How to get the ID of record in another html? - django

why i cant get the ID of payment type, even i already print the ID in the html?
in my first html (elementary.html) I have this code
<select name="gradelevel" id="gradelevel" onchange="ChangeYearList(this.value)">
<option">-- Education Level --</option>
{% for ylvl in edulevel %}
<option value="{{}}">{{ylvl.Description}}</option>
{% endfor %}
<div id="txtHint" class="scale-in-center" width="100%"></div>
function ChangeYearList(str) {
var xhttp;
var x = document.getElementById("gradelevel").value;
if (str == "") {
document.getElementById("txtHint").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = x;
xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {
document.getElementById("txtHint").innerHTML = this.responseText;
};"GET", "{% url 'paymentElementary' %}?payments_ID="+str, true);
this is my
def paymentElementary(request):
paymentsid = request.GET.get('payments_ID')
payment = ScheduleOfPayment.objects.filter(Education_Levels=paymentsid).order_by('Payment_Type').distinct('Payment_Type')
return render(request, 'accounts/paymentElementary.html', {"payment":payment})
This is my second html (paymentElementary.html)
<select id="payments" name ="payments">
<option value="0">-- Payment Type --</option>
{% for paymentschedule in payment %}
<option value="{{}}">{{}}. {{paymentschedule.Payment_Type}}</option>
{% endfor%}
this is what it looks like in web view
it works like a charm. but when i tried to save it into my database
id = request.POST.get('payments')
payment = PaymentType(id=id)
V_insert_data = StudentsEnrollmentRecord.objects.create(
this is the error
this is the full traceback

update file in this way
def paymentElementary(request):
paymentsid = request.GET.get('payments_ID')
payment = ScheduleOfPayment.objects.get(Education_Levels=paymentsid).order_by('Payment_Type').distinct('Payment_Type')
return render(request, 'accounts/paymentElementary.html', {"payment":payment})


Django - get table data from templates into

I am making a restaurant application and currently working on takeaway food functionality i.e. user orders food online.
I am displaying food items from my postgresql database onto my takeaway.html template and assigning each food item a class. Each food item will have an 'add to basket' button, JavaScript provides all functionality related to the basket.
I have found some resources that mention using the GET method with a form but I'm still not too sure. I am curious as to how I can access this 'basket' in my and be able to put the values into my database.
I wish to access the food name, quantity and the price from the table if possible. Any resources or help would be greatly appreciated.
<div class="col-sm-12 my-auto">
{% for starter in starters %}
<div id="{{ }}">
<span class="food-item-name">{{ }}</span>
<div class="food-item-details">
<p>{{ starter.description }}</p>
<p class="food-item-price">{{ starter.price }}</p>
<p>{% for a in starter.allergen.all %}{{ }} | {% endfor %}</p>
<button class="add-item-button" onclick="addToBasket(this)">Add to Basket</button>
{% endfor %}
{% for m in mains %}
<div id="{{ }}">
<span class="food-item-name">{{ }}</span>
<div class="food-item-details">
<p>{{ m.description }}</p>
<p class="food-item-price">{{ m.price }}</p>
<p>{% for a in m.allergen.all %}{{ }} | {% endfor %}</p>
<button class="add-item-button" onclick="addToBasket(this)">Add to Basket</button>
{% endfor %}
<form method="get">
<table id="basket" style="border: 1px solid black">
<th>Total Price of Item(s)</th>
<h3 id="basket-total-price">0.0</h3>
<button type="submit">submit</button>
function addToBasket(selected)
const id = selected.parentElement.parentElement;
const itemName = id.getElementsByClassName("food-item-name")[0].innerText;
const itemPrice = id.getElementsByClassName("food-item-price")[0].innerText;
// check if item already in basket
if (check(itemName))
const basketTable = document.getElementById("basket");
const rowCount = basketTable.rows.length;
const row = basketTable.insertRow(rowCount);
const basketRowName = row.insertCell(0);
const basketRowQuantity = row.insertCell(1);
