Laravel OAuth2 authentication for Django Site - django

I am building a Django application and I need to connect to an existing external Laravel site to authenticate users. Basically to have two different platforms, but users only have one set of credentials. Also - users should be able to sign up on the Django, and their user is created in the Laravel DB.
The Laravel site has Laravel Passport (OAuth2 based) installed because it uses it for a Flutter app.
I know that REMOTE_USER is "the Django way" of achieving external auth but, I don't know where to go from there. If it makes a difference, the Django app will be a full REST application using DRF because its frontend will be ReactJS.
Can anyone explain how to achieve external auth with Django, particularly when the authentication server is OAuth2 based? Or better yet, how it can work with Laravel Passport in particular.


Django user authentication with Azure AD and app roles

I want to integrate Azure Active Directory for authentication and authorization.
How do I integrate the msal library into a Django web app, because the official Azure examples are using Flask?
And how to map the AppRoles I have defined in the Azure AD app registration to Django groups defined in the Django backend?
There are samples both for Flask and Django. MSAL itself is framework agnostic so it can be used in any. Regarding the app roles claims you can inspect the acquire_token* methods result. It's a dict containing access_token and/or id_token which will contain the role claim.

Authenticate users in my django app using an existing ASP.Net IdentityServer login app

I'm trying to authenticate users in my django app using an existing ASP.Net IdentityServer login app. I've seen the documentation has an example for an angular or react(Javascript based app) but not django. Does anyone have some sample code or tutorial that shows how to do in django? I'm new at this. Especially when it comes to the call back. I'm not sure i need to use an open iD client package to do this. Is it possible to do this in django? Or does it have to be a JS application? I appreciate any assistance

User authentication with Django and NextJS

I am building a project that uses Django Rest Framework as the backend and NextJS serves React frontend. How can I integrate user authentication using these two technologies?
In the future we might build a mobile app as well, so we need the backend to be consistent.
Thank you for your time.
I would suggest using the JWT tokens for authentication. You will not face any problem if you change your frontend. To get an idea on implementation, check this answer -

Authentication in django for both web and mobile

I have django website running with django-allauth authentication.
Now, I am planning to build a mobile app using already existing django as a backend.
If there is a way I can continue using django-allauth as authentication for mobile app ?
What is the standard way to implement authentication in django for both web and mobile ?
You could try django rest framework to build a restful api that your mobile application makes use of. It comes with support for OAuth.

Web Development - Should social login be performed on frontend or handled on the backend of and application?

I am building a social login based application using Django on the backend and I want to know whether it is a good practice to do Social Auth(facebook, google, github, twitter etc.) on the front end or the backend of an application?
For example, If I want to allow a user to signup using their facebook account, is it a good idea to handle that using JavaScript on the front end or using Django on the backend(e.g, using something like social_auth_app_django)?
Both sides =) The authToken you store should placed in your backend while the session interaction could be done with the frontend.
If you are a beginner ,My recommendation is to go with Django Social Auth.
Django Social Auth is an easy way to setup social authentication/authorization mechanism for Django projects.
docs :
github :
pip install django-social-auth