Amazon Sagemaker Groundtruth: Cannot get active learning to work - amazon-web-services

I am trying to test Sagemaker Groundtruth's active learning capability, but cannot figure out how to get the auto-labeling part to work. I started a previous labeling job with an initial model that I had to create manually. This allowed me to retrieve the model's ARN as a starting point for the next job. I uploaded 1,758 dataset objects and labeled 40 of them. I assumed the auto-labeling would take it from here, but the job in Sagemaker just says "complete" and is only displaying the labels that I created. How do I make the auto-labeler work?
Do I have to manually label 1,000 dataset objects before it can start working? I saw this post: Information regarding Amazon Sagemaker groundtruth, where the representative said that some of the 1,000 objects can be auto-labeled, but how is that possible if it needs 1,000 objects to start auto-labeling?
Thanks in advance.

I'm an engineer at AWS. In order to understand the "active learning"/"automated data labeling" feature, it will be helpful to start with a broader recap of how SageMaker Ground Truth works.
First, let's consider the workflow without the active learning feature. Recall that Ground Truth annotates data in batches []. This means that your dataset is submitted for annotation in "chunks." The size of these batches is controlled by the API parameter MaxConcurrentTaskCount []. This parameter has a default value of 1,000. You cannot control this value when you use the AWS console, so the default value will be used unless you alter it by submitting your job via the API instead of the console.
Now, let's consider how active learning fits into this workflow. Active learning runs in between your batches of manual annotation. Another important detail is that Ground Truth will partition your dataset into a validation set and an unlabeled set. For datasets smaller than 5,000 objects, the validation set will be 20% of your total dataset; for datasets largert than 5,000 objects, the validation set will be 10% of your total dataset. Once the validation set is collected, any data that is subsequently annotated manually consistutes the training set. The collection of the validation set and training set proceeds according to the batch-wise process described in the previous paragraph. A longer discussion of active learning is available in [].
That last paragraph was a bit of a mouthful, so I'll provide an example using the numbers you gave.
Example #1
Default MaxConcurrentTaskCount ("batch size") of 1,000
Total dataset size: 1,758 objects
Computed validation set size: 0.2 * 1758 = 351 objects
Batch #
Annotate 351 objects to populate the validation set (1407 remaining).
Annotate 1,000 objects to populate the first iteration of the training set (407 remaining).
Run active learning. This step may, depending on the accuracy of the model at this stage, result in the annotation of zero, some, or all of the remaining 407 objects.
(Assume no objects were automatically labeled in step #3) Annotate 407 objects. End labeling job.
Example #2
Non-default MaxConcurrentTaskCount ("batch size") of 250
Total dataset size: 1,758 objects
Computed validation set size: 0.2 * 1758 = 351 objects
Batch #
Annotate 250 objects to begin populating the validation set (1508 remaining).
Annotate 101 objects to finish populating the validation set (1407 remaining).
Annotate 250 objects to populate the first iteration of the training set (1157 remaining).
Run active learning. This step may, depending on the accuracy of the model at this stage, result in the annotation of zero, some, or all of the remaining 1157 objects. All else being equal, we would expect the model to be less accurate than the model in example #1 at this stage, because our training set is only 250 objects here.
Repeat alternating steps of annotating batches of 250 objects and running active learning.
Hopefully these examples illustrate the workflow and help you understand the process a little better. Since your dataset consists of 1,758 objects, the upper bound on the number of automated labels that can be supplied is 407 objects (assuming you use the default MaxConcurrentTaskCount).
Ultimately, 1,758 objects is still a relatively small dataset. We typically recommend at least 5,000 objects to see meaningful results []. Without knowing any other details of your labeling job, it's difficult to gauge why your job didn't result in more automated annotations. A useful starting point might be to inspect the annotations you received, and to determine the quality of the model that was trained during the Ground Truth labeling job.
Best regards from AWS!


How are confidence scores calculated in AWS SageMaker GroundTruth?

AWS's SageMaker/GroundTruth Labelling jobs return a confidence score for each human-annotated label.
However, the score is not a direct function of the responses of the N workers who labeled the task.
For example, on tasks with all three workers assigning different labels the score varies (0.61, 0.55, 0.68). And where 2/3 agree, the score varies also (0.95, 0.91).
"Automated data labelling" is disabled, which indicates that all items are labeled by a human, rather than being fully/partially automatically classified.
How does AWS calculate these confidence scores?
I can't find the details, so leaving this question open hoping for a real answer. But this is what I can find out so far:
Each labelling job has a AnnotationConsolidationConfig param which lets you control how the confidence score is calculated using an AWS Lambda function.
The default for single-image classification is described as:
a variant of the Expectation Maximisation approach.
It estimates parameters for each worker and uses Bayesian inference to estimate the true class based on the class annotations from individual workers."
however it appears regular AWS users are not able to view the function itself due to lack of permissions.

Auto labeling for Text Data with Amazon Sagemaker ground truth

What is the minimum number of text rows needed for ground truth to do auto-labelling ? I have text file which contains 1000 rows, is this good enough to get started with auto-labelling by sagemaker ground truth ?
I'm a product manager on the Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth team, and I'm happy to help you with this question. The minimum system requirement is 1,000 objects. In practice with text classification, we typically see meaningful results (% of data auto-labeled) only once you have 2,000 to 3,000 text objects. Remember performance is variable and depends on your dataset and the complexity of your task.
From the documentation,
You should use automated data labeling only on large datasets. The neural networks used with active learning require a significant amount of data for every new dataset. With larger datasets there is more potential to automatically label the data and therefore reduce the total cost of labeling. We recommend that you use thousands of data objects when using automated data labeling. You must use at least 5,000 data objects

Training and Test Set in Weka InCompatible in Text Classification

I have two datasets regarding whether a sentence contains a mention of a drug adverse event or not, both the training and test set have only two fields the text and the labels{Adverse Event, No Adverse Event} I have used weka with the stringtoWordVector filter to build a model using Random Forest on the training set.
I want to test the model built with removing the class labels from the test data set, applying the StringToWordVector filter on it and testing the model with it. When I try to do that it gives me the error saying training and test set not compatible probably because the filter identifies a different set of attributes for the test dataset. How do I fix this and output the predictions for the test set.
The easiest way to do this for a one off test is not to pre-filter the training set, but to use Weka's FilteredClassifier and configure it with the StringToWordVector filter, and your chosen classifier to do the classification. This is explained well in this video from the More Data Mining with Weka online course.
For a more general solution, if you want to build the model once then evaluate it on different test sets in future, you need to use InputMappedClassifier:
Wrapper classifier that addresses incompatible training and test data
by building a mapping between the training data that a classifier has
been built with and the incoming test instances' structure. Model
attributes that are not found in the incoming instances receive
missing values, so do incoming nominal attribute values that the
classifier has not seen before. A new classifier can be trained or an
existing one loaded from a file.
Weka requires a label even for the test data. It uses the labels or „ground truth“ of the test data to compare the result of the model against it and measure the model performance. How would you tell whether a model is performing well, if you don‘t know whether its predictions are right or wrong. Thus, the test data needs to have the very same structure as the training data in WEKA, including the labels. No worries, the labels are not used to help the model with its predictions.
The best way to go is to select cross validation (e.g. 10 fold cross validation) which automatically will split your data into 10 parts, using 9 for training and the remaining 1 for testing. This procedure is repeated 10 times so that each of the 10 parts has once been used as test data. The final performance verdict will be an average of all 10 rounds. Cross validation gives you a quite realistic estimate of the model performance on new, unseen data.
What you were trying to do, namely using the exact same data for training and testing is a bad idea, because the measured performance you end up with is way too optimistic. This means, you‘ll get very impressive figures like 98% accuracy during testing - but as soon as you use the model against new unseen data your accuracy might drop to a much worse level.

