How do I enable and use placeholders in connectors using CSV import of -

I have a diagram I'm building using CSV. I've figured out how to user placeholders in shape labels. However I would like to also be able to use placeholders in the connections. I noticed that after I import what I already have, the connection objects don't have the Placeholder setting enabled in the Edit Data section. Is there a way to enable it from the connect json? I guess a follow up question would be to also how to set custom data to the connection.
My main goal for this question is so I can add to my connection label a sort of data-flow id possibly using the from and to so that it could be something like DF1-2.
Here is what I have so far:
## My Dataflow
# stylename: shapeType
# styles: { "docker-service": "shape=rectangle;html=1;fillColor=#dae8fc;strokeColor=#6c8ebf;"}
# labelname: labelType
# labels: { "process": "%name%<br><i style=\"color:gray;\">P%Pnum%</i>", \
# "data-flow": "tls 1.2 %dataFlowNum%", \
# "regular": "%name%"}
# identity: gid
# namespace: jay-
# parent: rparent
# parentstyle: shape=rectangle;html=1;dashed=1;align=left;verticalAlign=bottom;fillColor=#FFE6CC;strokeColor=#D79B00;
# connect: {"from":"refstls", "to":"gid", "invert":true, "label":"TLS v1.2", "style":"curved=0;endFill=1;fontSize=11;endArrow=blockThin;endFill=1;"}
# width: auto
# height: auto
# padding: 15
# nodespacing: 40
# levelspacing: 100
# edgespacing: 40
# layout: auto
## CSV starts under this line
1,docker ingress,0,1,process,docker-service,,

at the moment, doesn't support that but feel free to vote and track this feature request here:

I was going over the CSV example comments that explained the connector and noticed something I missed the other day that seems to do what I want it to with limitations.
The tolabel and fromlabel can be used for what I wanted.
optional fromlabel and tolabel can be used to name the column
that contains the text for the label in the edges source or target (invert ignored).
Solution based on my example would be:
## My Dataflow
# stylename: shapeType
# styles: { "docker-service": "shape=rectangle;html=1;fillColor=#dae8fc;strokeColor=#6c8ebf;"}
# labelname: labelType
# labels: { "process": "%name%<br><i style=\"color:gray;\">P%Pnum%</i>", \
# "data-flow": "tls 1.2 %dataFlowNum%", \
# "regular": "%name%"}
# identity: gid
# namespace: jay-
# parent: rparent
# parentstyle: shape=rectangle;html=1;dashed=1;align=left;verticalAlign=bottom;fillColor=#FFE6CC;strokeColor=#D79B00;
# connect: {"from":"refstls", "to":"gid", "invert":true,"fromlabel":"Pnum","tolabel":"Pnum", "label":"-", "style":"curved=0;endFill=1;fontSize=11;endArrow=blockThin;endFill=1"}
# width: auto
# height: auto
# padding: 15
# nodespacing: 40
# levelspacing: 100
# edgespacing: 40
# layout: auto
## CSV starts under this line
1,docker ingress,0,1,process,docker-service,,
The main downside of this method is that "invert" is not taken into consideration.


How to disable JSON format and send only the log message to Sumologic with Fluentbit?

We are using Fluentbit as as Sidecar container in our ECS fargate Cluster which is running a dotnet application, initially we faced the issue of fluentbit sending the logs in multiline and we solved it using Fluentbit Multilne feature. Now the logs are being sent to Sumologic in Multiple however it is being sent as Json format whereas we just want fluentbit send only the raw log
Logs are currently
log:"2023-01-30 23:17:33.269Z DEBUG [.NET ThreadPool Worker] Connection.ManagedDbConnection - ComponentInstanceEntityAsync - Executing stored proc: dbo.prcGetComponentInstance"
We want only the line
2023-01-30 23:17:33.269Z DEBUG [.NET ThreadPool Worker] Connection.ManagedDbConnection - ComponentInstanceEntityAsync - Executing stored proc: dbo.prcGetComponentInstance
You need to modify Fluent Bit configuration to have the following filters and output configuration:
## prepare headers for Sumo Logic
Name record_modifier
Match *
Record headers.content-type text/plain
## Set headers as headers attribute
Name nest
Match *
Operation nest
Wildcard headers.*
Nest_under headers
Remove_prefix headers.
