + buff_1.b* coefs[3][1];
buff_4.b = buff_3.b + coefs[0][2] + buff_1.r* coefs[1][2] + buff_1.g * coefs[2][2] + buff_1.b* coefs[3][2];
buff_5.r = fmin(fmax((float)buff_4.r, 0.0), 255.0);
buff_5.g = fmin(fmax((float)buff_4.g, 0.0), 255.0);
buff_5.b = fmin(fmax((float)buff_4.b, 0.0), 255.0);
new_pix.r = (uc)buff_4.r;
new_pix.g = (uc)buff_4.g;
new_pix.b = (uc)buff_4.b;
temp_out = ((uc)new_pix.r << 16 | (uc)new_pix.g << 8 | (uc)new_pix.b);
Even with the achieved II=6, the time taken is around 6 seconds; The given target is to have the time taken in milliseconds. I tried to do pipelining for the second most inner loop, but I am running out of resources on my board when I do that as the third most inner loop is being unrolled. I am using zynq ultra-scale board which has a fair amount of resources. Any suggestions on optimizing the code will be highly appreciated.
Also, can anyone suggest what type of interface would be best suited for ctrl_pts,weights and coefs, For reading the image I understood that streaming interface helps, and for reading small values like the number of rows and columns, Axi lite is preferred? Is there a type of interface that I can use for the mentioned variables so that it can go hand in hand with array partitioning and array reshaping?
Any suggestions will be highly appreciated,
Thanks in advance
Edit: I understand that the fixed-point representation can bring down the latency further, But my first goal is to get the floating-point representation with the best result and then analyzing the performance with fixed point representation
There are some steps you can do to optimize your design, but bear in mind that if you really need a floating square root operation, that will most likely have a huge latency penalty (unless properly pipelined, of course).
Your code might have a typo in the second inner loop: the index should be j right?
Data Locality
First off: ctrl_pts is read multiple time from the main memory (I assume). Since it's reused 256x512 times, it would be better to store it into a local buffer on the FPGA (like a BRAM, but it can be inferred), like so:
for(int i =0; i < 3702; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {
ctrl_pts_local[i][j] = ctrl_pts[i][j];
for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
for (int j = 0; i < 512; i++) {
// ...
buff_2.r = buff_1.r - ctrl_pts_local[idx][0];
// ...
Same reasoning goes for coefs and weights, just store them in a local variable before running the rest of the code.
To access the arguments you can use a master AXI4 interface m_axi and configure it accordingly. Once the algorithm is dealing with the local buffers, HLS should be able to automatically partition the buffers accordingly. If not, you can place the ARRAY_PARTITION complete dim=0 pragmas to force it.
Because of the way your algorithm works, another thing you could try is to break down the main loops (256x512) into three smaller processes running in dataflow, and so in parallel (+3 if you include the setup ones)
The whole code will look something like this (I hope it renders correctly):
[Compute buff_1]-->[FIFO1]-->[compute buff_3]-->[FIFO2a]-->[compute buff_4 and buff_5 + stream out]
One tricky thing would be to stream buff_1 to both the next processes.
Possible Code
I won't try this code, so there might be compilations errors along the way, but the whole accelerator code would look something like this:
for(int i =0; i < 3702; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {
ctrl_pts_local[i][j] = ctrl_pts[i][j];
weights_local[i][j] = weights[i][j];
for(int i =0; i < 4; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {
coefs_local[i][j] = coefs[i][j];
for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
for (int j = 0; i < 512; i++) {
temp_in = in.read();
input.r = (temp_in & 0xFF0000)>>16;
input.g = (temp_in & 0x00FF00)>>8;
input.b = (temp_in & 0x0000FF);
buff_1.r = ((float)input.r)/256.0;
buff_1.g = ((float)input.g)/256.0;
buff_1.b = ((float)input.b)/256.0;
fifo_1.write(buff_1); // <--- WRITE TO FIFOs
for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
for (int j = 0; i < 512; i++) {
for(int idx =0; idx < 3702; idx++) {
#pragma HLS LOOP_FLATTEN // <-- It shouldn't be necessary, since the if statements already help
