Application ELB - sticky sessions based on consistent hashing - amazon-web-services

I couldn't find anything in the documentation but still writing to make sure I did not miss it. I want all connections from different clients with the same value for a certain request parameter to end up on the same upstream host. With ELB sticky session, you can have the same client connect to the same host but no guarantees across different clients.
This is possible with Envoy proxy, see:
We already use ELB so if the above is possible with ELB then we can avoid introducing another layer in between with envoy.
Use-case - in a multi-tenant cloud solution, we want all clients from a given customer account to connect to the same upstream host.

Unfortunately this is not possible to be performed in an ALB.
An application load balancer controls all the logic over which host receives the traffic with features such as ELB sticky sessions and pattern based routing.
If there is no work around then you could look at a Classic Loadbalancer which has support for the application setting the sticky session cookie name and value.
From best practice ideally your application should be stateless, is it possible to look at rearchitecting your app instead of trying work around. Some suggestions I would have are:
Using DynamoDB to store any session based data, moving from a disk based session (if that's what your application does).
Any disk based files that need to persist could be shared between all hosts either using EFS for your Linux based hosts, or FSX on Windows.
Medium/Long term persisting files could be migrated to S3, any assets that rarely change could be stored here and then your application could use S3 rather than disk.
It's important to remember that as I stated above, you should keep your application as stateless as you can. Assume that your EC2 instances could fail, by preparing for this it will make it easier to recover.


Is that possible to sticky a AWS Classic Load Balancer session forever?

This question is for the infrastructure pros, hope anyone reaches this text.
I’m currently using a setup with one EC2 instance behind a classic load balancer on AWS running a websocket express based server. I always planed to scale my application so I started it behind a LB.
Now I’m on time to startup another instance, but I have this major problem: My websocket leaves a program running on the server - even when the user is out of the website - and return to show the program log to the user when he comes back to the website.
Of course if the user connects to another instance on the load balancer, he will not be able to access a program running on another instance. So the only solution is to connect a user to the same EC2 instance, always.
I searched a lot but I didn’t find anything related, besides sticky sessions based on cookies. The problem of this solution is that it expires after sometime, and I want my user to access the program log again no matter how much time he spent without doing it.
So my question is: Is there a way to sticky a user connection with the same EC2 instance using a AWS classic load balancer?
In a way that new users follow the standard algorithm, going to be connected to the lower used instance, and old users keeps going to the same EC2 every new connection. Is that possible?
Otherwise I’ll not be able to scale my application delivering, because the main purpose of this server is to connect this running program with a specific user.
I don't think you can customize CLB for that. But ALB just recently introduced Application Cookie Stickiness:
Application Load Balancer (ALB) now supports Application-based cookie stickiness. This new feature helps customers ensure that clients connect to the same load balancer target for the duration of their session using application cookies. This enables customers to achieve a consistent client-server experience with greater controls such as the flexibility to set custom cookie names and criteria for client-target stickiness within a target group.
Thus maybe, if you can migrate from CLB into ALB, the application-level cookies could be solution to your issue.

Scalable server hosting

I have simple server now (some xeon cpu hosted somewhere), running apache/php/mysql (no docker, but its a possibility) and Im expecting some heavy traffic and I need my server to handle that.
Currently the server can handle about 100 users at once, I need it to handle couple thousands possibly.
What would be easiest and fastest solution to move my app to some scalable hosting?
I have no experience with AWS or something like that.
I was reading about AWS and similar, but Im mostly confused and not sure what should I choose.
The basic choice is:
Scale vertically by using a bigger computer. However, you will eventually hit a limit and you will have a single-point of failure (one server!), or
Scale horizontally by adding more servers and spreading the traffic across the servers. This has the added advantage of handling failure because, if one server fails, the others can continue serving traffic.
A benefit of doing horizontal scaling in the cloud is the ability to add/remove servers based on workload. When things are busy, add more servers. When things are quiet, remove servers. This also allows you to lower costs when things are quiet (which is not possible on-premises when you own your own equipment).
The architecture involves putting multiple servers behind a Load Balancer:
Traffic comes into a Load Balancer
The Load Balancer sends the request to a server (often based upon some measure of how "busy" each server is)
The server processes the request and sends a response back to the Load Balancer
The Load Balancer sends the response to the original requester
AWS has several Load Balancers available, which vary by need. If you are simply sending traffic to a single application that is installed on all servers, a Network Load Balancer should be sufficient. For situations where different parts of the application are on different servers (eg mobile interface vs web interface), you could use a Application Load Balancer.
AWS also assists with horizontal scaling by providing the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling service. This allows you to specify details of the servers to launch (disk image, instance type, network settings) and Auto Scaling can then automatically launch new servers when required and terminate ones that aren't required. (Note that they launch and terminate, not start and stop.)
You can further define scaling policies that tell Auto Scaling when to launch/terminate instances by measuring metrics such as CPU Utilization. This way, the number of servers can approximately match the volume of traffic.
It should be mentioned that if you have a database, it should be stored separately to the application servers so that it does not get terminated. You could use the Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) to run a database for you, or you could run one on a separate Amazon EC2 instance.
If you want to find out more about any of the above technologies, there are plenty of talks on YouTube or blog posts that can explain and demonstrate their use.

