How to make my executable file appear outside of repository [duplicate] - c++

Suppose I get myProgam executable file on Mac as a result of compiling my code like this:
gcc -o myProgram myProgram.c
How can induce my .gitignore file to actually ignore the myProgram file? I'm not looking for the solution where I make a separate folder for my executable files.
My question might seem obvious to many but I cannot actually find any solution online although I've searched a few pages and tutorials already as well as the StackOverflow resources.
I'll be grateful for any hints.

on a separate line in your .gitignore file


Combining two cpp files into one cpp file

I am working on an assignment where I have main.cpp,lego.cpp, and lego.h. My program currently runs fine and gives out the desired output. My issue is that to submit, I must have everything in a single cpp file. Would appreciate if someone could give a simple example. (I want everything in main.cpp)
Merge C++ files into a single source file
i found this link that is similar but I cant grasp the example
if anyone has this problem I just fixed it by doing this
class lego {things in class};
int main(){};
make sure that you delete any other cpp files that are in your source folder and remove any header files from main. Was what was causing my issue.
Combining two cpp files into one cpp file
On a POSIX system, you can use the following command:
cat main.cpp lego.cpp > combined.cpp
On windows, use type instead of cat.
This trivial approach works for most programs, and very likely for a simple assignment. But this can have problems with more complicated programs in particular those that rely heavily on pre-processor.
using the command prompt by combining the files. you need to put the files that you need to combine in a single folder and using the command line (windows + r, on windows 10) run commands that access the directory in which the files are.
Enter the command copy/b *.cpp combined.cpp That will save the two cpp files into one file combined.cpp.
Then access the combined file combined.cpp in the same directory.
This might help you too

how to run the .o file after make

I have been trying to run a c++ program from
As specified in the README I have run the following commands,
make test
make demo
Now, I have the following files in my directory,
zakirhussain#zakirhussain-K52F:~/Simple-Homomorphic-Encryption$ ls
circuit.cpp demo_vote_counter.cpp fully_homomorphic.cpp main.o security_settings.h test_suite.o utilities.o
circuit.h demo_vote_counter.h fully_homomorphic.h makefile security_settings.o type_defs.h
circuit.o demo_vote_counter.o fully_homomorphic.o README test_fully_homomorphic utilities.c
demo_fully_homomorphic fully_homomorphic main.cpp security_settings.cpp test_suite.cpp utilities.h
Could someone help me with running demo_vote_counter.o file?
An object file (.o) is not executable. You want to be running ./demo_fully_homomorphic (e.g. the file without extension). Make sure you have execute permissions (chmod a+x demo_fully_homomorphic).
You can not run a .o file. This is an object file and has to be linked into the final executable. A .o file is usually lacking additional libraries, which are added at the linking stage.
Looking at your outoput I would assume that one of demo_fully_homomorphic, test_fully_homomorphic or fully_homomorphic are the executables that you can run.
I think I am late, but the code below maybe helpful for someone, I guess.
Using cd into your folder contains the c/c++ file, then compile it.
gcc my_test.c -o my_test
Complied file will be generated. Then still in same folder. Run the command.
As already mentioned in several other answers, you can execute a binary file and not the object file. However, Just in case, if what you want is to display the contents of object file in readable format?
$>objdump -d object_filename.o
You can't run the object file. It has to be linked first to make an executable.
As I see there is a "demo_fully_homomorphic" "fully_homomorphic" and a "test_fully_homomorphic" in your directory. Those are your linked executables, you may execute them with ./[executable_name]
In this case the executable is called demo_fully_homomorphic, try

cannot open graph file gcov with gcc

I am using gcov as my code coverage tool for my c++ project with gcc (currently 4.6.3 but soon to be 4.8) on Ubuntu 12.04 and am getting the error cannot open graph file. What does this error mean? And how do I get rid of it so that I can see my code coverage?
I've seen other solutions to this problem the most popular being to use clang (gcov: cannot open graph file) instead of gcc but I can't switch compilers, I have to use gcc so that is not a workable solution for me. Plus, the documentation on gcov says that it should work with gcc.
Another solution was to fix a configuration file ( but I'm not sure what configuration file this user is speaking of so if that is my problem as well I don't know how to fix it
my .gcda and .gcno files are correctly being generated in my obj directory
beyond going into my top directory where I compile my code and doing gcov *.c I'v also tried
gcov -o directory/to/obj *.c
gcov -o directory/to/obj *.gcda
gcov -o directory/to/obj *.gcno
but none of these solutions work; i still get the cannot open graph file error.
Any help or advice would be appreciated!
The above problem is due to absence of .gcda and .gcno file in the directory where your source code present .
So my suggestion is 1st copy one .gcda and .gcno file of particular .c file in your source code where your .c resides then execute gcov filename.c.
If you get coverage ,then try to soft link all your .gcda and .gcno to source code if dont want to copy from obj directory then as u stated problem ll be solved
Let me clarify few of the things that you were doing wrong.
First: you always tried to specify *.gcda, *.gcno, *.c etc after obj directory path, which is totally wrong.
What you need to do is to specify it as "-o path/to/obj/ " (path to directory)
You can even specify path to gcda file of that particular c/c++ source file and specify path to obj directory in "-o" flag to get the report for that file.
And if you use gcovr instead of gcov for your reports then you can get all the kind of reports by specifying only the root directory (directory above src & obj) with "-r -root=ROOT" flag.
Refer to this user guide for details on gcovr.

