Django loop to without loop using orm - django

In the following code i am converting date_no to day of the week.So i have to loop 7 times for each day.And query is executing 7 times.But i want to change this code such that there is no loop and query to run is only one.
day_wise = {}
for date_no in range(1,7):
# Total 7 queryies
BusinessShareInfo_result = BusinessShareInfo.objects.filter(Date__week_day=date_no).all()
day_wise[calendar.day_name[date_no]] = {'Average':0,'Maximum':0,'Minimum':0 }
data = BusinessShareInfo_result.aggregate(Avg('Turnover'), Max('Turnover'), Min('Turnover') )
day_wise[calendar.day_name[date_no]]['Average'] = data['Turnover__avg']
day_wise[calendar.day_name[date_no]]['Maximum'] = data['Turnover__max']
day_wise[calendar.day_name[date_no]]['Minimum'] = data['Turnover__min']
I just want the functionality to be same but without any loop.

Even if you do not write any loop, you still make loops, for example to fetch the database. This looping is not that inefficient. What is inefficient is making seven queries, because making a query, regardless what the query is, is already expensive by itself.
You can make use of an ExtractWeekDay expression [Django-doc] to reduce the number of queries to one:
from django.db.models.functions import ExtractWeekDay
qs = BusinessShareInfo.objects.values(
result = {
calendar.day_name[r['week_day']]: {
'Average': r['Average'],
'Max': r['Max'],
'Min': r['Min'],
for r in qs
Note: normally the name of the fields in a Django model are written in snake_case, not PerlCase, so it should be: date instead of Date.


How to aggregate sum of several previous aggregated values in django ORM

In use: django 3.2.10, postgresql 13.4
I have next query set with aggregation function Count
queryset = Model.objects.all().aggregate(
trues=Count('id', filter=Q(criteria=True)),
falses=Count('id', filter=Q(criteria=False)),
What I want:
queryset = Model.objects.all().aggregate(
trues=Count('id', filter=Q(criteria=True)),
falses=Count('id', filter=Q(criteria=False)),
total=trues+falses, <--------------THIS
How to do this?
There is little thing you can do after aggregation, as it returns a python dict object.
I do understand your example here is not your real situation, as you can simply do
total = (Count('id', filter=Q(criteria=True))
+ Count('id', filter=Q(criteria=False)))
What I want to say is Django provides .values().annotate() to achieve GROUP BY clause as in sql language.
Take your example here
queryset = Model.objects.values('criteria').annotate(count=Count('id'))
queryset here is still a 'QuerySet' object, and you can further modify the queryset like
queryset = queryset.aggregate(
Hopefully it helps.
it seems you want the total number of false and true criteria so you can simply do as follow
queryset = Model.objects.all().filter(
Q(criteria=True) | Q(criteria=False)).count()
or you can use (not recommended except you want to show something in the middle)
from django.db.models import Avg, Case, Count, F, Max, Min, Prefetch, Q, Sum, When
query = Model.objects.annotate(trues=Count('id',filter=Q(criteria=True)),

Django get count of each age

I have this model:
class User_Data(AbstractUser):
date_of_birth = models.DateField(null=True,blank=True)
city = models.CharField(max_length=255,default='',null=True,blank=True)
address = models.TextField(default='',null=True,blank=True)
gender = models.TextField(default='',null=True,blank=True)
And I need to run a django query to get the count of each age. Something like this:
Age || Count
10 || 100
11 || 50
and so on.....
Here is what I did with lambda:
usersAge = map(lambda x: calculate_age(x[0]), User_Data.objects.values_list('date_of_birth'))
users_age_data_source = [[x, usersAge.count(x)] for x in set(usersAge)]
users_age_data_source = sorted(users_age_data_source, key=itemgetter(0))
There's a few ways of doing this. I've had to do something very similar recently. This example works in Postgres.
Note: I've written the following code the way I have so that syntactically it works, and so that I can write between each step. But you can chain these together if you desire.
First we need to annotate the queryset to obtain the 'age' parameter. Since it's not stored as an integer, and can change daily, we can calculate it from the date of birth field by using the database's 'current_date' function:
ud = User_Data.objects.annotate(
age=RawSQL("""(DATE_PART('year', current_date) - DATE_PART('year', "app_userdata"."date_of_birth"))::integer""", []),
Note: you'll need to change the "app_userdata" part to match up with the table of your model. You can pick this out of the model's _meta, but this just depends if you want to make this portable or not. If you do, use a string .format() to replace it with what the model's _meta provides. If you don't care about that, just put the table name in there.
Now we pick the 'age' value out so that we get a ValuesQuerySet with just this field
ud = ud.values('age')
And then annotate THAT queryset with a count of age
ud = ud.annotate(
At this point we have a ValuesQuerySet that has both 'age' and 'count' as fields. Order it so it comes out in a sensible way..
ud = ud.order_by('age')
And there you have it.
You must build up the queryset in this order otherwise you'll get some interesting results. i.e; you can't group all the annotates together, because the second one for count depends on the first, and as a kwargs dict has no notion of what order the kwargs were defined in, when the queryset does field/dependency checking, it will fail.
Hope this helps.
If you aren't using Postgres, the only thing you'll need to change is the RawSQL annotation to match whatever database engine it is that you're using. However that engine can get the year of a date, either from a field or from its built in "current date" function..providing you can get that out as an integer, it will work exactly the same way.

How expensive are `count` calls for Django querysets?

I have a list of "posts" I have to render. For each post, I must do three filter querysets, OR them together, and then count the number of objects. Is this reasonable? What factors might make this slow?
This is roughly my code:
def viewable_posts(request, post):
private_posts = post.replies.filter(permissions=Post.PRIVATE, author_profile=request.user.user_profile).order_by('-modified_date')
community_posts = post.replies.filter(permissions=Post.COMMUNITY, author_profile__in=request.user.user_profile.following.all()).order_by('-modified_date')
public_posts = post.replies.filter(permissions=Post.PUBLIC).order_by('-modified_date')
mixed_posts = private_posts | community_posts | public_posts
return mixed_posts
def viewable_posts_count(request, post):
return viewable_posts(request, post).count()
The biggest factor I can see is that you have filter actions on each post. If possible, you should query the results associated with each post in ONE query. As of the count, it's the most efficient way of getting the number of results from a query, so it's likely not a problem.
Try the following code:
def viewable_posts(request, post):
private_posts = post.replies.filter(permissions=Post.PRIVATE, author_profile=request.user.user_profile).values_list('id',flat=True)
community_posts = post.replies.filter(permissions=Post.COMMUNITY, author_profile__in=request.user.user_profile.following.values_list('id',flat=True)
public_posts = post.replies.filter(permissions=Post.PUBLIC).values_list('id',flat=True)
Lposts_id = private_posts
viewable_posts = post.filter(id__in=Lposts_id).order_by('-modified_date')
viewable_posts_count = post.filter(id__in=Lposts_id).count()
return viewable_posts,viewable_posts_count
It should improve the following things:
order_by once, instead of three times
The count method runs on a query with only the index field
django uses a faster filter with "values", both for the count and the filtering.
Depends on your database, the db own cache may pick the last queried posts for viewable_posts, and use it for viewable_posts_count
Indeed, if you can squeeze the first three filter queries into one, you will save time as well.

