I need to find links that contain the same number and merge them all into the same cell - textjoin

can someone help me speed up the process in excel. I need formula to find links that contain the same number and merge them all into the same cell. So far I've done it with the formula but it's a slow process for me when I have over 1000 links:
=TEXTJOIN( ", ";TRUE;B110:B114)

I would use several columns.
Col B, extract the number from the strings with
Column C formula
=If(B2=B1, "", D2)
Column D
=IF(B2=B3, A2 & "," & D3, A2)
Copy those all the way down and answers with be in C. Filter out the blanks if you want.


Google Sheets - IF columns contains text and another columns contains number return total value of number column

I am trying to see if I am able to get the hours from one column only if it matches a word that is another column.
For example in the sheet link attached, if the word is Operations (Column A) I want to get the sum of all the hours (Column B) that correlate with that word.
Hope this makes sense.
Thanks in advance.
you can use:
Cell E1 has the word selection in the sample here

Google Sheets Arrayformula with some sort of concatenate/textjoin/something similar for all rows

I'm trying to do an arrayformula that goes down all rows. I want it to grab the text from a specific row if the row that it's on meets conditions.
Here's an example of what I'm trying to do: have a formula in G5 that iterates through A:F. If the cell = "N", the grab the text from row 4 and concatenate it into a single string, with the text separated by commas.
I've looked at other questions on stack overflow but they're not quite the same.
Here's a sample Sheet
I've gotten as far as the formulas in K4 and P4, but can't figure out how to make it all one formula.
Any suggestions on how to do this?
IF(A5:F="N", A4:F4&",", )),,9^9))), ",$", ))

Suming multiple cells that may not be number

I am struggling with this for a while and would like to receive your help. What I am trying to do is to sum the values of D column multiplied by value of E column, but not just sum elements of D and then multiply by sum of elements of E but first, multiply elements of each row, so for ex D2 * E2, D3 * E3 etc and then sum up result of multiplication of from each row. I tried to achieve this with arrayFormula and sum, but the problem is that in both column there may appear not a number, but character 'X', so the solution I created will not work. I was trying to use sumif alongside with arrayformula but it is not working and have no idea what to try to change to make this work. The formula I came up with is:
Example data:
try simple:
The below code works for me:
I am using the if() function to check for occurrence of "X" within the array, and replace it with 0 if "X" is found.

Using regexmatch to match part of a cell to values in a column to see there is a match

I have a column (Column A) of cells with tracking information. Each cell contains the date shipped and a tracking number. I have another column (Column B) with a bunch of tracking numbers. How can I see if the tracking number in column B match any of the tracking numbers in Column A?
This is what I have tried:
=IF(RegExMatch(A1, TO_TEXT(B:B)),"YES","NO") but that's not working
All of the results are coming back as "YES" even though there is no match. Any thoughts on this?
IFERROR(REGEXEXTRACT(A:A, TEXTJOIN("|", 1, B:B))), 1, 0))<>"", "YES", "NO"), ))

Concatenate a range of cells in OO Calc

I have column A with these cells:
A1: Apple
A2: Banana
A3: Cherry
I want a formula that will string them together in one cell like this:
"Apple, Banana, Cherry"
I don’t know if it’s implanted on OpenOffice but on his cousin LibreOffice Calc since the version 5.2 you’ve got the function : TEXTJOIN
TEXTJOIN( delimiter, skip_empty, string1[, string2][, …] )
delimiter is a text string and can be a range.skip_empty is a logical (TRUE or
FALSE, 1 or 0) argument. When TRUE, empty strings will be ignored.
string1[, string2][, …] are strings or references to cells or ranges
that contains text to join.
Ranges are traversed row by row (from top to bottom).
Example : =TEXTJOIN(",",1,A1:A10)
More info here :
A different approach, suitable for a long list, would be to copy A1 to B1, prepend a " and in B2 enter:
=B1&", "&A2&IF(A3="";"""";"")
then double-click the fill handle to cell B2 (the small square at its bottom right). The result should appear in ColumnB in the row of the last entry of your list.
As of version 4.1.7 of Apache OpenOffice Calc, there still isn't a simple solution to this problem. CONCATENATE doesn't accept cell ranges, and there isn't a TEXTJOIN function like LibreOffice. However, there is a workaround.
This is essentially a duplicate of pnuts' answer, but with images to hopefully help. His answer explicitly addresses separating the items with delimiters, as well as the opening and closing quotations, as the question above uses. As the general question (how to concatenate a range of cells) is useful to many people, I think my answer should still be useful even though I haven't done that.
In my case, I had one column with letters corresponding to finished worksets, and one column with letters corresponding to unfinished worksets. The letters only appear on every 8th row, so I can't view them all at the same time. I wanted to just mash all the finished letters together in one cell to be easy to view, and the same with the unfinished letters.
The example removes the 7 empty rows per letter and manually inputs which letters are finished/unfinished for convenience.
Column A is the "unfinished" column to be concatenated. Column C is used to perform the concatenation. Row 2 is the first row, and row 24 is the final row. G1 shows the concatenated result in an easy-to-see spot near the top of the document.
Columns B and D, and cell G2, utilize the same method to show the "finished" data. The formulas aren't shown here.
In cell C2, point explicitly to A2:
If you may have blanks, as I do, there needs to be a conditional in C2 to treat the first cell as blank text, instead of as zero Note 1:
=IF (A2 <> "" ; A2 ; "")
Then, in cell C3, concatenate C2 and A3:
=C2 & A3
Copy C3, then highlight C4:C24 and paste the formula to autofill those cells.
Wherever you need the result of the concatenation, reference C24.
Note 1 If N cells at the top of the A row are blank and you just let C2 = A2, the first N rows on C will show 0, and a single 0 will be prepended to the concatenation result. Here, columns B and D are used to illustrate the problem:
Either use the CONCATENATE function or ampersands (&):
=CONCATENATE("""", A1, ", ", A2, ", ", A3, """")
For something more powerful, write a Basic macro that uses Join.
There is no function that can concatenate a range. Instead, write a Basic macro or drag and drop CONCATENATE formulas to multiple cells. See https://forum.openoffice.org/en/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=5438.