Name http
# use log key as body
body_key $log
# use headers key as headers
headers_key $headers
That way, you are going to craft HTTP request manually. This is going to send request per log, which is not necessary a good idea. In order to mitigate that you can add the following parser and use it (flush_timeout may need an adjustment):
# merge everything as one big log
name multiline-all
type regex
flush_timeout 500
# Regex rules for multiline parsing
# ---------------------------------
# configuration hints:
# - first state always has the name: start_state
# - every field in the rule must be inside double quotes
# rules | state name | regex pattern | next state
# ------|---------------|--------------------------------------------
rule "start_state" ".*" "cont"
rule "cont" ".*" "cont"
name tail
multiline.parser multiline-all

Failed to determine the health of the cluster when initial password setting in ElasticSearch

I tried to install ElasticSearch on AWS ec2
I tried to set up initial password of ElasticSearch with following command and got this error message
$ ./elasticsearch-reset-password -u elasticsearch
ERROR: Failed to determine the health of the cluster.
Here is my elasticsearch.yml file
======================== Elasticsearch Configuration =========================
# NOTE: Elasticsearch comes with reasonable defaults for most settings.
# Before you set out to tweak and tune the configuration, make sure you
# understand what are you trying to accomplish and the consequences.
# The primary way of configuring a node is via this file. This template lists
# the most important settings you may want to configure for a production cluster.#
# Please consult the documentation for further information on configuration options:
# ---------------------------------- Cluster -----------------------------------
# Use a descriptive name for your cluster:# aaaaaaa
# ------------------------------------ Node ------------------------------------
# Use a descriptive name for the node: ${HOSTNAME}
# Add custom attributes to the node:
#node.attr.rack: r1
# ----------------------------------- Paths ------------------------------------
# Path to directory where to store the data (separate multiple locations by comma):
# /var/lib/elasticsearch
# Path to log files:
path.logs: /var/log/elasticsearch
# ----------------------------------- Memory -----------------------------------
# Lock the memory on startup:
bootstrap.memory_lock: true
# Make sure that the heap size is set to about half the memory available
# on the system and that the owner of the process is allowed to use this
# limit.
# Elasticsearch performs poorly when the system is swapping the memory.
# ---------------------------------- Network -----------------------------------
# By default Elasticsearch is only accessible on localhost. Set a different
# address here to expose this node on the network:
#network.publish_host: ${HOSTNAME} [""]
# By default Elasticsearch listens for HTTP traffic on the first free port it
# finds starting at 9200. Set a specific HTTP port here:
#http.port: 9200
# For more information, consult the network module documentation.
# --------------------------------- Discovery ----------------------------------
# Pass an initial list of hosts to perform discovery when this node is started:
# Pass an initial list of hosts to perform discovery when this node is started:
# The default list of hosts is ["", "[::1]"]
#discovery.seed_hosts: - ${HOSTNAME}
discovery.type: single-node
# Bootstrap the cluster using an initial set of master-eligible nodes:
#cluster.initial_master_nodes: - ${HOSTNAME}
# For more information, consult the discovery and cluster formation module documentation.
# --------------------------------- Readiness ----------------------------------
# Enable an unauthenticated TCP readiness endpoint on localhost
#readiness.port: 9399
# ---------------------------------- Various -----------------------------------
# Allow wildcard deletion of indices:
#action.destructive_requires_name: false
#----------------------- BEGIN SECURITY AUTO CONFIGURATION -----------------------
# The following settings, TLS certificates, and keys have been automatically
# generated to configure Elasticsearch security features on 22-10-2022 08:48:06
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Enable security features true true
# Enable encryption for HTTP API client connections, such as Kibana, Logstash, and Agents
enabled: true
keystore.path: certs/http.p12
# Enable encryption and mutual authentication between cluster nodes
enabled: true
verification_mode: certificate
keystore.path: certs/transport.p12
truststore.path: certs/transport.p12
# Create a new cluster with the current node only
# Additional nodes can still join the cluster later
# cluster.initial_master_nodes: ["aaaaaaa"]
# Allow HTTP API connections from anywhere
# Connections are encrypted and require user authentication
# Allow other nodes to join the cluster from anywhere
# Connections are encrypted and mutually authenticated
#----------------------- END SECURITY AUTO CONFIGURATION -------------------------
################################################################################################################# just try to write something to upload this post ignore this ########################################################
This error means that your cluster is not ready yet when you are trying to change the cluster password.
First, you should configure your cluster and ensure that is healthy and then change the password.
The default username and password for Elasticsearch is "elastic" and "changeme".

