opengl not filling in polygon - c++

I'm trying to draw a filled in circle, but when I draw this, it only shows in wireframe, here is the code I'm using to draw:
void render_circle(Vec2 position, float radius, Vec4 colour) {
glColor4f(colour.x, colour.y, colour.z, colour.w);
int num_segments = 30; //#todo: make this scale for larger radius
for(int i = 0; i < num_segments; i++) {
float theta = 2.0f * math_pi * (float)i / (float)num_segments;
float x = radius * cosf(theta);
float y = radius * sinf(theta);
glVertex2f(position.x + x, position.y + y);

GL_LINE_LOOP is a line primitive type. If you want to draw a filled polygon, then you have to use a polygon primitive type. For instance GL_TRINAGLE_FAN.
It is only possible to correctly draw convex geometry. Concave polygons may not be represented correctly, by a primitive. A possibility to deal with this, is to split concave polygons into convex parts.


GLUT torus colliding with camera

I want to implement collision of 6 torus which are randomly disturbed in the game area. It is a simple 3D space game using the perspective view and in first person. I saw some stack overflow answer suggesting to compute distance of whatever (player) to torus cell and if bigger than half or whole cell size you are colliding +/- your coordinate system and map topology tweaks. But if we take the distance that means we're only considering the z co-ordinates so if the camera moved to that distance (without considering x,y coordinates) it's always taking as a collision which is wrong right?
I'm hoping to do this using AABB algorithm. Is it ok to consider camera position and torus position as 2 boxes and check the collision (box to box collision) or camera as a point and torus as a box (point to box)? Or can somebody suggest best way to do that?
Below is the code that I've tried so far.
float im[16], m[16], znear = 0.1, zfar = 100.0, fovx = 45.0 * M_PI / 180.0;
glm::vec3 p0, p1, p2, p3, o, u, v;
//p0, p1, p2, p3 holds your znear camera screen corners in world coordinates
void ChangeSize(int w, int h)
GLfloat fAspect;
// Prevent a divide by zero
if(h == 0)
h = 1;
// Set Viewport to window dimensions
glViewport(0, 0, w, h);
// Calculate aspect ratio of the window
fAspect = (GLfloat)w*1.0/(GLfloat)h;
// Set the perspective coordinate system
// field of view of 45 degrees, near and far planes 1.0 and 1000
//that znear and zfar should typically have a ratio of 1000:1 to make sorting out z depth easier for the GPU
gluPerspective(45.0f, fAspect, 0.1f, 300.0f); //may need to make larger depending on project
// Modelview matrix reset
// get camera matrix (must be in right place in code before model transformations)
glGetFloatv(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, im); // get camera inverse matrix
matrix_inv(m, im); // m = inverse(im)
u = glm::vec3(m[0], m[1], m[2]); // x axis
v = glm::vec3(m[4], m[5], m[6]); // y axis
o = glm::vec3(m[12], m[13], m[14]); // origin
o -= glm::vec3(m[8], m[9], m[10]) * znear; // z axis offset
// scale by FOV
u *= znear * tan(0.5 * fovx);
v *= znear * tan(0.5 * fovx / fAspect);
// get rectangle coorners
p0 = o - u - v;
p1 = o + u - v;
p2 = o + u + v;
p3 = o - u + v;
void matrix_inv(float* a, float* b) // a[16] = Inverse(b[16])
float x, y, z;
// transpose of rotation matrix
a[0] = b[0];
a[5] = b[5];
a[10] = b[10];
x = b[1]; a[1] = b[4]; a[4] = x;
x = b[2]; a[2] = b[8]; a[8] = x;
x = b[6]; a[6] = b[9]; a[9] = x;
// copy projection part
a[3] = b[3];
a[7] = b[7];
a[11] = b[11];
a[15] = b[15];
// convert origin: new_pos = - new_rotation_matrix * old_pos
x = (a[0] * b[12]) + (a[4] * b[13]) + (a[8] * b[14]);
y = (a[1] * b[12]) + (a[5] * b[13]) + (a[9] * b[14]);
z = (a[2] * b[12]) + (a[6] * b[13]) + (a[10] * b[14]);
a[12] = -x;
a[13] = -y;
a[14] = -z;
//Store torus coordinates
std::vector<std::vector<GLfloat>> translateTorus = { { 0.0, 1.0, -10.0, 1 }, { 0.0, 4.0, -6.0, 1 } , { -1.0, 0.0, -4.0, 1 },