const basketRowPrice = row.insertCell(2)
const basketRowTotalPrice = row.insertCell(3);
basketRowName.className = "basket-item-name";
basketRowQuantity.className = "basket-item-quantity";
basketRowPrice.className = "basket-item-price";
basketRowTotalPrice.className = "basket-item-total-price";
basketRowName.innerText = itemName;
basketRowPrice.innerText = itemPrice;
basketRowQuantity.innerText = "1";
// check if item already in basket
function check(itemName)
const basketTable = document.getElementById("basket");
for(let i = 0; i < basketTable.rows.length; i++)
if (basketTable.rows[i].cells[0].innerHTML === itemName)
return true;
// update quantity field for item
function updateQuantity(itemName)
const basketTable = document.getElementById("basket");
for(let i = 0; i < basketTable.rows.length; i++)
if (basketTable.rows[i].cells[0].innerHTML === itemName){
const itemQuantity = basketTable.rows[i].getElementsByClassName("basket-item-quantity")[0];
let quantity = Number(itemQuantity.innerText);
quantity += 1;
itemQuantity.innerText = quantity;
// update price for item and total basket
function updateItemPrice(itemName)
const basketTable = document.getElementById("basket");
let itemTotal = 0;
let basketTotal = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < basketTable.rows.length; i++)
if (basketTable.rows[i].cells[0].innerHTML === itemName)
let itemPrice = basketTable.rows[i].getElementsByClassName("basket-item-price")[0];
let itemQuantity = basketTable.rows[i].getElementsByClassName("basket-item-quantity")[0];
let itemPriceTotal = basketTable.rows[i].getElementsByClassName("basket-item-total-price")[0];
let overall = document.getElementById("basket-total-price");
let current_price = parseFloat(overall.innerText);
// update price for items x quantity
itemTotal = parseFloat(itemPrice.innerText) * parseInt(itemQuantity.innerText);
itemPriceTotal.innerText = ""+ itemTotal;
// update basket total price
basketTotal = current_price + itemTotal;
overall.innerHTML = ""+basketTotal

Request.files 400 Bad Request in flask

flask with a project in my project I'm uploading an application I'm developing. I have 2 image upload areas. I don't have any trouble when I load 2. 400 Bad Request: KeyError: I get an error in the 'gelinFoto' style when I upload an image or when I push the send button when I never load it. Where am I making a mistake?
def admin():
form = KisiForm(request.form)
if request.method == "POST":
gelinFoto = request.files['gelinFoto']
damatFoto = request.files['damatFoto']
if gelinFoto or damatFoto:
yol = app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'] + whuser
yol = yol + '/profil'
gfilename = secure_filename(gelinFoto.filename)
dfilename = secure_filename(damatFoto.filename), gfilename)), dfilename))
kisi = bilgi(gelinFoto = gfilename, damatFoto = dfilename)
return redirect(url_for("admin"))
return render_template("admin/index.html",form=form)
<form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" class="col-12">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="exampleFormControlFile1">Gelinin Fotoğrafı : </label>
<div class="upload">
<img src="{{ url_for('static', filename='admin/images/upload.png') }}" class="uploadImage" alt="">{{ render_field(form.gelinFoto,id="gelinFoto",class="gdfoto",accept=".png,.jpg,.jpeg") }} </div>
<small id="emailHelp" class="form-text text-muted">Gelinin fotoğrafını yükleyiniz.</small>
<div class="form-group">
<label for="exampleFormControlFile1">Damatın Fotoğrafı : </label>
<div class="upload"><img src="{{ url_for('static', filename='admin/images/upload.png') }}" class="uploadImage" alt="">{{ render_field(form.damatFoto,id="damatFoto",class="gdfoto",accept=".png,.jpg,.jpeg") }}
<small id="emailHelp" class="form-text text-muted">Damatın fotoğrafını yükleyiniz.</small>
In your view you have both
gelinFoto = request.files['gelinFoto']
damatFoto = request.files['damatFoto']
This is why you get that error
When the file is not provided, then there is no request.files['gelinFoto'] for example, and Python tries to look it up, but it can't cause there is no key named gelinFoto!
The simplest trick is defining theme like this:
gelinFoto = request.files.get('gelinFoto', None)
damatFoto = request.files.get('damatFoto', None)
This way it uses an inline condition to get the keys, if they are not provided, then it sets the value None
Later in your code I see you did that again,
if gelinFoto or damatFoto:
# ... Your other coders
gfilename = secure_filename(gelinFoto.filename)
dfilename = secure_filename(damatFoto.filename), gfilename)), dfilename))
It's wrong, you are checking with it with or and then u except both to be not None !!
It's better to do the operation for each one separately, like:
if gelinFoto:
yol = app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'] + whuser
yol = yol + '/profil'
gfilename = secure_filename(gelinFoto.filename), gfilename)
if damatFoto:
yol = app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'] + whuser
yol = yol + '/profil'
dfilename = secure_filename(damatFoto.filename), dfilename)
# I'm not sure if there is a better way to do this but about kisi line This is the best that came up to me ( ofcourse there are better ways )
if gelinFoto and damatFoto:
kisi = bilgi(gelinFoto = gfilename, damatFoto = dfilename)
elif gelinFoto:
kisi = bilgi(gelinFoto = gfilename)
elif damatFoto:
kisi = bilgi(damatFoto = dfilename)

Django language selection from dropdown (links and images)

I could use this code:
<form action="{% url 'set_language' %}" method="post">{% csrf_token %}
<input name="next" type="hidden" value="{{ redirect_to }}" />
<select name="language">
{% get_current_language as LANGUAGE_CODE %}
<option value='it' {% if 'it' == LANGUAGE_CODE %} selected{% endif %}> Italiano</option>
<option value='en' {% if 'en' == LANGUAGE_CODE %} selected{% endif %}> English</option>
<input type="submit" value="Go" />
It works translating my page without changing the url.
But I don't like how it look, I prefer a dropdown menù (it look better in my toolbar, also I can add images). I tried many things until I found this:
<a class='dropdown-toggle' data-toggle='dropdown' role='button'
aria-expanded='false'>Lingua<span class='caret'></span></a>
<ul class='dropdown-menu' role='menu'>
<li><a href="/it{{ request.get_full_path }}" class='language' lang='it'><img width='16' height='12' src="{% static 'icons/italian.png' %}" alt='Italiano' /> Italiano</a></li>
<li><a href="/en{{ request.get_full_path }}" class='language' lang='en'><img width='16' height='12' src="{% static 'icons/english.png' %}" alt='English' /> English</a></li>
but this add a prefix to my url (it/ or en/) and my url haven't prefix, so it gives page not found 404.
Is there a way to use the standard django view with a dropdown menù?
Edit: here the django translation code, maybe it helps:
import warnings
from django.conf import settings
from django.conf.urls import patterns, url
from django.core.urlresolvers import LocaleRegexURLResolver
from django.utils import six
from django.utils.deprecation import RemovedInDjango110Warning
from django.views.i18n import set_language
def i18n_patterns(prefix, *args):
Adds the language code prefix to every URL pattern within this
function. This may only be used in the root URLconf, not in an included
if isinstance(prefix, six.string_types):
"Calling i18n_patterns() with the `prefix` argument and with tuples "
"instead of django.conf.urls.url() instances is deprecated and "
"will no longer work in Django 1.10. Use a list of "
"django.conf.urls.url() instances instead.",
RemovedInDjango110Warning, stacklevel=2
pattern_list = patterns(prefix, *args)
pattern_list = [prefix] + list(args)
if not settings.USE_I18N:
return pattern_list
return [LocaleRegexURLResolver(pattern_list)]
urlpatterns = [
url(r'^setlang/$', set_language, name='set_language'),
import gettext as gettext_module
import importlib
import json
import os
from django import http
from django.apps import apps
from django.conf import settings
from django.core.urlresolvers import translate_url
from django.template import Context, Engine
from django.utils import six
from django.utils._os import upath
from django.utils.encoding import smart_text
from django.utils.formats import get_format, get_format_modules
from django.utils.http import is_safe_url
from django.utils.translation import (
LANGUAGE_SESSION_KEY, check_for_language, get_language, to_locale,
DEFAULT_PACKAGES = ['django.conf']
def set_language(request):
Redirect to a given url while setting the chosen language in the
session or cookie. The url and the language code need to be
specified in the request parameters.
