Regex beginner question - Number combination not found - regex

I'm using RegexPal to crosscheck my Regex.
I'm trying to extract phone numbers from text. German Phone numbers typically have one of the following formats:
0 0000 000000
+49 0000 000000
00000 000000
+490000 000000
0000 - 00 00 00 00
+49000 - 00 00 00 00
0000 - 00000000
+49000 - 00000000
I have constructed the following RegEx to test the phone numbers
The last two layouts get detected, while the second last doe not. Could anyone explain this to me? Specifically the last space removes the last pair for some reason.
00 00 00 00 vs
with this RegEx:
The last one gets detected, the first one does not.
Edit 2: With (+49|0) I meant +49 OR 0. Replaced for clarity.

Your version with corrections:
(\+\d{2}|\d)[ \/-]?\d{3,4}([ \/-]|( - ))?(\d{2} ?){3,4}
1) Don't use \s. It also means the new line.
2) One ? is enough.
3) / may need \ inside []. Not in browsers.
4) No need to use [] for only one symbol.
All your variants:
console.log(`0 0000 000000
00000 000000
0000 - 00 00 00 00
+49000 - 00000000
+49 0000 000000
+490000 000000
+49000 - 00 00 00 00
+49000 - 00000000`.match(/(\+\d{2}|\d)[ \/-]?\d{3,4}([ \/-]|( - ))?(\d{2} ?){3,4}/g))

reason is because of the ?? syntax
says match if can but preferr not to
a good rx engin that is it is says ok then
only need to stop when in the quantified range and so it
doesn't have to match a space due to the ??.
You'll notice if there is a space on the 3 rd time, the
engine will stop because it's met the minimum (3) and it doesn't
want to match that space.
See it in this example where this (\d{2}\s??){3,4} only matches this
00 00 00 00
000000 00
And the reason it matches 00000000 is there is no space
just before the last 00.
It would match 00 00 0000 for that very reason too.
this ?? preference of no match almost always results in not
matching when it is the last sub-expression in regex.
so the engine really sees this \d{2}\s?? as the sub expression that is
quantified. it only will match 3 times because ?? forces it to stop
after seeing a space before the last 000000 00 and meeting the minimal
3 in {3,4}
Steer clear of this if possible.

You could use the following regular expression for verifying the telephone numbers.
(?m)^(?:\(\+49\|\d\)(?: ?\d{4} \d{6}|\d{3} - (?:\d{2}(?: \d{2}){3}|\d{8}))|\d{5}\/\d{6})$
I used the PCRE regex engine for testing, there's nothing fancy about the regex so it should work with most engines.
The regex engine performs the following operations. (I've put each space in a character class to make them more apparent.)
(?m) multiline mode
^ match beginning of line
(?: begin non-capure group
\(\+49\|\d\) match '(+49|', 1 digit, ')'
(?: begin non-capture group
[ ]?\d{4}[ ]\d{6} match ' ', 4 digits, ' ', 6 digits
| or
\d{3}[ ]-[ ] match 3 digits, ' - '
(?: begin non-capture group
\d{2} match 2 digits
(?:[ ]\d{2}) match ' ', 2 digits in non-capture gruop
{3} execute non-capture group 3 times
| or
\d{8} match 8 digits
) end non-capture group
) end non-capture group
| or
\d{5}\/\d{6} match 5 digits, '/', 6 digits
) end non-capture group
$ match end-of-line


Regex with Named Capture Group

I am trying to update a regex pattern to include a Named Capture Group. Currently, this regex pattern:
correctly returns 4 matches from this sample text:
43 42 040 012 036 00
43 42 090 037 124 00
53 07 010 005 124 00
06-14 301-830-081-49
When I revised the pattern to add a Named Capture Group it only returns 3 matches and misses the last one.
How can I keep the Named Capture Group but still return 4 matches ?
See example here.
Named capturing groups are still assigned numeric IDs. That is, (?<myPattern>[a-z]+)(\d+) contains two groups, the first one - with ID 1 - is "myPattern" group matching one or more lowercase letters, and the second group is \d+, with ID 2.
In your case, the problem arises due to the use of the \1 backreference later in the pattern. It refers to "myPattern" group value now, so the matching is incorrect.
To fix the issue, you need to replace \1 to the corresponding group, \2:
See the regex demo.

