C++ OpenGL wrapper: interface similar to fixed pipeline, can export .collada - c++

I have opengl code that uses the fixed pipeline.
Hitting two birds with one stone, I need a wrapper that can help me with the following tasks:
Convert the code to the new shader-based pipeline with minimal effort.
I have a class that calls opengl functions, such as: glBegin(triangles/lines), glVertex, glPushMatrix, glTranslate, glColor, gluSphere.
Ideally, I'd like it to derive from a class that supplies these functions in the base class. Behind the scenes, it would use the same high level logic as the fixed pipeline.
I'd like to export an opengl scene to .collada to load in an external renderer.
Opengl is low level rendering, and it doesn't have the concept of a scene. For example, this reddit post:
"You realize that you have to write a shim to capture all API calls
you are interested in to do that. Then, when finally, a draw call is
emitted you have to parse every single vertex and collect the data
from all over the memory from the buffers that you have recorded from
the APi calls that set up VAOs, VBOs and IBOs. Then you have to parse
the shader source code so that you can see which uniforms and vertex
attributes contribute to vertex clip coordinate generation. Then you
also have to synthesize/guess which outputs are normal, color, texture
coordinate and so on from the shader source if the resulting program
even have those in .obj file format-wise.
This gets even more complicated if Compute is used to generate data
inside the GPU for any of the buffers. If geometry or tessellator is
used then you also have to implement one of those so that you get
accurate outputs from the vertex processing. TL;DR - you have to write
your own OpenGL 4.5 driver that does exactly the same things a real
hardware driver would do. Good luck with that."
However, my scene is simple, using the fixed pipeline operations above.
I'd like the wrapper to keep track and construct a scene that can be exported.
EDIT: Since recommendation is off-topic, I'll ask the following question.
What I need above seems like something obvious that many should have found useful. Since I can't find a library that accomplishes that, I'm wondering if my approach is unreasonable?
More specifically, how do people port their legacy opengl code; do they write the relevant part from scratch, or does everyone implement his own wrapper as I suggested?
What about constructing a scene to export to collada?
Posted also:

Although there are some parts in legacy OpenGL that are not optimized in current drivers (like glDrawPixels, the raster drawing operations and indexed color mode), between modern hardware and the modest requirements of legacy applications, legacy OpenGL stuff runs well enough on modern systems.
The main reason to "modernize" legacy OpenGL code is, if one want to make use of the modern features. Any sort of "wrapper" will just run into the same kind of design problems that the OpenGL API ran between OpenGL-1.5 to OpenGL-2.1: Lots of built-in variables, default state, implicit action, etc. etc. This is difficult to document properly, and even more difficult to make use of reliably. Which is the reason you usually don't find these kinds of wrappers.
If you find yourself in the situation, that you absolutely must port your legacy code to modern OpenGL, e.g. to be interoperable with core contexts, then your best course of action will be to do a proper rewrite. Replace implcit mode calls to filling vertex buffers, replace calls to glTexEnv…, glMaterial…, glLight… with loading appropriate shaders and setting their uniforms.
Or, if you want a quick and dirty method: Just create two contexts, a modern one, and a legacy one and switch between them; often you can establish "list" sharing between them.


What design pattern to mimic vertex/fragment shaders in a software renderer?

I have a software renderer that is similar designed to the OpenGL 2.0+ rendering pipeline, however, my software renderer is quite static in its functionality. I would like to design it so I can put in custom vertex- and fragment-"shaders" (written as C++ "functions", not in the OpenGL language), however, I'm not sure how to implement a good, reusable, extensible solution.
Basically I want to choose between a custom "function" that is then called in my renderer to process every vertex (or fragment). So maybe I could work with a function object passed to the renderer, or work out some inheritance-based solution or I'm thinking this could be a case for a template-based solution.
I imagine it like this:
for every vertex
// call the vertex-shading function given by the user, with the standard
// arguments plus the custom ones given in user code. May produce some custom
// output that has to be fed into the fragment shader below
// do some generic rendering-stuff like clipping etc.
for every triangle
for every pixel in the triangle
// call the fragment-shading function given by the user, with the standard
// arguments, plus the custom ones from the vertex shader and the ones
// given in user code
I can program C++ quite well, however I don't have much practical experience with templates and the more advanced stuff - I have read a lot and watched a lot of videos though.
There's a few requirements like that one of those "shader-functions" can have multiple (different) input and output variables. There is 2-3 parameters that are not optional and always the same (like the input to a vertex-shader is obviously the triangle, and the output is the transformed position), but one shader could e.g. also require an additional weight-parameter or barycentric coordinates as input. Also, it should be possible to feed one of such custom outputs of the vertex shader into a corresponding fragment shader (like in OpenGL where the output of a variable in the vertex shader is fed into the fragment shader).
At the same time, I would also prefer a simple solution - it shouldn't be too advanced (like I don't want to mimic the GLSL compiler, or have my own DSL). It should just be something like - write VertexShaderA and VertexShaderB and be able to plug them both into my Renderer, along with some parameters depending on the shader.
I would like if the solution uses "modern" C++, as in basically everything that compiles with VS2013 and gcc-4.8.
So to rephrase my main question:
How can I accomplish this "passing of custom functions to my renderer", with the additional functionality mentioned?
If possible, I would welcome a bit of example code to help get me started.
TinyRenderer is a very simple but rather elegant implementation of around 500 lines and it has some wiki with a tutorial. See https://github.com/ssloy/tinyrenderer and the actual shader https://github.com/ssloy/tinyrenderer/blob/master/main.cpp

Replicating Cathode retro terminal effect?

I'm trying to replicate the effect of Cathode but i'm not really aware of any rendering effects in SDL. Does anyone know the technique used in Cathode? Are they using OpenGL and shaders maybe?
If you are still interested in the subject I'm working on a similar project. The effects were obtained by using GLSL shaders.
You can grab the source code here: https://github.com/Swordifish90/cool-old-term/
The shaders strings might not be extremely readable due to the extensive use of the ternary operators (needed to customize the appearance) but they should give you a really good idea.
If you poke around a bit in the application bundle, you'll find that the only relevant framework is GLKit which, according to Apple, will "reduce the effort required to create new shader-based apps".
There's also a bunch of ".fragdata", ".vertdata", and ".glsldata" files, which are encrypted.
Very unfortunate for you.
So I would say: Yes, it's OpenGL shaders all the way.
Unfortunately, since the shaders are encrypted, you're going to have to locate suitable algorithms elsewhere.
(Perhaps it's possible to use the OpenGL debugging and profiling tools to capture the shader source as it is compiled, but I doubt it.)
You may have realized that Android phones have (had?) such animations when you put them to sleep. That code is available under in file named ElectronBeam.java.
However it is Java code and uses GLES 1.0 with GLES 1.1 Extenstions but algorithm for bending screen should be understandable.
Seems to be based on GLTerminal which uses OpenGL, it would have to use OpenGL and shaders for speed.
I guess the fastest approximation would be to render the text to buffers within OpenGL and use a deformed 2d grid to create the "rounded corners" radial distortion.
But it would take a lot of work to add all the features that cathode has, not to mention to run them quickly.
I suspect emulating a CRT perfectly is a bit like emulating an analog synth perfectly - hard to impossible.
If you want to work quickly and not killing the CPU, the GPU is the best solution! So pixel shaders. pixel shaders can do all of these effects. Once I made such an application. I wrote it in Silverlight, but it does not matter, I used the pixel shader.
Suggests to write this in Qt4 and add to the QWidget pixel shader effects.

(rendering particles) Should I learn shader or OpenCL?

I am trying to run 100000 and more particles.
I've been watching many tutorials and other examples that demonstrate the power of shaders and OpenCL.
In one example that I watched, particle's position was calculated based on the position of your mouse pointer(physical device that you hold with one hand and cursor on the screen).
The position of each particle was stored as RGB. R being x, G y, and B, z. And passed to pixel shader.And then each color pixel was drawn as position of particle afterward.
However I felt absurd towards this approach.
Isn't this approach or coding style rather to be avoided?
Shoudn't I learn how to use OpenCL and use the power of GPU's multithreading to directly state and pass my intended code?
Isn't this approach or coding style rather to be avoided?
The entire point of shaders is for you to be able to do what you want, to more effectively express what you want to do, and to allow yourself greater control over the hardware.
You should never, ever be afraid of re-purposing something for a different functionality. Textures do not store colors; they store data, which can be color, but it can also be other stuff. The sooner you stop thinking of textures as pictures, the better off you will be as a graphics programmer.
The GPU and API exist to be used. Use it as you see fit; do not allow how you think the API should be used to limit you.
Shoudn't I learn how to use OpenCL and use the power of GPU's multithreading to directly state and pass my intended code?
Yesterday, I would have said "yes". However, today this was released: OpenGL compute shaders.
The fact that the OpenGL ARB and Khronos created this shader type and so forth is a tacit admission that OpenCL/OpenGL interop is not the most efficient way to generate data for rendering purposes. After all, if it was, there would be no need for OpenGL to have generalized compute functionality. There were 3 versions of GL 4.x that didn't provide this. The fact that it's here now is basically the ARB saying, "Yeah, OK, we need this."
If the ARB, staffed by many people who make the hardware, think that CL/GL interop is not the fastest way to go, then it's pretty clear that you should use compute shaders.
Of course, if you're trying to do something right now, that won't help; only NVIDIA has compute shader support. And even that's only in beta drivers. It will take many months before AMD gets support for them, and many more before that support becomes solid and stable enough to use.
Even so, you don't need compute shaders to generate data. People have used transform feedback and geometry shaders to do LOD and frustum culling for instanced rendering. Do not be afraid to think outside of the "OpenGL draws stuff" box.
To simulate particles in OpenCL, you should try out "Yet Another Shader Editor" / http://yase.chnk.us/ - it takes away all the tricky parts and lets you get down to the meat of coding the particle control algorithms. IN YOUR BROWSER. Nothing to download, no accounts to create, just alter whatever examples you find. It's a blast.
I'm not affiliated with yase in any way.