Can AWS Elastic Load Balancer be used to only send traffic to a second server if the first fails

Can an AWS Elastic Load Balancer be setup so it sends all traffic to a main server and if that server fails, only then send traffic to a second server.
Have an existing web app I picked up that was never built to run on multiple servers and the client has become worried about redundancy. They don't want to invest enough to make it run well across multiple servers so I was thinking I could setup a second EC2 server with a MySQL slave and periodically copy files from the primary server to the secondary using rsync. Then have an AWS ELB send traffic to the primary server and only if that fails send it to the second server.
AWS load balancers don't support "backup" nodes that only take traffic when the primary is down.
Beyond that, you are proposing a complicated scenario.
was thinking I could setup a second EC2 server with a MySQL slave
If you do that, you can only fail over once, then you can't fail back, because the master database will then be obsolete. For a configuration like this to work and be useful, your two MySQL servers need to be configured with master/master (circular) replication, so that each is a replica of the other. This is an advanced configuration that requires expertise and caution.
For the MySQL component, an RDS instance with multi-AZ enabled will provide you with hands-off fault tolerance of the database.
Of course, the client may be unwilling to pay for this as well.
A reasonable shortcut for small systems might be EC2 instance recovery which will bring the site back up if the underlying hardware fails. This feature replaces a failed instance with a new instance, reattaches the EBS volumes, and starts it back up. If the system is stable and you have a solid backup strategy for all data, this might be sufficient. Effective redundancy as a retrofit is non-trivial.

AWS Load Balancer - Remove cache elements on EC2

I'm currenty upscaling from 1xEC2 server to:
1xLoad Balancer
2xEC2 servers
I have quiet a lot of customers, each running our service on their own domain.
We have a webfront and admin-interface and use a lot of caching. When something is changed on the admin-part, the server calls eg.: to remove the object on crossdomains.
Hence the new setup, I don't know how to do this with multiple servers, ensuring that the cached objects is deleted on both servers (or more, if we choose to launch more).
I think that it is a "bit much" to require our customers to add eg. "", "" and "" to point at 3 different DNS CNAMEs, since they are not that IT experienced.
How does anyone else do this?
When scaling horizontally, it is recommended to keep your web servers stateless. That is, do not store data on a specific server. Instead, store the information in a database or cache that can be accessed by all servers. (eg DynamoDB, ElastiCache)
Alternatively, use the Sticky Sessions feature of the Elastic Load Balancing service, which uses a cookie to always redirect a user's connection back to the same server.
See documentation: Configure Sticky Sessions for Your Load Balancer

How do I add/remove IPs based on AWS autoscaling?

I have an ELB pointing to two instances of Varnish. The Varnish servers talk to an app server, and both kinds of servers need to be autoscaled.
This is all set up happily, but for one little detail:
The varnish servers have a list of IPs they are proxying for and will accept purges from, and the app server has a list of the varnish server IPs so it can purge pages from cache.
How do I get this information at the time servers are added or removed and trigger a process? I can write a script to tweak the list of IPs on the varnish and app servers once I have it, it's just hooking and fetching this information that's not obvious.
Or am I completely misunderstanding this problem and there's a simpler approach?
Its possible there is a way to configure it without needing to maintain IP lists. Without knowing more about how your application works its hard to provide advise on that solution.
However, you can configure your autoscaling group to send events upon changes to the autoscaling group. This will be handled via SNS -> SQS.
You will need to build a reader for SQS which will then update your configuration.