How to pass the(serverClients[i].read() to byte array on ESP8266 - c++

In a sketch of Arduino there is an example WiFi Telnet To Serial with ESP8266. There is a piece of code that is used to receive data from a client:
//check clients for data
for(i = 0; i < MAX_SRV_CLIENTS; i++){
if (serverClients[i] && serverClients[i].connected()){
//get data from the telnet client and push it to the UART
This data is sent to the console or the serial port, but I need to capture that data and store it in a byte array:
byte bufferMSGfromCliente[1024]
How to do it?

Its not c++ but you might be able to use a processing sketch. The syntax is very close to arduino so it should be familiar.
import processing.serial.*;
Serial myPort; // The serial port
void setup() {
// List all the available serial ports
// Open the port you are using at the rate you want:
myPort = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[0], 9600);
void draw() {
int i = 0;
byte[] bufferMSGfromCliente = new byte[1024];
while (myPort.available() > 0) {
int inByte =;
if(i > 1024)
i = 0;
bufferMSGfromCliente[i] = inByte;

Did you try to write it to another Serial port? Here you write it on the same Serial port as your Serial Monitor.
Best would be to store serverClients[i].read() into a Byte and then Serial.println(Byte) to see what the information is.
After that, ask yourself:
1. What Serial port will this information be sent to, what is the destination?
2. How can I confirm that information is sent succesfully and has the ability to be debugged.
Also, use Serial.flush() to make sure the Serial.write function completes. Eventhough it says ''flush'', the function in Arduino IDE waits for the Serial write function to be completed.


No Matching Function Begin Multicast - Arduino/cpp

I was given a project to convert from ESP8266 to ESP32, and I'm definitely not a coder, but it needs to get done. So I was hoping I could get some guidance/help on how to solve this issue. I'm basically taking previous code from an old project using an ESP8266 WiFi module and converting it over to a more updated module using ESP32. Been compiling and troubleshooting code as I go the best I can, but this one has stumped me.
The error message I'm getting is "No matching function for call to 'WiFiUDP::beginMulticast(IPAddress, IPAddress&, const unsigned int&)'
There are several pages of code, but this is the .cpp file that is currently throwing up an error, and hoping it's able to be resolved with something on this page. Like I said, I'm not a coder, but I have the basics down. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
#include "Switch.h"
#include <functional>
// Multicast declarations
IPAddress ipMulti(239, 255, 255, 250);
const unsigned int portMulti = 1900;
char packetBuffer[512];
#define MAX_SWITCHES 14
Switch switches[MAX_SWITCHES] = {};
int numOfSwitchs = 0;
//#define numOfSwitchs (sizeof(switches)/sizeof(Switch)) //array size
UpnpBroadcastResponder::~UpnpBroadcastResponder(){/*nothing to destruct*/}
bool UpnpBroadcastResponder::beginUdpMulticast(){
boolean state = false;
Serial.println("Begin multicast ..");
if(UDP.beginMulticast(WiFi.localIP(), ipMulti, portMulti)) {
Serial.print("Udp multicast server started at ");
state = true;
Serial.println("Connection failed");
return state;
//Switch *ptrArray;
void UpnpBroadcastResponder::addDevice(Switch& device) {
Serial.print("Adding switch : ");
Serial.print(" index : ");
switches[numOfSwitchs] = device;
void UpnpBroadcastResponder::serverLoop(){
int packetSize = UDP.parsePacket();
if (packetSize <= 0)
IPAddress senderIP = UDP.remoteIP();
unsigned int senderPort = UDP.remotePort();
// read the packet into the buffer, packetSize);
// check if this is a M-SEARCH for WeMo device
String request = String((char *)packetBuffer);
if(request.indexOf('M-SEARCH') > 0) {
if(request.indexOf("urn:Belkin:device:**") > 0) {
Serial.println("Got UDP Belkin Request..");
// int arrSize = sizeof(switchs) / sizeof(Switch);
for(int n = 0; n < numOfSwitchs; n++) {
Switch &sw = switches[n];
if (&sw != NULL) {
sw.respondToSearch(senderIP, senderPort);
The Arduino UDP API as defined by the UDP base class in Arduino core has
uint8_t beginMulticast(IPAddress, uint16_t);
In esp8266 Arduino WiFi the UDP is modified and the first parameter of beginMulticast specifies the network interface to listen to. (Network interfaces are STA, SoftAP, Ethernet etc)
In esp32 Arduino WiFi library beginMulticast has only the standard parameters and listens on all network interfaces.
Your solution is to remove the first parameter in the beginMulticast call.