Django: Ordering a QuerySet based on a latest child models field

Lets assume I want to show a list of runners ordered by their latest sprint time.
class Runner(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=255)
class Sprint(models.Model):
runner = models.ForeignKey(Runner)
time = models.PositiveIntegerField()
created = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)
This is a quick sketch of what I would do in SQL:
SELECT,, sprint.time
FROM runner
LEFT JOIN sprint ON (sprint.runner_id =
FROM sprint as sprint_inner
WHERE sprint_inner.runner_id =
ORDER BY sprint_inner.created DESC
ORDER BY sprint.time ASC
The Django QuerySet documentation states:
It is permissible to specify a multi-valued field to order the results
by (for example, a ManyToManyField field). Normally this won’t be a
sensible thing to do and it’s really an advanced usage feature.
However, if you know that your queryset’s filtering or available data
implies that there will only be one ordering piece of data for each of
the main items you are selecting, the ordering may well be exactly
what you want to do. Use ordering on multi-valued fields with care and
make sure the results are what you expect.
I guess I need to apply some filter here, but I'm not sure what exactly Django expects...
One note because it is not obvious in this example: the Runner table will have several hundred entries, the sprints will also have several hundreds and in some later days probably several thousand entries. The data will be displayed in a paginated view, so sorting in Python is not an option.
The only other possibility I see is writing the SQL myself, but I'd like to avoid this at all cost.
I don't think there's a way to do this via the ORM with only one query, you could grab a list of runners and use annotate to add their latest sprint id's -- then filter and order those sprints.
>>> from django.db.models import Max
# all runners now have a `last_race` attribute,
# which is the `id` of the last sprint they ran
>>> runners = Runner.objects.annotate(last_race=Max("sprint__id"))
# a list of each runner's last sprint ordered by the the sprint's time,
# we use `select_related` to limit lookup queries later on
>>> results = Sprint.objects.filter(id__in=[runner.last_race for runner in runners])
... .order_by("time")
... .select_related("runner")
# grab the first result
>>> first_result = results[0]
# you can access the runner's details via `.runner`, e.g. ``
>>> isinstance(first_result.runner, Runner)
# this should only ever execute 2 queries, no matter what you do with the results
>>> from django.db import connection
>>> len(connection.queries)
This is pretty fast and will still utilize the databases's indices and caching.
A few thousand records isn't all that much, this should work pretty well for those kinds of numbers. If you start running into problems, I suggest you bite the bullet and use raw SQL.
def view_name(request):
spr = Sprint.objects.values('runner', flat=True).order_by(-created).distinct()
runners = []
for s in spr:
latest_sprint = Sprint.objects.filter(runner=s.runner).order_by(-created)[:1]
for latest in latest_sprint:
runners.append({'runner': s.runner, 'time': latest.time})
return render(request, 'page.html', {
'runners': runners,
{% for runner in runners %}
{{runner.runner}} - {{runner.time}}
{% endfor %}

Improving Django performance with 350000+ regs and complex query

I have a model like this:
class Stock(models.Model):
product = models.ForeignKey(Product)
place = models.ForeignKey(Place)
date = models.DateField()
quantity = models.IntegerField()
I need to get the latest (by date) quantity for every product for every place,
with almost 500 products, 100 places and 350000 stock records on the database.
My current code is like this, it worked on testing but it takes so long with the real data that it's useless
stocks = Stock.objects.filter(product__in=self.products,
place__in=self.places, date__lt=date_at)
stock_values = {}
for prod in self.products:
for place in self.places:
key = u'%s%s' % (,
stock = stocks.filter(product=prod, place=place, date=date_at)
if len(stock) > 0:
stock_values[key] = stock[0].quantity
stock = stocks.filter(product=prod, place=place).order_by('-date')[0]
except IndexError:
stock_values[key] = 0
stock_values[key] = stock.quantity
return stock_values
How would you make it faster?
Rewrote the code as this:
stock_values = {}
for product in self.products:
for place in self.places:
stock_value = Stock.objects.filter(product=product, place=place, date__lte=date_at)\
except IndexError:
stock_value = 0
stock_values[u'%s%s' % (,] = stock_value
return stock_values
It works better (from 256 secs to 64) but still need to improve it. Maybe some custom SQL, I don't know...
Arthur's right, the len(stock) isn't the most efficient way to do that. You could go further along the "easier to ask for forgiveness than permission" route with something like this inside the inner loop:
key = u'%s%s' % (,
stock = stocks.filter(product=prod, place=place, date=date_at)[0]
quantity = stock.quantity
except IndexError:
stock = stocks.filter(product=prod, place=place).order_by('-date')[0]
quantity = stock.quantity
except IndexError:
quantity = 0
stock_values[key] = quantity
I'm not sure how much that would improve it compared to just changing the length check, though I think this should at least restrict it to two queries with LIMIT 1 on them (see Limiting QuerySets).
Mind you, this is still performing a lot of database hits since you could run through that loop almost 50000 times. Optimize how you're looping and you're in a better position still.
maybe the trick is in that len() method!
follow docs from:
Note: Don't use len() on QuerySets if all you want to do is determine
the number of records in the set. It's much more efficient to handle a
count at the database level, using SQL's SELECT COUNT(*), and Django
provides a count() method for precisely this reason. See count()
So try changing the len to count(), and see if it makes faster!