How to remove everything except "01 - 10" pattern and vice-versa?

I want to remove everything including digits, characters, special characters from a file except 01 - 10 pattern. For example:
01 - 10
This is the first one :1
02 - 20
This is the second one -2
03 - 30
This is the third one "3
04 - 40
This is the forth one ;4
05 - 50
This is the fifth one .5
The regex that I have used is [^\d\d\s-\s\d\d], keeping in mind to match everything except "01 - 10" pattern by selecting \d\d\s-\d\d and using character set charet(^).
But using this I'm getting:
01 - 10
02 - 20
03 - 30
04 - 40
05 - 50
But I want the result to be:
01 - 10
02 - 20
03 - 30
04 - 40
05 - 50
I.E., I want, 01 - 10 pattern and, not to include any individual :1 and -2 and "3 and ;4 and .5 as mentioned in the problem at the top.
And vice versa i.e. to select each line except the "01 - 10" pattern
This is the first one :1
This is the second one -2
This is the third one "3
This is the forth one ;4
This is the fifth one .5
I want to know the regex pattern for 01 - 10 case and vice versa so that I can keep both the separately generated results in separate files.
You may use this regex:
RegEx Demo
RegEx Details:
^: Start
(?!: Start negative lookahead
\d{2}: Match 2 digits
\h*[:-]\h*: Match 0 or more horizontal whitespaces followed by : or - followed by 0 or more horizontal whitespaces
\d{2}: Match 2 digits
\h*: Match 0 or more whitespaces
$: End of the line
): End negative lookahead
.*: Match anything
[\r\n]: Match 1+ of line breaks
Replacement is an empty string to remove all matching lines
Reverse Removal
To remove digit pair lines you can use:
RegEx Demo 2
Use this:

Regex Get Value before string or number

I would like to ask is that possible to get digit or string after The word.
Abc ddd 1 0.4 44 USD 99 00 99
cc gg 1 0.4 445 66 USD 100 00 999
bb dd xx cc 56 78 99 65 35.45 USD 99 00 88 66 99
Out put target any value before USD
meaning that any value before USD.
Try using below code but couldnt get
Your regex attempts to match one or more non-whitespace chars that are immediately preceded with USD + a whitespace + one or more digits. However, you need to get the numbers that are to the left of the USD substring.
You can use a lookahead based solution here:
See the regex demo.
\d+(?:\.\d+)? - one or more digits followed with an optional sequence of a dot and one or more digits
(?=\s+USD\b) - the positive lookahead makes sure there are
\s+ - one or more whitespace chars
USD\b - and an USD substring as a whole word (as \b is a word boundary).

Regex capture consecutive numbers in a pattern

Trying to extract the numbers from a string of pattern:
<Some Alphanumeric> <numbers> X <numbers> <Some Alphanumeric>
I 00 Crazy 060 X 0140 08 Dance 47
should extract the numbers 060 and 0140 and the text I 00 Crazy and 08 Dance 47
I'm using the following Regex:
However this isn't working on the first number preceding the X, it's only capturing 0 instead of 060 but captures the second number 0140 correctly.
\d{1,3} should be a greedy capture of digits between 1 and 3 in length - so what am I missing here?
This should work,
Here, \b asserts position at a word boundary (^\w|\w$|\W\w|\w\W)

Regular Exp to validate for Zero's

I have to validate for zero values in my text field, the length of text field is 4 chrs.
If the user enters 0 or 00 or 000 or 0000. this should fail.
presently i have written exp to validate values below 7500 which will also accept 0000.
please help me to tweek this to fail for 0 or 00 or 000 or 0000 values.
Thanks Punith
^ # Start of string
(?: # Either match...
[1-9]\d{0,2} # 1-999
| # or
[1-6]\d{3} # 1000-6999
| # or
7[0-4]\d{2} # 7000-7499
| # or
7500 # 7500
) # End of alternation
$ # End of string
If you want to allow leading zeroes, then you can add 0* right after the ^. But then the length restriction to four digits is lost, of course.