{ 3.0, 1.0, -6.0, 1 }, { 1.0, -1.0, -9.0, 1 } , { 4.0, 1.0, -4.0, 1 } };
GLfloat xpos, ypos, zpos, flagToDisplayCrystal;
//Looping through 6 Torus
for (int i = 0; i < translateTorus.size(); i++) {
//Get the torus coordinates
xpos = translateTorus[i][0];
ypos = translateTorus[i][1];
zpos = translateTorus[i][2];
//This variable will work as a variable to display crystal after collision
flagToDisplayCrystal = translateTorus[i][3];
//p0 min, p2 max
//Creating a square using Torus index coordinates and radius
double halfside = 1.0 / 2;
//This (xpos+halfside), (xpos-halfside), (ypos+halfside), (ypos-halfside) are //created using Torus index and radius
float d1x = p0[0] - (xpos + halfside);
float d1y = p0[1] - (ypos + halfside);
float d2x = (xpos - halfside) - p2[0];
float d2y = (ypos - halfside) - p2[1];
//Collision is checking here
//For square's min z and max z is checking whether equal to camera's min //z and max z
if ((d1x > 0.0f || d1y > 0.0f || d2x > 0.0f || d2y > 0.0f) && p2[2] == zpos && p0[2] == zpos) {
//If there is collision update the variable as 0
translateTorus[i][3] = 0;
else {
if (flagToDisplayCrystal == 1) {
glTranslatef(xpos, ypos, zpos);
glRotatef(fPlanetRot, 0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f);
glColor3f(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
// Select the texture object
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, textures[3]);
glutSolidTorus(0.1, 1.0, 30, 30);
as I mentioned in the comments you got 2 options either use OpenGL rendering or compute entirely on CPU side without it. Let start with rendering first:
render your scene
but instead of color of torus and stuff use integer indexes (for example 0 empty space, 1 obstacle, 2 torus ...) you can even have separate indexes for each object in the world so you know exactly which one is hit etc ...
so: clear screen with empty color, render your scene (using indexes instead of color with glColor??(???)) without lighting or shading or whatever. But Do not swap buffers !!! as that would show the stuff on screen and cause flickering.
read rendered screen and depth buffers
you simply use glReadPixels to copy your screen and depth buffers into CPU side memory (1D arrays) lets call them scr[],zed[].
scan the scr[] for color matching torus indexes
simply loop through all pixels and if torus pixel found check its depth. If it is close enough to camera you found your collision.
render normally
now clear screen again and render your screen with colors and lighting... now you can swap buffers too.
Beware depth buffer will be non linear which requires linearization to obtain original depth in world units. For more about it and example of reading both scr,zed see:
depth buffer got by glReadPixels is always 1
OpenGL 3D-raypicking with high poly meshes
The other approach is is much faster in case you have not too many torus'es. You simply compute intersection between camera znear plane and torus. Which boils down to either AABB vs rectangle intersection or cylinder vs. rectangle intersection.
However if you not familiar with 3D vector math you might get lost quickly.
let assume the torus is described by AABB. Then intersection between that and rectangle boils down to checking intersection between line (each edge of AABB) and rectangle. So simply finding instersection between plane and line and checking if the point is inside rectangle.
if our rectangle is defined by its vertexes in CW or CCW order (p0,p1,p2,p3) and line by endpoints q0,q1 then:
n = normalize(cross(p1-p0,p2-p1)) // is rectangle normal
dq = normalize(q1-q0) // is line direction
q = q0 + dq*dot(dq,p1-p0) // is plane/line intersection
So now just check if q is inside rectangle. There are 2 ways either test if all crosses between q-edge_start and edge_end-edge_start have the same direction or all dots between all edge_normal and q-edge_point has the same sign or zero.
