Modify position in a line if Regular Expression found - regex

I need to modify the positions number 10 of every line that finds the word 'Example' (can´t use the actual data here) and add the string '(ID) '. It doesn´t necessarily have to begin with 9 numbers, it just needs to add the string to the position number 10.
For example, this line should be modified like this:
ORIGINAL: 123456789This line is being used as an Example
SOLUTION: 123456789(ID) This line is being used as an Example
So far I have this, to find the Example and copy the rest of the line as to not lose the text:
Find: (.*)Example
Bonus points if it works for two different words 'Example1' and 'Example2' in different sentences, the 'and also' part of this example would change in every line.
ORIGINAL: 123456789This line is being used as an Example1 and also Example2
SOLUTION: 123456789(ID) This line is being used as an Example1 and also Example2
This would have this search:
Find: (.*)Example1(.*)Example2
Thank you

You could try:
Find: (\d{9})(?=.*\bExample1\b.*\bExample2\b)
Replace: $(ID)
^^^ single space after (ID)
The regex pattern used matches and captures a 9 digit number (you may adjust to any width, or range of widths, which you want). It also uses a positive lookahead to assert that Example1 and Example2 in fact occur later in the same line:

This is how you add characters in a certain position, even tho I accepted Tims answer because it´s very similar and made me figure it out:
As you can see, I only added '^' so it´s the position from the start of the line, and 'S' instead of 'd' so it counts characters that are not whitespace, instead of numbers. This should work for any type of line you have.


Splitting name/value pairs with regex to ignore special characters based on surrounding characters

I have this regex that's worked well so far that splits 'name=value' pairs separated by a given character.
I know the separator, but the problem is in the example below (tab separated):
usrName=Wilma sev=4 cat=Detection CommandLine="C:\powershell.exe" -Enc 0ATQBpAG0AAcABDAHIAZQBkAHMAIgA= IOCValue= ProcessEndTime=2023-01-18 15:51:05
Some values can have no value in the case of 'IOCValue' which works as expected, however some values like the CommandLine are giving me up to -Enc as one match and the remainder to the next pair as another.
What I'm hoping to get out from the above is:
CommandLine="C:\powershell.exe" -Enc 0ATQBpAG0AAcABDAHIAZQBkAHMAIgA=
ProcessEndTime=2023-01-18 15:51:05
But I'm getting:
CommandLine="C:\powershell.exe" -Enc
ProcessEndTime=2023-01-18 15:51:05
Given I know the separator is a tab I think what I need is to only look for name=value pairs when they are at the start of the line or proceeded by the separator (tab). Is this possible?
Note, I can expect a space separator too, but I have a less performant and messy non-regex version I can send these too, so presume tab.
You may use this simplified regex:
Updated RegEx Demo
Here, lookahead (?=\t|\Z) will make sure that value part is followed by either a tab character or end position.

Regex: Capture any (dynamic) amount of lines

I've been trying to match the following:
First Group:Line1,
Second Group:Some_Sample_text
With this query:
First Group:(?<first_group>.+\n*\n)Second Group:(?<second_group>.*)
My main goal is to capture any amount of lines between Line1 and LineX (because I can't anticipate how many there'll be), but since there's no option to match the end of files I'll probably need to use the "\n" tokens. I've also tried with IF and THEN statements but I just can't get it to work.
Any ideas appreciated.
Here, we might want to design an expression that'd just pass newlines, such as
First Group:([\s\S]*)Second Group:(.*)
First Group:([\d\D]*)Second Group:(.*)
First Group:([\w\W]*)Second Group:(.*)
Demo 1
and we'd expand it to,
First Group:([\s\S]*)Second Group:([\s\S]*)
First Group:([\d\D]*)Second Group:([\d\D]*)
First Group:([\w\W]*)Second Group:([\w\W]*)
If our second group would have had multiple lines.
Demo 2
The fourth bird advises that:
You could make the charachter class non greedy to prevent over matching ([\s\S]*?)
which then the expression would become,
First Group:([\s\S]*?)Second Group:([\s\S]*)
for instance.
Demo 3

parse comma seperated values in argumentlist that's seperated by commas

So i have this regex:
and i need have a string like:
the regex works for cases where i only have 1 value.
but since we have comma's in the list of values for the key.
the regex just craps out and my code does half of what i want it to do but doesn't get the 2nd value.
How do i fix my regex to take both values regardless of where in the string it is?
alone, between 2 others, at the end.
i tried some stuff but couldn't figure it out.
Attempt 1:
In this case, it matches the one where it's in the middle but it fails on the others because = does not exist.
Attempt 2:
Matches too bar,pine and tree,bar for example
This seems to work maybe....
if i use quotes for multi values..
You can split on variable names - that will leave only the values:
s := regexp.MustCompile("[^,\\s]+=").Split("foo=bar,pine=apple,tree,bar=bie", -1)
# => [ "bar", "apple,tree", "bie"]
Go Demo
Regex Demo

Remove the first character of each line and append using Vim

I have a data file as follows.
Using vim, I want to reomve the 1's from each of the lines and append them to the end. The resultant file would look like this:
I was looking for an elegant way to do this.
Actually I tried it like
And then
But I could not make it to work.
EDIT : Well, actually I made one mistake in my question. In the data-file, the first character is not always 1, they are mixture of 1, 2 and 3. So, from all the answers from this questions, I came up with the solution --
and it is working now.
A regular expression that doesn't care which number, its digits, or separator you've used. That is, this would work for lines that have both 1 as their first number, or 114:
:%s// - Substitute every line (%)
\(<something>\) - Extract and store to \n
[0-9]* - A number 0 or more times
. - Every char, in this case,
.* - Every char 0 or more times
\3\2\1 - Replace what is captured with \(\)
So: Cut up 1 , <the rest> to \1, \2 and \3 respectively, and reorder them.
could be somewhat simpler to understand.
This will do the replacement on each line in the file. The \1 replaces everything captured by the (.*)
You could also solve this one using a macro. First, think about how to delete the 1, from the start of a line and append it to the end:
0 go the the start of the line
df, delete everything to and including the first ,
A,<ESC> append a comma to the end of the line
p paste the thing you deleted with df,
x delete the trailing comma
So, to sum it up, the following will convert a single line:
Now if you'd like to apply this set of modifications to all the lines, you will first need to record them:
qj start recording into the 'j' register
0df,A,<ESC>px convert a single line
j go to the next line
q stop recording
Finally, you can execute the macro anytime you want using #j, or convert your entire file with 99#j (using a higher number than 99 if you have more than 99 lines).
Here's the complete version:
This one might be easier to understand than the other solutions if you're not used to regular expressions!

Regex for splitting below data

I have a data one on each line in a file as below
I am looking for a regex to split out into two categories of output
One where starting letter of the data is between A to M
and other
where starting letter of the data is from N to Z
I tried this
[A-M].* for getting first half of data with first beginning letter from A to M
and i was expecting a result/regex text match of
only :
but it also gave a match for
LD.Q which was incorrect for me.
I even unsuccessfully tried [(A-M)(A-M)(A-M)].*
Basically i want to split based on starting letter in the data. One half for data beginning with letters from A to M and second half for data beginning with letter N to Z.
You are close, all you need is to add the ^ for start of string and $ for end of string.
Make sure you enable multiline mode. Multiline mode (usually the m flag) allows ^ and $ to detect start of line and end of line respectively.
The carat symbol represents the start of the string being searched/matched. The two regexs that you probably need are: