Force CMake target_link_libraries to fail when adding nonexistent target - c++

CMake has an irritating default (I presume, I see nothing magical in my CMake config, but I could be wrong since I know very little about CMake) behavior that he silently ignores when you add a target to your project even if that target does not exist, for example:
// another CMakeLists.txt
project (Stuff)
PUBLIC StackOverlow )
Is there a way to force CMake to check that all projects you link in target_link_libraries must exist?

It is possible for CMake to fail if you link ALIAS targets. For example
In first CMakeLists.txt
add_library(StackOverflow STATIC lib.cpp)
add_library(StackOverflow::StackOverflow ALIAS StackOverflow)
In second CMakeLists.txt
target_link_libraries(Stuff PUBLIC StackOverflow::StackOverflow)
CMake will fail with an error if StackOverflow::StackOverflow is not defined.

In CMake, you do not link projects to other projects. Instead, you link targets to other targets.
CMake targets are only created via a few commands (such as add_library, add_executable, and add_custom_target). The project command does not create a CMake target, it merely declares a project.
Furthermore, the target_link_libraries() command accepts the following arguments after the scoping keyword:
A library target name
A full path to a library file
A plain library name
A link flag
A generator expression
A debug, optimized, or general keyword
It does not accept project names, although if you put a project name, it will instead look for a CMake target or library file on your system with that name.
To get to the root of what I believe you're asking: If you provide link-item name to target_link_libraries() that does not match an existing target, the command will simply search for a library file of that name instead.
To check if a target exists before trying to link it, you can do:
if (TARGET StackOverflow)
target_link_libraries(Stuff PUBLIC StackOverflow)
I suggest reading through the linked target_link_libraries() documentation if you want more details about what this command does.


Iterate the dependency graph in CMake to generate list of link library files used for CGO

I want to iterate over all link libraries of a target target to build a list of all library binaries (static libraries) which target links to, e.g.
add_executable(exe main.cpp)
target_link_libraries(exe fmt::fmt otherExe)
We want a list of all library binary files (by using $<TARGET_LINKER_FILE:tgt>) for dependent targets fmt::fmt and otherExe to generate the apropriate CGO interface.go file with CFLAGS and LDFLAGS.
The thing is, its hard to write a loop in CMake to iterate over link dependencies of target since
properties like LINK_LIBRBARIES and INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES are in general lists but might contain generator expressions, as in the case for interface library target fmt::fmt which comes from Conan where INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES resolves to
$<$<CONFIG:Release>:CONAN_LIB::fmt_fmt_RELEASE;>. which contains a semicolon ";" which is then treated itself as a list with $<$<CONFIG:Release>:CONAN_LIB::fmt_fmt_RELEASE; and >.
This is due to that Conan adds the following
set_property(TARGET fmt::fmt
Anybody has a solution to this?
We found a solution by using the file-api of Cmake, we setup a "configure" add_custom_target in CMake which is a pyhton script which is reading the reply for the 'codemodel-v2' (file-api): parsing the JSON output file for the target of interest. Then
gathering all linker and compiler flags from this JSON and then configure a Go file with these flags.
Include files have been extracted by passing $<TARGET_PROPERTY:targetName,INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES> to the add_custom_command.

CMake make add_library depend on ExternalProject_Add

TLDR: I would like to ask CMake to wait for ExternalProject_Add to complete before it attempts to move on to the next subdirectory and build a library that happens to use one of the files of the external project. In other words, I like to declare an external project as a dependency for a shared library.
More Description:
Suppose that my CMake project has two directories: thirdparty and src. My top-level CMakeLists.txt file has:
thirdparty/CMakeLists.txt contains multiple ExternalProject_Add commands. My original intention was to pull and build all these external projects and then move on to building my own libraries and executables in src. Unfortunately, this didn't go as I planned:
One of my external projects is called libsvm. And my src/CMakeLists.txt has the following:
Now the problem I am facing with is that CMake is unable to find ${Libsvm_SOURCE_FILES}, apparently because this step is being executed before the ExternalProject_Add in my thirdparty/CMakeLists.txt file is executed.
I would like to declare this external project as a dependency for this library.
Broader Question:
Is there a clean way to force CMake to finish everything in first subdirectory before moving on to the next? If not, do you recommend that I make any change in the hierarchy and organization of my CMakeLists files?
CMake expects every source file, passed to add_library or add_executable, to be existed unless it is marked as GENERATED. This property is automatically set for files listed as OUTPUT for add_custom_command. In other cases one need to set this property explicitly:
set_source_files_properties(${Libsvm_SOURCE_FILES} PROPERTIES GENERATED TRUE)

CMake not building a library when added as a subdirectory

I added the xgboost library as a git submodule of my project and I'm trying to add it to cmake as a subdirectory. Unfortunately it's not working. A simple hello world project with the following CMakeLists.txt replicates the error that I'm getting.
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.2)
add_executable(${PROJECT_NAME} foo.cpp)
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} xgboost)
After building the library there is nothing in the xgboost/lib directory so I get the following error.
clang: error: no such file or directory:
I think that the problem is generated in their CMakeLists file since they have two different targets. Maybe cmake is choosing the wrong target but I'm not familiar enough with cmake to figure it out. The following code is from xgboost's CMakeLists.
# Executable
add_executable(runxgboost $<TARGET_OBJECTS:objxgboost> src/
set_target_properties(runxgboost PROPERTIES
set_output_directory(runxgboost ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR})
target_link_libraries(runxgboost ${LINK_LIBRARIES})
# Shared library
add_library(xgboost SHARED $<TARGET_OBJECTS:objxgboost>)
target_link_libraries(xgboost ${LINK_LIBRARIES})
set_output_directory(xgboost ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/lib)
#Ensure these two targets do not build simultaneously, as they produce outputs with conflicting names
add_dependencies(xgboost runxgboost)
My questions in order of importance are:
Is there any way to fix it without modifying xgboost's CMakeLists.txt file?
Is it reasonable to try to add xgboost to my project as a git submodule?
Is there any reason cmake is not instructing to build the library?
Note: There were several edits to this question since I tried to narrow down the problem and to provide more information.
(I would love to ask for few things beforehand in the comment section, but I have too low reputation to do so, so I will just give it a shot ;))
I have few suspects, and one of them is ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} of the submodule's root CMakeLists.txt. Although the paths are set properly when you run that CMakeLists.txt alone, cmake gets confused the moment you add it as your subdirectory. Have you looked into another directories for your output binaries?
First I would suggest testing this hypothesis, and then I would suggest writing similar, but separate CMakeLists.txt file for xgboost library, and then substitute it in the project temporarily. Unfortunately the CMakeLists.txt filename is hardcoded and there is no possibility to have two files of that kind in one directory; so it seems that the answer to 1) is, that you rather have to change the file.
For the 2): as long as it does not require huge additional logic in your CMakeLists.txt, it makes sense. Other viable option is to create an install target, which you can use to install your xgboost library locally (using CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX(doc) variable), and then add the installation path to your CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH(doc).

CMake and external dependency

I'd like to add an external dependency to my project. The one I'm trying to add is the Leptonica library as a submodule.
My project has the following directory structure:
In my root CMakeLists.txt file I added ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(${ROOT_DIR}/leptonica)
Unfortunately, CMake is not searching for Configure.cmake in the proper directory:
CMake Error at leptonica/CMakeLists.txt:107 (include):
include could not find load file:
CMake Error: File
<root>/cmake/templates/ does not exist.
CMake Error at leptonica/CMakeLists.txt:113 (configure_file):
configure_file Problem configuring file
When I build the project by myself, everything goes fine. In my opinion, the problem is with CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR. When using add_subdirectory it has the value of ROOT CMake instead ROOT/leptonica, so it's searching the wrong paths - as you can see in Leptonica CMake, it's used to determinate paths of its files.
What should be the proper way to fix this - should I set CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR to ROOT/leptonica just before calling add_subdirectory and set it back when it's finished, or does some other, more elegant solutions exist?
Not every CMake project is suitable for inclusion via add_subdirectory.
Among those are projects which uses CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR or CMAKE_BINARY_DIR variables.
However, inclusion via ExternalProject_Add (optionally wrapped with execute_process) always works.
Modifying variable CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR (and CMAKE_BINARY_DIR too) is a bad idea: this variable should be changed only by CMake itself. Otherwise you may get weird errors.
Instead, you may replace (automatically, with some script) all references to the variable with another variable, which is not used in the project. This new variable you may safely set before stepping into the subproject.
${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} and ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} are set relative to the top-level CMakeLists.txt. If you need something relative to your current CMakeLists.txt (leptonica), use ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} and ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}.
If you're having trouble finding a cmake file like, try appending the appropriate directory to ${CMAKE_MODULE_DIR}.
I prefer to use ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} over ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} any day because using the latter will break your build if you try to integrate it into a super-build later. If I need to pass my current top-level directory to subdirectories, then I do the following and use that later down the chain.