The problem is that both AABB and rectangle must be in the same coordinate system so either transform AABB into camera coordinates by using modelview matrix or transform the rectangle into world coordinates using inverse of modelview. The latter is better as you do it just once instead of transforming each torus'es AABB ...
For more info about math side see:
Cone to box collision
Understanding 4x4 homogenous transform matrices
The rectangle itself is just extracted from your camera matrix (part of modelviev) position, and x,y basis vectors gives you the "center" and axises of your rectangle... The size must be derived from the perspective matrix (or parameters you passed to it especially aspect ratio, FOV and znear)
Well first you need to obtain camera (view) matrix. The GL_MODELVIEW usually holds:
GL_MODELVIEW = Inverse(Camera)*Rendered_Object
so you need to find the place in your code where your GL_MODELVIEW holds just the Inverse(Camera) transformation and there place:
float aspect=float(xs)/float(ys); // aspect from OpenGL window resolution
float im[16],m[16],znear=0.1,zfar=100.0,fovx=60.0*M_PI/180.0;
vec3 p0,p1,p2,p3,o,u,v; // 3D vectors
// this is how my perspective is set
// glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION);
// glLoadIdentity();
// gluPerspective(fovx*180.0/(M_PI*aspect),aspect,znear,zfar);
// get camera matrix (must be in right place in code before model transformations)
glGetFloatv(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX,im); // get camera inverse matrix
matrix_inv(m,im); // m = inverse(im)
u =vec3(m[ 0],m[ 1],m[ 2]); // x axis
v =vec3(m[ 4],m[ 5],m[ 6]); // y axis
o =vec3(m[12],m[13],m[14]); // origin
o-=vec3(m[ 8],m[ 9],m[10])*znear; // z axis offset
// scale by FOV
// get rectangle coorners
// render it for debug
glColor3f(1.0,0.0,0.0); glVertex3fv(p0.dat);
glColor3f(0.0,0.0,0.0); glVertex3fv(p1.dat);
glColor3f(0.0,0.0,1.0); glVertex3fv(p2.dat);
glColor3f(1.0,1.0,1.0); glVertex3fv(p3.dat);
Which basicaly loads the matrix into CPU side variables inverse it like this:
void matrix_inv(float *a,float *b) // a[16] = Inverse(b[16])
float x,y,z;
// transpose of rotation matrix
a[ 0]=b[ 0];
a[ 5]=b[ 5];
x=b[1]; a[1]=b[4]; a[4]=x;
x=b[2]; a[2]=b[8]; a[8]=x;
x=b[6]; a[6]=b[9]; a[9]=x;
// copy projection part
a[ 3]=b[ 3];
a[ 7]=b[ 7];
// convert origin: new_pos = - new_rotation_matrix * old_pos
x=(a[ 0]*b[12])+(a[ 4]*b[13])+(a[ 8]*b[14]);
y=(a[ 1]*b[12])+(a[ 5]*b[13])+(a[ 9]*b[14]);
z=(a[ 2]*b[12])+(a[ 6]*b[13])+(a[10]*b[14]);
And compute the corners with perspective in mind as described above...
I used GLSL like vec3 but you can use any 3D math even own like float p0[3],.... You just need +,- and multiplying by constant.
Now the p0,p1,p2,p3 holds your znear camera screen corners in world coordinates.
