Turn off Google Cloud Memorystore? - google-cloud-platform

This might be a stupid question.
I'm just curious. I'm new to Redis and would like to experiment with it.
However, I would like to turn the instance on and off whenever I am experimenting as I want to save on costs rather than have the instance running all the time.
But I don't see a stop button like other products such as compute.
Is there a reason for this?
Thank you

You won't be able to manage a Cloud Memorystore for Redis instance as a Compute Engine instance as they are different products with different billing requirements and therefore you can't stop a Cloud Memorystore for Redis instance.
If you are only interested in learning more about Redis you can always install Redis on a Compute Engine instance (see the following tutorial for a clear path as to how to accomplish this or this other tutorial as to how to accomplish this task using docker) and afterwards delete the Compute Engine instance in order for charges to stop accruing.

To avoid incurring charges to your Google Cloud account for the resources used in this quickstart:
Go to the Memorystore for Redis page in the Cloud Console.
Memorystore for Redis
Click the instance ID of the instance you want to delete.
Click the Delete button.
In the prompt that appears, enter the instance ID.
Click Delete.


How to use existing Compute Engine for Google Cloud Build?

How would you use an existing Compute Engine VM instance for a Google Cloud Build pipeline?
I know there's been a similar question in the past, however, the suggested answer is not really what I want - creating and then destroying a Compute Engine with every build.
In settings, Cloud Build allows you to enable "service account permissions" for Compute Engine (Compute Instance Admin (v1)), but I've found no information how to use that permission and service for running the build process with one of your predefined VM instances.
Or maybe I misunderstand the answer in the linked thread above and
COMMAND=sudo supervisorctl restart
actually restarts the existing VM supervisorctl? Any help would be appreciated.
You can't run a Cloud Build build on a GCE instance. The most customizable option you would have is to run the build on a private pool. But even in those cases it's always managed, you never have access to the underlying VM.
Another option would be to start a powerful GCE instance with Cloud Build via the GCE API, run your operations there and then stop the GCE instance.

How can I prevent Google Cloud Dataproc cluster VM instances from auto-shutoff?

When running vm instance cluster+ nodes even if I am using and running things on the cluster/ dataproc, the vm instance shuts off automatically after about 30 minutes or so. I cannot find this setting and would appreciate any help re: how to disable this to prevent it from shutting off or even how to configure a new cluster in a way that will prevent this from happening.
Thank you
Default Dataproc clusters do not have any kind of automatic shutdown.
If you are using the older Datalab initialization action, you are probably seeing Datalab's own non-Dataproc-aware shutdown functionality, which you can disable one of the ways suggested here: How to keep Google Dataproc master running?
Otherwise, if you're using some kind of template or copy/paste arguments for creating your Dataproc cluster, perhaps you're accidentally setting "scheduled deletion": https://cloud.google.com/dataproc/docs/concepts/configuring-clusters/scheduled-deletion
If neither of those settings explain your situation, you should visit your "activity logs" from the "Cloud Logging" interface, selecting Cloud Dataproc Cluster, and opening up the activity_log type of logs to see an audit log of who was deleting your cluster. Alternatively, if the cluster still existed in Dataproc, but the underlying VM was being shut down, visit the "Compute Engine VM" log category and also look at "activity logs" to see who was stopping your VMs. Sometimes, in a shared project, a project admin might be running some kind of script to automatically shut down VMs to save cost.

Centralized Logs Storage for Load Balanced Managed Instance Group

I have setup a Managed Instance Group with initial 3 instances (I installed Lumen inside, and the web server is auto started) to be used with the GCP load balancer. The LB works great.
However, whenever I need to trace lumen logs, I need to SSH every single instance to view the logs. Is there any best practices of one centralized storage I can refer to for the logs?
Can I mount the lumen logs into a centralized disk e.g. GCP filestore volume, or Google storage bucket or using FluendD to dump my logs into GCP Logging?
Please, I need to know the best industrial practice. THanks
STACK DRIVER is the right option for your case
Install the stack driver logging agent on compute engine instances. You can track your logs lively also you can create visualizations and useful analysis out of it. Stackdriver is the best industry standard for the people who is using GCP. remember the pricing. Please check the pricing details

How do I find who created a GCE VM instance in Google Cloud?

In our current Google Cloud Project it seems it's common that people create a VM, start it, do some of their stuff and then just leave it there without turning it off or deleting the VM.
I'm trying to write an automated script that pulls the list of VM instances every day and send an E-mail to the VM owners and see if they forgot to turn off their VMs.
So is there an easy way to find out who created a GCE VM instance using Google Cloud API?
You can view the information in Stackdriver -> Logging -> Logs. The log is a JSON file, the actor field is what you are looking for. You can export the logs for analysis.
See https://cloud.google.com/logging/docs/

GCloud Compute Engine won't delete or stop. Keeps respawing

I have a google compute VM instance that will not stop or be killed.
I don't know where it came from and I can't delete it or pause it. I don't have anything running on it nor is has anything scheduled with it.
That is a VM from Google Container Engine. In the left menu, navigate to Container Engine and check if you have any clusters created. If a cluster was created and then removed it is possible that the VM did not get cleaned up properly.
In you dashboard, there should be an Activity tab. You can use this to filter the activity on the account to see if someone created a Google Container Engine cluster.