I have a made a planet and wanted to make an atmosphere around it. So I was referring to this site:
Click to visit site
I don't understand this:
As with the lookup table proposed in Nishita et al. 1993, we can get the optical depth for the ray to the sun from any sample point in the atmosphere. All we need is the height of the sample point (x) and the angle from vertical to the sun (y), and we look up (x, y) in the table. This eliminates the need to calculate one of the out-scattering integrals. In addition, the optical depth for the ray to the camera can be figured out in the same way, right? Well, almost. It works the same way when the camera is in space, but not when the camera is in the atmosphere. That's because the sample rays used in the lookup table go from some point at height x all the way to the top of the atmosphere. They don't stop at some point in the middle of the atmosphere, as they would need to when the camera is inside the atmosphere.
Fortunately, the solution to this is very simple. First we do a lookup from sample point P to the camera to get the optical depth of the ray passing through the camera to the top of the atmosphere. Then we do a second lookup for the same ray, but starting at the camera instead of starting at P. This will give us the optical depth for the part of the ray that we don't want, and we can subtract it from the result of the first lookup. Examine the rays starting from the ground vertex (B 1) in Figure 16-3 for a graphical representation of this.
First Question - isn't optical depth dependent on how you see that is, on the viewing angle? If yes, the table just gives me the optical depth of the rays going from land to the top of the atmosphere in a straight line. So what about the case where the rays pierce the atmosphere to reach the camera? How do I get the optical depth in this case?
Second Question - What is the vertical angle it is talking about...like, is it the same as the angle with the z-axis as we use in polar coordinates?
Third Question - The article talks about scattering of the rays going to the sun..shouldn't it be the other way around? like coming from the sun to a point?
Any explanation on the article or on my questions will help a lot.
Thanks in advance!
I am no expert in the matter but have played with Atmospheric scattering and various physical and optical simulations. I strongly recommend to look at this:
my VEEERRRYYY Simplified version of atmospheric scattering in GLSL
It odes not do the full volume intergration but just linear path integration along the ray and does only the Rayleight scatering with isotropic coefficients. As you can see its still good enough.
In real scattering the viewing angle is impacting the real scattering equation as the scattering coefficients are different in different angles (against main light source and viewer) So answer to your first question is Yes it does.
Not sure what you are refer to in your second question. The scattering itself is dependent on angle between light source, particle and camera. That lies on arbitrary plane. However if the Earth surface is accounted to the equation too then its dependent on the horizontal and vertical angles (against terrain) so azimuth,elevation as usually more light is reflected when camera is facing sun (azimuth) and the reflected rays are closer to your elevation. So my guess is that's what the horizontal angle is about accounting for reflected light from the surface.
To answer your 3th question is called back ray tracing. You can cast rays both ways (from camera or from sun) however if you start from light source you do not know which way to go to hit a pixel on camera screen so you need to cast a lot of rays to increase the probability of hit enough to fill the screen which is too slow and inaccurate (produce holes). If you start from screen pixel then you cast just single or per wavelength ray instead which is much much faster. The resulting color is the same.
[Edit1] vertical angle
OK I read the linked topic a bit and this is How I understand it:
So its just angle between surface normal and the casted ray. Its scaled so vert.angle=0 means that ray and normal are the same and vert.angle=1 means the are opposite directions.
I've got a picture of a plane with 4 known points on it. I've got the intrinsic and extrinsic camera parameters and also (using the Rodriguez function) the position of the camera. The plane is defined as my ground level (Z = 0). If I select a point in my image, is there an easy way to calculate the coordinates, where this point would be on my plane?
Not much can be labeled as 'easy' when dealing with 3D rendering.
For your question, I would look into ray tracing. I am not going to try to explain it, as most sites will do a better job of explaining it then I can.
When you look at opencv in calib3d module. you will see this equation:
Please scroll down the link and see the perspective transformation equations
From what you say, you declare the plane ground level(Z=0). you also know the internsic (focal point in pixels , image center) camera parameter and you know the exterinsic (rotation and translation) camera parameter. and you want to access some pixels in your image (is it?) and from there, you want to estimate where it is on the plane??
You can use triangulatePoints() function in calib3D module of opencv. you need at least 2 images tough.
But your case seems unlikely to me, if you try to detect 4 known points, you will have to define the world coordinate of those plane first, usually, you define top left corner of the plane as original (0,0,0), then, you will know the position of those 4 known points in world coordinate by manual calculation. when you detect it in opencv program, it gives you the pixel coordinates of those 4 points. then, usually, what people expect to calculate is the pose ( rotation and translation ).
Alternatively, if your case is what you said, you can make a simple matrix operation code based on perspective transformation equation.
I'm working on an Eye Tracking system with two cameras mounted on some kind of glasses. There are optical lenses so that the screen is perceived at around 420 mm from the eye.
From a few dozen pupil samples, we compute two eye models (one for each camera), located in their respective camera coordinates system. This is based on the works here, but modified so that an estimation of the eye center is found using some kind of brute-force approach to minimize the ellipse projection error on the model given its center position in camera space.
Theorically, an approximation of the cameras parameters would be symetrical to the lenses on the Y axis. So every camera should be at the coordinates (around 17.5mm or -17.5, 0, 3.3) with respect to the lenses coordinates system, a rotation of around 42.5 degrees on the Y axis.
With the However, with these values, there is an offset in the result. See below:
The red point is the gaze center estimated by the left eye tracker, the white one is the right eye tracker, in screen coordinates
The screen limits are represented by the white lines.
The green line is the gaze vector, in camera coordinates (projected in 2D for visualization)
The two camera centers found, projected in 2D, are in the middle of the eye (the blue circle).
The pupil samples and current pupils are represented by the ellipses with matching colors.
The offset on x isn't constant which mean the rotation on Y is not exact. and the position of the camera aren't precise too. In order to fix it, we used: this to calibrate and then this to get the rotation parameters from the rotation matrix.
We added a camera on the middle of the lenses (Close to the theorical 0,0,0 point ?) to get the extrinsics and intrinsic parameters of the cameras, relative to our lens center. However, with about 50 checkerboard captures from different positions, the results given by OpenCV doesn't seems correct.
For example, it gives for a camera a position of about (-14,0,10) in lens coordinates for the translation and something like (-2.38, 49, -2.83) as rotation angles in degrees.
The previous screenshots are taken with theses parameters. The theorical ones are a bit further apart, but are more likely to reach the screen borders, unlike the opencv value.
This is probably because the test camera is in front of the optic, not behind, where our real 0,0,0 would be located (we just add the distance at which the screen is perceived on the Z axis afterwards, which is 420mm).
However, we have no way to put the camera in (0, 0, 0).
As the system is compact (everything is captured within a few cm^2), each degree or millimeter can change the result drastically so without the precise value the cameras, we're a bit stuck.
Our objective here is to find an accurate way to get the extrinsic and intrisic parameters of each cameras, so that we can compute a precise position of the center of the eye of the person wearing the glasses, without other calibration procedure than looking around (so no fixation points)
Right now, the system is precise enough so that we get a global indication on where someone is looking on the screen,but there is a divergence between the right and left camera, it's not precise enough. Any advice or hint that could help us is welcome :)
I'm building an interactive floor. The main idea is to match the detections made with a Xtion camera with objects I draw in a floor projection and have them following the person.
I also detect the projection area on the floor which translates to a polygon. the camera can detect outside the "screen" area.
The problem is that the algorithm detects the the top most part of the person under it using depth data and because of the angle between that point and the camera that point isn't directly above the person's feet.
I know the distance to the floor and the height of the person detected. And I know that the camera is not perpendicular to the floor but I don't know the camera's tilt angle.
My question is how can I project that 3D point onto the polygon on the floor?
I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction. I've been reading about camera projections but I'm not seeing how to use it in this particular problem.
Thanks in advance
With the awnser from Diego O.d.L I was able to get an almost perfect detection. I'll write the steps I used for those who might be looking for the same solution (I won't get into much detail on how detection is made):
Step 1 : Calibration
Here I get some color and depth frames from the camera, using openNI, with the projection area cleared.
The projection area is detected on the color frames.
I then convert the detection points to real world coordinates (using OpenNI's CoordinateConverter). With the new real world detection points I look for the plane that better fits them.
Step 2: Detection
I use the detection algorithm to get new person detections and to track them using the depth frames.
These detection points are converted to real world coordinates and projected to the plane previously computed. This corrects the offset between the person's height and the floor.
The points are mapped to screen coordinates using a perspective transform.
Hope this helps. Thank you again for the awnsers.
Work with the camera coordinate system initially. I'm assuming you don't have problems converting from (row,column,distance) to a real world system aligned with the camera axis (x,y,z):
calculate the plane with three or more points (for robustness) with
the camera projection (x,y,z). (choose your favorite algorithm,
Then Find the projection of your head point to the floor plane
Finally, you can convert it to the floor coordinate system or just
keep it in the camera system
From the description of your intended application, it is probably more useful for you to recover the image coordinates, I guess.