[Edit1] example
I managed to put together simple example for this. Here support functiosn used first:
void glutSolidTorus(float r,float R,int na,int nb) // render torus(r,R)
float *pnt=new float[(na+1)*(nb+1)*3*2]; if (pnt==NULL) return;
float *nor=pnt+((na+1)*(nb+1)*3);
float ca,sa,cb,sb,a,b,da,db,x,y,z,nx,ny,nz;
int ia,ib,i,j;
for (i=0,a=0.0,ia=0;ia<=na;ia++,a+=da){ ca=cos(a); sa=sin(a);
for ( b=0.0,ib=0;ib<=nb;ib++,b+=db){ cb=cos(b); sb=sin(b);
x=(R+z)*cb; nx=(x-(R*cb))/r;
y=(R+z)*sb; ny=(y-(R*sb))/r;
z=r*sa; nz=sa;
pnt[i]=x; nor[i]=nx; i++;
pnt[i]=y; nor[i]=ny; i++;
pnt[i]=z; nor[i]=nz; i++;
for (ia=0;ia<na;ia++)
for (ib=0;ib<=nb;ib++)
glNormal3fv(nor+i); glVertex3fv(pnt+i); i+=3;
glNormal3fv(nor+j); glVertex3fv(pnt+j); j+=3;
delete[] pnt;
const int AABB_lin[]= // AABB lines
const int AABB_fac[]= // AABB quads
void AABBSolidTorus(vec3 *aabb,float r,float R) // aabb[8] = AABB of torus(r,R)
void matrix_inv(float *a,float *b) // a[16] = Inverse(b[16])
float x,y,z;
// transpose of rotation matrix
a[ 0]=b[ 0];
a[ 5]=b[ 5];
x=b[1]; a[1]=b[4]; a[4]=x;
x=b[2]; a[2]=b[8]; a[8]=x;
x=b[6]; a[6]=b[9]; a[9]=x;
// copy projection part
a[ 3]=b[ 3];
a[ 7]=b[ 7];
// convert origin: new_pos = - new_rotation_matrix * old_pos
x=(a[ 0]*b[12])+(a[ 4]*b[13])+(a[ 8]*b[14]);
y=(a[ 1]*b[12])+(a[ 5]*b[13])+(a[ 9]*b[14]);
z=(a[ 2]*b[12])+(a[ 6]*b[13])+(a[10]*b[14]);
const int QUAD_lin[]= // quad lines
const int QUAD_fac[]= // quad quads
void get_perspective_znear(vec3 *quad) // quad[4] = world coordinates of 4 corners of screen at znear distance from camera
vec3 o,u,v; // 3D vectors
float im[16],m[16],znear,zfar,aspect,fovx;
// get stuff from perspective
glGetFloatv(GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX,m); // get perspective projection matrix
zfar =0.5*m[14]*(1.0-((m[10]-1.0)/(m[10]+1.0)));// compute zfar from perspective matrix
znear=zfar*(m[10]+1.0)/(m[10]-1.0); // compute znear from perspective matrix
// get stuff from camera matrix (must be in right place in code before model transformations)
glGetFloatv(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX,im); // get camera inverse matrix
matrix_inv(m,im); // m = inverse(im)
u =vec3(m[ 0],m[ 1],m[ 2]); // x axis
v =vec3(m[ 4],m[ 5],m[ 6]); // y axis
o =vec3(m[12],m[13],m[14]); // origin
o-=vec3(m[ 8],m[ 9],m[10])*znear; // z axis offset
// scale by FOV
// get rectangle coorners
bool collideLineQuad(vec3 *lin,vec3 *quad) // return if lin[2] is colliding quad[4]
float t,l,u,v;
vec3 p,p0,p1,dp;
vec3 U,V,W;
// quad (rectangle) basis vectors
U=quad[1]-quad[0]; u=length(U); u*=u;
V=quad[3]-quad[0]; v=length(V); v*=v;
// convert line from world coordinates to quad local ones
p0=lin[0]-quad[0]; p0=vec3(dot(p0,U)/u,dot(p0,V)/v,dot(p0,W));
p1=lin[1]-quad[0]; p1=vec3(dot(p1,U)/u,dot(p1,V)/v,dot(p1,W));
// test if crossing the plane
if (fabs(dp.z)<1e-10) return false;
// test inside 2D quad (rectangle)
if ((p.x<0.0)||(p.x>1.0)) return false;
if ((p.y<0.0)||(p.y>1.0)) return false;
// inside line
if ((t<0.0)||(t>1.0)) return false;
return true;
bool collideQuadQuad(vec3 *quad0,vec3 *quad1) // return if quad0[4] is colliding quad1[4]
int i;
vec3 l[2];
// lines vs. quads
for (i=0;QUAD_lin[i]>=0;)
l[0]=quad0[QUAD_lin[i]]; i++;
l[1]=quad0[QUAD_lin[i]]; i++;