Makefile for Linux from Xcode-written C++ program

I've written a simple c++ program on Xcode, all contained within ONE FILE called huffmanGenerator.cpp. The program reads input from a file on the user's computer, and writes output to a file saved to their computer.
The instructor has asked us to create a makefile so that our programs compile and run with g++ OR gcc in Linux; however she never showed us how to do so, and when the class asked for help, her answer was we could figure it out.
I found many links online, but they're all very confusing as this is all new to me, and most of them fail to answer even the most basic questions like what kind of file should the makefile be? Is it a .txt? Should I just save one in word?
Please help do what the instructor won't, enlighten me. Thanks!
what kind of file should the makefile be?
It should be a plaintext file called Makefile or makefile. The reason the name matters is because when you run the make command, it looks for a file with this name by default for directions on how to compile your code. You can also name it whatever you want as long as you specify the name when you run it (make -f filename).
Is it a .txt?
No, it has no extension. Extensions don't mean that much in *nix.
Should I just save one in word? (Assume you mean Microsoft Word.)
No, definitely not. Whitespace (tabs/spaces/new lines) have meaning in these files, so you should use an editor that won't add formatting to the file. Something like pico/vi/etc.
Here is an example of a makefile, that I think does what you are asking.
# You can change your compiler to gcc / g++ here.
# Add whatever flags you want to use here.
CFLAGS=-c -Wall
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) huffmanGenerator.cpp -o huffmanGenerator
#Use something like this to run `make clean` which deletes your object files, so you can do a fresh compile.
# rm -rf *o huffmanGenerator
As a side note, you would be served well not to blame your professor for not spelling out everything for you. When you graduate, you will often be given tasks that have no other directions than a set of requirements and a deadline. You will need to figure it out. You could have easily made this make file by visiting (search google for 'makefile tutorial').
The makefile should be called Makefile. It is just a text file.
You need a text editor. There are many to choose from, vim, emacs, nano, pico, ..., etc.
Open a command line and run, say
$ pico Makefile
Then you would enter the contents of the Makefile
g++ -o huffmanGenerator huffmanGenerator.cpp
Save and exit and run make
$ make

Can't get cygwin to compile C++ Boost libraries

I'm trying to get up and running with Boost, so I'm trying to compile the simple example problem from Boost's "Getting Started" page. I've had two issues, and I'm not sure they're related (I'm better than a novice, but not by much) but maybe they're related...
1st issue: the "tar --bzip2 -xf /path/to/boost_1_49_0.tar.bz2" command didn't work (yes, I put the correct path in, but it gave me some errors, I forget what they were) so I used "tar -xjvf " from the directory where boost_1_49_0.tar.bz2 was located. That de-compressed the zip file and I proceeded with the example...
2nd issue: The example.cpp file will not compile, the first statement in the code is #include "boost/lambda/lambda.hpp" but then for every header file lambda.hpp is trying access, there's a "No such file or directory" compile error. For example, here are two (of the six, and I get errors for all 6) header files within lambda.hpp and the errors displayed by the cygwin compiler:
boost/lambda/lambda.hpp:14:33: boost/lambda/core.hpp: No such file or directory
boost/lambda/lambda.hpp:21:52: boost/lambda/detail/operator_actions.hpp: No such file or directory
If it helps, this is the command I'm running to compile (I generally create the executable in a separate -o command):
g++ -c example.cpp
Why can't the system find these? I added the installed directory (path/to/boost_1_49_0) to the PATH variable before I started so I know that's no it. Thanks for any advice...
(I've looked on stackoverflow and there were similar issues, but no solutions that worked)
It looks like you've already solved the first issue: namely, that you must specify the -j flag on tar to untar a bzip2'd file.
For the second issue, you need to specify boost on your include path, either by specifying it with the -I command line option or via the CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH environment variable.