This type of problems usually benefits from clearly defining the variables.
In this case, you have a head at physical position {x,y,z} and you want the ground projection {x,y,0}. That's trivial, but your camera gives you {u,v,d} (d being depth) and you need to transform that to {x,y,z}.
The easiest solution to find the transform for a given camera positioning may be to simply put known markers on the floor at {0,0,0}, {1,0,0}, {0,1,0} and see where they pop up in your camera.
I'm writing a 2D game using a wrapper of OpenGLES. There is a camera aiming at a bunch of textures, which are the sprites for the game. The user should be able to move the view around by moving their fingers around on the screen. The problem is, the camera is about 100 units away from the textures, so when the finger is slid across the screen to pan the camera, the sprites move faster than the finger due to parallax effect.
So basically, I need to convert 2D screen coordinates, to 3D coordinates at a specific z distance away (in my case 100 away because that's how far away the textures are).
There are some "Unproject" functions in C#, but I'm using C++ so I need the math behind this function. I'm extremely new to 3D stuff and I'm very bad at math so if you can explain like you are explaining to a 10 year old that would be much appreciated.
If I can do this, I can pan the camera at such a speed so it looks like the distant sprites are panning with the users finger.
For picking purposes, there are better ways than doing a reverse projection. See this answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/1114023/252687
In general, you will have to scale your finger-movement-distance to use it in a far-away plane (z unit away).
i.e, it l unit is the amount of finger movement and if you want to find the effect z unit away, the length l' = l/z
But, please check the effect and adjust the l' (double/halve etc) to get the desired effect.
Found the answer at:
It has the following formula:
To determine which screen x-coordinate corresponds to a point at Ax,Az multiply the point coordinates by:
Bx is the screen x coordinate
Ax is the model x coordinate
Bz is the focal length—the axial distance from the camera center to the image plane
Az is the subject distance.
I'm trying to implement an algorithm from a graphics paper and part of the algorithm is rendering spheres of known radius to a buffer. They say that they render the spheres by computing the location and size in a vertex shader and then doing appropriate shading in a fragment shader.
Any guesses as to how they actually did this? The position and radius are known in world coordinates and the projection is perspective. Does that mean that the sphere will be projected as a circle?
I found a paper that describes what you need - calculating the bounding quadric. See:
Section 3.2, Bounding Box calculation. The paper also mentions doing it on the vertex shader, so it might be what you're after.
Some personal thought:
You can approximate the bounding box by approximating the size of the sphere by its radius, though. Transform that to screen space and you'll get a slightly larger than correct bounding box, but it won't be that far off. This fails when the camera is too close to the point, or when the sphere it too large, of course. But otherwise should be quite optimal to calculate, as it would be simply a ratio between two similar, right triangles.
If you can figure out the chord length, then the ratio will yield the precise answer, but that's a little beyond me at the moment.
alt text http://xavierho.com/temp/Sphere-Screen-Space.png
Of course, that's just a rough approximation, and has a large error sometimes, but it would get things going quickly, easy.
Otherwise, see paper linked above and use the correct way. =]
The sphere will be projected as an ellipse unless it's at the cameras center as brainjam says.
The article that Xavier Ho links to describes the generalization of sphere projection (That is, quadratic projection). It is a very good read and I recommend it too. However, if you are only interested in sphere projection and more precisely the quadrilateral that bounds the projection then The Mechanics of Robust Stencil Shadows, page 6: Scissor Optimization details how to do it.
A Note on Xavier Ho's Approximation
I would like to add that the approximation that Xavier Ho suggests is, as he notes too, very approximative. I actually used it for a tile-based forward renderer to approximate light bounds in screen space. The following image shows how it neatly enables good performance with 400 omni (spherically bound) lights in a scene: Tile-based Rendering - Far View. However, just like Xavier Ho predicted the inaccuracy of the light bounds causes artifacts up close as seen here when zoomed in: Tile-based Rendering - Close view. The overlapping quadrilaterals fail to bound the lights completely and instead clip the edges revealing the tile grid.
In general, a sphere is seen as an ellipse in perspective:
(source: jrank.org)
The above image is at the bottom of this article.
Section 6 of this article describes how the bounding trapezoid of the sphere's projection is obtained. Before computers, artists and draftsmen has to figure this out by hand.