Unable to autoscale GCP instances using custom memory metrics - google-cloud-platform

I am trying to autoscale gcp instances based on memory metrics but I am unable to find the way how this can be done. I have tried to setup this through "stackdriver monitoring metrics" but no luck. Can someone help here how this can be done.
This is similar problem like posted on google forum but no proper answer here as well.

It's required to install the Stackdriver Monitoring Agent by following this documentation.
Once installed, you will get more options to configure your autoscaler from your instance group page


Where in GCP can I find automatic update- and maintanance-logs done on a GKE Cluster?

We had an issue caused by an automatic update or manintanance of some sort in our GKE clusters.
I'm trying to find the logs or events that triggered and describe the update, but I'm having problems navigating the site.
Where can I find these types of logs?
Thanks DazWilkin!
This was the query I used in Google Logs Explorer:
Read more about cluster and node updates here.

Unable to register external kubernetes cluster with GKE

I'm trying to set up a multi-cloud deployment using GKE as a single plain of glass for cluster management. Unfortunately, I can't see "Register cluster" option within GKE. I can create a cluster, I can delete a cluster, I can deploy a workload to a cluster, but the option with registering the new cluster is not available for me.
I'm not using the free tier and I'm not within an Organisation also.
Could somebody help me to figure out why it is so? I could not find the solution digging through GCP documentation.
Thank you in advance
I think what you are looking for is Anthos. It has a unified user interface and in the Anthos for operations section of the documentation it says:
Single pane of glass visibility across all clusters ...
But the link to the documentation to register a cluster gives me a 404.... I would suggest reaching out to Google Cloud Support to see if they can help you.
edit: It turns out that you need to be an Anthos customer to access the both the feature and the documentation for the feature.

GKE - Stackdriver Kubernetes Monitoring

Following the steps provided in this documentation.
I was looking into better monitoring of our GKE cluster and so thought I'd try out the beta kubernetes Stackdriver monitoring. My cluster version is 1.11.7 (later than the suggested 1.11.2) and I created the cluster with the --enable-stackdriver-kubernetes flag.
In the cluster details Stackdriver logging and monitoring is listed as 'Enabled v2(beta)' however in the stackdriver resources menu the 'kubernetes beta' option will simply not appear as shown here.
I have also confirmed fluentd, heapster and metadata-agent pods are running within the cluster as suggested by the docs.
Any possible suggestions are much appreciated.
I managed to resolve this issue:
Firstly the 'Kubernetes Beta' option appeared in Stackdriver appeared without me making any changes to the cluster(Slightly annoying)
I gave the clusters service account the appropriate monitoring and logging roles.

AWS+OpsWorks: How to enable detailed monitoring for EC2 instance with OpsWorks

Is there a way to enable detailed monitoring for AWS EC2 instance using OpsWorks? I know this can be done with cloud formation but I'm using OpsWorks.
For the person who down voted. I did google and searched stackoverflow for a solution. I spent over two weeks searching and testing this before posting this question on stackoverlow. This is my first time using stackoverflow for asking a question and did not realize I had to add such information.
OpsWork Detailed Monitoring is Enabled By Default.
Hope It Helps.. :)
Opsworks by default doesn't enable detailed monitoring. You can achieve the same using chef recipes as part of setup

Monitoring EC2 instances and alerting with PagerDuty

I already know how to integrate NewRelic and PagerDuty for a server. Recently I have added an EC2 instance and I am able to see the plots and all the information in the NewRelic. I am not able to integrate that EC2 with PagerDuty for alerting. Can you please let me know if NewRelic supports it for EC2?
New Relic's alerting integrations should work the same for any monitored app, regardless of the platform. If you're having trouble integrating a particular app with PagerDuty, please file a support request with support#newrelic.com
You can find the information on how to do it here: