I have a SAM cloudformation template:
Transform: AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31
Description: Create SNS with a sub
Type: String
Description: Email address to subscribe to SNS topic
Type: AWS::SNS::Topic
DeletionPolicy: Retain
TopicName: sam-test-sns
- Endpoint: !Ref NotificationEmail
Protocol: email
Value: !Ref NotificationTopic
So I want to keep the topic sam-test-sns around since there are several subscribers already, and I don't want subscribers to tediously re-subscribe if I tear down the service and bring it back up.
Tearing down the service with Retain keeps the topic around, so that's fine. But when I try deploy the template, it fails because it already exists.
So what is the right approach to use an existing SNS topic?
Keeping the "Ec2NotificationTopic" resource in the template after removing the stack but keeping the topic around, will instruct CloudFormation to also create the topic when (re)creating the stack, which will always fail.
Since you are just referencing an existing topic, you should remove the resource from the template and replace the references to it with the ARN/name.
With the output done you are exporting the variable. I am going to assume you want this resource in another stack.
First you need to export the value so for example
Value: !Ref NotificationTopic
Name: Fn::Sub: "${AWS::StackName}-SNSTopic"
Add a parameter to your new stack of SNSStackName, where you would pass in the SNS stacks name (within the current region).
Then from within your new stack to reference you would need to call the output value like below:
Fn::Sub: "${SNSStackName}-SNSTopic"
I'd like to expose the TopicArn Value (referenced in the outputs section at the bottom of my code snippet) of my SNStopic via Cloudformation template in the outputs tab of my stack in a similar manner to the way it's exposed in the resources when I create an SNStopic through the service catalog. I tried to access it by referencing it in the outputs section of my yaml script using dot notation but have been unsuccessful thus far. How might I be able to do so? I'm looking to do this so others using my script in the future won't have to go searching for the TopicArn in another place in order to subscribe to it.
Another important thing to note is that the provisioned product id below, under the properties section of the resources code block generates an SNSTopic.
Type: "AWS::ServiceCatalog::CloudFormationProvisionedProduct"
ProductId: prod-4iafsjovqrsrm # Sns Topic
ProvisioningArtifactName: "v1.1" # Must be an actual version number.
ProvisionedProductName: !Ref ProvisionedProductName
Description: The account in which this was built.
Value: !Ref 'AWS::AccountId'
Description: Arn of the topic we created
Value: !GetAtt LabTrainingHigSnsTopic.ProvisionedProductName.Resources.SNSTopic
service catalog screenshot
cloudformation screenshot
I have one AWS SAM application (my-sam-app1) that creates a AWS SNS topic "MyAppTopic". A lambda that is invoked through this SNS is also created in this application.
Now I have another AWS SAM application (my-sam-app2) that has a Lambda that is supposed to publish a message on this topic ("MyAppTopic").
I do not know, how to obtain a reference to this topic (created in my-sam-app1) in different applications Lambda.
I can easily get the reference when both Lambda and the topic are created in the same application.
Thanks in advance
In one stack you have to Export reference to the SNS topic, while in the second stack you use ImportValue it refer to the exported value.
Here's what the templates would look like:
First Template that exports the SNS topic:
# https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-sns-topic.html
Type: AWS::SNS::Topic
Description: "My exoported SNS topic"
Value: !Ref MyAppTopic
Name: !Sub MyAppTopic
The template that uses this AWS resource:
Fn::ImportValue: !Sub MyAppTopic
I want to make a simple CloudFormation template with an SNS topic. Ideally I would like to input the email addresses as a comma separated list and then turn it into an array. ex: me#example.com,you#example.com,her#example.com,...
I've ran into this same issue in other places as well but this is a good example. Is this possible?
Description: >-
Basic SNS Topic
Description: CSV list of Emails
Type: String
Type: AWS::SNS::Topic
TopicName: "My Topic"
- Endpoint: me#example.com
Protocol: email
- Endpoint: you#example.com
Protocol: email
- ...
Sadly, its not possible in plain CloudFormation. This would require some kind of looping mechanism which is not available in CloudFormation.
There are two ways to achieve that, but both would require development of a custom a lambda function. The first one would be through CloudFormation macros, and the second through CloudFormation custom resource.
I have a lambda which has a log group, say LG-1, for which retention is set to Never Expire (default). I need to change this Never Expire to 1 month. I am doing this using CloudFormation. As the log group already exists, when I am trying to deploy my lambda again with the changes in template as :
Type: 'AWS::Logs::LogGroup'
DependsOn: MyLambda
RetentionInDays: 30
LogGroupName: !Join
- ''
- - /aws/lambda/
- !Ref MyLambda
the update is failing with error :
[LogGroup Name] already exists.
One possible solution is to delete the log group and then again create it with new changes as shown above which works perfectly well.
But I need to do it without deleting the log group as it will result in the deletion of all the previous logs that I have.
Is there any workaround which is possible ?
#ttulka answered:
".. it is impossible to manipulate resources from CF which already exist out of the stack."
