Installing Magick++ in visual studio 2019 - c++

I have tried to install Magick++.h in visual studio 2019.
First I download ImageMagick++ and installed my pc. Then I copied include & library path to project properties. there is no error when I am writing the program. after compiling, there is a build error. Can someone help to solve this problem?


Visual Studio 2015 msvcp120.dll is missing

I have created an empty Project in Visual Studio 2015.
When I try to run the Debugger an Error Message says, that the msvcp120.dll is missing. I already read, that the redistributable have to be installed for 32Bit and 64Bit. So I installed them or re-installed them. But I still get these Error. The msvcp120.dll is in the system32 directory.
Do I have to link it somewhere in VS?
EDIT: I forgot to say: I work with OpenCV 3.0

C++ : Installing cvBlobLib library for Visual Studio 2015

I've been looking all over the web for a proper code for that library but whenever i try to build it using CMake 3.4.2 it gives me errors and when i try to build the resulting visual studio project (using Visual Studio 2015) it gives me errors as well and doesn't build successfully.
Is there any way to properly install this library and use it in Visual Studio 2015?
Screen shot of the error i get when pressing on "Generate":

Visual Studio 2015 OpenGL freeglut.dll Linker Error

So I was playing around with the OpenGL and C++ in Visual Studio 2013 Pro (from dreamspark for students) and everything was fine. Then I decided to try out Visual 2015 Community. After upgrading and rebuilding the project, I'm getting the LNK1104 error with "cannot open freeglut.lib".
I've searched through the properties and everything seems fine. I originally installed OpenGL libs with PM by installing nupengl.core and adding #include"GL\glut.h". I tried to do some #defines as someone pointed out in this and this thread, but it's probably outdated by now and I'm not able to follow the instructions at some points. I reinstalled the nupengl.core too.
I'm not really fluent with Visual, I've been using it for like a year now and I'm trying my best to understand it more. If anyone has an answer, please make it as clear as possible. Cheers! :D
And of course, sorry for language mistake, as I'm not a native english speaker!
Install the new version of NupenGL and you shouldn't run into any issues. More details:
Why NupenGL had this issue?
The nupengl.core nuget package installs some files (header and lib) that are necessary to run your OpenGL GLUT application.
In its version, it put out the lib files (including freeglut.lib) under the v120 folder. Visual Studio 2015 looks in the v140 folder.
To resolve the issue in that version, you could create another copy of the folder and name it v140, or change the "Platform Toolset" setting in your Visual Studio 2015 project from "Visual Studio 2015 (v140)" to "Visual Studio 2013 (v120)".
There is no need to do that though since this has been fixed in the version of nupengl.core nuget package.
Github page for project:
Hope that helps.

Missing opencv_world300.lib while using visual studio 2015/2013

I'm trying to install OpenCV 3.0.0 to my project within MS Visual Studio 2013/2015 (two PCs). I'm doing same things as in tutorial described here, but on both PCs I get an error, saying that 'opencv_world300.lib is missing, try to reinstall programm'. I sure that it's not missing, I've set system variables: OPENCV_DIR: 'D:\opencv\build\x86\vc12' and added to PATH: '%OPENCV_DIR%\lib'. Restarted my computer, but Visual Studio says error above. All project properties are the same as in the tutorial. What should I do to solve this problem? Thanks.
You need to build the library again
Go back to cmake step and activate Build_opencv_world

opencv 2.4.3 configuration issue with visual studio 2010

I have tried to install and configure opencv and link it with visual studio 2010 in 32bit windows 7 but after all the configuration when i debug a piece of code i get this error really need help please help.
"error LNK1181: cannot open file 'opencv_calib3d243d.lib'"
"'opencv_calib3d243d.lib'" was included during the configuration, but still i get this error.
I have followed the coniguration procedure from here.
Installing OpenCV 2.4.3 in Visual C++ 2010 Express
There might be 2 things that are the source of your woes:
You are trying to link to x64 instead of x86 (this is assuming that your OS is 32-bit, of course)
You haven't specified the Linker Directory properly.
I would advise you to use CMake to link your libraries as it will make your life a lot simpler.. Please refer to my answer to this question for details..