AWS - ELB - Routing http/https traffic to a custom port of EC2 instance - amazon-web-services

I've an application up and running on and EC2 instance at port 5000. I've been trying to add either application load balancer or classic load balancer to route my traffic to this application.
Until at this point, the application is available over HTTP protocol at
So my question is, what steps I need to do to make this application available without typing the port number in the URL.
Please note that I want to have multiple instances of the app up and running at different ports and are mapped to different subdomains.

So after spending couple of hours and going through the documentation again, this is how it worked for me.
Created an Application load balancer
Created a Target Group that listens on HTTP port 80.
In this target group, selected the ec2 instance and registered it on port 5000
In the load balancer section, added two listeners. One for HTTP and one for HTTPs. Added default action to forward all traffic to that Target Group that was created in step 2. and it all worked for me.
The important bit was to set up the Target Group in step 2 and 3 correctly. I was creating two target groups for http and https separately which was incorrect. I just had to creat one target group for http only.


Why are backend ports automatically changing to be the same on a GCP load balancer?

I have a cluster on GCP with multiple deployments on it.
The deployments are exposed with NodePort services.
I'm setting up a HTTP(S) load balancer with the aim of routing from frontend to backend services, one domain to one deployment.
The issue is that when I'm saving the load balancer the backend services I've defined are suddenly both pointing to the same port. Which results in both defined domains pointing to the same service.
This is how it's setup, with two backend services.
This is how the host and path rules are defined. When editing the "Port numbers" in the "first-backend-service" and saving the load balancer, the port numbers in the "second-backend-service" will be changed to the same as was defined in the "first-backend-service".
I've tried using two load balancers, one for each service with the same result.
You might be using the same named port for all the backend services. The instance group comes with the default Named port. As your are using same name port, when you are changing it reverting back to the configured one.
You can configure your custom named port and map it to your desired port by selecting
Instance group --> details-->edit group
using 'add item' you can add port name and port number as per your requirement and later use it in the backend services. Edit the "Port name" and "Port numbers" numbers.
So for your scenario you can create different port name with different ports number in your instance group and apply one each to the backend services:
http1: 3000
http2: 3001

How to make a specific port publicly available within AWS

I have my React website hosted in AWS on https using a classic load balancer and cloudfront but I now need to have port 1234 opened as well. When I currently browse my domain with port 1234 the page cannot be displayed. The reason I want port 1234 opened as this is where my nodeJs web server is running for React to communicate with.
I tried adding port 1234 into my load balancer listener settings although it made no difference. It's noticeable the load balancer health check panel seems to only have one value which is currently HTTP:80/index.html. I assume the load balancer can listen to port 80 and 1234 (even though it can only perform a health check on one port number)?
Do I need to use action groups or something else to open up the port? Please help, any advice much appreciated.
Many thanks,
Load balancer settings
I am using the following
EC2 (free tier) with the two code projects installed (React website and node server on the same machine in different directories)
Certificate created (using Certificate Manager)
I have created a CloudFront Distribution and verified it using email. My certificate was selected in the cloud front as the customer SSL certificate
I have a classic load balancer (instance points to my only EC2) and the status is InService. When I visit the load balancer DNS name value I see my React website. The load balancer listens to HTTP port 80. I've added port 1234 but this didn't help
Please note this project is to learn AWS, React and NodeJs so if things are strange please indicate
EC2 instance screenshot
Security group screenshot
Load balancer screenshot
Target group screenshot
An attempt to register a target group
Thank you for having clarified your architecture.
I woud keep CloudFront out of the game now and be sure your setup works with just the load balancer. When everything will be configured correctly, you can easily add Cloudfront as a next step. In general, for all things in IT, it is easier to build a simple system that is working and increase complexity one step at a time rather than debugging a complex system that does not work.
The idea is to have an Application Load Balancer with two listeners, one for the web (TCP 80) and one for the API (TCP 123). The ALB will have two target groups (one for each port on your EC2 instance) and you will create Listeners rules to forward the correct port to the correct target groups. Please read "Application Load Balancer components" to understand how ALBs work.
Here are a couple of thing to check
be sure you have two listeners and two target group on your Application Load Balancer
the load balancer must be in a security group allowing TCP 80 and TCP 1234 from anywhere ( (let's say SG-001)
the EC2 instance must be in a security group allowing TCP connections on port 1234 (for the API) and 80 (for the web site) only from source SG-001 (just the load balancer)
After having written all this, I realise you are using Classic Load Balancer. This should work as well, just be sure your EC2 instance has the correct security group (two rules, one for each port)

How can I troubleshoot an AWS Application Load Balancer giving 504, while the EC2 instance behind it gives 200?