How to create multiple mount points with different playlists in icecast with mpd?

I have installed icecast and MPD with YMPD client on the server.
Currently It is running for single mount. I want to stream audio on different mounting like: /stream.ogg, /mp3, /audio with different playlists.
Below is my config files:
1. mpd.conf:
# An example configuration file for MPD.
# Read the user manual for documentation:
# or /usr/share/doc/mpd/user-manual.html
# Files and directories #######################################################
# This setting controls the top directory which MPD will search to discover the
# available audio files and add them to the daemon's online database. This
# setting defaults to the XDG directory, otherwise the music directory will be
# be disabled and audio files will only be accepted over ipc socket (using
# file:// protocol) or streaming files over an accepted protocol.
music_directory "/var/lib/mpd/music"
# This setting sets the MPD internal playlist directory. The purpose of this
# directory is storage for playlists created by MPD. The server will use
# playlist files not created by the server but only if they are in the MPD
# format. This setting defaults to playlist saving being disabled.
playlist_directory "/var/lib/mpd/playlists"
# This setting sets the location of the MPD database. This file is used to
# load the database at server start up and store the database while the
# server is not up. This setting defaults to disabled which will allow
# MPD to accept files over ipc socket (using file:// protocol) or streaming
# files over an accepted protocol.
db_file "/var/lib/mpd/tag_cache"
# These settings are the locations for the daemon log files for the daemon.
# These logs are great for troubleshooting, depending on your log_level
# settings.
# The special value "syslog" makes MPD use the local syslog daemon. This
# setting defaults to logging to syslog, otherwise logging is disabled.
log_file "/var/log/mpd/mpd.log"
# This setting sets the location of the file which stores the process ID
# for use of mpd --kill and some init scripts. This setting is disabled by
# default and the pid file will not be stored.
pid_file "/run/mpd/pid"
# This setting sets the location of the file which contains information about
# most variables to get MPD back into the same general shape it was in before
# it was brought down. This setting is disabled by default and the server
# state will be reset on server start up.
state_file "/var/lib/mpd/state"
# The location of the sticker database. This is a database which
# manages dynamic information attached to songs.
sticker_file "/var/lib/mpd/sticker.sql"
# General music daemon options ################################################
# This setting specifies the user that MPD will run as. MPD should never run as
# root and you may use this setting to make MPD change its user ID after
# initialization. This setting is disabled by default and MPD is run as the
# current user.
#user "mpd"
# This setting specifies the group that MPD will run as. If not specified
# primary group of user specified with "user" setting will be used (if set).
# This is useful if MPD needs to be a member of group such as "audio" to
# have permission to use sound card.
#group "nogroup"
# This setting sets the address for the daemon to listen on. Careful attention
# should be paid if this is assigned to anything other then the default, any.
# This setting can deny access to control of the daemon. Choose any if you want
# to have mpd listen on every address. Not effective if systemd socket
# activation is in use.
# For network
bind_to_address ""
# And for Unix Socket
#bind_to_address "/run/mpd/socket"
# This setting is the TCP port that is desired for the daemon to get assigned
# to.
port "6600"
# This setting controls the type of information which is logged. Available
# setting arguments are "default", "secure" or "verbose". The "verbose" setting
# argument is recommended for troubleshooting, though can quickly stretch
# available resources on limited hardware storage.
#log_level "default"
# If you have a problem with your MP3s ending abruptly it is recommended that
# you set this argument to "no" to attempt to fix the problem. If this solves
# the problem, it is highly recommended to fix the MP3 files with vbrfix
# (available as vbrfix in the debian archive), at which
# point gapless MP3 playback can be enabled.
#gapless_mp3_playback "yes"
# Setting "restore_paused" to "yes" puts MPD into pause mode instead
# of starting playback after startup.
#restore_paused "no"
# This setting enables MPD to create playlists in a format usable by other
# music players.
#save_absolute_paths_in_playlists "no"
# This setting defines a list of tag types that will be extracted during the
# audio file discovery process. The complete list of possible values can be
# found in the mpd.conf man page.
#metadata_to_use "artist,album,title,track,name,genre,date,composer,performer,disc"
# This setting enables automatic update of MPD's database when files in
# music_directory are changed.
#auto_update "yes"
# Limit the depth of the directories being watched, 0 means only watch
# the music directory itself. There is no limit by default.
#auto_update_depth "3"