How to use C++ for transmitting data using xbee?

For a project i need to establish 2 way xbee communication. But I have a problem sending data from my pc. I use cpp with termios to transmitt a char array but on the xbee tx pin I do only get a signal (I observe this on an oscilloscope) when one of the chars is 0x0A.
The XBee module is on a 30011662-02 board, which is connected to my pc via usb.
I thought maybe this is some kind of starting parameter needed by the xbee board to transmit but couldnt find any information on this.
ctx->debug = debug;
//open USB port for read/write and check success
ctx->fd = open(devFileName, O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY); //opens the usb port for reading
if (ctx->fd < 0) {
cerr << "Could not open the USB Port. Try adding User to group dialout!" << endl;
return 0;
//is the opened port a terminal?
if(!isatty(ctx->fd)) {
errno = ENOTTY;
return 0;
//setup termios
tcgetattr(ctx->fd, &(ctx->oldtio));
cfsetispeed(&newtio, baudrate);
cfsetospeed(&newtio, baudrate);
tcsetattr(ctx->fd, TCSANOW, &newtio); //connects fd to newtio
tcflush(ctx->fd, TCIOFLUSH); //discards data not transmitted or received
lseek(ctx->fd, 0, SEEK_END);
ctx->bufIO = fdopen(ctx->fd, "r+");
bool connection_status=0;
unsigned char frame_id=0x00;
unsigned char checksum=0xff;
int j=0;
unsigned char buffer[] = {
0x7E, //start delimiter
0x00,0x07,//length of the data packet
0x01,//API identifier (refer to XBee module manual for further details)
frame_id++, //frame id
0x00,0x0B,//destination address
0x02,0x03,//data: 0,receiver address,mode
0x00}; //checksumm
for(unsigned int i=0;i<sizeof(buffer);i++){
cout << buffer << endl;
I do expect to see data on the xbee tx pin in every itteration of the while loop but so far it only works when frame_id is 0x0A or i manually enter 0x0A in the array buffer. But still it does not seem to be sending the correct data. Maybe you have some hints for me.
You're probably missing a setting (maybe O_NDELAY?) for the serial port (tty) and it's in line mode. You might want to look at this serial driver used in an Open Source XBee Host Library written in ANSI C (instead of C++). You might even be able to build your application on top of that library. At the very least, you could compile the samples and see if they work with your module as a way to verify your wiring and XBee configuration.