cmake - find_library - custom library location

I'm currently trying to get CMake running for my project (on windows). I want to use a custom location where all libraries are installed. To inform CMake about that path I tried to do that:
set(CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH D:/develop/cmake/libs)
But when I try to find the library with
find_library(CURL_LIBRARY NAMES curl curllib libcurl_imp curllib_static)
CMake can't find it.
When I set my prefix path to
set(CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH D:/develop/cmake/libs/curl)
... the library is located.
So my question is:
How can I configure CMake properly to work with a directory structore at a custom location which looks like that:
-> libA
-> include
-> lib
-> libB
-> include
-> lib
-> ...
-> include
-> lib
In "include" lie the public headers and in "lib" are the compiled libraries.
The current workaround for me is, to do this before i search for libraries:
set(CUSTOM_LIBRARY_PATH D:/develop/cmake/libs)
file(GLOB sub-dir ${CUSTOM_LIBRARY_PATH}/*)
foreach(dir ${sub-dir})
if(IS_DIRECTORY ${dir})
But that way the default module for boost wont find it until it because the directory structore of boost is a bit different.
boost -> include -> boost-1_50 -> *.hpp
When I move the content if "boost-1_50" to "include" the library can be found but that way it's not possible to handle multiple versions right?
The simplest solution may be to add HINTS to each find_* request.
For example:
NAMES curl curllib libcurl_imp curllib_static
For Boost I would strongly recommend using the FindBoost standard module and setting the BOOST_DIR variable to point to your Boost libraries.
I saw that two people put that question to their favorites so I will try to answer the solution which works for me:
Instead of using find modules I'm writing configuration files for all libraries which are installed. Those files are extremly simple and can also be used to set non-standard variables. CMake will (at least on windows) search for those configuration files in
(which can be set through an environment variable).
So for example the boost configuration is in the path
In that configuration you can set variables. My config file for boost looks like that:
set(boost_INCLUDE_DIRS ${boost_DIR}/include)
set(boost_LIBRARY_DIR ${boost_DIR}/lib)
foreach(component ${boost_FIND_COMPONENTS})
set(boost_LIBRARIES ${boost_LIBRARIES} debug ${boost_LIBRARY_DIR}/libboost_${component}-vc110-mt-gd-1_50.lib)
set(boost_LIBRARIES ${boost_LIBRARIES} optimized ${boost_LIBRARY_DIR}/libboost_${component}-vc110-mt-1_50.lib)
add_definitions( -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0501 )
Pretty straight forward + it's possible to shrink the size of the config files even more when you write some helper functions. The only issue I have with this setup is that I havn't found a way to give config files a priority over find modules - so you need to remove the find modules.
Hope this this is helpful for other people.
Use CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH by adding multiple paths (separated by semicolons and no white spaces). You can set it as an environmental variable to avoid having absolute paths in your cmake configuration files
Notice that cmake will look for config file in any of the following folders
where is any of the path in CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH and name is the name of the library you are looking for
<prefix>/ (W)
<prefix>/(cmake|CMake)/ (W)
<prefix>/<name>*/ (W)
<prefix>/<name>*/(cmake|CMake)/ (W)
<prefix>/(lib/<arch>|lib|share)/cmake/<name>*/ (U)
<prefix>/(lib/<arch>|lib|share)/<name>*/ (U)
<prefix>/(lib/<arch>|lib|share)/<name>*/(cmake|CMake)/ (U)
In your case you need to add to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH the following two paths:
There is no way to automatically set CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH in a way you want. I see following ways to solve this problem:
Put all libraries files in the same dir. That is, include/ would contain headers for all libs, lib/ - binaries, etc. FYI, this is common layout for most UNIX-like systems.
Set global environment variable CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH to D:/develop/cmake/libs/libA;D:/develop/cmake/libs/libB;.... When you run CMake, it would aautomatically pick up this env var and populate it's own CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH.
Write a wrapper .bat script, which would call cmake command with -D CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=... argument.
You have one extra level of nesting.
CMAKE will search under $CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH/include for headers and $CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH/libs for libraries.
From CMAKE documentation:
For each path in the CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH list, CMake will check
"PATH/include" and "PATH" when FIND_PATH() is called, "PATH/bin" and
"PATH" when FIND_PROGRAM() is called, and "PATH/lib and "PATH" when
FIND_LIBRARY() is called.
I've encountered a similar scenario. I solved it by adding in this following code just before find_library():
set(CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH /the/custom/path/to/your/lib/)
then it can find the library location.