# Symbolic link behavior ######################################################
# If this setting is set to "yes", MPD will discover audio files by following
# symbolic links outside of the configured music_directory.
#follow_outside_symlinks "yes"
# If this setting is set to "yes", MPD will discover audio files by following
# symbolic links inside of the configured music_directory.
#follow_inside_symlinks "yes"
# Zeroconf / Avahi Service Discovery ##########################################
# If this setting is set to "yes", service information will be published with
# Zeroconf / Avahi.
#zeroconf_enabled "yes"
# The argument to this setting will be the Zeroconf / Avahi unique name for
# this MPD server on the network.
#zeroconf_name "Music Player"
# Permissions #################################################################
# If this setting is set, MPD will require password authorization. The password
# can setting can be specified multiple times for different password profiles.
#password "password#read,add,control,admin"
# This setting specifies the permissions a user has who has not yet logged in.
default_permissions "read,add,control,admin"
# Database #######################################################################
#database {
# plugin "proxy"
# host ""
# port "6600"
# Input #######################################################################
input {
plugin "curl"
# proxy ""
# proxy_user "user"
# proxy_password "password"
# Audio Output ################################################################
# MPD supports various audio output types, as well as playing through multiple
# audio outputs at the same time, through multiple audio_output settings
# blocks. Setting this block is optional, though the server will only attempt
# autodetection for one sound card.
# An example of an ALSA output:
audio_output {
type "alsa"
name "My ALSA Device"
# device "hw:0,0" # optional
# mixer_type "hardware" # optional
# mixer_device "default" # optional
# mixer_control "PCM" # optional
# mixer_index "0" # optional
# An example of an OSS output:
#audio_output {
# type "oss"
# name "My OSS Device"
# device "/dev/dsp" # optional
# mixer_type "hardware" # optional
# mixer_device "/dev/mixer" # optional
# mixer_control "PCM" # optional
# An example of a shout output (for streaming to Icecast):
audio_output {
type "shout"
encoding "mp3" # optional
name "My Shout Stream"
host "localhost"
port "8000"
bind_to_address ""
mount "/mp3"
password "4getme!"
quality "5.0"
# bitrate "128"
format "44100:16:1"
# protocol "icecast2" # optional
# user "USER" # optional
description "My Stream Description" # optional
# url "" # optional
# genre "jazz" # optional
# public "no" # optional
# timeout "2" # optional
# mixer_type "software" # optional
# An example of a recorder output:
#audio_output {
# type "recorder"
# name "My recorder"
# encoder "vorbis" # optional, vorbis or lame
# path "/var/lib/mpd/recorder/mpd.ogg"
## quality "5.0" # do not define if bitrate is defined
# bitrate "128" # do not define if quality is defined
# format "44100:16:1"
# An example of a httpd output (built-in HTTP streaming server):
#audio_output {
# type "httpd"
# name "My HTTP Stream"
# encoder "vorbis" # optional, vorbis or lame
# port "8000"
# bind_to_address "" # optional, IPv4 or IPv6
# quality "5.0" # do not define if bitrate is defined
# bitrate "128" # do not define if quality is defined
# format "44100:16:1"
# max_clients "0" # optional 0=no limit
# An example of a pulseaudio output (streaming to a remote pulseaudio server)
# Please see README.Debian if you want mpd to play through the pulseaudio
# daemon started as part of your graphical desktop session!
audio_output {
type "pulse"
name "My Pulse Output"
# server "remote_server" # optional
# sink "remote_server_sink" # optional
# An example of a winmm output (Windows multimedia API).
#audio_output {
# type "winmm"
# name "My WinMM output"
# device "Digital Audio (S/PDIF) (High Definition Audio Device)" # optional
# or
# device "0" # optional
# mixer_type "hardware" # optional
# An example of an openal output.
#audio_output {
# type "openal"
# name "My OpenAL output"
# device "Digital Audio (S/PDIF) (High Definition Audio Device)" # optional
## Example "pipe" output:
#audio_output {
# type "pipe"
# name "my pipe"
# command "aplay -f cd 2>/dev/null"
## Or if you're want to use AudioCompress
# command "AudioCompress -m | aplay -f cd 2>/dev/null"
## Or to send raw PCM stream through PCM:
# command "nc 8765"
# format "44100:16:2"
## An example of a null output (for no audio output):
#audio_output {
# type "null"
# name "My Null Output"
# mixer_type "none" # optional
# If MPD has been compiled with libsamplerate support, this setting specifies
# the sample rate converter to use. Possible values can be found in the
# mpd.conf man page or the libsamplerate documentation. By default, this is
# setting is disabled.
#samplerate_converter "Fastest Sinc Interpolator"
# Normalization automatic volume adjustments ##################################
# This setting specifies the type of ReplayGain to use. This setting can have
# the argument "off", "album", "track" or "auto". "auto" is a special mode that
# chooses between "track" and "album" depending on the current state of
# random playback. If random playback is enabled then "track" mode is used.
# See <> for more details about ReplayGain.
# This setting is off by default.
#replaygain "album"
# This setting sets the pre-amp used for files that have ReplayGain tags. By
# default this setting is disabled.
#replaygain_preamp "0"
# This setting sets the pre-amp used for files that do NOT have ReplayGain tags.
# By default this setting is disabled.
#replaygain_missing_preamp "0"
# This setting enables or disables ReplayGain limiting.
# MPD calculates actual amplification based on the ReplayGain tags
# and replaygain_preamp / replaygain_missing_preamp setting.
# If replaygain_limit is enabled MPD will never amplify audio signal
# above its original level. If replaygain_limit is disabled such amplification
# might occur. By default this setting is enabled.
#replaygain_limit "yes"
# This setting enables on-the-fly normalization volume adjustment. This will
# result in the volume of all playing audio to be adjusted so the output has
# equal "loudness". This setting is disabled by default.
#volume_normalization "no"
# Character Encoding ##########################################################
# If file or directory names do not display correctly for your locale then you
# may need to modify this setting.
filesystem_charset "UTF-8"
# This setting controls the encoding that ID3v1 tags should be converted from.
id3v1_encoding "UTF-8"
# SIDPlay decoder #############################################################
# songlength_database:
# Location of your songlengths file, as distributed with the HVSC.
# The sidplay plugin checks this for matching MD5 fingerprints.
# See
# default_songlength:
# This is the default playing time in seconds for songs not in the
# songlength database, or in case you're not using a database.
# A value of 0 means play indefinitely.
# filter:
# Turns the SID filter emulation on or off.
#decoder {
# plugin "sidplay"
# songlength_database "/media/C64Music/DOCUMENTS/Songlengths.txt"
# default_songlength "120"
# filter "true"
2. icecast.xml
<!-- location and admin are two arbitrary strings that are e.g. visible
on the server info page of the icecast web interface
(server_version.xsl). -->
Especially for inexperienced users:
Start out by ONLY changing all passwords and restarting Icecast.
For detailed setup instructions please refer to the documentation.
It's also available here:
<!-- If enabled, this will provide a burst of data when a client
first connects, thereby significantly reducing the startup
time for listeners that do substantial buffering. However,
it also significantly increases latency between the source
client and listening client. For low-latency setups, you
might want to disable this. -->
<!-- same as burst-on-connect, but this allows for being more
specific on how much to burst. Most people won't need to
change from the default 64k. Applies to all mountpoints -->
<!-- Sources log in with username 'source' -->
<!-- Relays log in with username 'relay' -->
<!-- Admin logs in with the username given below -->
<!-- set the mountpoint for a shoutcast source to use, the default if not
specified is /stream but you can change it here if an alternative is
wanted or an extension is required
<!-- Uncomment this if you want directory listings -->
<!-- This is the hostname other people will use to connect to your server.
It affects mainly the urls generated by Icecast for playlists and yp
listings. You MUST configure it properly for YP listings to work!
<!-- You may have multiple <listener> elements -->
<!-- <bind-address></bind-address> -->
<!-- <shoutcast-mount>/stream</shoutcast-mount> -->
<!-- Global header settings
Headers defined here will be returned for every HTTP request to Icecast.
The ACAO header makes Icecast public content/API by default
This will make streams easier embeddable (some HTML5 functionality needs it).
Also it allows direct access to e.g. /status-json.xsl from other sites.
If you don't want this, comment out the following line or read up on CORS.
<header name="Access-Control-Allow-Origin" value="*" />
<!-- Relaying
You don't need this if you only have one server.
Please refer to the config for a detailed explanation.
<!-- setting this makes all relays on-demand unless overridden, this is
useful for master relays which do not have <relay> definitions here.
The default is 0 -->
<!-- Mountpoints
Only define <mount> sections if you want to use advanced options,
like alternative usernames or passwords
<!-- Default settings for all mounts that don't have a specific <mount type="normal">.