#pragma HLS PIPELINE II=1 // <-- The PIPELINE directive can go here
if (idx == 0) {
buff_1 = fifo_1.read(); // <--- READ FROM FIFO
buff_2.r = buff_1.r - ctrl_pts_local[idx][0];
buff_2.g = buff_1.g - ctrl_pts_local[idx][1];
buff_2.b = buff_1.b - ctrl_pts_local[idx][2];
dist = sqrt((buff_2.r*buff_2.r)+(buff_2.g*buff_2.g)+(buff_2.b*buff_2.b));
buff_3.r = buff_2.r + (weights_local[idx][0] * dist);
buff_3.g = buff_2.g + (weights_local[idx][1] * dist);
buff_3.b = buff_2.b + (weights_local[idx][2] * dist);
if (idx == 3702 - 1) {
fifo_2a.write(buff_3); // <-- WRITE TO FIFO
for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
for (int j = 0; i < 512; i++) {
buff_3 = fifo_2a.read(); // <--- READ FROM FIFO
buff_1 = fifo_2b.read(); // <--- READ FROM FIFO
buff_4.r = buff_3.r + coefs_local[0][0] + buff_1.r* coefs_local[1][0] + buff_1.g * coefs_local[2][0] + buff_1.b* coefs[3][0];
buff_4.g = buff_3.g + coefs_local[0][1] + buff_1.r* coefs_local[1][1] + buff_1.g * coefs_local[2][1] + buff_1.b* coefs_local[3][1];
buff_4.b = buff_3.b + coefs_local[0][2] + buff_1.r* coefs_local[1][2] + buff_1.g * coefs_local[2][2] + buff_1.b* coefs_local[3][2];
buff_5.r = fmin(fmax((float)buff_4.r, 0.0), 255.0);
buff_5.g = fmin(fmax((float)buff_4.g, 0.0), 255.0);
buff_5.b = fmin(fmax((float)buff_4.b, 0.0), 255.0);
new_pix.r = (uc)buff_4.r;
new_pix.g = (uc)buff_4.g;
new_pix.b = (uc)buff_4.b;
temp_out = ((uc)new_pix.r << 16 | (uc)new_pix.g << 8 | (uc)new_pix.b);
Be extremely careful in sizing the depth of the FIFOs, since Process 2 (the one with the sqrt operation) might have a slower data consumption and production rates! Also, FIFO 2b needs to account for that delay. If the rates are not matching, there will be deadlocks. Make sure to have a meaningful testbench and to cosimulate your design.
(The FIFO's depth can be changed with the pragma #pragma HLS STREAM variable=fifo_1 depth=N).
Final Thoughs
There might be further smaller/detailed optimizations that can be performed along the way, but I would first start from the ones above, being the heaviest. Just bear in minds that floating point processing is not optimal on FPGAs (as you noted) and is usually avoided.
EDITs: I tried the code with the modifications above and I've achieved II=1 with decent resouce usage.
Since the II is now one, the ideal number of cycles the accelerator would take is 256x512 and I'm close to that: ideal 402,653,184 versus mine 485,228,587). One crazy idea I now have to propose to you is to split the Process_2 inner-most loop into two parallel branches (or even more than 2 actually), feeding their own FIFOs. Process_1 would supply the two branches while an additional process/loop will alternatively read from the two FIFOs the 256x512 elements and supply them in the correct order to Process_3. In this way, the total amount of cycles required should halve, since Process_2 is the slowest process in the dataflow (and so improving it will improve the whole design). One possible drawback of this approach will be a higher amount of area/resource required on the FPGA.
Good luck.
The code works without parallelism, but when I add pragma omp parallel, it doesn't work. Furthermore, the code works perfectly with pragma omp parallel if I don't add setPixel. So, I would like to know why the parallelism doesn't work properly and exits the program with code 255 when I try to set pixel in the new image. This code wants to change an image doing two loops to change every pixel using a Gauss vector. If something can't be understood I'll solve it inmediately.
for (h = 0; h < height; h++){
QRgb* row = (QRgb*) result->scanLine(h);
//#pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic) num_threads(cores) private (j, auxazul, auxrojo, auxverde) reduction(+:red,green,blue)
for (w = 0; w < width; w++) {
minj = max((M-w),0);
supj = min((width+M-w),N);
for (j=minj; j<supj; j++){
auxazul = azul [w-M+j][h];
auxrojo = rojo [w-M+j][h];
auxverde = verde [w-M+j][h];
red += vectorGauss[j]*auxrojo;
green += vectorGauss[j]*auxverde;
blue += vectorGauss[j]*auxazul;
red /= 256; green /= 256; blue /= 256;
row[w] = QColor(red,green,blue).rgba();
QImage::setPixel is not thread safe, since it calls the detach() method (have a look at the official documentation here). Remember QImage uses implicit sharing.
