Can I change Replaykit text? - replaykit

I use record screen with replaykit. How can I change text of this alert. Or can I make my own custom alert view?
enter image description here

Unfortunately, you can not change it due to the limitation of Apple. For a better user-friendly app what you can do is show an alert before you call RPScreenRecorder.shared.start(). So you would have warned the users with your custom localized info.


How to turn on/off Hotjar dynamically without page reloading

I have a web application using Hotjar to track user's information and behavior while they navigate through it, but I would like to give the user the possibility to turn on/off Hotjar tracking.
The idea is to have a check button that would turn on when selected and off when deselected. I was thinking also that this action could use some specific cookies, that would tell Hotjar the tracking is on or off dynamically.
Is it possible? If so, is it possible without page reloading?
According to this position from HotJar support, it is not yet possible to turn off using events.

Sitecore ECM Engagement plan Custom action in "Message Opened" state

I need to update few information regarding the visitor when a visitor is in Message Opened state of Sitecore ECM standard engagement plan.
Therefore I need to create a custom action or something where I can push in my custom code to do the visitor data manipulation.
I tried doing it via creating a script and attaching it to a trigger and finally attaching the trigger to the state. but no luck unfortunately.
Is this task even possible or am I missing something ?
Thanks in Advance
The Message Opened state is forbidden to change. It is a kind of a system ECM state. You can customize only states of the green area (Productive, Unproductive, etc.).
However there is a way to do what you want.
The moment of message open is handled with the help of small image added at the bottom of a mail. Image source is an ASPX page. When a recipient downloads mail images, the ASPX page is requested.
You can customize the ASPX page requested by the image (add your code there).

Facebook like button - how to prevent activity stream from getting into the user's wall?

Can someone please help me out as to how I can completely prevent the user's activity stream from posting back into their wall after they liked a linked? Because, I really find that to be annoying. Afterall, mine is an application that needs to be integrated into an image gallery viewer serving more than 7.5K photos each with its own like button.
If this seems impossible, is there a way to specifically set an image as thumbnail, description, etc as is with the cases of feed and send buttons?
Because, my application is purely dynamic in nature built out of 100% Javascript where more than 80% of its contents are generated by using Ajax calls under a static single URL.
As a result, the like button activity stream always end up pulling the wrong image and descriptions than desired(but this is not so for feed and send buttons),
Thank you
No, you won't have control over not sending items to peoples activity feeds when they click like, unless your domain gets blocked for spam. You would need to create a dynamic url or hashbang url for each independent image and when those images are requested the page hosting it would need to have the proper open graph meta tags sets for thumbnail image, description, etc. Then for each like button in the gallery, you would need to set the href property to this url.

IS there any Django app that notify the user about something that happened in your web, and ask him to perform an action?

I mean, there's any generic app that you can use to make notifications like when in Facebook, someone adds you as friend, or invite you to an event?
Basically, I need to show to the user this type of notification for different contents type, with the possibility to do some custom actions (ignore, accept, etc) different for each one.
I wonder if someone have done this before, so I can plug it and create a type of notification simply passing the text of the notification, the options that must show and the views to call for each option.
django-notifications is a GitHub notifications alike app, and it's based on Django Activity Stream.
If you familia with django-activity-stream, the the usage of django-notifications almost the same.
django-notifications also provide notifications_unread templatetag to display unread notifications of current login user.
Django Activity Stream does this, for the most part. It's a generic relationship manager that watches for save events in the datbase, and when a condition is met it puts an "event happened!" record into its own tables.
It would be incumbent upon you to then present that feed of events to the user, along with links to the actions (specific to your project) that you want him to take.
Even if it's not what you want, it's an excellent example of how to start.
Maybe this is more closer to my needs:
any experience with that?
There is also django-notify:

fblike api of facebook

hi i am using fblike api of facebook. this is working fine. i am using this script
when i open this page a text "fblike"and facebook icon are showing.but when i click on this a popup window opens and asking for login on facebook.
my question is that when user like this page the text which is display previously "fblike" change to "1 person".
can i stop this. i just want when user like this the texe should not be change.
I can do this or not?
Short Answer: You cant do that... :)
But you can achieve this by adjusting height and width of STANDARD LIKE BUTTON which will hide other part of that plugin (users, counter, etc) :)