include c++ libraries into openCL kernel? - c++

Is it possible to utilize C++ style libraries for use in an openCL kernel?
I'm trying to implement a kernel that performs the tasks seen in the following code. There are two things that could make this really difficult: 1. The fact that I'm using the GLM math library, and 2. That I'm using structs (land_map_t).
For example, if I wanted to use a kernel to loop through a large 3-dimensional array, is it possible to include the GLM math library inside of the kernel and utilize its functionalities such as glm::simplex? I've heard that modern C++ functionalities such as classes aren't compatible with kernels.
And if that's not possible, how would one pass a struct to the kernel? should I define the same struct in both the kernel and my implementation? All the struct contains is a 3-dimensional array, so I could easily just turn it into a default C++ type if it was necessary.
land_map_t * Chunk::terrain_gen(glm::ivec3 pos)
float frequency = 500;
float noise_1;
land_map_t* landmap = new land_map_t;
for (int x = 0; x < chunkSize + 2; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < chunkSize + 2; y++) {
for (int z = 0; z < chunkSize + 2; z++) {
noise_1 = (glm::simplex(
glm::vec2(glm::ivec2(x, z) + glm::ivec2(pos.x, pos.z)) / frequency));
landmap->i[x][y][z] = BLOCK::AIR;
if (pow(noise_1, 2) * 40.0 + 6.0 > (y + pos.y))
landmap->i[x][y][z] = BLOCK::DIRT;
return landmap;