Besides, setPixel() is extremely slow. If you are seeking performance (as someone usually do when dealing with parallel implementations), that's not the best way to go.
Using scanLine() as you already do in the example provided is the correct way of doing it.
Beside the comment that setPixel is slow and not thread safe, you currently have a race condition when writing the result
row[w] = QColor(red,green,blue).rgba();
Your code is slow in the first place because you are accessing your color matrices in a memory inefficient way. Pumping threads will make this part worse. Given that you loop on each scanline, you would like to have the transposee of your color matrices. Which allow you to do :
for (h = 0; h < height; h++){
QRgb* row = (QRgb*) result->scanLine(h);
auto azulscan = azul [h];
auto rojoscan = rojo [h];
auto verdescan = verde [h];
for (w = 0; w < width; w++) {
minj = max((M-w),0);
supj = min((width+M-w),N);
for (j=minj; j<supj; j++){
auto auxazul = azulscan [w-M+j];
auto auxrojo = rojoscan [w-M+j];
auto auxverde = verdescan [w-M+j];
red += vectorGauss[j]*auxrojo;
green += vectorGauss[j]*auxverde;
blue += vectorGauss[j]*auxazul;
row[w] = QColor(red,green,blue).rgba();
I dont know openmp well but you want to have a single thread per scanline, so your parallel loop need to be above the first loop. Something like
#pragma omp parallel for whatever
for (h = 0; h < height; h++){
QRgb* row;
#pragma omp critical
row = = (QRgb*) result->scanLine(h);
Another point. You can use std::inner_product to compute the color value in a single line once you have the transpose of the color inputs.
green = std::inner_product(&vectorGauss[minj], &vectorGauss[supj-1]+1, &verdescan[w-M+jmin], &verdescan[w-M+supj]+1)
So, I try to create my own neural network. Something really simple.
My input is the MNIST database of handwritten digits.
Input: 28*28 neurons (Images).
Output: 10 neurons (0/1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9).
So my network is as follow: 28*28 -> 15 -> 10.
The problem remains in my estimated output. Indeed, it seems I have a gradient explosion.
The output given by my network is here: https://pastebin.com/EFpBGAZd
As you can see, the first estimated output is wrong. So my network adjust the weights thanks to the backpropagation. But It doesn't seems to updates the weights correctly. Indeed the estimated output is too high compared to the second highest value.
So the first estimated output keeps being the best estimated output for the following training (13 in my example).
My backpropagation code:
VOID BP(NETWORK &Network, double Target[OUTPUT_NEURONS]) {
double DeltaETotalOut = 0;
double DeltaOutNet = 0;
double DeltaErrorNet = 0;
double DeltaETotalWeight = 0;
double Error = 0;
double ErrorTotal = 0;
double OutputUpdatedWeights[OUTPUT_NEURONS*HIDDEN_NEURONS] = { 0 };
unsigned int _indexOutput = 0;
double fNetworkError = 0;
//Calculate Error
for (int i = 0; i < OUTPUT_NEURONS; i++) {
fNetworkError += 0.5*pow(Target[i] - Network.OLayer.Cell[i].Output, 2);
Network.Error = fNetworkError;
//Output Neurons
for (int i = 0; i < OUTPUT_NEURONS; i++) {
DeltaETotalOut = -(Target[i] - Network.OLayer.Cell[i].Output);
DeltaOutNet = ActivateSigmoidPrime(Network.OLayer.Cell[i].Output);
for (int j = 0; j < HIDDEN_NEURONS; j++) {
OutputUpdatedWeights[_indexOutput] = Network.OLayer.Cell[i].Weight[j] - 0.5 * DeltaOutNet*DeltaETotalOut* Network.HLayer.Cell[j].Output;
//Hidden Neurons
for (int i = 0; i < HIDDEN_NEURONS; i++) {
ErrorTotal = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < OUTPUT_NEURONS; k++) {
DeltaETotalOut = -(Target[k] - Network.OLayer.Cell[k].Output);
DeltaOutNet = ActivateSigmoidPrime(Network.OLayer.Cell[k].Output);
DeltaErrorNet = DeltaETotalOut * DeltaOutNet;
Error = DeltaErrorNet * Network.OLayer.Cell[k].Weight[i];
ErrorTotal += Error;
DeltaOutNet = ActivateSigmoidPrime(Network.HLayer.Cell[i].Output);
for (int j = 0; j < INPUT_NEURONS; j++) {
DeltaETotalWeight = ErrorTotal * DeltaOutNet*Network.ILayer.Image[j];
Network.HLayer.Cell[i].Weight[j] -= 0.5 * DeltaETotalWeight;
//Update Weights
_indexOutput = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < OUTPUT_NEURONS; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < HIDDEN_NEURONS; j++) {
Network.OLayer.Cell[i].Weight[j] = OutputUpdatedWeights[_indexOutput];
How can I solve this issue?
I didn't worked on the hidden layer nor biases, is it due to it?
Well, since Backpropagation is notoriously hard to implement and especially to debug (I guess everyone who did it can relate) it’s much harder to debug some Code written by others.
After a quick view over your code, I’m quite surprised that you calculate a negative delta term? Are you using ReLU or any sigmoid function? I’m quite sure there is more. But I’d suggest you to stay away from MNIST until you got your network to solve XOR.
I’ve wrote a summary in pseudo code on how to implement Backpropagation in pseudo code. I’m sure you’ll be able to translate it into C++ quite easily.
Strange convergence in simple Neural Network
In my experience neural networks should really be implemented with matrix operations. This will make your code faster and easier to debug.
The way to debug backpropagation is to use finite difference. For a loss function J(theta) we can approximate the gradient in each dimension with (J(theta + epsilon*d) - J(theta))/epsilon with d a one-hot vector representing one dimension (note the similarity to a derivative).
I'm using Intel VTune to analyze my parallel application.
As you can see, there is an huge Spin Time at the beginning of the application (represented as the orange section on the left side):
It's more than 28% of the application durations (which is roughly 0.14 seconds)!
As you can see, these functions are _clone, start_thread, _kmp_launch_thread and _kmp_fork_barrier and they look like OpenMP internals or system calls, but it's not specified where these fucntion are called from.
In addition, if we zoom at the beginning of this section, we can notice a region instantiation, represented by the selected region:
However, I never call initInterTab2d and I have no idea if it's called by some of the labraries that I'm using (especially OpenCV).
Digging deeply and running an Advanced Hotspot analysis I found a little bit more about the firsts unkown functions:
And exaplanding tthe Function/Call Stack tab:
But again, I can't really understand why these functions, why they take so long and why only the master thread works during them, while the others are in a "barrier" state.
If you're interested, this is the link to part of the code.
Notice that I have only one #pragma omp parallel region, which is the selected section of this image (on the right side):
The code structure is the following:
Compute some serial, non parallelizable stuff. In particular, compute a chain of blurs, which is represented by gaussianBlur (included at the end of the code). cv::GaussianBlur is an OpenCV function which exploits IPP.
Start the parallel region, where 3 parallel for are used
The first one calls hessianResponse
A single thread add the results to a shared vector.
The second parallel region localfindAffineShapeArgs generates the data used by the next parallel region. The two regions can't be merged because of load imbalance.
The third region generates the final result in a balanced way.
Note: according to the lock analysis of VTune, the critical and barrier sections are not the reason of spinning.
This is the main function of the code:
void HessianDetector::detectPyramidKeypoints(const Mat &image, cv::Mat &descriptors, const AffineShapeParams ap, const SIFTDescriptorParams sp)
float curSigma = 0.5f;
float pixelDistance = 1.0f;
cv::Mat octaveLayer;
// prepare first octave input image
if (par.initialSigma > curSigma)
float sigma = sqrt(par.initialSigma * par.initialSigma - curSigma * curSigma);
octaveLayer = gaussianBlur(image, sigma);
// while there is sufficient size of image
int minSize = 2 * par.border + 2;
int rowsCounter = image.rows;
int colsCounter = image.cols;
float sigmaStep = pow(2.0f, 1.0f / (float) par.numberOfScales);
int levels = 0;
while (rowsCounter > minSize && colsCounter > minSize){
rowsCounter/=2; colsCounter/=2;
int scaleCycles = par.numberOfScales+2;
//-------------------Shared Vectors-------------------
std::vector<Mat> blurs (scaleCycles*levels+1, Mat());
std::vector<Mat> hessResps (levels*scaleCycles+2); //+2 because high needs an extra one
std::vector<Wrapper> localWrappers;
std::vector<FindAffineShapeArgs> findAffineShapeArgs;
vector<float> pixelDistances;
