What happens if inputStream is null for a AWS lambda? - amazon-web-services

So, I have to investigate if null InputStream goes to catch block of the code
Example code snippet::
public class TestLambda implements RequestStreamHandler {
public void handleRequest(InputStream inputStream, OutputStream outputStream, Context context) {
try {
if (inputStream != null && inputStream.available() != 0) {
System.out.println("do something...");
} catch (Exception exception) {
System.out.println("in catch block");
My question is, if I do not put an else condition to the if block above and there is null inputStream, should the control go into catch block?

No, control won't enter the exception block unless an Exception is thrown. Just having a null inputStream alone will not cause an exception to be thrown because the if condition is checking if it is null.


C++ Else statement in Exception Handling

I would like to know if there is an else statement, like in python, that when attached to a try-catch structure, makes the block of code within it only executable if no exceptions were thrown/caught.
For instance:
try {
//code here
} catch(...) {
//exception handling here
} ELSE {
//this should execute only if no exceptions occurred
The concept of an else for a try block doesn't exist in c++. It can be emulated with the use of a flag:
bool exception_caught = true;
// Try block, without the else code:
exception_caught = false; // This needs to be the last statement in the try block
catch (Exception& a)
// Handle the exception or rethrow, but do not touch exception_caught.
// Other catches elided.
if (! exception_caught)
// The equivalent of the python else block goes here.
The do_stuff_only_if_try_block_succeeded() code is executed only if the try block executes without throwing an exception. Note that in the case that do_stuff_only_if_try_block_succeeded() does throw an exception, that exception will not be caught. These two concepts mimic the intent of the python try ... catch ... else concept.
Why not just put it at the end of the try block?

#PreUpdate doesn't return correct exception message

To validate my entity beans I have created this validation method inside my bean
public void validate(){
if (startTime.after(stopTime)) throw new ValidationException("Wrong order");
The ValidationException looks like this:
#ApplicationException(rollback = true)
public class ValidationException extends RuntimeException {
public ValidationException(String message) {
If I try to create a bean with
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
e.getMessage() returns "Wrong order", which is correct
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
it returns "Transaction aborted" which is an EJBException. How do I get the same result as above and avoid all the logging, which also occurs?
Call flush within your edit method to force the preupdate. Otherwise it occurs when the transaction is completing and the container must throw a transaction exception instead.

Exception handling, WinRT C++ concurrency async tasks

I have to implement an async HTTP GET in C++ and we have to be able to submit the app to the Windows 8 Store.
My problem is the following:
I've found a suitable Sample code which implements an HttpRequest class http://code.msdn.microsoft.com/windowsapps/HttpClient-sample-55700664
This example works if the URI is correct but throws an exception if the URI points to an invalid / non existing place (like: www.google22.com). This would be fine if I could catch the exception but I cannot figure it out how or where should I catch it.
Now some code.
This is the call to the async, concurrency::task based method which throws the exception:
try {
Web::HttpRequest httpRequest;
httpRequest.GetAsync(uri, cancellationTokenSource.get_token())
.then( [] (concurrency::task<std::wstring> response)
try {
catch( ... ) {
int i = 1;
return response;
} catch ( ... ) {
And this is the relevant segment of the GetAsync method (the end of the method):
// Return a task that completes when the HTTP operation completes.
// We pass the callback to the continuation because the lifetime of the
// callback must exceed the operation to ensure that cancellation
// works correctly.
return completionTask.then([this, stringCallback](tuple<HRESULT, wstring> resultTuple)
// If the GET operation failed, throw an Exception.
statusCode = stringCallback->GetStatusCode();
reasonPhrase = stringCallback->GetReasonPhrase();
return std::get<1>(resultTuple);
The CheckHResult line throws the exception, it's code:
inline void CheckHResult(HRESULT hResult)
if (hResult == E_ABORT)
else if (FAILED(hResult))
throw Platform::Exception::CreateException(hResult);
I have a try-catch around the GetAsync call and I also have a try-catch in the .then continuation lambda.
In the relevant Microsoft documentation ( http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/apps/hh780559.aspx ) it states that exceptions thrown by a task should be catchable in the next task in the chain but somehow it doesn't work in my case. Additionally not even the try-catch around the whole call catches the exception, it just slips through everything...
Anyone had this problem? I think I've tried everything stated in the official documentations but it still lets the exception go berserk and crash the app. What do I miss?
I've modified the code to do nothing else but exception handling and it still doesn't catch the exception thrown by the task in .GetAsync
Cleaned-up code:
Windows::Foundation::Uri^ uri;
uri = ref new Windows::Foundation::Uri( uri_string_to_fetch );
concurrency::cancellation_token_source cancellationTokenSource = concurrency::cancellation_token_source();
Web::HttpRequest httpRequest;
OutputDebugString( L"Start to fetch the uri...\n" );
httpRequest.GetAsync(uri, cancellationTokenSource.get_token())
.then([](concurrency::task<std::wstring> response)
try {
catch( ... ) {
OutputDebugString(L"unknown Exception");
.then([](concurrency::task<void> t)
try {
// .get() didn't throw, so we succeeded.
catch (Platform::Exception^ e) {
// handle error
catch (...) {
OutputDebugString(L"unknown Exception");
catch (Platform::Exception^ ex) {
catch ( ... ) {
OutputDebugString(L"unknown Exception");
This still gives me a crash with the exception message: First-chance exception at 0x75644B32 in App1.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: Platform::COMException ^ at memory location 0x077EEC28. HRESULT:0x800C0005
Additionally when I put some breakpoints in the code it shows that the exception slips through everything before the first .then would be called. I've put breakpoints in these locations (in the simplified / cleaned up code):
before the GetAsync call
into the GetAsync, to the CheckHResult(std::get<0>(resultTuple)); line which throws the exception
into every try and catch case / block
Order of execution, tested with breakpoints:
before the GetAsync call [OK]
in the GetAsync, the line which will throw the exception [OK]
now the app crashes, slips through every try-catch, continue
now the line in the first .then gets called, in it's try block
another app level exceptions not catched by any catch block
now the first .then's catch block
second .then method's try block
and nothing more, the second .then's catch doesn't even catch any exception
And the printed debug logs, in order:
- Start to fetch the uri...
- First-chance exception at 0x75644B32 in App1.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: Platform::COMException ^ at memory location 0x082FEEF0. HRESULT:0x800C0005
- First-chance exception at 0x75644B32 in App1.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: [rethrow] at memory location 0x00000000.
- First-chance exception at 0x75644B32 in App1.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: Platform::COMException ^ at memory location 0x082FE670. HRESULT:0x800C0005
- First-chance exception at 0x75644B32 in App1.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: Platform::COMException ^ at memory location 0x082FDD88. HRESULT:0x800C0005
- unknown Exception
What is happening??
In the Concurrency Runtime any unhandled exception that occurs during the execution of a task is deferred for later observation. In this way, you could add a task based continuation at the end of the chain and handle errors there.
Something like this:
httpRequest.GetAsync(uri, cancellationTokenSource.get_token())
.then([](concurrency::task<std::wstring> response)
try {
catch( ... ) {
int i = 1;
return response;
.then([](concurrency::task<void> t)
try {
// .get() didn't throw, so we succeeded.
catch (Platform::Exception::CreateException^ e) {
// handle error
The call to .get triggers any exceptions that were raised in the task chain (if any).
For more details you can read Exception Handling in the Concurrency Runtime.
This related thread may have a clue:
Visual C++ Unmanaged Code: Use /EHa or /EHsc for C++ exceptions?
If you want to catch all the asynch exceptions you can try to set your Configuration Properties-> C/C++ -> Code Generation property to "Yes with SEH exceptions (/EHa)"

