Neoj4 GCP error: "The requested URL /v1/documents:classifyText?key=apiKey was not found on this server" - google-cloud-platform

I am trying to figure out how Neoj4 Desktop can be used to handel NLP usgin this blog. Everything was ok until the text classification moment:
CALL apoc.periodic.iterate("
// get all articles
MATCH (node:Article) RETURN node
// classify each article
CALL apoc.nlp.gcp.classify.graph(node, {
// we retrieve gcp api key from static value storage
key: apoc.static.get('gcp.apiKey'),
// node property that contains the text
nodeProperty: 'content',
}) YIELD graph RETURN distinct 'done'",
Instead of returning categories, it returns "The requested URL /v1/documents:classifyText?key=apiKey was not found on this server" error
Maybe it is something with GCP credentials, but I have done everything as suggested.

Thanks for reading my blog post! :)
Please try the following command:
RETURN apoc.static.get('gcp.apiKey')
Does it return anything? It should return your google API key. If it doesn't work you can always just try to copy your API key into the query. On the other hand, if apoc.static.get works as intended, maybe try to Enable your Natural Language API in the google console. That could be one issue.


Simple Laravel route not working

I am currently in the middle of doing a Laravel tutorial on Youtube and I've been catching on pretty quickly but I hit a snag and I have absolutely no idea what the problem is. I'm trying to route to a view and I am receiving an error saying that the page does not exist. Here is what I got (forgive me if my terminology is lacking):
The web.php file in the routes folder is configured for 'companies' to go to the 'CompaniesController':
Route::resource('companies', 'CompaniesController');
The create function located in the CompaniesController only purpose is to return the view 'companies.create' located in the appropriate place, 'resources/views/companies/create.blade.php'
public function create()
return view('companies.create');
If more information is needed let me know but this should be pretty straight forward. Other functions in the controller work fine, its only the one that is the most simple that isn't working.
Appreciate any help I get.
If your http request is GET:
Route::get('/companies', 'CompaniesController#create')
Else if request is POST:
Route::post('/companies', 'CompaniesController#create')
create would respond to a POST request by default, e.g., the endpoint of a creation form. It sounds like you're trying to display a simple view with a GET.

Amazon ItemSearch API reponse different from search results

I am trying to figure out the right parameters for ItemSearch such that the API call will return the same result as on the website. Currently I am using these params it is not consistent with the website.
url_params = dict(
For example if 'iphone%205s' is put in keywords, the API returns a list of iPhone protectors, while searching on the website gives iPhones as top results.
I am also trying to figure out why this is for book searches. One possible answer I found online was that the websites search feature might use more elaborate queries than just one simple API call. For example, it may take into account other factors into the search (not sure what that might be but it may).

How to construct signing request for Amazon EC2 API call with filters?

This question is a follow-up to my earlier question on getting a REST API call to EC2 API working.
Having got that working, I wanted to generalize it and tried a couple of things. For example, I tried to filter by region name and make the request
which they show in the documentation.
Signing that was easy, stick the RegionName(s) into the signing request in their alphabetical position and sign the whole thing just as I would without them. That worked out just fine.
So I progressed to the second example that they provide in the documentation.
OK, I tried to put the filters into my signing parameters in the alphabetically sorted location as required ...
char * signing_parameters_template =
and sign that. I get an error that the signature doesn't match. I've tried a bunch of variations of this, no luck.
How does one sign a request that includes filters?
I have to escape the "*" in the filter
That's it!