What has happened with opengl? What kind of nightmare is it now?

I used opengl 2 years ago. In one afternoon I read a tuto, I drew a cube (and then learned how to load any 3d model) and learned home to move the camera around with the mouse. It was easy, less than 100 lines of codes. I didnt get the pipeline completely but I was able to do something.
Now I need to refresh opengl for some basic stuff, basically I need to load a 3D model (any model) and move the model around, with the camera fixed. Something I thought would be another afternoon.
I have spent 1 day and have nothing working. I am reading the recommended tuto http://www.arcsynthesis.org/gltut/ I dont get anything, now to draw just a cube you need a lot of lines and working with lots of buffer, use some special syntax for shaders.... what the hell I only want to draw a cube. Before it was just defining 6 sides.
What is going on with opengl? Some would argue that now is great, I think it is screwed.
Is there any easy library to work with Something that would make my life easier?
GLUT - http://www.opengl.org/resources/libraries/glut/
ASSIMP - http://assimp.sourceforge.net/
These two libraries are all you need to make a simple application where you import a model (various formats). Read it's documentation and examples to get a better understanding on how you can "glue" OpenGL and ASSIMP to work.
As to is OpenGL more hard to comprehend? No. What I've learned in recent years from OpenGL is that GFX programming is never simple or done in a few lines of code, you have to be organised, you have to be careful and even a simple primitive (e.g cube) needs to have more than 100 lines of code to make it decent and flexible (for example if you want more subdivisions on your polygons or texturing).
If you learned it only two years ago, then the tutorials were extremely outdated. Immediate Mode has been known to be deprecated for a very, very long time. Actually the first plans to abandon it and display lists date back to 2003.
Vertex Arrays have been around since version 1.1, and they have been the preferred method for sending geometry to OpenGL ever since; in immediate mode every vertex causes several function calls, so for any seriously complex object you spend more time managing the function call stack, than doing actual rendering work. If you used Vertex Arrays consequently since their introduction, switching over to Vertex Buffer Objects is as complicated as just inserting or replacing a few lines.
The biggest hurdle using OpenGL-3 is in Windows, where one has to use a proxy context to get access to the extension functions required to select OpenGL-3 capabilities for context creation. However again no big hurdle, 20 lines of code top. And some programs, like mine for example, create a proxy GL context anyway, to which all shareable data is uploaded, which allows to quicly destroy/recreate visible contexts, yet have full access to textures, VBOs and stuff (you can share VBOs, which is another reason for using them instead of plain vertex arrays; this might not look like something big, at least not if the context is used from a single process; however on plattforms like X11/GLX OpenGL contexts can be shared between X11 clients, which may even run on different machines!)
Also the existance of functions like the matrix manipulation stack led people into the misconception, OpenGL was some matrix math library, some even believed it was a particularily fast one. Neither is true. The removal of the matrix manipulation functions was a very important and right thing to do. Every serious OpenGL application will implement their very own matrix math anyway. For example any modern game using some kind of physics engine used to directly use in OpenGL (glLoadMatrix, or glUniformMatrix) the transform matrix spit out by the physics calculation, completely bypassing the rest of the matrix functions. This also means that the sole reason to have multiple matrix stacks (GL_PROJECTION, GL_MODELVIEW, GL_TEXTURE, GL_COLOR), namely being able to use the same set of manipulation functions on several matrices, was obsoleted and could have been replaced by something like glLoadMatrixSelected{f,d}v(GLenum target, GLfloat *matrix). However Uniforms and shaders already were around, so the logical step was not introducing a new function, but to reuse existing API, which had been used for this task already, anway, and instead remove what's no longer needed.
TL;DR: The new OpenGL-3 API greatly simplyfies using it. It's a lot clearer, has fewer pitfalls and IMHO is also more newbie-friendly.
You don't have to use buffer objects. You can use the deprecated immediate mode. It will be slower, but if you don't really care then go ahead and use OpenGL the way you used to. NeHe has some excellent tutorials on OpenGL 1.x stuff.
Swiftless has some good tutorials (only a few very basic ones) on OpenGL 3.x and 4.x, but the learning curve is, as you've found, very steep.
Does it have to be openGL? XNA offers an ability to draw 3d models without breaking your back.. Could be worth a look

How to do ray tracing in modern OpenGL?