for(int i=0; i<levels; i++){
//compute blurs at all layers (not parallelizable)
for(int i=0; i<levels; i++){
blurs[i*scaleCycles+1] = octaveLayer.clone();
for (int j = 1; j < scaleCycles; j++){
float sigma = par.sigmas[j]* sqrt(sigmaStep * sigmaStep - 1.0f);
blurs[j+1+i*scaleCycles] = gaussianBlur(blurs[j+i*scaleCycles], sigma);
if(j == par.numberOfScales)
octaveLayer = halfImage(blurs[j+1+i*scaleCycles]);
#pragma omp parallel
//compute all the hessianResponses
#pragma omp for collapse(2) schedule(dynamic)
for(int i=0; i<levels; i++)
for (int j = 1; j <= scaleCycles; j++)
int scaleCyclesLevel = scaleCycles * i;
float curSigma = par.sigmas[j];
hessResps[j+scaleCyclesLevel] = hessianResponse(blurs[j+scaleCyclesLevel], curSigma*curSigma);
//we need to allocate here localWrappers to keep alive the reference for FindAffineShapeArgs
#pragma omp single
for(int i=0; i<levels; i++)
for (int j = 2; j < scaleCycles; j++){
int scaleCyclesLevel = scaleCycles * i;
localWrappers.push_back(Wrapper(sp, ap, hessResps[j+scaleCyclesLevel-1], hessResps[j+scaleCyclesLevel], hessResps[j+scaleCyclesLevel+1],
blurs[j+scaleCyclesLevel-1], blurs[j+scaleCyclesLevel]));
std::vector<FindAffineShapeArgs> localfindAffineShapeArgs;
#pragma omp for collapse(2) schedule(dynamic) nowait
for(int i=0; i<levels; i++)
for (int j = 2; j < scaleCycles; j++){
size_t c = (scaleCycles-2) * i +j-2;
//toDo: octaveMap is shared, need synchronization
// octaveMap = Mat::zeros(blurs[scaleCyclesLevel+1].rows, blurs[scaleCyclesLevel+1].cols, CV_8UC1);
float curSigma = par.sigmas[j];
// find keypoints in this part of octave for curLevel
findLevelKeypoints(curSigma, pixelDistances[i], localWrappers[c]);
localfindAffineShapeArgs.insert(localfindAffineShapeArgs.end(), localWrappers[c].findAffineShapeArgs.begin(), localWrappers[c].findAffineShapeArgs.end());
#pragma omp critical
findAffineShapeArgs.insert(findAffineShapeArgs.end(), localfindAffineShapeArgs.begin(), localfindAffineShapeArgs.end());
#pragma omp barrier
std::vector<Result> localRes;
#pragma omp for schedule(dynamic) nowait
for(int i=0; i<findAffineShapeArgs.size(); i++){
hessianKeypointCallback->onHessianKeypointDetected(findAffineShapeArgs[i], localRes);
#pragma omp critical
for(size_t i=0; i<localRes.size(); i++)
Mat gaussianBlur(const Mat input, const float sigma)
Mat ret(input.rows, input.cols, input.type());
int size = (int)(2.0 * 3.0 * sigma + 1.0); if (size % 2 == 0) size++;
GaussianBlur(input, ret, Size(size, size), sigma, sigma, BORDER_REPLICATE);
return ret;
If you consider a 50 ms (a fraction of the blink of an eye) one time cost to be a huge overhead, then you should probably focus on your workflow as such. Try to use one fully initialized process (with it's threads and data structures) in a persistent way to increase the work done during each each run.
That said, it may be possible to reduce the overhead, but in any case you will be very dependent on the runtime and initialization cost of your library, thus limiting your performance portability.
Your performance analysis may also be problematic. AFAIK VTune uses sampling, your data indicates a 1 ms sampling interval. That means you may have just 50 samples during the critical initialization path of your application, too little for a confident analysis. VTune might also have some forms of OpenMP instrumentation that provides more accurate results at small time scales. In any case I would take any performance measurement over just 150 ms with a grain of salt unless I knew exactly what impact and method the measurement has.
P.S. Running a simple code like:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <omp.h>
int main() {
double start = omp_get_wtime();
#pragma omp parallel
#pragma omp barrier
#pragma omp master
printf("%f s\n", omp_get_wtime() - start);
Shows an initial thread creation overhead between 3 ms and 200 ms on different systems / thread counts with the Intel OpenMP runtime.
I created an image processing algorithm using OpenCV and currently I'm trying to improve the time efficiency of my own, simple function which is similar to LUT, but with interpolation between values (double calibRI::corr(double)).
I optimized the pixel loop according to the OpenCV docs.
