How to select level of detalization of point cloud(xyz points) - c++

What opengl parameters i must use for LOD selection?
I use glortho
glOrtho(boxC.x-maxLen/1 - dL, boxC.x + maxLen/1 + dL, boxC.y-maxLen/1 - dL, boxC.y + maxLen/1 + dL, -(f_scale)*max_z, f_scale*max_z);

You can't. OpenGL has no feature called LOD.
If you want to render less points when the camera is a certain distance away, it is up to your program to do that. Unless you just want to ignore points that are farther than a certain distance away - the far clipping plane (the last parameter to glOrtho) controls the maximum distance at which things can be displayed.


Raytracer : High FOV distortion

I'm actually realising a C++ raytracer and I'm confronting a classic problem on raytracing. When putting a high vertical FOV, the shapes get a bigger distortion the nearer they are from the edges.
I know why this distortion happens, but I don't know to resolve it (of course, reducing the FOV is an option but I think that there is something to change in my code). I've been browsing different computing forums but didn't find any way to resolve it.
Here's a screenshot to illustrate my problem.
I think that the problem is that the view plane where I'm projecting my rays isn't actually flat, but I don't know how to resolve this. If you have any tip to resolve it, I'm open to suggestions.
I'm on a right-handed oriented system.
The Camera system vectors, Direction vector and Light vector are normalized.
If you need some code to check something, I'll put it in an answer with the part you ask.
code of ray generation :
// PixelScreenX = (pixelx + 0.5) / imageWidth
// PixelCameraX = (2 ∗ PixelScreenx − 1) ∗
// ImageAspectRatio ∗ tan(fov / 2)
float x = (2 * (i + 0.5f) / (float)options.width - 1) *
options.imageAspectRatio * options.scale;
// PixelScreeny = (pixely + 0.5) / imageHeight
// PixelCameraY = (1 − 2 ∗ PixelScreeny) ∗ tan(fov / 2)
float y = (1 - 2 * (j + 0.5f) / (float)options.height) * options.scale;
Vec3f dir;
options.cameraToWorld.multDirMatrix(Vec3f(x, y, -1), dir);
newColor = _renderer->castRay(options.orig, dir, objects, options);
There is nothing wrong with your projection. It produces exactly what it should produce.
Let's consider the following figure to see how all the quantities interact:
We have the camera position, the field of view (as an angle) and the image plane. The image plane is the plane that you are projecting your 3D scene onto. Essentially, this represents your screen. When you are viewing your rendering on the screen, your eye serves as the camera. It sees the projected image and if it is positioned at the right point, it will see exactly what it would see if the actual 3D scene was there (neglecting effects like depth of field etc.)
Obviously, you cannot modify your screen (you could change the window size but let's stick with a constant-size image plane). Then, there is a direct relationship between the camera's position and the field of view. As the field of view increases, the camera moves closer and closer to the image plane. Like this:
Thus, if you are increasing your field of view in code, you need to move your eye closer to the screen to get the correct perception. You can actually try that with your image. Move your eye very close to the screen (I'm talking about 3cm). If you look at the outer spheres now, they actually look like real balls again.
In summary, the field of view should approximately match the geometry of the viewing setup. For a given screen size and average watch distance, this can be calculated easily. If your viewing setup does not match your assumptions in code, 3D perception will break down.

Scalable Ambient Obscurance rendering issue

I am trying to implement this SAO algorithm.
I am getting the following result :
I can't figure out why I have the nose on top of the walls, it seems to be a z-buffer issue.
Here are my input values :
const float projScale = 100.0;
const float radius = 0.9;
const float bias = 0.0005;
const float intensityDivR6 = pow(radius, 6);
I am using the original shader without modifications, except that I disable the usage of mipmaps of the depth buffer.
My depth buffer (on different scene, sorry) :
It should be an issue with the zbuffer linearization or it's not between -1 and 1.
Thank you Bruno, I finally figure out what were the issues.
The first was that I didn't transform my Z correctly, they use a specific pre-pass to make the Z linear and put it between -1 and 1. I was using an incompatible method to do it.
I also had to negate my near and far planes values directly in the projection matrix to compute correctly some uniforms.
Result :
I had a similar problem, having visual wrong occlusion, linked to the near/far, so I decided to give you what I've done to fix it.
The problem I had is discribed in a previous comment. I was getting self occlusion, when the camera was close to an object or when the radius was really too big.
If you take a closer look at the conversion from depth buffer value to camera-space value (the reconstructCSZ function from the g3d engine), you will see that replacing the depth by 0 will give you the near plane if you work with positive near/far. So, what it means is that every time you will get a tap outside the model, you will get a z component equals to near, which will give you wrong occlusion for fragments having a z close to 0.
You basically have to discard each taps that are located on the near plane, to avoid them being taken into account when comptuing the full contribution.

Are LiveCode gradient to,from,via properties relative to the object or card coordinates?

I'm working on stackfile export to JSON for use in a VCS system and I've found some bizarre results from exporting/importing gradients. The dictionary says the following about the properties:
fillGradient["from"] - A coordinate specifying the starting point of
the gradient
fillGradient["to"] - A coordinate specifying the end point of the
fillGradient["via"] - A coordinate specifying the intermediate point
of the gradient (affects scaling and shearing of the gradient)
As you can see the coordinate system isn't specified. From some tests it appears the coordinates are relative to the card however this does not make sense to me as the value would change with every move. Does anyone have any further documentation on these properties and/or reasons the properties don't follow the markerPoints convention being relative to the object points where it clearly could do so.
Points locations are relative to the card as you found.
You might want to see this stack for reference:
Actually, these gradient properties are relative to the topleft of the card.
This is the way that I was able to import Gradients from Adobe Ilustrator
version 7 into LiveCode.
You could check the code in this stack:
Some time ago when I also got irritated over the strange coordinate system I added the following behavior to my graphics:
setProp relFillGradient[pKind] pPoint
put round(item 1 of pPoint*the width of me + item 1 of the topLeft of me) into tX
put round(item 2 of pPoint*the height of me + item 2 of the topLeft of me) into tY
set the fillGradient[pKind] of me to tX,tY
end relFillGradient
getProp relFillGradient[pKind]
put the fillGradient[pKind] of me into tPoint
put (item 1 of tPoint - item 1 of the topleft of me)/the width of me into tRelX
put (item 2 of tPoint - item 2 of the topleft of me)/the height of me into tRelY
return (tRelX,tRelY)
end relFillGradient
Then to set the fillGradient you can do:
set the relFillGradient["from"] of graphic "myGraphic" to 0.1,0.3
Where the relative points is 0,0 for top left and 1,1 for bottom right.
NOTE: As you need to set the values to a rounded value you might not get the exact same value back from getProp.
If you don't want a percentage value (as I did) it gets even simpler as you can remove the multiplication and you get the benefit of not having to round your values.

what is the most efficient way of moving multiple objects (stored in VBO) in space? should I use glTranslatef or a shader?

I'm trying to get the hang of moving objects (in general) and line strips (in particular) most efficiently in opengl and therefore I'm writing an application where multiple line segments are traveling with a constant speed from right to left. At every time point the left most point will be removed, the entire line will be shifted to the left, and a new point will be added at the very right of the line (this new data point is streamed / received / calculated on the fly, every 10ms or so). To illustrate what I mean, see this image:
Because I want to work with many objects, I decided to use vertex buffer objects in order to minimize the amount of gl* calls. My current code looks something like this:
A) setup initial vertices:
# calculate my_func(x) in range [0, n]
# (could also be random data)
data = my_func(0, n)
# create & bind buffer
vbo_id = GLuint()
glGenBuffers(1, vbo_id);
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vbo_id)
# allocate memory & transfer data to GPU
glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(data), data, GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW)
B) update vertices:
# get new data and update offset
data = my_func(n+dx, n+2*dx)
# update offset 'n' which is the current absolute value of x.
n = n + 2*dx
# upload data
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vbo_id)
glBufferSubData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, n, sizeof(data), data)
# translate scene so it looks like line strip has moved to the left.
glTranslatef(-local_shift, 0.0, 0.0)
# draw all points from offset
glVertexPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, 0, n)
glDrawArrays(GL_LINE_STRIP, 0, points_per_vbo)
where my_func would do something like this:
my_func(start_x, end_x):
# generate the correct x locations.
x_values = range(start_x, end_x, STEP_SIZE)
# generate the y values. We could be getting these values from a sensor.
y_values = []
for j in x_values:
data = []
for i, j in zip(x_values, y_values):
data.extend([i, j])
return data
This works just fine, however if I have let's say 20 of those line strips that span the entire screen, then things slow down considerably.
Therefore my questions:
1) should I use glMapBuffer to bind the buffer on the GPU and fill the data directly (instead of using glBufferSubData)? Or will this make no difference performance wise?
2) should I use a shader for moving objects (here line strip) instead of calling glTranslatef? If so, how would such a shader look like? (I suspect that a shader is the wrong way to go, since my line strip is NOT a period function but rather contains random data).
3) what happens if the window get's resized? how do I keep aspect ratio and scale vertices accordingly? glViewport() only helps scaling in y direction, not in x direction. If the window is rescaled in x-direction, then in my current implementation I would have to recalculate the position of the entire line strip (calling my_func to get the new x coordinates) and upload it to the GPU. I guess this could be done more elegantly? How would I do that?
4) I noticed that when I use glTranslatef with a non integral value, the screen starts to flicker if the line strip consists of thousands of points. This is most probably because the fine resolution that I use to calculate the line strip does not match the pixel resolution of the screen and therefore sometimes some points appear in front and sometimes behind other points (this is particularly annoying when you don't render a sine wave but some 'random' data). How can I prevent this from happening (besides the obvious solution of translating by a integer multiple of 1 pixel)? If a window get re-sized from let's say originally 800x800 pixels to 100x100 pixels and I still want to visualize a line strip of 20 seconds, then shifting in x direction must work flicker free somehow with sub pixel precision, right?
5) as you can see I always call glTranslatef(-local_shift, 0.0, 0.0) - without ever doing the opposite. Therefore I keep shifting the entire view to the right. And that's why I need to keep track of the absolute x position (in order to place new data at the correct location). This problem will eventually lead to an artifact, where the line is overlapping with the edges of the window. I guess there must be a better way for doing this, right? Like keeping the x values fixed and just moving & updating the y values?
EDIT I've removed the sine wave example and replaced it with a better example. My question is generally about how to move line strips in space most efficiently (while adding new values to them). Therefore any suggestions like "precompute the values for t -> infinity" don't help here (I could also just be drawing the current temperature measured in front of my house).
Consider this toy example where after each time step, the first point is removed and a new one is added to the end:
t = 0
* * *
* **** *
t = 1
* * * *
**** *
t = 2
* *
* * *
**** *
I don't think I can use a shader here, can I?
EDIT 3: example with two line strips.
EDIT 4: based on Tim's answer I'm using now the following code, which works nicely, but breaks the line into two (since I have two calls of glDrawArrays), see also the following two screenshots.
# calculate the difference
diff_first = x[1] - x[0]
''' first part of the line '''
# push the matrix
move_to = -(diff_first * c)
print 'going to %d ' % (move_to)
glTranslatef(move_to, 0, 0)
# format of glVertexPointer: nbr points per vertex, data type, stride, byte offset
# calculate the offset into the Vertex
offset_bytes = c * BYTES_PER_POINT
stride = 0
glVertexPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, stride, offset_bytes)
# format of glDrawArrays: mode, Specifies the starting index in the enabled arrays, nbr of points
nbr_points_to_render = (nbr_points - c)
starting_point_in_above_selected_Vertex = 0
glDrawArrays(GL_POINTS, starting_point_in_above_selected_Vertex, nbr_points_to_render)
# pop the matrix
''' second part of the line '''
# push the matrix
move_to = (nbr_points - c) * diff_first
print 'moving to %d ' %(move_to)
glTranslatef(move_to, 0, 0)
# select the vertex
offset_bytes = 0
stride = 0
glVertexPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, stride, offset_bytes)
# draw the line
nbr_points_to_render = c
starting_point_in_above_selected_Vertex = 0
glDrawArrays(GL_POINTS, starting_point_in_above_selected_Vertex, nbr_points_to_render)
# pop the matrix
# update counter
c += 1
if c == nbr_points:
c = 0
EDIT5 the resulting solution must obviously render one line across the screen - and no two lines that are missing a connection. The circular buffer solution by Tim provides a solution on how to move the plot, but I end up with two lines, instead of one.
Here's my thoughts to the revised question:
1) should I use glMapBuffer to bind the buffer on the GPU and fill the
data directly (instead of using glBufferSubData)? Or will this make no
difference performance wise?
I'm not aware that there is any significant performance between the two, though I would probably prefer glBufferSubData.
What I might suggest in your case is to create a VBO with N floats, and then use it similar to a circular buffer. Keep an index locally to where the 'end' of the buffer is, then every update replace the value under 'end' with the new value, and increment the pointer. This way you only have to update a single float each cycle.
Having done that, you can draw this buffer using 2x translates and 2x glDrawArrays/Elements:
Imagine that you've got an array of 10 elements, and the buffer end pointer is at element 4. Your array will contain the following 10 values, where x is a constant value, and f(n-d) is the random sample from d cycles ago:
0: (0, f(n-4) )
1: (1, f(n-3) )
2: (2, f(n-2) )
3: (3, f(n-1) )
4: (4, f(n) ) <-- end of buffer
5: (5, f(n-9) ) <-- start of buffer
6: (6, f(n-8) )
7: (7, f(n-7) )
8: (8, f(n-6) )
9: (9, f(n-5) )
To draw this (pseudo-guess code, might not be exactly correct):
glTranslatef( -end, 0, 0);
glDrawArrays( LINE_STRIP, end+1, (10-end)); //draw elems 5-9 shifted left by 4
glTranslatef( end+1, 0, 0);
glDrawArrays(LINE_STRIP, 0, end); // draw elems 0-4 shifted right by 5
Then in the next cycle, replace the oldest value with the new random value,and shift the circular buffer pointer forward.
2) should I use a shader for moving objects (here line strip) instead
of calling glTranslatef? If so, how would such a shader look like? (I
suspect that a shader is the wrong way to go, since my line strip is
NOT a period function but rather contains random data).
Probably optional, if you use the method that I've described in #1. There's not a particular advantage to using one here.
3) what happens if the window get's resized? how do I keep aspect
ratio and scale vertices accordingly? glViewport() only helps scaling
in y direction, not in x direction. If the window is rescaled in
x-direction, then in my current implementation I would have to
recalculate the position of the entire line strip (calling my_func to
get the new x coordinates) and upload it to the GPU. I guess this
could be done more elegantly? How would I do that?
You shouldn't have to recalculate any data. Just define all your data in some fixed coordinate system that makes sense to you, and then use projection matrix to map this range to the window. Without more specifics its hard to answer.
4) I noticed that when I use glTranslatef with a non integral value,
the screen starts to flicker if the line strip consists of thousands
of points. This is most probably because the fine resolution that I
use to calculate the line strip does not match the pixel resolution of
the screen and therefore sometimes some points appear in front and
sometimes behind other points (this is particularly annoying when you
don't render a sine wave but some 'random' data). How can I prevent
this from happening (besides the obvious solution of translating by a
integer multiple of 1 pixel)? If a window get re-sized from let's say
originally 800x800 pixels to 100x100 pixels and I still want to
visualize a line strip of 20 seconds, then shifting in x direction
must work flicker free somehow with sub pixel precision, right?
Your assumption seems correct. I think the thing to do here would either to enable some kind of antialiasing (you can read other posts for how to do that), or make the lines wider.
There are a number of things that could be at work here.
glBindBuffer is one of the slowest OpenGL operations (along with similar call for shaders, textures, etc.)
glTranslate adjusts the modelview matrix, which the vertex unit multiplies all points by. So, it simply changes what matrix you multiply by. If you were to instead use a vertex shader, then you'd have to translate it for each vertex individually. In short: glTranslate is faster. In practice, this shouldn't matter too much, though.
If you're recalculating the sine function on a lot of points every time you draw, you're going to have performance issues (especially since, by looking at your source, it looks like you might be using Python).
You're updating your VBO every time you draw it, so it's not any faster than a vertex array. Vertex arrays are faster than intermediate mode (glVertex, etc.) but nowhere near as fast as display lists or static VBOs.
There could be coding errors or redundant calls somewhere.
My verdict:
You're calculating a sine wave and an offset on the CPU. I strongly suspect that most of your overhead comes from calculating and uploading different data every time you draw it. This is coupled with unnecessary OpenGL calls and possibly unnecessary local calls.
My recommendation:
This is an opportunity for the GPU to shine. Calculating function values on parallel data is (literally) what the GPU does best.
I suggest you make a display list representing your function, but set all the y-coordinates to 0 (so it's a series of points all along the line y=0). Then, draw this exact same display list once for every sine wave you want to draw. Ordinarily, this would just produce a flat graph, but, you write a vertex shader that transforms the points vertically into your sine wave. The shader takes a uniform for the sine wave's offset ("sin(x-offset)"), and just changes each vertex's y.
I estimate this will make your code at least ten times faster. Furthermore, because the vertices' x coordinates are all at integral points (the shader does the "translation" in the function's space by computing "sin(x-offset)"), you won't experience jittering when offsetting with floating point values.
You've got a lot here, so I'll cover what I can. Hopefully this will give you some areas to research.
1) should I use glMapBuffer to bind the buffer on the GPU and fill the data directly (instead of using glBufferSubData)? Or will this make no difference performance wise?
I would expect glBufferSubData to have better performance. If the data is stored on the GPU then mapping it will either
Copy the data back into host memory so you can modify it, and the copy it back when you unmap it.
or, give you a pointer to the GPU's memory directly which the CPU will access over PCI-Express. This isn't anywhere near as slow as it used to be to access GPU memory when we were on AGP or PCI, but it's still slower and not as well cached, etc, as host memory.
glSubBufferData will send the update of the buffer to the GPU and it will modify the buffer. No copying the back and fore. All data transferred in one burst. It should be able to do it as an asynchronous update of the buffer as well.
Once you get into "is this faster than that?" type comparisons you need to start measuring how long things take. A simple frame timer is normally sufficient (but report time per frame, not frames per second - it makes numbers easier to compare). If you go finer-grained than that, just be aware that because of the asynchronous nature of OpenGL, you often see time being consumed away from the call that caused the work. This is because after you give the GPU a load of work, it's only when you have to wait for it to finish something that you notice how long it's taking. That normally only happens when you're waiting for front/back buffers to swap.
2) should I use a shader for moving objects (here line strip) instead of calling glTranslatef? If so, how would such a shader look like?
No difference. glTranslate modifies a matrix (normally the Model-View) which is then applied to all vertices. If you have a shader you'd apply a translation matrix to all your vertices. In fact the driver is probably building a small shader for you already.
Be aware that the older APIs like glTranslate() are depreciated from OpenGL 3.0 onwards, and in modern OpenGL everything is done with shaders.
3) what happens if the window get's resized? how do I keep aspect ratio and scale vertices accordingly? glViewport() only helps scaling in y direction, not in x direction.
glViewport() sets the size and shape of the screen area that is rendered to. Quite often it's called on window resizing to set the viewport to the size and shape of the window. Doing just this will cause any image rendered by OpenGL to change aspect ratio with the window. To keep things looking the same you also have to control the projection matrix to counteract the effect of changing the viewport.
Something along the lines of:
glViewport(0,0, width, height);
glScale2f(1.0f, width / height); // Keeps X scale the same, but scales Y to compensate for aspect ratio
That's written from memory, and I might not have the maths right, but hopefully you get the idea.
4) I noticed that when I use glTranslatef with a non integral value, the screen starts to flicker if the line strip consists of thousands of points.
I think you're seeing a form of aliasing which is due to the lines moving under the sampling grid of the pixels. There are various anti-aliasing techniques you can use to reduce the problem. OpenGL has anti-aliased lines (glEnable(GL_SMOOTH_LINE)), but a lot of consumer cards didn't support it, or only did it in software. You can try it, but you may get no effect or run very slowly.
Alternatively you can look into Multi-sample anti-aliasing (MSAA), or other types that your card may support through extensions.
Another option is rendering to a high resolution texture (via Frame Buffer Objects - FBOs) and then filtering it down when you render it to the screen as a textured quad. This would also allow you to do a trick where you move the rendered texture slightly to the left each time, and rendered the new strip on the right each frame.
1 1
1 1 1 Frame 1
1 1 1 Frame 1 is copied left, and a new line segment is added to make frame 2
11 2
1 1 3 Frame 2 is copied left, and a new line segment is added to make frame 3
11 2
It's not a simple change, but it might help you out with your problem (5).

