Can somebody point in the direction on how to enable PodNodeSelector admission controller in EKS version 1.15 ?
I'm trying to achieve what is explained in this link, but how to do this in Managed Kubernetes like EKS where you don't have access to control plane components.
In fact: You cannot enable PodNodeSelector in EKS.
The fact that EKS is a Managed Kubernetes solution denies any reconfiguration of control plane components. That's why you cannot enable PodNodeSelector.
There is an official documentation about enabled admission controllers in EKS: EKS: Userguide: Platform-versions
There is ongoing feature request for PodNodeSelector here (as well as some workarounds): AWS: Issue: 304.
There is an answer on StackOverflow with similar question How to enable admission controllers in EKS
I managed to get multicluster istio working following the documentation.
However this requires the kubeconfig of the clusters to be setup on each other. I am looking for an alternative to doing that. Based on presentation from and admiral, it seems that it might be possible to setup ServiceEntries to accomplish this manually. Istio docs are scarce in this this area. Does anyone have pointers on how to make this work?
There are some advantages to setting up the discovery manually or thru our CD processes...
if one cluster gets compromised, the creds to other clusters dont leak
allows us to limit the which services are discovered
I posted the question on twitter as well and hope to get some feedback from the Istio contributors.
As per Admiral docs:
Admiral acts as a controller watching k8s clusters that have a credential stored as a secret object which the namespace Admiral is running in. Admiral delivers Istio configuration to each cluster to enable services to communicate.
No matter how you manage contol-plane configuration (manually or with controller) - you have store and provision credentials somehow. In this case with use of the secrets
You can store your secrets securely in git with sealed-secrets.
You can read more here.
I'm trying to set up a multi-cloud deployment using GKE as a single plain of glass for cluster management. Unfortunately, I can't see "Register cluster" option within GKE. I can create a cluster, I can delete a cluster, I can deploy a workload to a cluster, but the option with registering the new cluster is not available for me.
I'm not using the free tier and I'm not within an Organisation also.
Could somebody help me to figure out why it is so? I could not find the solution digging through GCP documentation.
Thank you in advance
I think what you are looking for is Anthos. It has a unified user interface and in the Anthos for operations section of the documentation it says:
Single pane of glass visibility across all clusters ...
But the link to the documentation to register a cluster gives me a 404.... I would suggest reaching out to Google Cloud Support to see if they can help you.
edit: It turns out that you need to be an Anthos customer to access the both the feature and the documentation for the feature.
What does AWS' Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) do exactly if so much configuration is needed in CloudFormation which is (yet) another AWS service?
I followed the AWS EKS Getting Started in the docs at ( where it seems CloudFormation knowledge is heavily required to run EKS.
Am I mistaken or something?
So in addition to learning the Kubernetes .yaml manifest definitions, to run k8s on EKS, AWS expects you to learn their CloudFormation .yaml configuration manifests as well (which are all PascalCase as opposed to k8s' camelCase i might add)?
I understand that EKS does some management of latest version of k8s and control plane, and is "secure by default" but other than that?
Why wouldn't I just run k8s on AWS using kops then, and deal with the slightly outdated k8s versions?
Or am I supposed to do EKS + CloudFormation + kops at which point GKE looks like a really tempting alternative?
At this point I'm really thinking EKS is just a thin wrapper over CloudFormation after searching on EKS in detail and how it is so reliant on CloudFormation manifests.
Likely a business response to the alarming popularity of k8s, GKE in general with no substance to back the service.
Hopefully this helps save the time of anyone evaluating the half-baked service that is EKS.
To run Kubernetes on AWS you have basically 2 options:
using kops, it will create Master nodes + workers node under the hood, in plain EC2 machines
EKS + Cloudformation workers stack (you can use also Terraform as an alternative to deploy the workers, or eksctl, that will create both the EKS cluster and the workers. I recommend you to follow this workshop)
EKS alone provides only the master nodes of a kubernetes cluster, in a highly available setup. You still need to add the worker nodes, where your containers will be created.
I tried both kops and EKS + Workers, and I ended up using EKS, because I found it easier to setup and maintain and more fault-tolerant.
I feel the same difficulties earlier, and none of article could give me requirement in a glance for things that need to be done. Lot of people just recommend using eksctl which in my opinion will create a bloated and hard to manage kind of CloudFormation.
Basically both EKS is just a wrapper of Kubernetes, there's some points of integration between Kubernetes and AWS that still need to be done manually.
I've wrote an article that hope could help you understand all the process that need to be inplaces
EKS is the managed control plane for kubernetes , while Cloud-formation is a infrastructure templating service .
Instead of EKS you can run and manage the control plane(master nodes) on top of EC2 machines if you want to optimize for costs.For using EKS you have to pay for the underlying infra(EC2+networking..) and managed service fee(EKS price) .
Cloud-formation provides a nice interface to template and automate your infrastructure.You may use terraform in place of CF
I came across an open source Kubernetes project KOPS and AWS Kubernetes service EKS. Both these products allow installation of a Kubernetes cluster. However, I wonder why one would pick EKS over KOPS or vice versa if one has not run any of them earlier.
This question does not ask which one is better, but rather asks for a comparison.
The two are largely the same, at the time of writing, the following are the differences I'm aware of between the 2 offerings
Fully managed control plane from AWS - you have no control over the masters
AWS native authentication IAM authentication with the cluster
VPC level networking for pods meaning you can use things like security groups at the cluster/pod level
Support for more Kubernetes features, such as API server options
Auto provisioned nodes use the built in kops node_up tool
More flexibility over Kubernetes versions, EKS only has a few versions available right now
Other significant difference is that EKS is an AWS product so you require an AWS account but kops allows to run Kubernetes in AWS but also in GCE and DigitalOcean.
I am trying to enable some admission controllers on EKS. How do you see the existing admission controllers and enable new ones?
I don't believe this is possible at this time. The control plane is managed by Amazon, and it's not possible to modify it.
If you need a Kubernetes cluster in AWS with these kind of options, use kops