You cannot include C++ libraries in OpenCL C. OpenCL is C99, not C++. There are no classes and only 1D arrays in OpenCL. Within a kernel there is also no dynamic memory allocation possible with the new operator.
The best solution is to split the class components up into arrays and within each array use linear indexing to get from (x, y, z)=(n%(Lx*Ly)%Lx, n%(Lx*Ly)/Lx, n/(Lx*Ly)) in the rectangular box of the size (Lx,Ly,Lz) to the linear index n=x+(y+z*Ly)*Lx; and back.
Your code in OpenCL could look like this:
kernel void terrain_gen(global uchar* landmap_flags, global float3* pos)
const uint n = get_global_id(0);
const uint x = n%((chunkSize+2)*(chunkSize+2))%(chunkSize+2);
const uint y = n%((chunkSize+2)*(chunkSize+2))/(chunkSize+2);
const uint z = n/((chunkSize+2)*(chunkSize+2))
// paste the SimplexNoise struct definition here
SimplexNoise simplexnoise;
const float frequency = 500;
const float noise_1 = (simplexnoise.noise(x,z)+simplexnoise.noise(pos[n].x, pos[n].z))/ frequency;
landmap_flags[n] = (noise_1*noise_1*40.0f+6.0f>(y+pos[n].y)) ? BLOCK_DIRT : BLOCK_AIR;
Regarding GLM, you have to port over the required functions into OpenCL C. For simplex noise, you can use something like this:
struct SimplexNoise { // simplex noise in 2D, sources:,
const float3 grad3[12] = {
(float3)( 1, 1, 0), (float3)(-1, 1, 0), (float3)( 1,-1, 0), (float3)(-1,-1, 0),
(float3)( 1, 0, 1), (float3)(-1, 0, 1), (float3)( 1, 0,-1), (float3)(-1, 0,-1),
(float3)( 0, 1, 1), (float3)( 0,-1, 1), (float3)( 0, 1,-1), (float3)( 0,-1,-1)
const uchar p[256] = {
151,160,137, 91, 90, 15,131, 13,201, 95, 96, 53,194,233, 7,225,140, 36,103, 30, 69,142, 8, 99, 37,240, 21, 10, 23,190, 6,148,
247,120,234, 75, 0, 26,197, 62, 94,252,219,203,117, 35, 11, 32, 57,177, 33, 88,237,149, 56, 87,174, 20,125,136,171,168, 68,175,
74,165, 71,134,139, 48, 27,166, 77,146,158,231, 83,111,229,122, 60,211,133,230,220,105, 92, 41, 55, 46,245, 40,244,102,143, 54,
65, 25, 63,161, 1,216, 80, 73,209, 76,132,187,208, 89, 18,169,200,196,135,130,116,188,159, 86,164,100,109,198,173,186, 3, 64,
52,217,226,250,124,123, 5,202, 38,147,118,126,255, 82, 85,212,207,206, 59,227, 47, 16, 58, 17,182,189, 28, 42,223,183,170,213,
119,248,152, 2, 44,154,163, 70,221,153,101,155,167, 43,172, 9,129, 22, 39,253, 19, 98,108,110,79,113,224,232,178,185, 112,104,
218,246, 97,228,251, 34,242,193,238,210,144, 12,191,179,162,241, 81, 51,145,235,249, 14,239,107, 49,192,214, 31,181,199,106,157,
184, 84,204,176,115,121, 50, 45,127, 4,150,254,138,236,205, 93,222,114, 67, 29, 24, 72,243,141,128,195, 78, 66,215, 61,156,180
const float F2=0.5f*(sqrt(3.0f)-1.0f), G2=(3.0f-sqrt(3.0f))/6.0f; // skewing and unskewing factors for 2, 3, and 4 dimensions
const float F3=1.0f/3.0f, G3=1.0f/6.0f;
const float F4=(sqrt(5.0f)-1.0f)*0.25f, G4=(5.0f-sqrt(5.0f))*0.05f;
uchar perm[512]; // to remove the need for index wrapping, double the permutation table length
uchar perm12[512];
//int floor(const float x) const { return (int)x-(x<=0.0f); }
float dot(const float3 g, const float x, const float y) const { return g.x*x+g.y*y; }
void initialize() {
for(int i=0; i<512; i++) {
perm[i] = p[i&255];
perm12[i] = (uchar)(perm[i]%12);
float noise(float x, float y) const { // 2D simplex noise
float n0, n1, n2; // noise contributions from the three corners, skew the input space to determine simplex cell
float s = (x+y)*F2; // hairy factor for 2D
int i=floor(x+s), j=floor(y+s);
float t = (i+j)*G2;
float X0=i-t, Y0=j-t; // unskew the cell origin back to (x,y) space
float x0=x-X0, y0=y-Y0; // the x,y distances from the cell origin
// for the 2D case, the simplex shape is an equilateral triangle, determine simplex
int i1, j1; // offsets for second (middle) corner of simplex in (i,j) coords
if(x0>y0) { i1=1; j1=0; } // lower triangle, XY order: (0,0)->(1,0)->(1,1)
else /**/ { i1=0; j1=1; } // upper triangle, YX order: (0,0)->(0,1)->(1,1)
float x1=x0- i1+ G2, y1=y0- j1+ G2; // offsets for middle corner in (x,y) unskewed coords
float x2=x0-1.0f+2.0f*G2, y2=y0-1.0f+2.0f*G2; // offsets for last corner in (x,y) unskewed coords
int ii=i&255, jj=j&255; // work out the hashed gradient indices of the three simplex corners
int gi0 = perm12[ii +perm[jj ]];
int gi1 = perm12[ii+i1+perm[jj+j1]];
int gi2 = perm12[ii+ 1+perm[jj+ 1]];
float t0 = 0.5f-x0*x0-y0*y0; // calculate the contribution from the three corners
if(t0<0) n0 = 0.0f; else { t0 *= t0; n0 = t0*t0*dot(grad3[gi0], x0, y0); } // (x,y) of grad3 used for 2D gradient
float t1 = 0.5f-x1*x1-y1*y1;
if(t1<0) n1 = 0.0f; else { t1 *= t1; n1 = t1*t1*dot(grad3[gi1], x1, y1); }
float t2 = 0.5f-x2*x2-y2*y2;
if(t2<0) n2 = 0.0f; else { t2 *= t2; n2 = t2*t2*dot(grad3[gi2], x2, y2); }
return 70.0f*(n0+n1+n2); // add contributions from each corner to get the final noise value, result is scaled to stay inside [-1,1]


weird inaccuracy in line rotation - c++

I have programmed a simple dragon curve fractal. It seems to work for the most part, but there is an odd logical error that shifts the rotation of certain lines by one pixel. This wouldn't normally be an issue, but after a few generations, at the right size, the fractal begins to look wonky.
I am using open cv in c++ to generate it, but I'm pretty sure it's a logical error rather than a display error. I have printed the values to the console multiple times and seen for myself that there is a one-digit difference between values that are intended to be the exact same - meaning a line may have a y of 200 at one end and 201 at another.
Here is the full code:
const int width=500;
const int height=500;
const double PI=std::atan(1)*4.0;
struct point{
double x;
double y;
point(double x_,double y_){
cv::Mat img(width,height,CV_8UC3,cv::Scalar(255,255,255));
double deg_to_rad(double degrees){return degrees*PI/180;}
point rotate(int degree, int centx, int centy, int ll) {
double radians = deg_to_rad(degree);
return point(centx + (ll * std::cos(radians)), centy + (ll * std::sin(radians)));
void generate(point & r, std::vector < point > & verticies, int rotation = 90) {
int curRotation = 90;
bool start = true;
point center = r;
point rot(0, 0);
std::vector<point> verticiesc(verticies);
for (point i: verticiesc) {
double dx = center.x - i.x;
double dy = center.y - i.y;
//distance from centre
int ll = std::sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
//angle from centre
curRotation = std::atan2(dy, dx) * 180 / PI;
//add 90 degrees of rotation
rot = rotate(curRotation + rotation, center.x, center.y, ll);
//endpoint, where the next centre will be
if (start) {
r = rot;
start = false;
void gen(int gens, int bwidth = 1) {
int ll = 7;
std::vector < point > verticies = {
point(width / 2, height / 2 - ll),
point(width / 2, height / 2)
point rot(width / 2, height / 2);
for (int i = 0; i < gens; i++) {
generate(rot, verticies);
//draw lines
for (int i = 0; i < verticies.size(); i += 2) {
cv::line(img, cv::Point(verticies[i].x, verticies[i].y), cv::Point(verticies[i + 1].x, verticies[i + 1].y), cv::Scalar(0, 0, 0), 1, 8);
int main() {
cv::imshow("", img);
return 0;
First, you use int to store point coordinates - that's a bad idea - you lose all accuracy of point position. Use double or float.
Second, your method for drawing fractals is not too stable numericly. You'd better store original shape and all rotation/translation/scale that indicate where and how to draw scaled copies of the original shape.
Also, I believe this is a bug:
for(point i: verices)
Changing size of vertices while inside such a for-loop might cause a crash or UB.
Turns out it was to do with floating-point precision. I changed
and it works.

C++ Dynamic Array Write Access Violation

This has been bugging me for almost 2 days now. I have in my class definition a 2-D dynamic array:
class Raster {
int pixels[][4];
void drawTriangle(Vector2f & V1, Vector2f & V2, Vector2f & V3, PixelColor & colorA, PixelColor & colorB, PixelColor & colorC);
In my drawing method I have this loop
for (int Y = maxY; Y >= minY; Y--) {
for (int X = minX; X <= maxX; X++) {
float lambda1;
float lambda2;
float lambda3;
triangle.getBarycentricCoordinate(X, Y, &lambda1, &lambda2, &lambda3);
if ((0.0f <= lambda1 && 0.0f <= lambda2 && 0.0f <= lambda3)) {
PixelColor a = lambda1 * colorA;
PixelColor b = lambda2 * colorB;
PixelColor c = lambda3 * colorC;
PixelColor interpolatedColor = a + b + c;
pixels[Y*width + X][0] = interpolatedColor.R;
pixels[Y*width + X][1] = interpolatedColor.G;
pixels[Y*width + X][2] = interpolatedColor.B;
Can anyone point out why it is wrong? Here is the error message: "Exception thrown: write access violation.
this was 0x111013530C28FA2."
pixels[][2] doesn't define a non-zero length array here. You need to specify a number for the first dimension too.
I don't think that's a dynamic array.
When you declare an array you are required to declare it's size as well. You can tell what kind of array it is by what you create it as and what the data is.
For instance in the following code :
// Here we can see that the array is a 4X3.
int pixels[][3] = { {1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 6}, {7, 8, 9}, {10, 11, 12} };
This would work just fine, because the size of the array is understood.
Further i would like to add that if you really want something not restrained by size and want the size to be dynamic depending on the data you have, then you could use the various containers that Standard Template Library offers such as a std::vector.