Cement Effect - Artistic Effect

I wish to give an effect to images, where the resultant image would appear as if it is painted on a rough cemented background, and the cemented background customizes itself near the edges to highlight them... Please help me in writing an algorithm to generate such an effect.
The first image is the original image
and the second image is the output im looking for.
please note the edges are detected and the mask changes near the edges to indicate the edges clearly
You need to read up on Bump Mapping. There are plenty of bump mapping algorithms.
The basic algorithm is:
for each pixel
Look up the position on the bump map texture that corresponds to the position on the bumped image.
Calculate the surface normal of the bump map
Add the surface normal from step 2 to the geometric surface normal (in case of an image it's a vector pointing up) so that the normal points in a new direction.
Calculate the interaction of the new 'bumpy' surface with lights in the scene using, for example, Phong shading -- light placement is up to you, and decides where will the shadows lie.
Finally, here's a plain C implementation for 2D images.
Starting with
1) the input image as R, G, B, and
2) a texture image, grayscale.
The images are likely in bytes, 0 to 255. Divide it by 255.0 so we have them as being from 0.0 to 1.0. This makes the math easier. For performance, you wouldn't actually do this but instead use clever fixed-point math, an implementation matter I leave to you.
First, to get the edge effects between different colored areas, add or subtract some fraction of the R, G, and B channels to the texture image:
texture_mod = texture - 0.2*R - 0.3*B
You could get fancier with with nonlinear forumulas, e.g. thresholding the R, G and B channels, or computing some mathematical expression involving them. This is always fun to experiment with; I'm not sure what would work best to recreate your example.
Next, compute an embossed version of texture_mod to create the lighting effect. This is the difference of the texture slid up and right one pixel (or however much you like), and the same texture slid. This give the 3D lighting effect.
emboss = shift(texture_mod, 1,1) - shift(texture_mod, -1, -1)
(Should you use texture_mod or the original texture data in this formula? Experiment and see.)
Here's the power step. Convert the input image to HSV space. (LAB or other colorspaces may work better, or not - experiment and see.) Note that in your desired final image, the cracks between the "mesas" are darker, so we will use the original texture_mod and the emboss difference to alter the V channel, with coefficients to control the strength of the effect:
Vmod = V * ( 1.0 + C_depth * texture_mod + C_light * emboss)
Both C_depth and C_light should be between 0 and 1, probably smaller fractions like 0.2 to 0.5 or so. You will need a fudge factor to keep Vmod from overflowing or clamping at its maximum - divide by (1+C_depth+C_light). Some clamping at the bright end may help the highlights look brighter. As always experiment and see...
As fine point, you could also modify the Saturation channel in some way, perhaps decreasing it where texture_mod is lower.
Finally, convert (H, S, Vmod) back to RGB color space.
If memory is tight or performance critical, you could skip the HSV conversion, and apply the Vmod formula instead to the individual R,G, B channels, but this will cause shifts in hue and saturation. It's a tradeoff between speed and good looks.
This is called bump mapping. It is used to give a non flat appearance to a surface.