Run AWS Lambda inside Docker in local - amazon-web-services

I'm new to AWS and for learning purpose I created a free AWS account. I don't want to install all dependencies, packages and configure them with my test account in my pc until I learn them well. So I planned to create a docker image so I can do configurations later in my pc. But I can't find any good example how to set up docker image for AWS Lambda. Can you please help me to set up docker image?
I'm using NodeJs

Check out - A fully functional local AWS cloud stack (Lambda as well).

The solution will depend on language you are going to use for lambdas.
Try some tutorials, i.e. the next descibes how to simulate lambda for python:

Recent AWS blog describes how to do it:
How do I create a Lambda layer using a simulated Lambda environment with Docker?
Basically you can run already made docker image for that:
This is the same docker image used by AWS's SAM (Serverless Application Model) when you test your lambda function locally. Thus this is the closest you can get to the real lambda environment.


How to copy file to docker container running Lambda with AWS Toolkit in intelliJ

I am using AWS Toolkit in IntelliJ to run and test AWS Lambdas. AWS Toolkit allows you to deploy a lambda and run it on an AWS system. Or you can run it locally in a Docker container.
Is there a way I can tell it to copy a local file into the Docker container? I know how to do this normally with a Dockerfile, but in this case, the Dockerfile is hidden somewhere in the background. Is there a way to do this?
One way to do this is using image based lambdas and specifying the location for the Dockerfile. You can use the AWS Toolkit to create image based lambdas (see

Reg. Docker Image of microservices in AWS Lambda

I developed a spring boot-microservices application in which each microservice is packaged into a separate docker container. The databases for these services are also in separate docker containers. Currently, all these are hosted and running in AWS ECS. If I need to migrate to Lambda, can I reuse the same docker containers as such? (of course, I will add the AWS serverless dependency in all the pom.xml files) and do repackaging. Kindly let me know if I can run the modified docker images as such in Lambda?
Thank You
I think you can't use share the same docker image between your ECS task and Lambda. Because they differ in few aspects and some of them are very specific to lambda, how we write the handler as well as package them.
New for AWS Lambda – Container Image Support
Your wording too is a bit confusing
can I reuse the same docker containers as such?
and then you say
can run the modified docker images as such in Lambda?
Example task definitions
For Spring Boot Application specifically, you can take a look here:
Running APIs Written in Java on AWS Lambda
Java AWS Lambda Container Image Support (Complete Guide)

Is there a way to containerized a normal AWS Lambda function?

My AWS lambda functions have input from AWS SNS (Topic subscription) and output will go to CRUD in NoSQL Database (likewise MongoDB).
So currently I have the SNS & Lambda function setup in AWS Cloud and they are working fine. However, I would like to containerize the lambda function as well as the MongoDB database and host them on AWS EKS using Docker + Kubernetes service. (So the functions will be a Docker image)
I am totally new to this container thing and I searched online though I could not found any that mentions how to containerized AWS Lambda Functions.
Is this possible? If it is what are the ways to do it?
Thank you.
The docker environment for AWS lambda function already exist and it is lambci/lambda. So if you want to run/test your functions locally, this is the tool normally used for that:
A sandboxed local environment that replicates the live AWS Lambda environment almost identically – including installed software and libraries, file structure and permissions, environment variables, context objects and behaviors – even the user and running process are the same.
Since its open-sourced, you can also modify it if it does not suit your needs.
Lambda already uses Firecracker a microVM technology. So, not really sure why it's required to create a container out of Lambda.
The beauty of Lambda/Serverless is to simply write the function code and forget about the rest. If it's all about more control, then look at Knative which runs on top of K8S.

build and push docker image to AWS ECR using lambda

Is it possible to automate building a docker image from code committed into github (no tests involved) and then push it to AWS ECR using a lambda function?
you cannot do it just with lambda as lambda is not really a suitable execution environment for the docker daemon (necessary to build the images), however you can use lambda + sns to trigger an endpoint that could point to a service you developed, hosted on ec2 that would trigger the docker build command after a git clone (you can use something similar to python's or a framework that allows you to execute server commands).
You sure can extend this idea on perhaps bringing the ec2 build machine up with some ami that automates this, etc....
The big point here is that you don't really have control over what's provisioned in lambda, so you need ec2.

How to obtain working template from CloudFormation Management Console?

I am working to extend this solution to my needs.
I am using serverless (on my laptop with Debian 9) to deploy it to AWS Lambda. I would like to use AWS-Sam-local to run it locally for developing.
I would like to use AWS-Sam-local because I believe that there is difference between running this solution via serverless webpack serve --function run and sam local start-api. The difference I think, is event object which I want to make contain POST or binary data (multipart files transfer). For that I have to allow binary transfer via API Gateway.
But correct me if I am wrong because I am totally green in the AWS and Serverless field and this is my first time with this technologies.
The problem I get is aws-sam-local needs the CloudFormation template to know how to run serverless-chrome project. If I make deploy to AWS and go to CloudFormation Console I can copy that template after selecting it in "Stacks" table and clicking "Template" tab. Then I use cfn-flip to convert JSON into YAML. In the end I got template.yml, but running sam local start-api gives me error:
2017/10/06 11:03:23 Connected to Docker 1.32
ERROR: No Serverless functions were found in your SAM template.
Please tell me what to do to make serverless-chrome run locally as it would run on AWS Lambda.
The templates Serverless uses to deploy are available in two places:
Remotely, in the S3 deployment bucket
locally, in .serverless/