<mount type="default">
<authentication type="url">
<option name="mount_add" value=""/>
<header name="foo" value="bar" />
<!-- Normal mounts -->
<mount type="normal">
<authentication type="htpasswd">
<option name="filename" value="myauth"/>
<option name="allow_duplicate_users" value="0"/>
<header name="Access-Control-Allow-Origin" value="" />
<header name="baz" value="quux" />
<mount type="normal">
<authentication type="url">
<option name="mount_add" value=""/>
<option name="mount_remove" value=""/>
<option name="listener_add" value=""/>
<option name="listener_remove" value=""/>
<option name="headers" value="x-pragma,x-token"/>
<option name="header_prefix" value="ClientHeader."/>
<!-- basedir is only used if chroot is enabled -->
<!-- Note that if <chroot> is turned on below, these paths must both
be relative to the new root, not the original root -->
<!-- Aliases: treat requests for 'source' path as being for 'dest' path
May be made specific to a port or bound address using the "port"
and "bind-address" attributes.
<alias source="/foo" destination="/bar"/>
<!-- Aliases: can also be used for simple redirections as well,
this example will redirect all requests for http://server:port/ to
the status page
<alias source="/" destination="/status.xsl"/>
<!-- The certificate file needs to contain both public and private part.
Both should be PEM encoded.
<!-- <playlistlog>playlist.log</playlistlog> -->
<loglevel>3</loglevel> <!-- 4 Debug, 3 Info, 2 Warn, 1 Error -->
<logsize>10000</logsize> <!-- Max size of a logfile -->
<!-- If logarchive is enabled (1), then when logsize is reached
the logfile will be moved to [error|access|playlist].log.DATESTAMP,
otherwise it will be moved to [error|access|playlist].log.old.
Default is non-archive mode (i.e. overwrite)
<!-- <logarchive>1</logarchive> -->
<!-- <changeowner>
</changeowner> -->
how can I mount with different streaming file or different playlists?
I have done multiple mounting on the icecast. For this I have create multiple instances of mpd on the server.
And start each mpd separated on different ports. Port added in configuration file.
For example:
mpd /etc/mpd.conf # mpd's configuration file path for start mpd
After that I have started new YMPD instance on new port as mpd's client.
For example:
./ympd --port 6600 --webport 8085 # 6600 is mpd's port and 8085 is ympd's port.
Now each mpd have different playlist and different mount url for streaming audio.
Default Config
In the default config you have a few lines that look like this:
You'll also see some commented out lines like this:
<!-- Normal mounts -->
<mount type="normal">
Multiple Mounts
If you have multiple source clients, you can publish to multiple streams by adding "normal" (non-default) mounts:
<mount type="normal">
<mount type="normal">
I believe that strict shoutcast only supports a single mount per each bound port - it has no "paths".
However, you can have as many icecast mounts as you want, provided that you have source clients to publish to them.
liquidsoap can make it easy to publish multiple bitrates at once.

What would cause Elastic Search to not produce log files?

I have installed Elastic Search V5.0 on my ubuntu64 virtual machine via the debian package given using this tutorial from Elastic
As explained in the tutorial sudo -i service elasticsearch start wont give any messages here (poor design imo)
I tried adding STDOUT.log file to the directory and it still is empty after starting elastic search
If I sudo bin/elasticsearch I get this trace:
Exception in thread "main" ElasticsearchParseException[malformed, expected settings to start with 'object', instead was [VALUE_STRING]]
at org.elasticsearch.common.settings.loader.XContentSettingsLoader.load(
at org.elasticsearch.common.settings.loader.XContentSettingsLoader.load(
at org.elasticsearch.common.settings.loader.YamlSettingsLoader.load(
at org.elasticsearch.common.settings.Settings$Builder.loadFromStream(
at org.elasticsearch.common.settings.Settings$Builder.loadFromPath(
at org.elasticsearch.node.internal.InternalSettingsPreparer.prepareEnvironment(
at org.elasticsearch.bootstrap.Bootstrap.initialEnvironment(
at org.elasticsearch.bootstrap.Bootstrap.init(
at org.elasticsearch.bootstrap.Elasticsearch.init(
at org.elasticsearch.bootstrap.Elasticsearch.execute(
at org.elasticsearch.cli.SettingCommand.execute(
at org.elasticsearch.cli.Command.mainWithoutErrorHandling(
at org.elasticsearch.cli.Command.main(
at org.elasticsearch.bootstrap.Elasticsearch.main(
at org.elasticsearch.bootstrap.Elasticsearch.main(
And without sudo provlidges:
Exception in thread "main" SettingsException[Failed to load settings from
/usr/share/elasticsearch/config/elasticsearch.yml]; nested: AccessDeniedException[/usr/share/elasticsearch/config/elasticsearch.yml];
Likely root cause: java.nio.file.AccessDeniedException: /usr/share/elasticsearch/config/elasticsearch.yml
at sun.nio.fs.UnixException.translateToIOException(
at sun.nio.fs.UnixException.rethrowAsIOException(
at sun.nio.fs.UnixException.rethrowAsIOException(
at sun.nio.fs.UnixFileSystemProvider.newByteChannel(
at java.nio.file.Files.newByteChannel(
at java.nio.file.Files.newByteChannel(
at java.nio.file.spi.FileSystemProvider.newInputStream(
at java.nio.file.Files.newInputStream(
at org.elasticsearch.common.settings.Settings$Builder.loadFromPath(
at org.elasticsearch.node.internal.InternalSettingsPreparer.prepareEnvironment(
at org.elasticsearch.bootstrap.Bootstrap.initialEnvironment(
at org.elasticsearch.bootstrap.Bootstrap.init(
at org.elasticsearch.bootstrap.Elasticsearch.init(
at org.elasticsearch.bootstrap.Elasticsearch.execute(
at org.elasticsearch.cli.SettingCommand.execute(
at org.elasticsearch.cli.Command.mainWithoutErrorHandling(
at org.elasticsearch.cli.Command.main(
at org.elasticsearch.bootstrap.Elasticsearch.main(
at org.elasticsearch.bootstrap.Elasticsearch.main(
I'm not a fan of posting so much text on stackoverflow but here is my configuration located at: /etc/elasticsearch
# ------------------------------------ Node ------------------------------------
# Use a descriptive name for the node:
# sdc-test-es-cluster
# ------------------------------------ Node ------------------------------------
# Use a descriptive name for the node:
# node-1
# Add custom attributes to the node:
#node.attr.rack: r1
# ----------------------------------- Paths ------------------------------------
# Path to directory where to store the data (separate multiple locations by comma):
# /var/lib/elasticsearch
# Path to log files:
path.logs: /var/log/elasticsearch
# ----------------------------------- Memory -----------------------------------
# Lock the memory on startup:
#bootstrap.memory_lock: true
# Make sure that the heap size is set to about half the memory available
# on the system and that the owner of the process is allowed to use this
# limit.
# Elasticsearch performs poorly when the system is swapping the memory.
# ---------------------------------- Network -----------------------------------
# Set the bind address to a specific IP (IPv4 or IPv6):
# Set a custom port for HTTP:
#http.port: 9200
# For more information, see the documentation at:
# <>
# --------------------------------- Discovery ----------------------------------
# Pass an initial list of hosts to perform discovery when new node is started:
# The default list of hosts is ["", "[::1]"]
# ["host1", "host2"]
# Prevent the "split brain" by configuring the majority of nodes (total number of nodes / 2 + 1):
#discovery.zen.minimum_master_nodes: 3
# For more information, see the documentation at:
# <>
# ---------------------------------- Gateway -----------------------------------
# Block initial recovery after a full cluster restart until N nodes are started:
#gateway.recover_after_nodes: 3
# For more information, see the documentation at:
# <>
# ---------------------------------- Various -----------------------------------
# Disable starting multiple nodes on a single system:
#node.max_local_storage_nodes: 1
# Require explicit names when deleting indices:
#action.destructive_requires_name: true
The problem is with misconfigured Elasticsearch.
Ensure that ES uses config file from correct location. For example, "without sudo priviledges" outputs wrong location.
Ensure you don't have mistakes in config.
To isolate problem, comment out everything in config, then uncomment line-by-line your custom settings in config, and try to start. If find the line causing the problem, check documentation.
Also, try to start without "-d" option, Elasticsearch will output full stacktrace in console, and it should tell more about misconfigured setting.

mutt reply function returns empty header fields

I have been using mutt for quite some time but I have reconfigured it for use with offlineimap. The problem is now that when I reply to an email the header fields "To, From, CC Subject ..." are left empty and it is impossible to send the reply. I have to paste the fields in by hand which is kind of annoying (what do we have computers for?).