Catch block doesn't want to catch thrown exception

I have a code:
void Engine::count(const std::set<boost::filesystem3::path>& files)
for (auto e : files)
catch (const Bad_formatting& ) // Here I'm trying to catch this exception
{//but debugger never stops on this line even though breakpoint is set
throw; // and re-throw it
Then there is this count_ function:
void Engine::count_(const boost::filesystem3::path& file)
// and somewhere along this lines I'm throwing Bad_Formatting:
if (something)
throw Bad_formatting(file,"No end of multicomment found.");
But after throwing this exception, I'm getting dialog telling me that my application requested runtime to terminate in an unusual way...
The exception is never cought. Why? Does the fact that both of those fncs are static has anything to do with it? Or the fact that I'm using Qt?
This is the code which calls count:
catch (const Bad_formatting& e)
QMessageBox::warning(nullptr,"Bad Formatting",msg);
struct Bad_formatting : public std::runtime_error
boost::filesystem3::path file_name_;
Bad_formatting(boost::filesystem3::path file_name,
const char* msg):std::runtime_error(msg),
const boost::filesystem3::path& file_name()const
return file_name_;
From the code you show you
throw an exception;
catch it;
rethrow it;
never catch it again.
Item 4 seems to be the important part.
What compiler/toolchain/debugger are you using? If you are using GCC you can use the catch throw and catch catch commands to add breakpoints on exception throwing/catching.
As of the possible reasons that it is not being caught, if the only code in the catch block is a throw, the compiler might have optimized the whole block away. Consider adding any instruction to the block (note any might require some instruction with actual side effects, or the compiler might also optimize that away)

Throwing Exception in CTOR and Smart Pointers

Is it OK to have the following code in my constructor to load an XML document into a member variable - throwing to caller if there are any problems:
MSXML2::IXMLDOMDocumentPtr m_docPtr; //member
HRESULT hr = m_docPtr.CreateInstance(__uuidof(MSXML2::DOMDocument40));
if ( SUCCEEDED(hr))
throw MyException("Could not create instance of Dom");
LogError("Exception when loading xml");
Based on Scott Myers RAII implementations in More Effective C++ he cleanups if he alocates any resources i.e. pointers:
BookEntry::BookEntry(const string& name,
const string& address,
const string& imageFileName,
const string& audioClipFileName)
: theName(name), theAddress(address),
theImage(0), theAudioClip(0)
try { // this try block is new
if (imageFileName != "") {
theImage = new Image(imageFileName);
if (audioClipFileName != "") {
theAudioClip = new AudioClip(audioClipFileName);
catch (...) { // catch any exception
delete theImage; // perform necessary
delete theAudioClip; // cleanup actions
throw; // propagate the exception
I believe I am alright in just allowing exceptions to be thrown from CTOR as I am using a smart pointer(IXMLDOMDocumentPtr).
Let me know what you think....
C++ guarantees that in case of an exception all fully constructed objects will be destroyed.
Since m_docPtr is a member of class Configuration it will have been fully constructed before the class Configuration constructor body begins, so if you throw an exception from class Configuration body as you intended in your first snippet m_docPtr will be destroyed.
Do you plan to do anything in the catch block? If nothing, you probably do not need the try catch. On windows, I believe that catch(...) catches hardware interrupts (experts please correct), something to keep in mind.