Since this view changes how the user will see the rest of the site, it must
only be accessed as a POST request. If called as a GET request, it will
redirect to the page in the request (the 'next' parameter) without changing
any state.
next = request.POST.get('next', request.GET.get('next'))
if not is_safe_url(url=next, host=request.get_host()):
next = request.META.get('HTTP_REFERER')
if not is_safe_url(url=next, host=request.get_host()):
next = '/'
response = http.HttpResponseRedirect(next)
if request.method == 'POST':
lang_code = request.POST.get(LANGUAGE_QUERY_PARAMETER)
if lang_code and check_for_language(lang_code):
next_trans = translate_url(next, lang_code)
if next_trans != next:
response = http.HttpResponseRedirect(next_trans)
if hasattr(request, 'session'):
request.session[LANGUAGE_SESSION_KEY] = lang_code
response.set_cookie(settings.LANGUAGE_COOKIE_NAME, lang_code,
return response
def get_formats():
Returns all formats strings required for i18n to work
result = {}
for module in [settings] + get_format_modules(reverse=True):
for attr in FORMAT_SETTINGS:
result[attr] = get_format(attr)
formats = {}
for k, v in result.items():
if isinstance(v, (six.string_types, int)):
formats[k] = smart_text(v)
elif isinstance(v, (tuple, list)):
formats[k] = [smart_text(value) for value in v]
return formats
js_catalog_template = r"""
{% autoescape off %}
(function(globals) {
var django = globals.django || (globals.django = {});
{% if plural %}
django.pluralidx = function(n) {
var v={{ plural }};
if (typeof(v) == 'boolean') {
return v ? 1 : 0;
} else {
return v;
{% else %}
django.pluralidx = function(count) { return (count == 1) ? 0 : 1; };
{% endif %}
/* gettext library */
django.catalog = django.catalog || {};
{% if catalog_str %}
var newcatalog = {{ catalog_str }};
for (var key in newcatalog) {
django.catalog[key] = newcatalog[key];
{% endif %}
if (!django.jsi18n_initialized) {
django.gettext = function(msgid) {
var value = django.catalog[msgid];
if (typeof(value) == 'undefined') {
return msgid;
} else {
return (typeof(value) == 'string') ? value : value[0];
django.ngettext = function(singular, plural, count) {
var value = django.catalog[singular];
if (typeof(value) == 'undefined') {
return (count == 1) ? singular : plural;
} else {
return value[django.pluralidx(count)];
django.gettext_noop = function(msgid) { return msgid; };
django.pgettext = function(context, msgid) {
var value = django.gettext(context + '\x04' + msgid);
if (value.indexOf('\x04') != -1) {
value = msgid;
return value;
django.npgettext = function(context, singular, plural, count) {
var value = django.ngettext(context + '\x04' + singular, context + '\x04' + plural, count);
if (value.indexOf('\x04') != -1) {
value = django.ngettext(singular, plural, count);
return value;
django.interpolate = function(fmt, obj, named) {
if (named) {
return fmt.replace(/%\(\w+\)s/g, function(match){return String(obj[match.slice(2,-2)])});
} else {
return fmt.replace(/%s/g, function(match){return String(obj.shift())});
/* formatting library */
django.formats = {{ formats_str }};
django.get_format = function(format_type) {
var value = django.formats[format_type];
if (typeof(value) == 'undefined') {
return format_type;
} else {
return value;
/* add to global namespace */
globals.pluralidx = django.pluralidx;
globals.gettext = django.gettext;
globals.ngettext = django.ngettext;
globals.gettext_noop = django.gettext_noop;
globals.pgettext = django.pgettext;
globals.npgettext = django.npgettext;
globals.interpolate = django.interpolate;
globals.get_format = django.get_format;
django.jsi18n_initialized = true;
{% endautoescape %}
def render_javascript_catalog(catalog=None, plural=None):
template = Engine().from_string(js_catalog_template)