Non parallel function (calib(cv::Mat) -an object of calibRI functor class) takes about 0.15s. I decided to use cv::parallel_for_ to make it shorter.
First I implemented it as image tiling -according to >> this document. The time was reduced to 0.12s (4 threads).
virtual void operator()(const cv::Range& range) const
for(int i = range.start; i < range.end; i++)
// divide image in 'thr' number of parts and process simultaneously
cv::Rect roi(0, (img.rows/thr)*i, img.cols, img.rows/thr);
cv::Mat in = img(roi);
cv::Mat out = retVal(roi);
out = calib(in); //loops over all pixels and does out[u,v]=calibRI::corr(in[u,v])
I though that running my function in parallel for subimages/tiles/ROIs is not yet optimal, so I implemented it as below:
template <typename T>
class ParallelPixelLoop : public cv::ParallelLoopBody
typedef boost::function<T(T)> pixelProcessingFuntionPtr;
cv::Mat& image; //source and result image (to be overwritten)
bool cont; //if the image is continuous
size_t rows;
size_t cols;
size_t threads;
std::vector<cv::Range> ranges;
pixelProcessingFuntionPtr pixelProcessingFunction; //pixel modif. function
ParallelPixelLoop(cv::Mat& img, pixelProcessingFuntionPtr fun, size_t thr = 4)
: image(img), cont(image.isContinuous()), rows(img.rows), cols(img.cols), pixelProcessingFunction(fun), threads(thr)
int groupSize = 1;
if (cont) {
cols *= rows;
rows = 1;
groupSize = ceil( cols / threads );
else {
groupSize = ceil( rows / threads );
int t = 0;
for(t=0; t<threads-1; ++t) {
ranges.push_back( cv::Range( t*groupSize, (t+1)*groupSize ) );
ranges.push_back( cv::Range( t*groupSize, rows<=1?cols:rows ) ); //last range must be to the end of image (ceil used before)
virtual void operator()(const cv::Range& range) const
for(int r = range.start; r < range.end; r++)
T* Ip = nullptr;
cv::Range ran = ranges.at(r);
if(cont) {
Ip = image.ptr<T>(0);
for (int j = ran.start; j < ran.end; ++j)
Ip[j] = pixelProcessingFunction(Ip[j]);
else {
for(int i = ran.start; i < ran.end; ++i)
Ip = image.ptr<T>(i);
for (int j = 0; j < cols; ++j)
Ip[j] = pixelProcessingFunction(Ip[j]);
Then I run it on 1280x1024 64FC1 image, on i5 processor, Win8, and get the time in range of 0.4s using the code below:
double t = cv::getTickCount();
ParallelPixelLoop<double> loop(V,boost::bind(&calibRI::corr,this,_1),4);
std::cout << "Exec time: " << (cv::getTickCount()-t)/cv::getTickFrequency() << "s\n";
I have no idea why is my implementation so much slower than iterating all the pixels in subimages... Is there a bug in my code or the OpenCV ROIs are optimized in some special way?
I do not think there is a time measurement error issue, as described here. I'm using OpenCV time functions.
Is there any other way to reduce the time of this function?
Thanks in advance!
Generally it's really hard to say why using cv::parallel_for failed to speed up whole process. One possibility is that the problem is not related to processing/multithreading, but to time measurement. About 2 months ago i tried to optimize this algorithm and i noticed strange thing - first time i use it, it takes x ms, but if use use it second, third, ... time (of course without restarting application) it takes about x/2 (or even x/3) ms. I'm not sure what causes this behaviour - most likely (in my opinion) it's causes by branch prediction - when code is executed first time branch predictor "learns" which paths are usually taken, so next time it can predict which branch to take(and usually the guess will be correct). You can read more about it here - it's really good question and it can open your eyes for some quite important thing.
So, in your situation i would try few things:
measure it many times - 100 or 1000 should be enough (if it takes 0.12-0.4s it won't take much time) and see whether the last version of you code still is the slowest one. So just replace your code with this:
double t = cv::getTickCount();
for (unsigned int i=0; i<1000; i++) {
ParallelPixelLoop loop(V,boost::bind(&calibRI::corr,this,_1),4);
std::cout << "Exec time: " << (cv::getTickCount()-t)/cv::getTickFrequency() << "s\n";
test it on bigger image. Maybe in your situation you just "don't need" 4 cores, but on bigger image 4 cores will make positive difference.
Use profiler (for example Very Sleepy) to see what part of your code is critical