Clip line to screen coordinates

I have line that is defined as two points.
start = (xs,ys)
end = (xe, ye)
Drawing function that I'm using Only accepts lines that are fully in screen coordinates.
Screen size is (xSize, ySize).
Top left corner is (0,0). Bottom right corner is (xSize, ySize).
Some other funcions gives me line that that is defined for example as start(-50, -15) end(5000, 200). So it's ends are outside of screen size.
In C++
struct Vec2
int x, y
Vec2 start, end //This is all little bit pseudo code
Vec2 screenSize;//You can access coordinates like start.x end.y
How can I calculate new start and endt that is at the screen edge, not outside screen.
I know how to do it on paper. But I can't transfer it to c++.
On paper I'm sershing for point that belongs to edge and line. But it is to much calculations for c++.
Can you help?
There are many line clipping algorithms like:
Cohen–Sutherland wikipedia page with implementation
Liang–Barsky wikipedia page
Nicholl–Lee–Nicholl (NLN)
and many more. see Line Clipping on wikipedia
See below figure:
there are 3 kinds of start point:
sx > 0 and sy < 0 (red line)
sx < 0 and sy > 0 (yellow line)
sx < 0 and sy < 0 (green and violet lines)
In situations 1 and 2 simply find Xintersect and Yintersect respectively and choose them as new start point.
As you can see, there are 2 kinds of lines in situation 3. In this situation find Xintersect and Yintersect and choose the intersect point near the end point which is the point that has minimum distance to endPoint.
min(distance(Xintersect, endPoint), distance(Yintersect, endPoint))
// Liang-Barsky function by Daniel White #
// This function inputs 8 numbers, and outputs 4 new numbers (plus a boolean value to say whether the clipped line is drawn at all).
bool LiangBarsky (double edgeLeft, double edgeRight, double edgeBottom, double edgeTop, // Define the x/y clipping values for the border.
double x0src, double y0src, double x1src, double y1src, // Define the start and end points of the line.
double &x0clip, double &y0clip, double &x1clip, double &y1clip) // The output values, so declare these outside.
double t0 = 0.0; double t1 = 1.0;
double xdelta = x1src-x0src;
double ydelta = y1src-y0src;
double p,q,r;
for(int edge=0; edge<4; edge++) { // Traverse through left, right, bottom, top edges.
if (edge==0) { p = -xdelta; q = -(edgeLeft-x0src); }
if (edge==1) { p = xdelta; q = (edgeRight-x0src); }
if (edge==2) { p = -ydelta; q = -(edgeBottom-y0src);}
if (edge==3) { p = ydelta; q = (edgeTop-y0src); }
r = q/p;
if(p==0 && q<0) return false; // Don't draw line at all. (parallel line outside)
if(p<0) {
if(r>t1) return false; // Don't draw line at all.
else if(r>t0) t0=r; // Line is clipped!
} else if(p>0) {
if(r<t0) return false; // Don't draw line at all.
else if(r<t1) t1=r; // Line is clipped!
x0clip = x0src + t0*xdelta;
y0clip = y0src + t0*ydelta;
x1clip = x0src + t1*xdelta;
y1clip = y0src + t1*ydelta;
return true; // (clipped) line is drawn
Here is a function I wrote. It cycles through all 4 planes (left, top, right, bottom) and clips each point by the plane.
// Clips a line segment to an axis-aligned rectangle
// Returns true if clipping is successful
// Returns false if line segment lies outside the rectangle
bool clipLineToRect(int a[2], int b[2],
int xmin, int ymin, int xmax, int ymax)
int mins[2] = {xmin, ymin};
int maxs[2] = {xmax, ymax};
int normals[2] = {1, -1};
for (int axis=0; axis<2; axis++) {
for (int plane=0; plane<2; plane++) {
// Check both points
for (int pt=1; pt<=2; pt++) {
int* pt1 = pt==1 ? a : b;
int* pt2 = pt==1 ? b : a;
// If both points are outside the same plane, the line is
// outside the rectangle
if ( (a[0]<xmin && b[0]<xmin) || (a[0]>xmax && b[0]>xmax) ||
(a[1]<ymin && b[1]<ymin) || (a[1]>ymax && b[1]>ymax)) {
return false;
const int n = normals[plane];
if ( (n==1 && pt1[axis]<mins[axis]) || // check left/top plane
(n==-1 && pt1[axis]>maxs[axis]) ) { // check right/bottom plane
// Calculate interpolation factor t using ratio of signed distance
// of each point from the plane
const float p = (n==1) ? mins[axis] : maxs[axis];
const float q1 = pt1[axis];
const float q2 = pt2[axis];
const float d1 = n * (q1-p);
const float d2 = n * (q2-p);
const float t = d1 / (d1-d2);
// t should always be between 0 and 1
if (t<0 || t >1) {
return false;
// Interpolate to find the new point
pt1[0] = (int)(pt1[0] + (pt2[0] - pt1[0]) * t );
pt1[1] = (int)(pt1[1] + (pt2[1] - pt1[1]) * t );
return true;
Example Usage:
void testClipLineToRect()
int screenWidth = 320;
int screenHeight = 240;
int xmin=0;
int ymin=0;
int xmax=screenWidth-1;
int ymax=screenHeight-1;
int a[2] = {-10, 10};
int b[2] = {300, 250};
printf("Before clipping:\n\ta={%d, %d}\n\tb=[%d, %d]\n",
a[0], a[1], b[0], b[1]);
if (clipLineToRect(a, b, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)) {
printf("After clipping:\n\ta={%d, %d}\n\tb=[%d, %d]\n",
a[0], a[1], b[0], b[1]);
else {
printf("clipLineToRect returned false\n");
Before clipping:
a={-10, 10}
b=[300, 250]
After clipping:
a={0, 17}
b=[285, 239]

