I installed XCode and opened a new project using SwiftUI but for the following reason it is impossible to run the builded application. I did use the default code and press run.
I get the following message : "minimum deployment target. Change your project’s minimum deployment target or upgrade MacBook ...".
I tried to change the deployement target but immediately I have several Swift Compiler Error like this one : "'some' return types are only available in macOS 10.15.0 or newer"
I'm running a MacBook Pro with 10.14.6. Is there a way to find the source code for a buildable SwiftUI application on my computer ?
I cannot update to 10.15.0 so I'm looking for other advice or explanation. Maybe for some sourcecode I could use on my MacBook compatible with the Swift Compiler I have.
Thanks for your answers. I cannot update my OS and XCode won't build anything if I don't install Catalina first. I was hopping for an other solution, your answers helped me to focus on the right directions so I searched the web a little bit more and read articles on Mac OS X GUI Programming.
I'm now looking at Python : https://wiki.python.org/moin/GuiProgramming
I'm a little bit disappointed because I wanted to start something new with Swift. But, there is a good lesson here, and I'll do with what is possible given what I have :) Back in the days, for GUIs, I've used Web UI, Java and Qt and I was hoping for something new. I guess that I'll pursue my search to create nice and awesome native Mac OS X application both later and on the side.
Firstly, I would not post here because I did not look up questions and answers already relating to this. I have tried the solutions, to little avail, as most questions revolved around previous versions, and were vague in some way. Below are the pages I visited:
https://forum.qt.io/topic/78962/how-to-use-qt-with-visual-studio-2017/13, this ruined my case even worse. Something temporarily broke down because of the last 2 steps, but was back again to normal after restarting QT.
How to build Qt for Visual Studio 2010, I have VS 2017, and the command line prompt for that doesn't recognize 'configure.exe'. This is the line of code:
configure.exe -release -no-webkit -no-phonon -no-phonon-backend -no-script -no-scripttools -no-qt3support -no-multimedia -no-ltcg
Building Qt for Visual Studio 2010 - cannot open file 'qtmaind.lib', related again to VS 10, should I really work on the 2010 version? Is there a way to configure it for 2017, as it is the tool I am most familiar with?
qt cannot open input file 'c:\Qt\qt\lib\qtmaind.lib', I have no idea what QMAKESPACE is. I just started yesterday with the intent of making my semester project in it, so I do not have any professional experience with QT previously, or any kind of experience in general. The link attached to the ticked answer, https://doc.qt.io/archives/qt-4.8/supported-platforms.html, does not offer any kind of help. It just details what systems it supports. I am currently using Windows 10, version 1809.
https://www.qtcentre.org/threads/23917-fatal-error-LNK1181-cannot-open-input-file-qtmaind-lib, really lost me. Where are the qt sources that Nish is talking about? Are they from here: https://www.qt.io/offline-installers, from "Source Packages And Other Releases". Where are these files? Did they come with the installer from here: https://www.qt.io/download ? With what do I compile them with? Will these compiled files make some .exe files? Even more, these posts are from 2009.
What Is The Problem?
I watched the video by Derek Banas' series on QT ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I96uPDifZ1w&t=297s ). Here are the steps I took to set up QT:
i): Went to https://www.qt.io/download.
ii): Selected "Go Open Source", and then clicked on download
iii): Started the QT setup after download. In the packages menu, I selected
the default. This gave me QT 4.6.3.
iv): Made a new project as shown by Derek Banas.
v): Upon selecting the green arrow on the bottom left, with debug option chosen, I pressed it. It gave me the error:
LNK 1104: Cannot open file 'qtmaind.lib'
vi): Changed to release, profile, gave me this error:
This application failed to start because it could not find or load the Qt platform plugin "windows"in "".Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.
I tried reinstalling it. No use. I went here: https://www.qt.io/offline-installers, and download 5.12.1, the latest, plus the zip file in "Source Packages And Other Releases". Again performing the same as above, with the same errors.
Confused because the video did not address such an issue. Looked online. did not find much here, thus, I am here. My hypothesis:
i): This is something related to my path variables. Since both versions exhibit this issue, it means that fault is from my side, not QT's.
ii): Some windows .dll files are missing. But I do not know what files they are.
Before You Answer
Please just give me the directions I should move in to solve this issue. I do not have any idea where to go from here, but I really, really, really want to learn QT as part of my C++ learning, and I'm willing to work; I just lack the guidance.
If this is downvoted, please just send me some links which specifically address my issue so I can head over there. I would be very glad for the directions. :)
And lastly, thank you to all of you for reading through this wall of text!
Here are a few pictures of what I am seeing:
It finally worked!
If this is of some help to anybody out there, please do not select the default button at the installation phase. Depending on your time, please go ahead and select MSVC 64 bit, MSVS < 2nd Latest Version >, and MinGW < Latest Version > 64 Bit, that shows up at the installation time. This will allow you to use a different kit that you can use to run your application with. To access this kit, go to the green button, hover over it, or click it, and there will be a kit called, desktop QT MSVC 64-bit, and then select this, and then run your program. This will run your program properly.
Firstly, thank you in advance for at least reading this question.
Secondly, feel free to call me an idiot if this is a "no brainer"
Now down to the issue at hand...
I am running Ubuntu 16.04 (64bit) with QT Creator as my IDE and on the whole it works great. I can cross compile for the Raspberry Pi3 (running raspbian) and also compile plugins for X-Plane.
Everything was going great until I needed to implement MySql into my project. That's when it all went south.
I can not use the Qt library for this as X-Plane does not like anything Qt related in its plugins. But that is fine, I have connector-c++ working on that machine and it connects to my MySql server and does everything it's supposed to.
I think I have read just about every forum and watched every youtube video on this but can not get Qt Creator to compile with connector for the raspberry pi.
I wrote/compiled a test app locally (with g++) on the pi and it works great. However for some reason (government plot maybe?) it refuses to link the libraries when compiling under Qt Creator.
The error I get when compiling in QtCreator is:
undefined reference to `get_driver_instance'
I have followed the instructions for setting up a cross compiler here:
Downloaded the connector code from here:
git clone https://github.com/mysql/mysql-connector-cpp
I have followed the instructions for compiling connector-c++ here:
And I have banged my head 1000x on a brick wall here:
(picture of blood stained wall not available)
Also, I have tried compiling connector on my Ubuntu pc with paths to the pi's sysroot etc. but i think it made a 64bit version which causes Qt Creator to have a dummy spit about "unrecognized format".
I am hoping that this is just me having a "senior moment" and that someone can point me in the right direction.
To save putting up irrelevant logs/code I will wait until someone asks for it and then copy/paste what they need.
Again, thanks in advance and know that I will be eternally grateful for any light on this matter (preferably before I go even insanerer)
Well after 2 weeks of pain, I have solved this problem. Here is what I think is the issue:
Firstly, I found that mysqlcppconn is not needed (at least for me) and used the mysql libraries in /usr/lib
Secondly, the symlinks to libmysqlclient.so.6.0.22 were by default:
libmysqlclient.so.6 -> libmysqlclient.so.6.0.22
The compiler was looking for libmysqlclient.so which didn't exist. So I created the link (libmysqlclient.so -> libmysqlclient.so.6) and it worked!!
Thanks to all who helped.
I am new to development on Mac platforms and have recently started using Xcode for development in C++.
Now, whenever I want to look for definition of some class or struct, I click on Jump to definition in the secondary click menu, but Xcode shows up: Symbol not found. The indexing had been completed when I tried to look for definitions. Can anyone provide some solution to the problem?
The version of Xcode that I am using is 4.6 and MAC OS is 10.8.5. This is also happening on Xcode version 4.2 in OS X 10.7.5. Also, the file where I am trying to look for definition is in Objective-C.
I am not sure if this was the root cause of your issue, but this write up helped me:
The issues was with the external build project and you can fix it by "including" an additional target.
The answer to your problem is that Xcode isn't very good at this kind of thing yet. Sometimes it seems to work, sometimes it doesn't. It often doesn't work if there is an error in the same file, or if templates are involved (C++). Make sure the build process has completed (e.g. by running or trying to run the application.) And don't disable code sense in the preferences. ;)
Ok so Im really confused here, I got the same erroe as Martin.kv who started this thread How to configure CDB in Qt Creator?
which said "The preferred debugger engine for debugging binaries of type 'x86-windows-msvc2010-pe-32bit' is not available....Details: There is no CDB binary available for binaries in format 'x86-windows-msvc2010-pe-32bit"
I assume I have to download some stuff to fix this, so I went here http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/hardware/gg463009.aspx and I have Windows 7 on a 32-bit system so I went under this title "Install the Windows 7 Version of Debugging Tools for Windows" and went here http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?displaylang=en&id=8279 to download the Debugging tools for windows.
From all the stuff I've read, on the thread I referenced and a few others, what I downloaded seemed to be the right thing.
I admit I screwed up a little because I forgot to check where it was putting the Debugger Tools because while it started downloading I was still searching for what to do after the download. But I'm pretty sure it is in "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Windows Performance Toolkit" but I dont have anything called Windows Kits, which everyone else is saying theirs is in, and I still dont seem to have a cdb.exe..
did I download the wrong thing? What do I need to do/download instead? and also where can I get the Symbol Server that the Qt site and many other people suggest??
Sorry I'm new to Qt and some what to programming in general and my program for my internship is due at the end of the day and last night it stopped working so I'm kind of freaking out a little but I figure the debugger could help because it doesnt really make sense why it stopped working.
There should be a place in the Qt Creator settings where you can point it to the cdb.exe that comes with the Debugging tools for Windows.
See here: http://doc.qt.nokia.com/qtcreator-2.5/creator-debugger-engines.html
I got cdb working with QtCreator only after the following steps:
1) Download & install Debugging Tools for Windows
2) QtCreator->Tools->Options->Build & Run->Tool Chains
3) Copy autodetected MS compiler to the "manual" section
4) Set the path to cdb.exe
5) Use the "manual" MS compiler.
Perhaps there's some way to avoid steps 3-5 (playing around with environment variables maybe) but the described scheme works fine so I don't mind.
I just don't seem to be able to get OpenCV to work properly. Here's what I want to accomplish:
Use CodeBlocks (which I installed using codeblocks-10.05mingw-setup.exe) with OpenCV (installer: OpenCV-2.4.2.exe) on my Windows x64.
I've tried a lot of different configurations which will only bother you if I posted them all, so I hope you don't mind if I just ask the simple question: how do I get this to work?
I think I'm missing the smallest detail right now, so a detailed description of how to get started would be welcome.
If the OpenCV installer did the job, you should have by now OpenCV libraries and headers already installed in your system.
I would then go ahead and try to compile a hello world basic code, like the one you can get from here. If you would like to program using an IDE, like VisualC++ in Windows, you can follow this guide that will help you setting up the environment.
OpenCV team just introduced their new web site. There you can find Introduction to OpenCV section with installation instructions, including detailed instructions for Windows. Don't forget to cleanup your system before installation to avoid problems with mixing different install options. If you still can't get it working with CodeBlocks, follow Dan's advice and try compiling from command line.
When you are done with installation, go on and read there great new tutorials!