Best way to feature select using PCA (discussion) - pca

Component: PC
loading-score[i,j]: the j feature in PC[i]
I know the question regarding feature selection is asked several times here at StackOverflow (SO) and on other tech-pages, and it proposes different answers/discussion. That is why I want to open a discussion for the different solutions, and not post it as a general question since that has been done.
Different methods are proposed for feature selection using PCA: For instance using the dot product between the original features and the components (here) to get their correlation, a discussion at SO here suggests that you can only talk about important features as loading-scores in a component (and not use that importance in the input space), and another discussion at SO (which I cannot find at the moment) suggest that the importance for feature[j] would be abs(sum(loading_score[:,j]) i.e the sum of the absolute value of loading_score[i,j] for all i components.
I personally would think that a way to get the importance of a feature would be an absolute sum where each loading_score[i,j] is weighted by the explained variance of component i i.e
imp_feature[j]=sum_i (abs(loading_score[i,j])*explained_variance[i].

Well, there is no universal way to select features; it totally depends on the dataset and some insights available about the dataset. I will provide some examples which might be helpful.
Since you asked about PCA, initially it separates the whole dataset into two sets under which the variances. On the other ICA (Independent Component Analysis) is able to extract multiple features simultaneously. Look at this example,
In this example, we mix three independent signals and try to separate out them using ICA and PCA. In this case, ICA is doing it a better way than PCA. In general, if you search Blind Souce Separation (BSS) you may find more information about this. Besides, in this example, we know the independent components thus, separation is easy. In general, we do not know the number of components. Hence, you may have to guess based on some prior information about the dataset. Also, you may use LDA (Linear Discriminate Analysis) to reduce the number of features.
Once you extract PC components using any of the techniques, following way we can visualize it. If we assume, those extracted components as random variables i.e., x, y, z
More information about you may refer to this original source where I took about two figures.
Coming back to your proposition,
imp_feature[j]=sum_i (abs(loading_score[i,j])*explained_variance[i]
I would not recommend this way due to the following reasons:
abs(loading_score[i,j]) when we get absolute values you may loose positive or negative correlations of considered features. explained_variance[i] may be used to find the correlation between features, but multiplying does not make any sense.
In PCA, each component has its explained variance. Explained variance is the ratio between individual component variance and total variance(sum of all individual components variances). Feature significance can be measured by magnitude of explained variance.
All in all, what I want to say, feature selection totally depends on the dataset and the significance of features. PCA is just one technique. Frist understand the properties of features and the dataset. Then, try to extract features. Hope this helps. If you can provide us with an exact example, we may provide more insights.


Sentiment analysis feature extraction

I am new to NLP and feature extraction, i wish to create a machine learning model that can determine the sentiment of stock related social media posts. For feature extraction of my dataset I have opted to use Word2Vec. My question is:
Is it important to train my word2vec model on a corpus of stock related social media posts - the datasets that are available for this are not very large. Should I just use a much larger pretrained word vector ?
The only way to to tell what will work better for your goals, within your constraints of data/resources/time, is to try alternate approaches & compare the results on a repeatable quantititave evaluation.
Having training texts that are properly representative of your domain-of-interest can be quite important. You may need your representation of the word 'interest', for example, to represent that of stock/financial world, rather than the more general sense of the word.
But quantity of data is also quite important. With smaller datasets, none of your words may get great vectors, and words important to evaluating new posts may be missing or of very-poor quality. In some cases taking some pretrained set-of-vectors, with its larger vocabulary & sharper (but slightly-mismatched to domain) word-senses may be a net help.
Because these pull in different directions, there's no general answer. It will depend on your data, goals, limits, & skills. Only trying a range of alternative approaches, and comparing them, will tell you what should be done for your situation.
As this iterative, comparative experimental pattern repeats endlessly as your projects & knowledge grow – it's what the experts do! – it's also important to learn, & practice. There's no authority you can ask for any certain answer to many of these tradeoff questions.
Other observations on what you've said:
If you don't have a large dataset of posts, and well-labeled 'ground truth' for sentiment, your results may not be good. All these techniques benefit from larger training sets.
Sentiment analysis is often approached as a classification problem (assigning texts to bins of 'positive' or 'negative' sentiment, operhaps of multiple intensities) or a regression problem (assigning texts a value on numerical scale). There are many more-simple ways to create features for such processes that do not involve word2vec vectors – a somewhat more-advanced technique, which adds complexity. (In particular, word-vectors only give you features for individual words, not texts of many words, unless you add some other choices/steps.) If new to the sentiment-analysis domain, I would recommend against starting with word-vector features. Only consider adding them later, after you've achieved some initial baseline results without their extra complexity/choices. At that point, you'll also be able to tell if they're helping or not.

Set-to-Subset point cloud matching

I have two point clouds, in 3d coordinates. One is a subset of the other, containing many less points. They are in the same scale.
What i need to do is find the translation and rotation between the two. I have looked at Point cloud Library, "Iterative closest point", and Coherent Point Drift, but these matching approaches both seem to expect the two point sets to contain mostly the same points, not have one be a smaller, subset of the other.
Can i use either of these, with adjustments? Or is there another algorithm to match a subset point cloud to a set?
Thank you.
Without having access to sample data, is kind of hard to recommend you a specific registration algorithm.
However, I'm pretty exicted nowdays about all the new "data-driven" registration approaches.
From my personal experience, I'm having awesome registration results using the approach of this recent paper:
Wich has source code avaliable here:
As reported in the paper, it outperforms pcl-descriptor based registration approaches and I think that it may be suitable for your needs.