the nurbs surface does not show up in openGL

GLUnurbsObj *theNurb;
theNurb = gluNewNurbsRenderer();
gluNurbsProperty(theNurb, GLU_SAMPLING_TOLERANCE, 5.0);
gluNurbsProperty(theNurb, GLU_DISPLAY_MODE, GLU_FILL);
//ctrPoint[] is an array containing the coordinate x,y,z of a grid size of 15*15.
// therefore, the # of control points is 15*15=225. The degree is 3 and
// the order is 4.The size of knot vector is 4+225 = 229.
void drawNurbs(){
float knots[229];
for (int i=0;i<114;i++)
knots[i] = 0;
for (int i=114;i<229;i++)
knots[i] = 1;
gluNurbsSurface(theNurb, 229, knots, 229, knots, 15*3 , 3, &ctrPoint[0],
4, 4, GL_MAP2_VERTEX_3);
void display(){
The above code does not work. There is something wrong in the drawNurbs() function. But I do not know where I am wrong. Size of ctrPoint[] is 225*3.
I found the problems.
(1) the first 4 knot element are 0 !
(2) the number of knots should be 15+4 =19 instead of 229!!
GLfloat ctrlpoints[s_count][t_count][type]; //ctrlPoints[15][15][3]
GLfloat sknot[sknot_count];
GLfloat tknot[tknot_count];
sknot_count = s_count + sorder; // 19 = 15+4
tknot_count = t_count + torder; // 19=15+4

Can normal maps be generated from a texture?