So I'm at a point that I should begin lighting my flatly colored models. The test application is a test case for the implementation of only latest methods so I realized that ideally it should be implementing ray tracing (since theoretically, it might be ideal for real time graphics in a few years).
But where do I start?
Assume I have never done lighting in old OpenGL, so I would be going directly to non-deprecated methods.
The application has currently properly set up vertex buffer objects, vertex, normal and color input and it correctly draws and transforms models in space, in a flat color.
Is there a source of information that would take one from flat colored vertices to all that is needed for a proper end result via GLSL? Ideally with any other additional lighting methods that might be required to complement it.
I would not advise to try actual ray tracing in OpenGL because you need a lot hacks and tricks for that and, if you ask me, there is not a point in doing this anymore at all.
If you want to do ray tracing on GPU, you should go with any GPGPU language, such as CUDA or OpenCL because it makes things a lot easier (but still, far from trivial).
To illustrate the problem a bit further:
For raytracing, you need to trace the secondary rays and test for intersection with the geometry. Therefore, you need access to the geometry in some clever way inside your shader, however inside a fragment shader, you cannot access the geometry, if you do not store it "coded" into some texture. The vertex shader also does not provide you with this geometry information natively, and geometry shaders only know the neighbors so here the trouble already starts.
Next, you need acceleration data-structures to get any reasonable frame-rates. However, traversing e.g. a Kd-Tree inside a shader is quite difficult and if I recall correctly, there are several papers solely on this problem.
If you really want to go this route, though, there are a lot papers on this topic, it should not be too hard to find them.
A ray tracer requires extremely well designed access patterns and caching to reach a good performance. However, you have only little control over these inside GLSL and optimizing the performance can get really tough.
Another point to note is that, at least to my knowledge, real time ray tracing on GPUs is mostly limited to static scenes because e.g. kd-trees only work (well) for static scenes. If you want to have dynamic scenes, you need other data-structures (e.g. BVHs, iirc?) but you constantly need to maintain those. If I haven't missed anything, there is still a lot of research currently going on just on this issue.
You may be confusing some things.
OpenGL is a rasterizer. Forcing it to do raytracing is possible, but difficult. This is why raytracing is not "ideal for real time graphics in a few years". In a few years, only hybrid systems will be viable.
So, you have three possibities.
Pure raytracing. Render only a fullscreen quad, and in your fragment shader, read your scene description packed in a buffer (like a texture), traverse the hierarchy, and compute ray-triangles intersections.
Hybrid raytracing. Rasterize your scene the normal way, and use raytracing in your shader on some parts of the scene that really requires it (refraction, ... but it can be simultated in rasterisation)
Pure rasterization. The fragment shader does its normal job.
What exactly do you want to achieve ? I can improve the answer depending on your needs.
Anyway, this SO question is highly related. Even if this particular implementation has a bug, it's definetely the way to go. Another possibility is openCL, but the concept is the same.
As for 2019 ray tracing is an option for real time rendering but requires high end GPUs most users don't have.
Some of these GPUs are designed specifically for ray tracing.
OpenGL currently does not support hardware accelerated ray tracing.
DirectX 12 on windows does have support for it. It is recommended to wait a few more years before creating a ray tracing only renderer although it is possible using DirectX 12 with current desktop and laptop hardware. Support from mobile may take a while.
Opengl (glsl) can be used for ray (path) tracing. however there are few better options: Nvidia OptiX (Cuda toolkit -- cross platform), directx 12 (with Nvidia ray tracing extension DXR -- windows only), vulkan (nvidia ray tracing extension VKR -- cross platform, and widely used), metal (only works on MacOS), falcor (DXR, VKR, OptiX based framework), Intel Embree (CPU ray tracing only).
I found some of the other answers to be verbose and wordy. For visual examples that YES, functional ray tracers absolutely CAN be built using the OpenGL API, I highly recommend checking out some of the projects people are making on https://www.shadertoy.com/ (Warning: lag)
To answer the topic: OpenGL has no RTX extension, but Vulkan has, and interop is possible. Example here: https://github.com/nvpro-samples/gl_vk_raytrace_interop
As for the actual question: To light the triangles, there are tons of techniques, look up for "forward", "forward+" or "deferred" renderers. The technique to be used depends on you goal. The simplest and most good-looking these days, is image based lighting (IBL) with physically based shading (PBS). Basically, you use a cubemap and blur it more or less depending on the glossiness of the object. For a simple object viewer you don't need more.