if (collideLineQuad(l,quad1)) return true;
for (i=0;QUAD_lin[i]>=0;)
l[0]=quad1[QUAD_lin[i]]; i++;
l[1]=quad1[QUAD_lin[i]]; i++;
if (collideLineQuad(l,quad0)) return true;
// ToDo coplanar quads tests (not needed for AABB test)
return false;
bool collideAABBQuad(vec3 *aabb,vec3 *quad) // return if aabb[8] is colliding quad[4]
int i;
vec3 q[4],n,p;
// test all AABB faces (rectangle) for intersection with quad (rectangle)
for (i=0;AABB_fac[i]>=0;)
q[0]=aabb[AABB_fac[i]]; i++;
q[1]=aabb[AABB_fac[i]]; i++;
q[2]=aabb[AABB_fac[i]]; i++;
q[3]=aabb[AABB_fac[i]]; i++;
if (collideQuadQuad(q,quad)) return true;
// test if one point of quad is fully inside AABB
for (i=0;AABB_fac[i]>=0;i+=4)
if (dot(n,quad[0]-aabb[AABB_fac[i+0]])>0.0) return false;
return true;
And here the usage (during rendering):
int i;
float m[16];
mat4 m0,m1;
vec4 v4;
float aspect=float(xs)/float(ys);
static float anim=180.0; anim+=0.1; if (anim>=360.0) anim-=360.0;
vec3 line[2],quad[4],aabb[8]; // 3D vectors
// store view matrix for latter
// <<-- here should be for start that loop through your toruses
// set/animate torus position
// get actual matrix and convert it to the change
// render torus and compute its AABB
// convert AABB to the same coordinates as quad
for (i=0;i<8;i++) aabb[i]=(m1*vec4(aabb[i],1.0)).xyz;
// restore original view matrix
// render wireframe AABB
for (i=0;AABB_lin[i]>=0;i++)
// render filled AABB for debug
for (i=0;AABB_fac[i]>=0;i++)
// render quad for debug
for (i=0;QUAD_fac[i]>=0;i++)
// render X on colision
if (collideAABBQuad(aabb,quad))
// <<-- here should be end of the for that loop through your toruses
just ignore the GLUT solid torus function as you already got it ... Here preview:
The red cross indicates collision with screen ...

How to draw only 1/4 of a circle in OpenGL C++

I'm trying to draw only a sector/part of a circle, but currently I always get a full circle.
I use this to draw a circle:
glColor3f (0.25, 1.0, 0.25);
GLfloat angle, raioX=0.3f, raioY=0.3f;
GLfloat circle_points = 100.0f;
for (int i = 0; i < circle_points; i++) {
angle = 2*PI*i/circle_points;
glVertex2f(0.5+cos(angle)*raioX, 0.5+sin(angle)*raioY);
Assuming you want a sector as illustrated in the following diagram:
You will need to re-write your code this way:
glBegin (GL_LINE_LOOP);
glVertex2f (0.5f, 0.5f);
for (int i = 0; i < circle_points; i++) {
angle = 2*PI*i/circle_points;
glVertex2f (0.5+cos(angle)*raioX, 0.5+sin(angle)*raioY);
glEnd ();
The only thing I changed was the addition of the point 0.5,0.5 at the center of your circle. WIthout that point, you wind up drawing a segment instead of a sector.
As BDL points out, your original code drew a full circle. Your angle for 1/4 of a circle should be Pi/2 rather than 2*Pi. So at minimum, you would also need to re-write this line:
angle = PI * 0.5f * i / circle_points;
BDL's answer shows a more efficient approach to this. Though it draws an arc, which may or may not be what you want. Either way, you have enough code now to draw all three things in the diagram above.
The code you will see frequently using a cos() and sin() call for each point is correct, but very inefficient. Those are fairly expensive functions, and it's easy to write the code so that they are only needed once.