Choosing the best subset of features

I want to choose the best feature subset available that distinguish two classes to be fed into a statistical framework that I have built, where features are not independent.
After looking at the feature selection methods on machine learning it seems that it fall into three different categories: Filter,wrapper and Embedded methods. and the filter methods can be either: univariate or multivariate. It does make sense to use either Filter(multivariate) or wrapper methods because both -as I understood- looks for the best subset, however, as I am not using a classifier how can use it ?
Does it make sense to apply such methods (e.g. Recursive feature
elimination ) to DT or Random Forest classifier where the features
have rules there, and then take the resulted best subset and fed it
into my framework ?**
Also, as most of the algorithms provided by Scikit-learn are
univariate algorithms, Is there any other python-based libraries
that provide more subset feature selection algorithms ?
I think the statement that "most of the algorithms provided by Scikit-learn are univariate algorithms" is false. Scikit-learn handles multi-dimensional data very nicely. The RandomForestClassifier that they provide will give you an estimate of feature importance.
Another way to estimate feature importance is to choose any classifier that you like, train it and estimate performance on a validation set. Record the accuracy and this will be your baseline. Then take that same train/validation split and randomly permute all values along one feature dimension. Then train and validate again. Record the difference of this accuracy from your baseline. Repeat this for all feature dimensions. The results will be a list of numbers for each feature dimension that indicates its importance.
You can extend this to use pairs, or triples of feature dimensions, but the computational cost will grow quickly. If you're features are highly correlated you may benefit from doing this for at least the pairwise case.
Here is the source document of where I learned that trick:
(It should work for classifiers other than Random Forests.)

Two way clustering in ordered logit model, restricting rstudent to mitigate outlier effects

I have an ordered dependent variable (1 through 21) and continuous independent variables. I need to run the ordered logit model, clustering by firm and time, eliminating outliers with Studentized Residuals <-2.5 or > 2.5. I just know ologit command and some options for the command; however, I have no idea about how to do two way clustering and eliminate outliers with studentized residuals:
ologit rating3 securitized retained, cluster(firm)
As far as I know, two way clustering has only been extended to a few estimation commands (like ivreg2 from scc and tobit/logit/probit here). Eliminating outliers can easily be done on your own and there's no automated way of doing it.
Use the logit2.ado from the link Dimitriy gave (Mitchell Petersen's website) and modify it to use the ologit command. It's simple enough to do with a little trial and error. Good luck!
If you have a variable with 21 ordinal categories, I would have no problems treating that as a continuous one. If you want to back that up somehow, I wrote a paper on welfare measurement with ordinal variables, see DOI:10.1111/j.1475-4991.2008.00309.x. Then you can use ivreg2. You should be aware of all the issues involved with that estimator, in particular, that it implicitly assumed that the correlations are fully modeled by this two-way structure, and observations for firms i and j and times t and s are definitely uncorrelated for i!=j and t!=s. Sometimes, this is a strong assumption to make -- i.e., New York and New Jersey may be correlated in 2010, but New York 2010 is uncorrelated with New Jersey 2009.
I have no idea of what you might mean by ordinal outliers. Somebody must have piled a bunch of dissertation advice (or worse analysis requests) without really trying to make sense of every bit.

appropriate minimum support for itemset?

Please suggest me for any kind material about appropriate minimum support and confidence for itemset!
::i use apriori algorithm to search frequent itemset. i still don't know appropriate support and confidence for itemset. i wish to know what kinds of considerations to decide how big is the support.
The answer is that the appropriate values depends on the data.
For some datasets, the best value may be 0.5. But for some other datasets it may be 0.05. It depends on the data.
But if you set minsup =0 and minconf = 0, some algorithms will run out of memory before terminating, or you may run out of disk space because there is too many patterns.
From my experience, the best way to choose minsup and minconf is to start with a high value and then to lower them down gradually until you find enough patterns.
Alternatively, if you don't want to have to set minsup, you can use a top-k algorithms where instead of specifying minsup, you specify for example that you want the k most frequent rules. For example, k = 1000 rules.
If you are interested by top-k association rule mining, you can check my Java code here:
The algorithm is called TopKRules and the article describing it will be published next month.
Besides that, you need to know that there is many other interestingness measures beside the support and confidence: lift, all-confidence, ... To know more about this, you can read this article: "On selecting interestingness measures for association rules" and "A Survey of Interestingness Measures for Association Rules" Basically, all measures have some problems in some cases... no measure is perfect.
Hope this helps!
In any association rule mining algorithm, including Apriori, it is up to the user to decide what support and confidence values they want to provide. Depending on your dataset and your objectives you decide the minSup and minConf.
Obviously, if you set these values lower, then your algorithm will take longer to execute and you will get a lot of results.
The minimum support and minimum confidence parameters are a user preference. If you want a larger quantity of results (with lower statistical confidence), choose the parameters appropriately. In theory you can set them to 0. The algorithm will run, but it will take a long time, and the result will not be particularly useful, as it contains just about anything.
So choose them so that the result suit your needs. Mathematically, any value is "correct".