Arduino doesn't receive data after reconnecting to USB

So, I've built a basic QT GUI where I want to establish communication with an Arduino Nano through USB. I send a number through the GUI and the Arduino receives the number and processes it.
The communication works fine when I upload the code to Arduino and right afterwards open the GUI and start the process. However, when I disconnect the Arduino from the USB (or restart my PC - I've tried both) and reconnect it to use it with the GUI, the Arduino behaves like it received nothing.
More specifically, in the first case Serial.available() returns "1" as it receives the number properly, but in the latter case it returns "0", so it does nothing.
I made the code as simple as I could trying to track down the issue and the problem continues.
So here is the main QT GUI code:
depth_ = insertDepthEdit->text().toInt(); // user input from GUI
myThread *mThread;
mThread = new myThread(this, depth_);
connect(mThread, SIGNAL(valueRead(QString)), this, SLOT(onTextChange(QString)));
//valueRead is the signal emitted from Arduino
//onTextChange the function that processes the received string
The Arduino thread code (also QT):
void myThread::run() {
QSerialPort serial;
if (serial.isOpen() && serial.isWritable()) {
qDebug() << "Ready to write..." << endl;
QByteArray ba(QString::number(depth_).toStdString().c_str());
qDebug() << ba << endl;
if (serial.bytesToWrite() > 0) {
if (serial.waitForBytesWritten(1000)) {
qDebug() << "data has been sent" << endl;
if (serial.flush()) {
qDebug() << "ok" << endl;
else {
qDebug() << "Error";
if (serial.isOpen() && serial.isReadable()) {
qDebug() << "Ready to read..." <<endl;
while (serial.waitForReadyRead(5000)) {
QByteArray inByteArray = serial.readLine();
input_ = QString(inByteArray);
qDebug() << input_;
qDebug() << "ok" << endl;
emit valueRead(input_);
And finally the Arduino code:
int c = 0;
const int ledPin = 13;
void setup() {
void loop() {
while (Serial.available() > 0) {
digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);
c = - '0';
digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
When I upload the code to Arduino, it functions properly no matter if I close the GUI and restart it. The problem happens only if Arduino loses power, e.g: when I disconnect it from USB or restart the PC.
COM port remains the same after reconnecting and Arduino Rx LED flashes normally when I send data through the GUI.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~EDIT 2~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
OK, so, I tried using the code from Arduino Serial documentation and the problem remains. When I upload the code the Arduino receives the character properly and turns the LED on, but once I disconnect it and then connect it back, it does nothing, the LED remains low as it never enters "if".
Here's the code I used:
int incomingByte = 0;
void setup() {
void loop() {
if (Serial.available() > 0) {
digitalWrite(13, HIGH);
incomingByte =;
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~EDIT 3~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
So I have the following 3 scenarios:
Use Scenario A:
Upload code
Send data - It receives properly
Disconnect and reconnect
Run GUI again
Send data - RX blinks but Serial.available returns 0
Use Scenario B:
Upload code
Run Brays
Send data - It receives properly
Disconnect and reconnect
Run Brays again
Send data - It receives properly
Use Scenario C (the most interesting) :
Upload code
Send data - It receives properly
Disconnect and reconnect
Run Brays this time
Send data - It receives properly
Run GUI again after Brays
Send data - It receives properly
I also made the QT GUI code as simple as that but the problem persists:
void myThread::run()
QSerialPort *serial = new QSerialPort();
if (serial->isOpen() && serial->isWritable())
QByteArray ba(QString::number(depth_).toStdString().c_str());
delete serial;
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~EDIT 4~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
So after much effort and curiosity, I realized that the source of the problem is not the Arduino code but something related to QT or Windows. I added the delays that Jeff recommended and noticed that each time it functioned properly Rx blinked and LED became high as indicated by the code. However, after reconnecting, the problem still remained but I noticed that, this time, immediately after clicking "Send" to send the characters, the LED blinked for some milliseconds (possibly indicating some error??) and then after the 1 second delay the Rx blinked indicating the receipt of data and LED remained LOW as Serial.available remained 0.
So, what I tried next, was to remove one line of code at a time to see what causes the problem. And I ended up with literally blank Arduino code, just empty setup and loop methods, and the following QT GUI code:
void myThread::run()
QSerialPort *serial1 = new QSerialPort();
To summarize, what happens now is:
Upload code to Arduino
Send data
Nothing happens (normal behaviour)
Disconnect and reconnect Arduino to USB
Send data
Arduino LED momentarily blinks once (possibly indicating some kind of error)
OK, so, after hours of debugging I've found what caused the problem.
The root of it was that after reconnecting the Arduino, each time I called in QT, Arduino did a reset (indicated by the blink of the LED) and by the time it was after the bootloader stage and was running the code, the main program had already passed the serial.write QT command without receiving the data.
So, what I did to solve the problem was to just add a Sleep(uint(2000)); after in order to let Arduino finish booting and then start sending data.
Thank you all for your help and immediate answers!
In my experience, the issue is not the code in the Arduino. It is because the serial port gets a different name when it is plugged back in.
For example in Linux, originally the port is /dev/ARD0, but when it is disconnected and plugged back in with connections on ARD0, the new plugin is named /dev/ARD1. (In Windows, it might be COM17 then COM18.)
The only way I know to make it become the original port name is to close everything that is connected to it before plugging in again: Close the Arduino IDE, close all programs which have opened the port, etc.
If you use this example for the Arduino Serial documentation do you receive the chars you send?
int incomingByte = 0; // for incoming serial data
void setup() {
Serial.begin(9600); // opens serial port, sets data rate to 9600 bps
void loop() {
// send data only when you receive data:
if (Serial.available() > 0) {
// read the incoming byte:
incomingByte =;
// say what you got:
Serial.print("I received: ");
Serial.println(incomingByte, DEC);
Grasping at straws here, replace my comments below a one second delay. Editing on iPhone messed with the format a little, but I believe you can see my intent.
Edit: Also, I think you should not do serial->close inside your loop. I would also try sending a single character repeatedly until we have that working.
void myThread::run()
QSerialPort *serial = new QSerialPort();
if (serial->isOpen() && serial->isWritable())
QByteArray ba(QString::number(depth_).toStdString().c_str());
delay 1 second here
delay 1 second here
delay 1 second here
delete serial;

wait for data arrive from serial port in Qt

I use serial port connection in my qt application.
My problem- I cant get back the control (or the values comes from the comm port) after sending the command.
I have a class named serial.cpp which responsible to serial port connection.
This class contains 2 queues. one for save bytes from the comm port and second for the decoded messages. the class has the functions below:
void Serial::sendCommand(QString s)
QString sometext = s;
QByteArray ba = QByteArray::fromHex(sometext.toLatin1());
void Serial::serialReceived()
QByteArray ba ;
serialArray = serial->readAll();
for (int i=0; i<sizeof(serialArray);i++)
queueBytes.enqueue(serialArray[i]); // queue for saving the bytes
QVector<int> vect = queueBytes.toVector();
packetSize = 6;
if (vect.size() >= packetSize)
{ // the whole packet arrived
for (int i =0 ;i<packetSize;i++)
item = queueBytes.dequeue();
if (ba.toHex() == "12ee02010176")
// ... and so on
here is the call class:
void Engine::onNewMessageFromAppReceived(int msgId,QString args)
while (serial->queueMsgs.size() == 0) // infinite loop-the queue is always empty
QVector<QString> vect2 = serial->queueMsgs.toVector();
qDebug() << vect2 << "get ack---" ;
please your help
The QSerialPort class inherits from QIODevice which has waitFor... methods that may be what you're looking for. Take a look at these docs.
If you want to handle the serial port asynchronously, use the readyRead signal and perform reading in a function that you connected to that signal. If you don't mind that the operation is blocking, the waitForReadyRead function is what you're looking for.
The good way
Here's the proper way to do it using Qt's signals and slots mechanism. This will not block your GUI and lets your application respond to user actions even while you are waiting for the serial port.
Connect a function to the bytesWritten signal
The code you want to execute after you sent data through the serial port should be placed in this function.
Connect a function to the readyRead signal
The code you want to execute after you read some data from the serial port should be placed in this function.
Open the port
The bad way
In some cases you can do it like this, but it's blocking, meaning that your GUI will freeze while your app is waiting for the serial port. I don't recommend doing it like this.
Open the port
Send data
Call waitForBytesWritten
Call waitForReadyRead
Working example code
Qt has a vast amount of working example code. There are even examples about how to use QSerialPort, and they are well worth checking out. You might be most interested in the async writer example and the async reader example.

How to receive strings from Arduino in C++?

Hey I have problems with receiving strings from Arduino. I am running on linux and I want to use C++ fotr that. I an easily send strings from C++ code to arduino. For that I use C++ code like this.
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
int main()
fstream arduino("/dev/ttyACM0");
arduino << "Led on\n";
return 0;
So how can I receive strings from Arduino?
I'm not an Arduino expert, but from your code I concluded:
You are using a serial interface to send data
You should connect the serial interface to your computer (with a traditional serial cable, or USB)
Write a C++ app, that opens and received data from serial port. See this!
Find out from Arduino specs, what serial communication parameters are used by Arduino (stop bit, parity bits, baudrate etc) and use these parameters to configure the serial port in your C++ application!
Hope that helps!
Use boost.asio to communicate with a serial device and C++. It works like a charm and is pretty easy to use. See: and this: Reading from serial port with Boost Asio
The folowing code waits for a response from an arduino. If the response contains "Done" it returns 1. If it didn't find it within the given timeout, it returns -1.
It should not prove that hard to change this code to fit your needs.
int Serial::waitForResponse()
const int buffSize = 1024;
char bufferChar[buffSize] = {'\0'};
int counter = 0;
std::string wholeAnswer = "";
int noDataTime = 0;
while(wholeAnswer.find("Done") == std::string::npos) //Done string was found.
if(noDataTime > 10000)
std::cout << "timeout" << std::endl;
return -1;
counter = read(this->hSerial, bufferChar, buffSize - 1);
if(counter > 0)
noDataTime = 0;
bufferChar[counter] = '\0';
wholeAnswer += std::string(bufferChar);
} else
return 1;
} else
return -1;