The idea is that you obtain each point from the previous point by rotating it by the angle increment. The rotation itself can be performed by a 2x2 transformation matrix. This reduced the calculation of each point to a few additions and multiplications.
The code will then look something like this:
// Calculate angle increment from point to point, and its cos/sin.
float angInc = 0.5f * PI / (circle_points - 1.0f);
float cosInc = cos(angInc);
float sinInc = sin(angInc);
// Start with vector (1.0f, 0.0f), ...
float xc = 1.0f;
float yc = 0.0f;
// ... and then rotate it by angInc for each point.
for (int i = 0; i < circle_points; i++) {
glVertex2f(0.5f + xc, 0.5f + yc);
float xcNew = cosInc * xc - sinInc * yc;
yc = sinInc * xc + cosInc * yc;
xc = xcNew;
As a subtle detail, note that if you want to draw a quarter circle with circle_points points, including the start and end point, you need to divide the angle range by circle_points - 1 to obtain the angle increment. It's the thing with the number of fence posts and number of gaps between them...
This will draw a circle segment. Andon already elaborated on the difference between a segment and a sector.
The above shared code with my own answer here:, which shows how to draw a circle with modern OpenGL.
When drawing a fraction of a circle, one needs to limit the angle in which the points should be placed. circle_points defines then in how many subparts this circle arc should be devided. In addition (and as pointed out by #Andon M. Coleman) using a GL_LINE_LOOP might not be the correct choice, since it will always close the line from the last to the first point.
You're code could be modified somehow like this:
glColor3f (0.25, 1.0, 0.25);
GLfloat angle, raioX=0.3f, raioY=0.3f;
GLfloat circle_points = 100;
GLfloat circle_angle = PI / 2.0f;
for (int i = 0; i <= circle_points; i++) {
GLfloat current_angle = circle_angle*i/circle_points;
glVertex2f(0.5+cos(current_angle)*raioX, 0.5+sin(current_angle)*raioY);

Modern OpenGL : Draw a sphere and cylinder

I've learned how to draw a cube using OpenGL from various tutorials.
For a cube, we consider each face to be composed of two triangles, and then appropriately set up the vertex and color buffers. These buffers are then sent to the shader code.
How do we similarly draw a sphere and cylinder? All tutorials online focus on drawing cubes.
Setting up vertex buffer for a sphere or cylinder doesn't seem trivial; I'm unable to "construct" them from triangles as we do for cubes.
Here is some code that I use when drawing spheres.
Note: This code uses C++, with the GLM math library.
// Calc The Vertices
for (int i = 0; i <= Stacks; ++i){
float V = i / (float) Stacks;
float phi = V * glm::pi <float> ();
// Loop Through Slices
for (int j = 0; j <= Slices; ++j){
float U = j / (float) Slices;
float theta = U * (glm::pi <float> () * 2);
// Calc The Vertex Positions
float x = cosf (theta) * sinf (phi);
float y = cosf (phi);
float z = sinf (theta) * sinf (phi);
// Push Back Vertex Data
vertices.push_back (glm::vec3 (x, y, z) * Radius);
// Calc The Index Positions
for (int i = 0; i < Slices * Stacks + Slices; ++i){
indices.push_back (i);
indices.push_back (i + Slices + 1);
indices.push_back (i + Slices);
indices.push_back (i + Slices + 1);
indices.push_back (i);
indices.push_back (i + 1);
This algorithm creates what is called a UV Sphere.
The 'Slices' and 'Stacks' are the number of subdivisions on the X and Y axis.
For cylinders, it is convenient to work in cylindrical coordinates: (angle, radius, height). You will compute two polygons (constant angle increment, fixed radius, two height values) and create: two sets of triangles for the basis and a set of rectangles (split in two) for the lateral surface.
For spheres, you will use spherical coordinates: (inclination, elevation, radius). By varying the two angles (one at a time), you will describe parallels and meridians on the sphere. These define a meshing, such that every tile is a quadrilateral (except at the poles); split along a diagonal to get triangles.

sphere not showing in opengl

here is my display method:
void display()
GLfloat sphere_vertices[3]={0.0,0.0,0.0};
int theta,phi;
float x,y,z;
int off_set;
for (theta=-90; theta<=90-off_set; theta+=off_set) {
for (phi=0; phi<=360-off_set; phi+=off_set)
//calculate X of sphere
x= cos(theta + off_set) * sin(phi + off_set);
//calculate Y of sphere
y = cos(theta + off_set) * cos(theta + off_set);
//calculate Z of sphere
z = sin(theta + off_set);
//store vertices
//plot new point
printf("X is %f, Y is %f, Z is %f", x,y,z);
I am calculating the points on the surface of a sphere and then plotting each point. But the only thing I get are some pixel at the bottom-left corner of the screen
It seems like you are trying to render a sphere with radius of 1.0 consisting of about 180 / off_set slices of circles with 360 / off_set points. How did you come up with your x, y and z?
For each point, you could construct a unit length vector on, for example, the xy-plane from theta and then rotate it about the z-axis by phi and scale the resulting vector by the radius of the sphere.
After reviewing your math, make sure you have specified the model-view and projection matrices and note if you are using the standard cos/sin functions, they take radians, not degrees.

Drawing Steiner's Roman Surface in OpenGL

I'm trying to draw Steiner's Roman Surface in OpenGL, and I'm having some trouble getting the right normals so that the surface lights up correctly. I used the parametric equation from Wikipedia : For the normals, I did a partial differentiation with respect to theta, then phi, then crossed the partial differentials to get the normal.
This doesn't allow the surface to light up properly because the Roman Surface is a non-orientable surface. Hence, I was wondering if there's a way to get the right normals out so that the surface can light up correctly. I've tried negating the normals, for the whole surface, and part of the surface(negating for the 1st and last quarter of n), but it doesn't seem to work.
My current code is as follows:
double getRad(double deg, double n){
return deg * M_PI / n;
int n = 24;
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){
for(int j = 0; j < 2*n; j++){
double x = -pow(r,4) * cos(2*getRad(i+0.5,n)) * pow(cos(getRad(j+0.5,n)),2) * cos(2*getRad(j+0.5,n)) * sin(getRad(i+0.5,n)) - 2 * pow(r,4) * pow(cos(getRad(i+0.5,n)),2) * pow(cos(getRad(j+0.5,n)),2) * sin(getRad(i+0.5,n)) * pow(sin(getRad(j+0.5,n)),2);
double y = pow(r,4) * cos(getRad(i+0.5,n)) * cos(2*getRad(i+0.5,n)) * pow(cos(getRad(j+0.5,n)),2) * cos(2*getRad(j+0.5,n)) - 2 * pow(r,4) * cos(getRad(i+0.5,n)) * pow(cos(getRad(j+0.5,n)),2) * pow(sin(getRad(i+0.5,n)),2) * pow(sin(getRad(j+0.5,n)),2);
double z = -pow(r,4) * pow(cos(getRad(i+0.5,n)),2) * cos(getRad(j+0.5,n)) * cos(2*getRad(j+0.5,n)) * sin(getRad(j+0.5,n)) - pow(r,4) * cos(getRad(j+0.5,n)) * cos(2*getRad(j+0.5,n)) * pow(sin(getRad(i+0.5,n)),2) * sin(getRad(j+0.5,n));
glNormal3d(x, y, z);
In the case you're dealing with nonorientable surfaces (like Steiner's Romans, or the famous Möbius strip) you have to possiblilities: Enable double sided lighting
or you enable face culling and render the surface with two passes (front facing and back facing) – you'll have to negate the normals for the backface pass.
glCullFace(GL_BACK); // backside faces are NOT rendered
You would probably get better results by splitting the polygon into two triangles - each would then be guaranteed to be planar. Further, you could can generate the normals from each triangle, or smooth them between neighboring triangles.
The other trick is to pre-generate your points into an array and then referencing the array in the glVertex call. That way you have more options about how to generate normals.
Also, you can render the normals themselves with a glBegin(GL_LINES) ... glEnd() sequence.
For every triangle you generate create one with the same coordinates/normals but wound/flipped the other way.