indent = lambda s: s.replace('\n', '\n ')
context = Context({
'catalog_str': indent(json.dumps(
catalog, sort_keys=True, indent=2)) if catalog else None,
'formats_str': indent(json.dumps(
get_formats(), sort_keys=True, indent=2)),
'plural': plural,
return http.HttpResponse(template.render(context), 'text/javascript')
def get_javascript_catalog(locale, domain, packages):
default_locale = to_locale(settings.LANGUAGE_CODE)
app_configs = apps.get_app_configs()
allowable_packages = set( for app_config in app_configs)
packages = [p for p in packages if p in allowable_packages]
t = {}
paths = []
en_selected = locale.startswith('en')
en_catalog_missing = True
# paths of requested packages
for package in packages:
p = importlib.import_module(package)
path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(upath(p.__file__)), 'locale')
# add the filesystem paths listed in the LOCALE_PATHS setting
# first load all english languages files for defaults
for path in paths:
catalog = gettext_module.translation(domain, path, ['en'])
except IOError:
# 'en' is the selected language and at least one of the packages
# listed in `packages` has an 'en' catalog
if en_selected:
en_catalog_missing = False
# next load the settings.LANGUAGE_CODE translations if it isn't english
if default_locale != 'en':
for path in paths:
catalog = gettext_module.translation(domain, path, [default_locale])
except IOError:
catalog = None
if catalog is not None:
# last load the currently selected language, if it isn't identical to the default.
if locale != default_locale:
# If the currently selected language is English but it doesn't have a
# translation catalog (presumably due to being the language translated
# from) then a wrong language catalog might have been loaded in the
# previous step. It needs to be discarded.
if en_selected and en_catalog_missing:
t = {}
locale_t = {}
for path in paths:
catalog = gettext_module.translation(domain, path, [locale])
except IOError:
catalog = None
if catalog is not None:
if locale_t:
t = locale_t
plural = None
if '' in t:
for l in t[''].split('\n'):
if l.startswith('Plural-Forms:'):
plural = l.split(':', 1)[1].strip()
if plural is not None:
# this should actually be a compiled function of a typical plural-form:
# Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 :
# n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;
plural = [el.strip() for el in plural.split(';') if el.strip().startswith('plural=')][0].split('=', 1)[1]
pdict = {}
maxcnts = {}
catalog = {}
for k, v in t.items():
if k == '':
if isinstance(k, six.string_types):
catalog[k] = v
elif isinstance(k, tuple):
msgid = k[0]
cnt = k[1]
maxcnts[msgid] = max(cnt, maxcnts.get(msgid, 0))
pdict.setdefault(msgid, {})[cnt] = v
raise TypeError(k)
for k, v in pdict.items():
catalog[k] = [v.get(i, '') for i in range(maxcnts[msgid] + 1)]
return catalog, plural
I found a working solution, but please tell me if there is something wrong
<a class='dropdown-toggle' data-toggle='dropdown' role='button'
aria-expanded='false'>{% trans "Lingua" %}<span class='caret'></span></a>
<ul class='dropdown-menu' role='menu'>
<form name="languageIt" action="{% url 'set_language' %}" method="post">{% csrf_token %}
<input name="next" type="hidden" value="{{ redirect_to }}" />
<input name="language" type="hidden" value="it" />
<img width='16' height='12' src="{% static 'icons/italian.png' %}" alt='it' /> Italiano
<form name="languageEn" action="{% url 'set_language' %}" method="post">{% csrf_token %}
<input name="next" type="hidden" value="{{ redirect_to }}" />
<input name="language" type="hidden" value="en" />
<img width='16' height='12' src="{% static 'icons/english.png' %}" alt='en' /> English

How to update a specific value inside a dictionary using JQuery and Flask?

