What is the equivalent to multiple autofac .As<T>() in DryIoc? - dryioc

In switching over from Autofac to DryIoc, I have a need to implement something akin to .As<IService1>().As<IService2>().
Given the following class
public interface IService1
void DoStuff {}
public interface IService2
void DoThings {}
public class SomeService : IService1, IService2
public void DoStuff() {}
public void DoThings() {}
My autofac registration would look like this
What would the equivalent of this look like in DryIoc?

RegisterMany or RegisterMapping is it. Here is the docs.


Interfaces in cpp

As you will soon see, I am not a c++ developer and for this problem I am working on c++ is my only option. I don't mind learning, so just some guidance would be appreciated.
I have a panel class as follows:
class Panel {
... // Methods that implement Panel
virtual void draw() = 0;
... // Other methods to implement Panel
And I want two varieties of it so I create two interfaces
class Foo {
virtual void foo() = 0;
class Bar: public Foo {
virtual void bar() = 0;
I want to pass the implementing class of Foo to other classes and have them only be able to call the method foo, and the same for Bar.
In other languages I could create the class that implements Foo as:
class FooPanel : public Panel, implements Foo{ ... }
class BarPanel : public Panel, implments Bar { ... }
then I can pass into a method:
//method(..., foo* pFoo, ...); the signature
method(..., (Foo*)&barPanel, ...);
The only way I can see to accomplish this in c++ is to:
class FooPanel : public Panel {
virtual void foo() = 0;
then one has to pass the entire Panel and the implementer is capable of calling and Panel method.
Where can I look to get an idea of how this can be done?
What other languages (such as java) call "interfaces" is just an abstract base class in C++. So if you just replace the implements keyword with public virtual, it will work as you expect:
class FooPanel : public Panel, public virtual Foo { ... }
class BarPanel : public Panel, public virtual Bar { ... }

C++ Google Mock - EXPECT_CALL() - expectation not working when not called directly

I'm still pretty new to Google Mock so learning as I go. I've just been adding some unit tests and I've run into an issue where I can't get ON_CALL() to correctly stub a method called from within a method.
The following code outlines what I have;
class simpleClass
bool simpleFn1() { return simpleFn2(); }
virtual bool simpleFn2() { return FALSE; }
In my unit test I have:
class simpleClassMocked : public simpleClass
MOCK_METHOD0(simpleFn2, bool());
class simpleClassTests : public ::testing::Test
TEST_F(simpleClassTests, testSimpleFn2)
shared_ptr<simpleClassMocked> pSimpleClass = shared_ptr< simpleClassMocked >(new simpleClassMocked());
ON_CALL(*pSimpleClass, simpleF2()).WillByDefault(Return(TRUE));
// This works as expected - simpleFn2() gets stubbed
// This doesn't work as expected - when simpleFn1 calls simpleFn2 it's not the stubbed expectation???
I figure I must be missing something obvious here, can anyone help? Thanks!
you'll have to Mark the method as virtual and add a corresponding MOCK function in the simpleClassMocked class
class simpleClass
virtual bool simpleFn1() { return simpleFn2(); }
virtual bool simpleFn2() { return FALSE; }
Also, you need to put the Mock methods in the public area
class simpleClassMocked : public simpleClass
MOCK_METHOD0(simpleFn2, bool());
MOCK_METHOD0(simpleFn1, bool());
It will work now

ClassCleanup Method Runs Too Late (or After All ClassInitialize methods)

When running multiple [TestClass]es at the same time, why do the [ClassCleanup()] methods only get called at the very end?
File: UnitTest1.cs
public class UnitTest1
public static void ClassInit(TestContext context)
public static void ClassCleanup()
public void TestMethod1()
File: UnitTest2.cs
public class UnitTest2
public static void ClassInit(TestContext context)
public static void ClassCleanup()
public void TestMethod1()
The execution order is the following:
Notice that both [ClassCleanup] methods are executed at the end of the set; not after each TestClass is "done".
But I expected a different behavior:
UnitTest2.ClassCleanup() - Expected
UnitTest1.ClassCleanup() - Expected
Microsoft's Documentation - ClassCleanupAttribute Class says, "Identifies a method that contains code to be used after all the tests in the test class have run and to free resources obtained by the test class. "
But it appears to be run/executed late!
How do I fix this? Or find a way to execute a method from the same TestClass right before the next ClassInitialize method.

Unit Tests inheritance

How do i make Base class with [TestClass()], where i will do MyClassInitialize(), and after that, i will just make my another Test classes just like that - MyNewTest : BaseTest
and there will no initializing?
(using MSTest)
The ClassInitialize won’t work on a base class. It seems that this attribute is searched for only on the executed test class. However, you can call the base class explicitly.
Here is an example:
public class MyTestClass : TestBase
public void MyTestMethod()
public new static void MyClassInitialize(TestContext context)
public abstract class TestBase
public TestContext TestContext { get; set; }
public static void MyClassInitialize(TestContext context)
public static void AssemblyInit(TestContext context)
In NUnit/MbUnit you simply put the Initalize/Cleanup methods with the respective attributes in the base class, then inherit from it.
I haven't tried this yet with MSTest, but I wouldn't recommend this framework anyway.

Using inheritance in MSTest

I am setting up some MSTest based unit tests. To make my life easier I want to use a base class that handles the generic setup and taredown all of my tests require. My base class looks like this:
public class DBTestBase {
public TestContext TestContext { get; set; }
public static void MyClassInitialize(TestContext testContext) {
var config = new XmlConfigurationSource("ARconfig_test.xml");
ActiveRecordStarter.Initialize(Assembly.Load("LocalModels"), config);
public void MyTestInitialize() {
protected virtual void Before_each_test() { }
public void MyTestCleanup() {
protected virtual void After_each_test() { }
My actual test class looks like this:
public class question_tests : DBTestBase {
private void CreateInitialData() {
var question = new Question()
Name = "Test Question",
Description = "This is a simple test question"
protected override void Before_each_test() {
public void test_fetching() {
var q = Question.FindAll();
Assert.AreEqual("Test Question", q[0].Name, "Incorrect name.");
The TestInitialize function works as expected. But the ClassInitialize function never runs. It does run if I add the following to my child class:
public static void t(TestContext testContext) {
Is it possible to get my base class initialize function to run without referencing it in my child class?
ClassInitialize method is executed if and only if the concerned "class" contains at least one TestMethod, and at least one TestMethod from the class is selected for execution.
Confirm this was a problem for me too. I used a constructor on the base and a destructor for the cleanup
public class question_tests : DBTestBase {
public void TestCleanup()