Any hints, for I have not got a clue how to debug this problem.
my muttrc
# Boring details
set realname = "Ivo Keel"
set from = "<myid>"
set use_from = yes
# fills headers on reply
set fast_reply = yes
set envelope_from ="yes"
# Check for new mail in the folders
set mail_check=60 # mutt checks for new mails on every keystroke
# but not more often then once in 5 seconds
set beep_new = yes
# Use a signature
set signature="~/.signature"
# mailcap
set mailcap_path="~/.config/mutt/mailcap"
# Use msmtp rather than sendmail. Check that
# the path is correct for your system:
set sendmail="/usr/bin/msmtp"
# If not set in ~/.bashrc:
set spoolfile = "~/.maildir/"
set print_command="/usr/bin/muttprint %s"
set print_split set print="yes"
set sleep_time = 0
set reply_to = yes
# Folders
set mbox_type=Maildir
#set mbox="~/.maildir/"
set folder="~/.maildir/" # Local mailboxes stored here
mailboxes =c32t/inbox =hibury/inbox =inbox
set record="+/hibury/sent/" # Where to store sent messages
set postponed="+/hibury/drafts/" # Where to store draft messages
#set move=no # Don't move mail from spool
set mask="!^\\.[^.]"
# What to show and order of headers
ignore *
unignore Date: From: User-Agent: \
Cc: Reply-To: Subject: Mail-Followup-To:
hdr_order Date From Subject To CC
set sort=threads
set sort_browser=reverse-date
set sort_aux=reverse-last-date-received
# which editor do you want to use?
# vim of course!
set editor="vim"
set edit_headers=yes # See the headers when editing
# Aliases
set alias_file = ~/.config/mutt/alias # In their own file
source ~/.config/mutt/alias # Source them
set sort_alias=alias # Sort alphabetically
# Odds and ends
set markers # mark wrapped lines of text in the pager with a +
set smart_wrap # Don't wrap mid-word
set pager_context=5 # Retain 5 lines of previous page when scrolling.
set status_on_top # Status bar on top.
push <show-version> # Shows mutt version at startup
set duplicate_threads = yes
#email addresses with esc-1 and esc-2. Sets the status bar at the
# top too so you know which from address you're using
set mailcap_path = ~/.config/mutt/mailcap auto_view text/html
set query_command="abook --mutt-query '%s'"
# Pager View Options ---------------------------------
set pager_index_lines = 10 # number of index lines to show
set pager_context = 3 # number of context lines to show
set pager_stop # don't go to next message automatically
set menu_scroll # scroll in menus
set tilde # show tildes like in vim
unset markers # no ugly plus signs
set quote_regexp = "^( {0,4}[>|:#%]| {0,4}[a-z0-9]+[>|]+)+"
alternative_order text/plain text/enriched text/html
bind pager R group-reply
# View attachments properly.
bind attach <return> view-mailcap
#Skip some options
set include=yes
set forward_quote=yes
set copy=yes
set delete=yes
set confirmappend=no
# Other configuration files
#source ~/.config/mutt/account_hooks
#source ~/.config/mutt/folder_hooks
source ~/.config/mutt/colors
source ~/.config/mutt/sidebar
#source ~/.config/mutt/gpg
source ~/.config/mutt/macros
source ~/.config/mutt/lists
source ~/.config/mutt/alias
END of muttrc
Allowing mutt to automatically fill the From: header is done by adding:
set use_from = yes
to your .muttrc and allowing it to automatically fill the To: and Subject: header can be done by putting:
set fast_reply = yes
in your .muttrc. Those two options are very common, if you don't have them, you should consider looking at some of the .muttrc configurations available online to find other classical options (noconfirmappend, reverse_alias, sort=threads, etc.) which will greatly improve your mutt experience.
The CC: header will not be filled if you use the "reply" command instead of the "group-reply" one (the default keyboard shortcut is g).
I had this problem, but it turned out to be a problem with my workflow (the buggy system located between the keyboard and chair). Perhaps this was also your issue?
When I reply to a message in Mutt, Mutt drops me into a text editor session with pre-populated reply headers, like this:
1: From: Steve HHH <>
2: To: Jonny Appleseed <>
3: Cc:
4: Bcc:
5: Subject: Re: Good morning
6: Reply-To:
7: In-Reply-To: <>
9: On Mon, Sep 29, 2014 at 11:52:04AM -0700, Jonny Appleseed wrote:
10: > LOL
My mistake was to start typing the reply on line one. Mutt needs those headers on lines 1-7 (and the newline on line 8?) to stay intact. If I enter my reply on line nine, the reply fields are correctly populated when I exit the editor and arrive at the Compose menu.