But actually the problem is more general than that and applies to resources created inside of the stack. It has to do with AWS CloudFormation resource "Replacement policy". For some resources the way CloudFormation "updates" the resource is to create a new resource, then delete the old resource (this is called the "Replacement" update policy). This means there is a period of time where you've got two resources of the same type with many of the same properties existing at the same time. But if a certain resource property has to be unique, the two resource can't exist at the same time if they have the same value for this property, so ... CloudFormation blows up.
AWS::Logs::LogGroup.LogGroupName property is one such property. AWS::CloudWatch::Alarm.AlarmName is another example.
A work around is to unset the name so that a random name is used, perform an update, then set the name back to it's predictable fixed value and update again.
Rant: It's an annoying problem that really shouldn't exist. I.e. AWS CF should be smart enough to not have to use this weird clunky resource replacement implementation. But ... that's AWS CF for you ...
I think it is impossible to manipulate resources from CF which already exist out of the stack.
One workaround would be to change the name of the Lambda like my-lambda-v2 to keep the old log group together with the new one.
After one month you can delete the old one.
Use customresource Backed lambda within your cloudformation template. The custom resource would be triggered automatically the first time and update your retention policy of the existing log group. If you need it you custom resource lambda to be triggered every time, then use a templating engine like jinja2.
import boto3
client = boto3.client('logs')
response = client.put_retention_policy(
You can basically make your CF template do (almost) anything you want using Custom Resource
More information (Boto3, you can find corresponding SDK for the language you use) - https://boto3.amazonaws.com/v1/documentation/api/1.9.42/reference/services/logs.html#CloudWatchLogs.Client.put_retention_policy
EDIT: Within the CloudFormation Template, it would look something like the following:
Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
CodeUri: src
Handler: set_retention_period.handler
Role: !GetAtt LambdaRole.Arn
Type: AllAtOnce
Type: AWS::Lambda::Permission
Action: lambda:invokeFunction
Fn::GetAtt: [ LogRetentionSetFunction, Arn ]
Principal: lambda.amazonaws.com
DependsOn: [PermissionForLogRetentionSetup]
Type: Custom::SetLogRetention
ServiceToken: !GetAtt LogRetentionSetFunction.Arn
StackName: !Ref AWS::StackName
AnyVariable: "Choose whatever you want to send"
'owner': !Ref owner
'task': !Ref task
The lambda function would have the code which sets up the log retention as per the code which I already specified before.
For more information, please google "custom resource backed lambda". Also to get you a head start I have added the ink below:
I am trying to create an AWS cloudformation stack using a yaml template.
The goal is to create a sns topic for some notifications.
I want to output the topic arn, to be able to subscribe multiple functions to that topic by just specifying the topic arn.
However I am getting an error when I try to create the stack from the aws console:
"Template validation error: Template error: resource NotificationsTopic does not support attribute type Arn in Fn::GetAtt"
I have done exactly the same for s3 buckets, dynamodb tables, and all working good, but for some reason, with SNS topic I cannot get the ARN.
I want to avoid hardcoding the topic arn in all functions that are subscribed. Because if one day the the ARN topic changes, I'll need to change all functions, instead I want to import the topic arn in all functions and use it. This way I will have to modify nothing if for any reason I have a new arn topic in the future.
This is the template:
Type: String
Default: dev
- dev
- int
- uat
- prod
Type: AWS::SNS::Topic
DisplayName: !Sub 'notifications-${stage}'
- SNS Subscription
TopicName: !Sub 'notifications-${stage}'
Description: The notifications topic Arn.
Value: !GetAtt NotificationsTopic.Arn
Name: !Sub '${AWS::StackName}-NotificationsTopicArn'
Description: Notifications topic name.
Value: !Sub 'notifications-${stage}'
Name: !Sub '${AWS::StackName}-NotificationsTopicName'
Not all resources are the same. Always check the documentation for the particular resource. It has the "Return Values" section and you can easily verify that SNS topic has ARN as a Ref value, so you don't have to use GetAtt function
Edit: Thanks for the comment which points out that not every resource provides its ARN. A notable example is the Autoscaling group. Sure, the key thing in my answer was "check the documentation for each resource", this is an example that not every resource has every attribute.
Having said that, ARN missing for the ASG output is a really strange thing. It cannot be also constructed easily, because the ARN also contains GroupId which is a random hash. There is probably some effort to solve this at least for the use-case of ECS Capacity Providers https://github.com/aws-cloudformation/aws-cloudformation-coverage-roadmap/issues/548 and https://github.com/aws/containers-roadmap/issues/631#issuecomment-648377011 but I think that is is an significant enough issue that it should be mentioned here.
For resources that don't directly return ARN, I found a workaround which consists of building the ARN myself.
For instance, to get the ARN of my codepipeline:
!Join [ ':', [ "arn:aws:codepipeline", !Ref AWS::Region, !Ref AWS::AccountId, !Ref StackDeletePipeline ] ]