I've created a session list that contains my products, i need to update the quantity of any product by increasing it amount, for that am using an HTML type="number" , i also created a function which take the changed amount and multiplying it value with the current quantity, so lets say the amount of the first product by default is 2 by increasing the number lets say 2 the product amount will become 4 and so on, also the price will be multiplied .
Here are the codes:
<th style="text-align: center;" class="amount-izd">{{value["amount"]}}</th>
<th style="text-align: center; width: 14%;">
<div class="block">
<input type="number" id="myNumber" value="1" min=1 data-amount='{{value["amount"]}}' data-pros='{{value["id"]}}' data-price='
{% if g.currency == "euro" %}
{{format_price(value["price"] * config.SITE_CURRENCIES["euro"]).rsplit(".",1)[0]}}
{% elif g.currency == "dollar" %}
{{format_price(value["price"] * config.SITE_CURRENCIES["dollar"]).rsplit(".",1)[0]}}
{% else %}
{{format_price(value["price"] * config.SITE_CURRENCIES["ruble"]).rsplit(".",1)[0]}}
{% endif %}
<label for="myNumber">qty</label>
JQuery codes:
$("input[type='number']").bind('keyup change click', function (e) {
if (! $(this).data("previousValue") ||
$(this).data("previousValue") != $(this).val()
var currentAmount = $(this).attr('data-amount');
var currentPrice = $(this).attr('data-price');
$(this).closest('tr').find('.amount-izd').text(parseInt(currentAmount) * $(this).val());
$(this).closest('tr').find('.price-izd').text(parseInt(currentPrice) * $(this).val());
type: 'post',
url: '/standard-{{g.currency}}/profile/'+$(this).attr("data-pros")+'/update/price/' + parseInt(currentPrice) * $(this).val(),
cache: false
$(this).data("previousValue", $(this).val());
} else {
And finally :
#profile_route.route("/standard-<set_curr>/profile/cart/", methods=['GET','POST'])
def cart_products():
if "cart" not in session:
return render_template("my-cart.html", display_cart = {}, total = 0)
items = session["cart"]
dict_of_products = {}
total_price = 0
for item in items:
product = Goods.query.get(item)
total_price += product.price
if in dict_of_products:
dict_of_products[] = {"qty":1, "name":product.product_name, 'category', "sizes": product.sizes, "hex_color":product.hex_color, "text_color":product.text_color, "material":product.material, "article":product.article, "price":product.price, "sort": product.sort, "amount": product.amount, 'slug':product.slug, 'public_id' : product.public_id, "id"}
return render_template("my-cart.html", display_cart=dict_of_products, total = total_price)
#profile_route.route("/standard-<set_curr>/profile/<int:id>/update/price/<price>", methods=['GET','POST'])
def update_price(id, price):
items = session["cart"]
dict_of_products = {}
for item in items:
product = Goods.query.get(item)
if in dict_of_products:
dict_of_products[id]['price'] = price
return jsonify(success=dict_of_products[id]['price'])
return jsonify(error='No product found.')
If i changed the amount , in console i got a 500 error that says:
return jsonify(success=dict_of_products[id]['price'])
KeyError: 47
Please how to overcome this problem ?
I was wondering , is it possible to update any value of the dictionary by accessing it directly from JQuery ??

Add Calendar Widget to Django Form

I have a view on my website that uses a couple of Django forms to allow the user to specify a date range. I was able to get it so that one Django form creates a start and end field and that when the user clicks on those fields a calendar widget (from here) pops up that allows the user to select a date range. However, when the user selects the date range and hits "apply" the form fields aren't updated.