I have an EC2 instance with a few applications successfully deployed onto it, listening for connections on ports 3000/3001/3002. I can correctly load a web page from it by connecting to its public DNS or public IP on the given port. I.e. curl http://<ec2-ip-address>:3000 works. So I know that the apps are running, and I know that the port bindings/firewall rules/EC2 security groups are all set up correctly to receive connections from the outside world.
I also have an Application Load Balancer, which is supposed to route traffic to the 3 apps depending on the host name, but it always gives me "504 Gateway Time-out". I've checked all the settings but I can't see what's wrong and I'm not really sure how to troubleshoot it from here.
The ALB has a single HTTPS/443 listener, with a cert that's valid for,,,
The listener has 3 rules, plus the default rule:
Host == => app1-target-group
Host == => app2-target-group
Host == => app3-target-group
Default action (last resort) => default-target-group
Each target group contains only the single EC2 instance, over HTTP, with the following ports:
app1-target-group: 3000
app2-target-group: 3001
app3-target-group: 3002
default-target-group: 3000
Given that I can access the app directly, I'm sure it must be a problem with the way I've configured the ALB/listener/target groups. But the 504 doesn't give me much to go on.
I've tried to turn on access logs to an S3 bucket, but it doesn't seem to be writing anything there. There's a single object called ELBAccessLogTestFile, and no actual logs in the bucket.
EDIT: Some more information... I actually have nginx installed on the EC2 instance, which is where I was previously doing the SSL termination and hostname-to-port mapping/routing. If I change the default-target-group above to point to port 443 over HTTPS, then it works!
So for some reason, routing traffic
- from the ALB to the EC2 instance over HTTPS on port 443 -> OK!
- from the ALB to the EC2 instance over HTTP on port 3000 -> Broken!
But again, I can hit the instance directly on HTTP/3000 from my laptop.
Communication between resources in the same security group is not open by default. Security group membership alone does not provide special access. You still need to open the ports in the security group to allow other resources in the security group to access those ports. You can specify the security group ID in the rule's source field if you don't want to open it up beyond the resources in the security group.

VM Instance group to configure to listen on port 80 and 8080

I have configure my VM in such a way that I have 2 application running on one VM.
First App listen on ip:80 port
Second App listen on ip:8080 port
I have enabled ports on VM instances group like this.
I have my Load Balancer configured with two front rules like this.
I want to map ip1:80 to my 80 port application and ip2:8080 to 8080 application
when I tried accessing my application using load balancers IP address it always show me 8080 port application.
I have two backend service running
help me here google team. I m newb
If you want to use IP addresses but not URLs/Domain(s) to reach to your web applications, then URL Maps cannot help to implement your design, as URL map forwards the request to the correct backend service using host values ( and path values (/path) in the destination URL.
That being said, you can add one more Target Proxy to your LB resources to route incoming requests directly to the desired backend services. This will allow you to keep your minimum number of instances as one VM.
For more information, visit this article.
I had similar problem and I had to add second backend.
So I have two backends: one for 80 port, other for 8080. And I have on managed group.

What's the target group port for, when using Application Load Balancer + EC2 Container Service

I'm trying to setup an ALB which listens on port 443, load balancing to ECS Docker containers on random ports, lets say I have 2 container instances of the same task definition, listening on port 30000 and 30001.
When I try to create a target group in the AWS EC2 Management console, there's a "port" input field with 1-65535 range.
What number should I put there?
And when I try to create a new service in the AWS EC2 Container Service console, together with a new target group to connect to a existing ALB, there's no input field for a target group "port".
After it's created, navigating to the EC2 console, the new target group has port "80".
Do I have to listen on port 80?
But the health check happens against the "traffic port", which is the container port, 30000 and 30001, so what's the point?
Turns out, when combined with ECS, the target group's port doesn't mean anything. You don't need to listen on that port.
I ran into this situation myself at work. I noticed the target group port and the port of the registered instance were different. I've typically set them up to be the same thing so wondered what this was all about which led me to this thread. I couldn't find a good answer on AWS docs, but found this in the Terraform docs for aws_lb_target_group resource:
port - (Optional, Forces new resource) The port on which targets receive traffic, unless overridden when registering a specific target.
So, I guess it's just the default port used unless you override it. Makes sense.
I think what he's referring to is the health checks. If your ELB is listening on port 443 but your target group is set for port 80, then every health check for the target group will attempt a request on port 80 and get redirected to port 443 by the load balancer. This results in a 301 code, which is considered unhealthy. Only 200 codes are supposed to be considered healthy. At that point you either have all unhealthy targets all the time or you add 301 to the list of healthy codes which defeats the whole point in health checks because it will always return a 301 for port 80. You might as well just match the ports.
By default, a load balancer routes requests to its targets using the protocol and port number that you specified when you created the target group. Alternatively, you can override the port used for routing traffic to a target when you register it with the target group.
The port in the target group is used in conjunction with auto-scaling groups and if you ever plan to use those you want to use the right port from the start. Why? Because you can not change it after the target group has been created and auto-scaling will simply not work if you set the port wrong.