RingCentral Meetings API - User needs to have [Meetings] Permission - ringcentral

I'm trying to use RingCentral Meetings API primarily createMeeting using this guide and this API Reference, and I'm getting the following error
"message":"In order to call this API endpoint, user needs to have [Meetings] permission for requested resource.",
"message":"In order to call this API endpoint, user needs to have [Meetings] permission for requested resource.",
This answer from a post here StackOverflow stated I need to ensure that Meetings permission is granted on the user's role.
On the production environment, the Meeting permission is on the permissions list UI and is checked, however on the sandbox environment the Meeting permission is not even listed on account roles UI, that is the reason why I am getting the error.
I'm creating a new app since and I want to test the Meeting API on the Sandbox Environment, as it is my only option for testing. Graduating into production would be completely impossible since I need the Meeting API to do so, but then again, it is not on the UI.
I found some useful thread on RingCentral Developer forums such as this and this, how ever I'm not able to sign in to the developer forums as the sign in page keeps redirecting me to sign in.
any help would be greatly appreciated.

Since you want meeting permission in sandbox and you can find the reference here: https://forums.developers.ringcentral.com/questions/7925/in-order-to-call-this-api-endpoint-user-needs-to-h-3.html
Which clearly says:
"the meeting endpoint is not supported on sandbox."
Also in Dev guide here
"In order to use this API, developers must have a paid RingCentral account. This API is not available to free developer accounts."
You can also check this reference: https://forums.developers.ringcentral.com/questions/1183/cannot-create-meetings-in-developer-sandbox-accoun.html
where clearly written: "sandbox account is not enabled to access meetings feature.
Can you let us know the type of your account. "

By default, the Meetings API is not enabled on Sandbox Environment, you would have to send an email to their support, and have them enable it on your backend. The explanation I was given was to limit and give space for others to use or something close to that.


Requirements for Instagram Graph API testing and development

I'm trying to build a prototype which collects and analyses comments from Instagram. This can seemingly only be done with the Instagram Graph API. So to prototype and test I need:
A business IG account connected to a Facebook account (the account to access and read the comments of)
A Facebook App configured to access IG accounts (the account/app which gets authenticated to access the IG account)
However, this App needs to go through a verification process for each of the permissions required. The process apparently takes up to 5 days and needs a Privacy Policy on a website (neither of which I have yet).
This is a lot to do considering it is just a prototype/PoC to establish feasability and get better acquainted with using/testing the API and data.
Does anyone with experience working with the Instagram Graph API know whether I am over-thinking or misread what is required here? Or do you have to go through this before being able to access IG account comments?

Deprecated Facebook login permissions

My app integrates Facebook login with the following permissions :user_education_history and user_work_history. The app was working just fine until today morning when I attempt to login I get the following error:
invalid scopes: user_education_history, user_work_history. This message is only shown to developers other app users will ignore these permissions if present.
I went through the docs and I discovered that they were deprecated on the 4th of this month but I cannot seem to find the new permissions for the education and the work history ... any help ?
Facebook is removing access to a lot of things as a result of recent negative press surrounding data mining of their users. In almost all cases the information is simply no longer available, there is no alternative method to access it.
More information is available in the Facebook developer blog:
Note that the message you mention is only shown to Facebook accounts with developer credentials. Regular Facebook users don't see this message and the Facebook API simply ignores requests for scopes which are no longer allowed. If the data being requested are optional in the context of the app, you should create a test Facebook account and see how it behaves when requesting the data doesn't return anything (or causes unexpected errors).

create page programmatically for a test user

Can I create via api pages for a test users?
This is what I did:
Given my app, I got the user's token from app dashboard test users and I tried to use it in the graph explorer (POST /user_id/accounts).
I've the error "(#10) Application does not have permission for this action".
These are the permission the app has been granted for: manage_pages, publish_pages, publish_actions
Do I miss some permission or it is not possible?
[Edited following Simon's advice and the response below:]
I've been looking into this all day and it seems the answer is a solid, "Nope."
According to the developer documentation on creating pages, the {user_id}/accounts endpoint only supports Reading, not Creating, Updating, or Deleting.
Although apparently if you apply for Standard API access, you can receive permissions to create pages. (Only available if your app is generating ad revenue.)
Googling, reading and trying, I figure out that we can create a page via api.
https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/reference/page/#Creating Applications with Standard API Access can create Pages through the API using the following paths: /{user_id}/accounts
So the answer to my question is yes, if your application has the Standard API Access, no matter if you are dealing with test users or not. Note that teh call is slow (about 5 sec.)
That's it.

Unable to get ad insights in Facebook's Marketing API

As described in the marketing API, I have registered an app got my app key and and id, generated a token with ads permissions, list pages permission as well. The app is not yet submitted for approval.
When I try to get the list of ad accountsz linked to 'me' it returns the array of all ad accounts.
But when I select any of the business accounts (other than my personal Facebook account) and try to retrieve the ads insights API throws exception saying:
but when I try to get the insights, using the python SDK, I get the same error, ex: (#273) This Ads API call requires the user to be admin of the ad account. User is not admin on ad account .
What is surprising is when I use the similar sample page from Facebook-Developers to get insights, it is able to retrieve the ads data for the same account, with my own login itself.
Why would my app be unable to do so?
Is there any such limitation for apps not reviewed?
Update: I seem to have admin access to the ad account as well. Here are some screenshots. (Unless its my dumb day I think something else is going on, but its my fist time with an API like this, so I cant be sure!;) )
Screenshots: GraphAPI Explrer with API call, App Settings, AdAccount Settings
Based on the discussion on question and experience I now have:
API user needs to be an admin of the ad account and of the app if you
wish to use the API.
The ad account needs to be specifically added to the app, in app settings. In developer access an app can only have access to a maximum of 5 ad accounts.
Error messages in Facebook API are misleading more often than not. Fix anything marked in yellow or red anywhere in the portal, to be
Do read about limits of every API before you use it, all API have different limits and your application design needs to take those into account.
As for the question, yes the issue was the text in red, as pointed out by #CBroe, although the error message was off by a mile and issue occurred only when using our own app.

User Account Creation and Facebook Connect

I'm wanting to expand on my user account creation and perhaps implement Facebook Connect... however, I'm not quite understanding just how far Facebook Connect goes. I mean, when singing into Facebook, there's no way that you're allowed to then take the information from a Facebook account and store it into your own database, right?
What is the suggested workflow when incorporating Facebook with your account creation and login?
How far does it go? Well fact, yes, once you get explicit authorisation (permission) for certain objects from the FB user then you can do with them what you wish - becuase the user has trusted you with their info. If you abuse that info then FB will get complaints and will take action against your application, which must be registered with them.
I recommend the offical FB Javascript SDK - it can do everything you'd expect and has some great examples. It will also be kept up to date by Facebook (their developer tools change weekly - see blog here) which may not be the case with CF APIs ported to other languages.
Hope that helps!
I don't really understand the subject of your request. If you are interested in Facebook integration with ColdFusion, you should take a look at the excellent facebook sdk here: http://facebooksdk.riaforge.org/
(note: 9.0.1 compatibility)