The form I'm using looks like this:
class DateRangeForm(forms.Form):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
initial_start_date = kwargs.pop('initial_start_date')
initial_end_date = kwargs.pop('initial_end_date')
required_val = kwargs.pop('required')
self.fields['start_date'].initial = initial_start_date
self.fields['start_date'].required = required_val
self.fields['end_date'].initial = initial_end_date
self.fields['end_date'].required = required_val
start_date = forms.DateField()
end_date = forms.DateField()
The view they are used in looks like this:
def table_search(request):
initial_start = "2015/2"
initial_end = "2015/222"
message = {'last_url':'table_search'}
if request.method == "POST":
daterange_form = DateRangeForm(request.POST,required=True,initial_start_date=initial_start,initial_end_date=initial_end)
daterange_form = DateRangeForm(required=True,initial_start_date=initial_start,initial_end_date=initial_end)
return render(request, 'InterfaceApp/table_search.html', search_dict)
The Django template here:
<div class="container">
<form action="/InterfaceApp/home/" method="post" class="form">
{% csrf_token %}
<div class="daterangepicker-container mcast-search-filter">
<div class="daterangepicker-label">Date range:</div>
<div id="daterange" class="daterangepicker-content">
{% bootstrap_form daterange_form %}
<i class="icon-calendar icon-large"></i>
// the start_date and end_date are the ids that django form fields created
locale: {
format: 'YYYY-MM-DD'
startDate: '{{daterange_form.start_date.value}}',
endDate: '{{daterange_form.end_date.value}}'
And the forms currently look like this (after #ShangWang suggestion) rendered:
Is there a way to display it so the start and end date fields show up? I tried changing the div class so it wasn't hidden, and then they showed up but seemed superfluous.
I use bootstrap-daterangepicker: It would bind the widget's change to your django form field, so you don't need to manipulate the data once it comes to the
To get more details you should download and play with it, but here's a rough idea:
class DateRangeForm(forms.Form):
start_date = forms.DateField()
end_date = forms.DateField()
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
# initialize the start and end with some dates
Your template:
<div class="daterangepicker-container mcast-search-filter">
<div class="daterangepicker-label">Date range:</div>
<div id="daterange" class="daterangepicker-content">
<i class="icon-calendar icon-large"></i>
<span></span> <b class="caret"></b>
<!-- This is a hidden div that holds your form fields -->
<div class="hide">From {{ daterange_form.start_date }} to {{ daterange_form.end_date }}</div>
To trigger the widget you need a javascript binding:
// the id_start_date and id_end_date are the ids that django form fields created
$("#daterange").initDateRangePicker("#id_start_date", "#id_end_date");
I created a datepicker wrapper, and defined the initDateRangePicker function. You should put following code in a file called daterangepicker.js and import that in your template as well(or simply copy it into your template):
(function($) {
$.fn.initDateRangePicker = function(start_date_el, end_date_el, future) {
return this.each(function() {
var start = moment($(start_date_el).val());
var end = moment($(end_date_el).val());
var display_date = function(start, end) {
var str = ""
str += start.format('MMMM Do, YYYY');
str += " - ";
str += end.format('MMMM Do, YYYY');
return str;
$(this).find("span").html(display_date(start, end));
var self = this;
if(!future) {
format: 'YYYY-MM-DD',
timePicker: false,
ranges: {
'Last 7 days': [moment().subtract('days', 6), moment()],
'Month to date': [
'Last Month': [
moment().subtract('month', 1).startOf('month'),
moment().subtract('month', 1).endOf('month'),
}, function(start, end) {
$(self).find("span").html(display_date(start, end));
else {
format: 'YYYY-MM-DD',
timePicker: false,
ranges: {
'Next 7 days': [moment().add('days', 1), moment().add('days', 7)],
'Next month': [
moment().add('month', 1).startOf('month'),
moment().add('month', 1).endOf('month'),
}, function(start, end) {
$(self).find("span").html(display_date(start, end));
}).call(this, jQuery);