If I have a texture, is it then possible to generate a normal-map for this texture, so it can be used for bump-mapping?
Or how are normal maps usually made?
Yes. Well, sort of. Normal maps can be accurately made from height-maps. Generally, you can also put a regular texture through and get decent results as well. Keep in mind there are other methods of making a normal map, such as taking a high-resolution model, making it low resolution, then doing ray casting to see what the normal should be for the low-resolution model to simulate the higher one.
For height-map to normal-map, you can use the Sobel Operator. This operator can be run in the x-direction, telling you the x-component of the normal, and then the y-direction, telling you the y-component. You can calculate z with 1.0 / strength where strength is the emphasis or "deepness" of the normal map. Then, take that x, y, and z, throw them into a vector, normalize it, and you have your normal at that point. Encode it into the pixel and you're done.
Here's some older incomplete-code that demonstrates this:
// pretend types, something like this
struct pixel
uint8_t red;
uint8_t green;
uint8_t blue;
struct vector3d; // a 3-vector with doubles
struct texture; // a 2d array of pixels
// determine intensity of pixel, from 0 - 1
const double intensity(const pixel& pPixel)
const double r = static_cast<double>(;
const double g = static_cast<double>(;
const double b = static_cast<double>(;
const double average = (r + g + b) / 3.0;
return average / 255.0;
const int clamp(int pX, int pMax)
if (pX > pMax)
return pMax;
else if (pX < 0)
return 0;
return pX;
// transform -1 - 1 to 0 - 255
const uint8_t map_component(double pX)
return (pX + 1.0) * (255.0 / 2.0);
texture normal_from_height(const texture& pTexture, double pStrength = 2.0)
// assume square texture, not necessarily true in real code
texture result(pTexture.size(), pTexture.size());
const int textureSize = static_cast<int>(pTexture.size());
for (size_t row = 0; row < textureSize; ++row)
for (size_t column = 0; column < textureSize; ++column)
// surrounding pixels
const pixel topLeft = pTexture(clamp(row - 1, textureSize), clamp(column - 1, textureSize));
const pixel top = pTexture(clamp(row - 1, textureSize), clamp(column, textureSize));
const pixel topRight = pTexture(clamp(row - 1, textureSize), clamp(column + 1, textureSize));
const pixel right = pTexture(clamp(row, textureSize), clamp(column + 1, textureSize));
const pixel bottomRight = pTexture(clamp(row + 1, textureSize), clamp(column + 1, textureSize));
const pixel bottom = pTexture(clamp(row + 1, textureSize), clamp(column, textureSize));
const pixel bottomLeft = pTexture(clamp(row + 1, textureSize), clamp(column - 1, textureSize));
const pixel left = pTexture(clamp(row, textureSize), clamp(column - 1, textureSize));
// their intensities
const double tl = intensity(topLeft);
const double t = intensity(top);
const double tr = intensity(topRight);
const double r = intensity(right);
const double br = intensity(bottomRight);
const double b = intensity(bottom);
const double bl = intensity(bottomLeft);
const double l = intensity(left);
// sobel filter
const double dX = (tr + 2.0 * r + br) - (tl + 2.0 * l + bl);
const double dY = (bl + 2.0 * b + br) - (tl + 2.0 * t + tr);
const double dZ = 1.0 / pStrength;
math::vector3d v(dX, dY, dZ);
// convert to rgb
result(row, column) = pixel(map_component(v.x), map_component(v.y), map_component(v.z));
return result;
There's probably many ways to generate a Normal map, but like others said, you can do it from a Height Map, and 3d packages like XSI/3dsmax/Blender/any of them can output one for you as an image.
You can then output and RGB image with the Nvidia plugin for photoshop, an algorithm to convert it or you might be able to output it directly from those 3d packages with 3rd party plugins.
Be aware that in some case, you might need to invert channels (R, G or B) from the generated normal map.
Here's some resources link with examples and more complete explanation:
I don't think normal maps are generated from a texture. they are generated from a model.
just as texturing allows you to define complex colour detail with minimal polys (as opposed to just using millions of ploys and just vertex colours to define the colour on your mesh)
A normal map allows you to define complex normal detail with minimal polys.
I believe normal maps are usually generated from a higher res mesh, and then is used with a low res mesh.
I'm sure 3D tools, such as 3ds max or maya, as well as more specific tools will do this for you. unlike textures, I don't think they are usually done by hand.
but they are generated from the mesh, not the texture.
I suggest starting with OpenCV, due to its richness in algorithms. Here's one I wrote that iteratively blurs the normal map and weights those to the overall value, essentially creating more of a topological map.
#define ROW_PTR(img, y) ((uchar*)((img).data + (img).step * y))
cv::Mat normalMap(const cv::Mat& bwTexture, double pStrength)
// assume square texture, not necessarily true in real code
int scale = 1.0;
int delta = 127;
cv::Mat sobelZ, sobelX, sobelY;
cv::Sobel(bwTexture, sobelX, CV_8U, 1, 0, 13, scale, delta, cv::BORDER_DEFAULT);
cv::Sobel(bwTexture, sobelY, CV_8U, 0, 1, 13, scale, delta, cv::BORDER_DEFAULT);
sobelZ = cv::Mat(bwTexture.rows, bwTexture.cols, CV_8UC1);
for(int y=0; y<bwTexture.rows; y++) {
const uchar *sobelXPtr = ROW_PTR(sobelX, y);
const uchar *sobelYPtr = ROW_PTR(sobelY, y);
uchar *sobelZPtr = ROW_PTR(sobelZ, y);
for(int x=0; x<bwTexture.cols; x++) {
double Gx = double(sobelXPtr[x]) / 255.0;
double Gy = double(sobelYPtr[x]) / 255.0;
double Gz = pStrength * sqrt(Gx * Gx + Gy * Gy);
uchar value = uchar(Gz * 255.0);
sobelZPtr[x] = value;
cv::Mat normalMap;
cv::merge(planes, normalMap);
cv::Mat originalNormalMap = normalMap.clone();
cv::Mat normalMapBlurred;
for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
cv::GaussianBlur(normalMap, normalMapBlurred, cv::Size(13, 13), 5, 5);
addWeighted(normalMap, 0.4, normalMapBlurred, 0.6, 0, normalMap);
addWeighted(originalNormalMap, 0.3, normalMapBlurred, 0.7, 0, normalMap);
return normalMap;