AWS Machine Learning Data

I'm using the AWS Machine Learning regression to predict the waiting time in a line of a restaurant, in a specific weekday/time.
Today I have around 800k data.
Example Data:
restaurantID (rowID)weekDay (categorical)time (categorical)tablePeople (numeric)waitingTime (numeric - target)1 sun 21:29 2 23
2 fri 20:13 4 43
I have two questions:
Should I use time as Categorical or Numeric?
It's better to split into two fields: minutes and seconds?
I would like in the same model to get the predictions for all my restaurants.
I expected to send the rowID identifier and it returns different predictions, based on each restaurant data (ignoring others data).
I tried, but it's returning the same prediction for any rowID. Why?
Should I have a model for each restaurant?
There are several problems with the way you set-up your model
1) Time in the form you have it should never be categorical. Your model treats times 12:29 and 12:30 as two completely independent attributes. So it will never use facts it learn about 12:29 to predict what's going to happen at 12:30. In your case you either should set time to be numeric. Not sure if amazon ML can convert it for you automatically. If not just multiply hour by 60 and add minutes to it. Another interesting thing to do is to bucketize your time, by selecting which half hour or wider interval. You do it by dividing (h*60+m) by some number depending how many buckets you want. So to try 120 to get 2 hr intervals. Generally the more data you have the smaller intervals you can have. The key is to have a lot of samples in each bucket.
2) You should really think about removing restaurantID from your input data. Having it there will cause the model to over-fit on it. So it will not be able to make predictions about restaurant with id:5 based on the facts it learn from restaurants with id:3 or id:9. Having restaurant id there might be okay if you have a lot of data about each restaurant and you don't care about extrapolating your predictions to the restaurants that are not in the training set.
3) You never send restaurantID to predict data about it. The way it usually works you need to pick what are you trying to predict. In your case probably 'waitingTime' is most useful attribute. So you need to send weekDay, time and number of people and the model will output waiting time.
You should think what is relevant for the prediction to be accurate, and you should use your domain expertise to define the features/attributes you need to have in your data.
For example, time of the day, is not just a number. From my limited understanding in restaurant, I would drop the minutes, and only focus on the hours.
I would certainly create a model for each restaurant, as the popularity of the restaurant or the type of food it is serving is having an impact on the wait time. With Amazon ML it is easy to create many models as you can build the model using the SDK, and even schedule retraining of the models using AWS Lambda (that mean automatically).
I'm not sure what the feature called tablePeople means, but a general recommendation is to have as many as possible relevant features, to get better prediction. For example, month or season is probably important as well.
In contrast with some answers to this post, I think resturantID helps and it actually gives valuable information. If you have a significant amount of data per each restaurant then you can train a model per each restaurant and get a good accuracy, but if you don't have enough data then resturantID is very informative.
1) Just imagine what if you had only two columns in your dataset: restaurantID and waitingTime. Then wouldn't you think the restaurantID from the testing data helps you to find a rough waiting time? In the simplest implementation, your waiting time per each restaurantID would be the average of waitingTime. So definitely restaurantID is a valuable information. Now that you have more features in your dataset, you need to check if restaurantID is as effective as the other features or not.
2) If you decide to keep restaurantID then you must use it as a categorical string. It should be a non-parametric feature in your dataset and maybe that's why you did not get a proper result.
On the issue with day and time I agree with other answers and considering that you are building your model for the restaurant, hourly time may give a more accurate result.

How to do prediction with weka

i'm using weka to do some text mining, i'm a little bit confused so i'm here to ask how can i ( with a set of comments that are in a some way classified as: notes, status of work, not conformity, warning) predict if a new comment belong to a specific class, with all the comment (9551) i've done a preprocess obtaining with the filter "stringtowordvector" a vector of tokens, and then i've used the simple kmeans to obtain a number of cluster.
So the question is: if a user post a new comment can i predict with those data if it belong to a category of comment?
sorry if my question is a little bit confused but so am i.
thank you
Trivial Training-validation-test
Create two datasets from your labelled instances. One will be training set and the other will be validation set. The training set will contain about 60% of the labelled data and the validation will contain 40% of the labelled data. There is no hard and fast rule for this split, but a 60-40 split is a good choice.
Use K-means (or any other clustering algorithm) on your training data. Develop a model. Record the model's error on training set. If the error is low and acceptable, you are fine. Save the model.
For now, your validation set will be your test dataset. Apply the model you saved on your validation set. Record the error. What is the difference between training error and validation error? If they both are low, the model's generalization is "seemingly" good.
Prepare a test dataset where you have all the features of your training and test dataset but the class/cluster is unknown.
Apply the model on the test data.
10-fold cross validation
Use all of your labelled data instances for this task.
Apply K-means (or any other algorithm of your choice) with a 10-fold CV setup.
Record the training error and CV error. Are they low? Is the difference between the errors is low? If yes, then save the model and apply it on the test data whose class/cluster is unknown.
NB: The training/test/validation errors and their differences will give you an "very initial" idea of overfitting/underfitting of your model. They are sanity tests. You need to perform other tests like learning curves to see if your model overfits or underfits or perfect. If there appears to be an overfitting and underfitting problem, you need to try many different techniques to overcome them.