ACCESS_DENIED Status from Places API

I'm developing an Android App that uses the Places API to retrieve information and displays it on a map. The initial request to retrieve to places fails with a ACCESS_DENIED status message from the HTTP request. Below is the code that I used to generate the request:
try {
HttpRequestFactory httpRequestFactory = createRequestFactory(HTTP_TRANSPORT);
HttpRequest request = httpRequestFactory
.buildGetRequest(new GenericUrl(PLACES_SEARCH_URL));
request.getUrl().put("key", API_KEY);
request.getUrl().put("location", _latitude + "," + _longitude);
request.getUrl().put("radius", _radius); // in meters
request.getUrl().put("sensor", "false");
if(types != null)
request.getUrl().put("types", types);
PlacesList list = request.execute().parseAs(PlacesList.class);
// Check log cat for places response status
Log.d("Places Status", "" + list.status);
return list;
In another Stackoverflow posting someone had suggested that the poster try the following to test their key:
Go to the api console here, then to SERVICES. Click Active services
tab and verify 'Places API' is turned ON. Click on the ? "try" link
next to it. It should create a proper URL with your key which should
work. Compare the link that you are trying against this URL for
I followed these instructions. Based on the fact that I received the following results when I clicked on the ? to "try" the link I suspect something is fundamentally wrong with the API Key independent of the code...otherwise I would think I would get a SUCCESS rather than REQUEST_DENIED:
"html_attributions" : [],
"results" : [],
"status" : "REQUEST_DENIED"
I obtained my key by entering the SHA1 of my debug certificate (which i obtained using Keytool with all the appropriate parameters...e.g, androiddebugkey....debug.keystore) followed by a ";" and the Package Name of the app.
Not sure what the problem is...I'm sure it's something simple but I'm not seeing it and I'm stuck. Thoughts?
I never received a response to this posting so ultimately I've resolved the problem by creating a brand new key under a new project name and I was at least able to retrieve Places from Google..I'm still having issues with populating maps but that could be a code issue.
I noticed that the key that I was using that gave me the ACCESS DENIED results had a title of: "Key for Android apps (with certificates)" and it had a label "Android apps:" listed just under the actual key. The key value is the SHA1 value ";" followed by the Package Name. Whereas the key I created under a new Project Name (Places API) that ultimately worked had a title of: "Key for browser apps (with referers)" and it had a label of "Referers:" and value of "Any referer allowed".
So there is definitely something different about these two keys. I'm not sure what I did differently when I generated the keys. I'd like to understand what I did to generate these two "different" types of keys so that I and perhaps others won't repeat my "mistake(s)".
There are many references to creating keys in the Google documentation. The fact that there are so many postings regarding problems with the keys tells me that the Google documentation is not very clear otherwise so many issues wouldn't exist on this topic.

REST service returning "useful" information for demos

I am looking for a REST service that I could use in demo code. I'd like the service:
To take at least one parameter (as a request parameter, or XML POSTed as the body of the HTTP request).
To return the result as XML (not JSON).
To be accessible anonymously (I'll call the service in sample code, so I don't want to put my key in the code, or request users to get a key).
When the Twitter API supported XML (not just JSON), I was typically using their search API. But really anything mainstream enough, easy enough to understand will do (information about zip code, weather for a city…).
If you are using .Net, why don't you just create a tiny MVC application that has a controller that exposes a method that returns some sort of formatted XML? That way you can run the whole thing locally.
You know, I think you can use Google Maps API without a key. I created a test project a couple of days ago. Here is a .Net code snippet (only included so that you can see how I am calling the service):
private static string GetString(Uri requestUri)
var output = string.Empty;
var response = WebRequest.Create(requestUri).GetResponse();
var stream = response.GetResponseStream();
if (stream != null)
using (var reader = new StreamReader(stream))
output = reader.ReadToEnd();
return output;
I pass in a uri with a url:{0},{1}&destination={2},{3}&sensor=false
Where {0},{1} are the first lat/long, and {2},{3} are the second. I am not attaching a key to this and it worked for testing. My method returns a string that later I handle like so:
var response = XDocument.Parse(GetString(request));
which gives me back xml. Again, I still recommend just creating your own web app and then deploying it somewhere publicly accessible (either in a LAN or on the web), but if you just need a web service to return XML you can use that.
The Yahoo! Weather API can be used for this. It takes a location as a request parameter and returns the weather forecast for that location as XML. It also returns weather information as HTML, which you could display as-is to the user. You can see an example of this below. Also make sure that you respect the term of use described at the bottom of the Weather API documentation page.