Power BI / DAX return values from table from rows filtered out by slicer - powerbi

I have a table visualisation that shows the populations of countries and a toggle switch that flips between 'sold' and 'unsold'. (This works with a measure that checks is a country is present in a sales table and assigns a 1 or 0 which is then used as a filter on the table visualisation).
Various slicers in the dashboard are used to filter the data model and retain the details of sales. When 'unsold' is selected therefore, the relevant countries are already filtered out of the countries data table and it is not possible to display them with their populations.
At the moment the workaround is to use a duplicate countries table that only has a one way filter, so that the rows remain regardless of filtering. This means that other slicers which interact with the rest of the data model don't filter the table visualisation as desired.
I am sure this must be possible using some combination of CALCULATE(), FILTER() and ALL() but I haven't managed to achieve this.
N.B. I can force the unsold countries to appear in a table visualisation using a constant measure (with formula: measure_name = 0) in a column .
Apologies if this is not very well explained, any help much appreciated.
Thanks for reading,
Image attached to (hopefully!) explain problem better.
Real scenario is more complicated hence not screenshotting from PBI.


Filtering by Date and changing measure

I'm trying to build a report in a table that returns a count of completed checklists that are filtered by 2 Date Intelligence slicers. I have the targets for that month in a table, but I'm not sure how to change the measure by what's selected in the slicer.
I would like the measure to return the Target.Monthname of the selected slicers from the table Targets. The slicer is based on the DonesafeFolder Table with "Date of Completion"
Your question is a bit hard to understand.
But from your pictures, I think you should take a step back.
when using powerBI it is recommended to use a star schema, with facts and dimensions tables. Usually you model that when you import your data (with power query).
When using a star schema you also have a date dimension with the month on the rows instead of columns and powerBI is better at handling data structured like that. to lean about designing the data model you can read MS's guide to star schemas
Of cause, if you know what you are doing, you can use your approach, but it makes things alot harder.
BTW. you can't access the values in the slicers/filters directly. they filters the column you select which are then passed to the measures you create. If your datamodel is sound they should indirectly filter your measure.

How to get 1 column in a table report filtered by a slicer not in sync with the table

I am a PowerBi beginner and would like to know if it is possible to create a table report that behaves like explained in the attached picture (according to the fact table I have).
I tried to do it with a DAX measure using the following formulas but it does not work as I wish :
CALCULATE(SUM('Fact'[Invoice]),'Fact'[Customer] = SELECTEDVALUE('Fact'[Customer]))
The slicer does not filter the table in order to get all the product in the table even if the customer did not buy one.
Is it possible to do it ?
Many thanks

How can I have dynamic axis which is responsive on slicer value, without using bridge table, use just DAX

Hi everyone, I have a chart which I need that the x value (Axis) changes by changing the slicer value (this slicer is the yellow one that has all the Dims (x values)) and it comes from DimList table. For example, at the moment the chart is totalfreight by custid, but I need if I check the empid from the yellow slicer the chart value changed to totalfreight by empid. This happens for all of the slicer values.
But I don't like bridge table or any method that has a bad effect on performance because the FactTable has a billion rows and I modeled it in SSAS, tabular model and has a live connection. Thanks in advance.
I assume you're referring to the approach that uses a bridge table described in this article. I agree that you may face some performance problems given the amount of data in your model.
First of all, you should try to see if there's some other Power BI frontend functionality that you can use directly in the report, without changing your data model. Perhaps you can use Power BI bookmarks, links or maybe a custom visual?
If not, there's another approach you can use in the data model, that does not rely on bridge tables. Disclaimer: I haven't tested this - there could be other performance issues involved.
Construct a new dimension table with all the members from your individual dimensions. Ie. create a union of all EmpIDs, CustIDs, etc. Make sure you indicate the type of ID in a separate column. The table should look like this:
DimensionId MemberId
categoryid 1
categoryid 2
categoryid 3
custid 1
custid 2
custid 3
Let's name this table 'All Dimensions'. The table should not have any relationships to other tables (this is similar to the Parameter Table pattern.
Change your measures to apply a virtual relationship whenever something is selected on the 'All Dimensions' table, to properly filter the fact table:
would become:
SELECTEDVALUE('All Dimensions'[DimensionId]),
"categoryid", CALCULATE(SUM('factSale'[Freight]),
KEEPFILTERS(TREATAS(VALUES('All Dimensions'[MemberId]), 'factSale'[CategoryId])),
"custid", CALCULATE(SUM('factSale'[Freight]),
KEEPFILTERS(TREATAS(VALUES('All Dimensions'[MemberId]), 'factSale'[CustId])),
"empid", CALCULATE(SUM('factSale'[Freight]),
KEEPFILTERS(TREATAS(VALUES('All Dimensions'[MemberId]), 'factSale'[EmpId])),
// ... etc. for all dimensions ...
, // Fallback, when nothing is selected on 'All Dimensions'
IF(NOT ISFILTERED('All Dimensions'[MemberId]),
Put the [DimensionId] column into a slicer and use the [MemberId] column as the axis on your bar chart. Note that the chart will not show anything unless exactly one item has been filtered on the [DimensionId] slicer.
Explanation: The SWITCH statement determines if any selection has been made on the [DimensionId] column of the 'All Dimensions' table. In that case, a filter is applied to the fact table, depending on which dimension has been selected, using the TREATAS function. We're using KEEPFILTERS to make sure that any existing filters made directly on the individual dimensions are kept as-is.
In case no selection has been made on the [DimensionId] column, we want to fall back to the standard measure SUM('factSale'[Freight]) but since we don't want to repeat this measure for all items on the [MemberId] column, we use IF(NOT ISFILTERED( ... to make sure that we return only a blank value, if [MemberId] is currently used on the chart axis.

Is it possible to use a slicer as a parameter to a DAX Summarize function?

I have a FactLosses Table, and a DimAccumulation table. I have brought them into PowerBi and I have placed a slicer to choose which accumulation zones i am interested in.
Once the user has selected the zones, i want to perform a group by year on the losses and sum the losses into year buckets. But only on the data that applies to the zones the user picked.
I am using the following DAX code to do the group by like so...
Table = SUMMARIZECOLUMNS(FactForwardLookingAccumulation[Year], "Losses By Year", SUM(FactForwardLookingAccumulation[Net Loss Our Share Usd]))
The problem is the new table always produces the same result. i.e When i make changes to which accumulation perils should be included it makes no difference to the summation. (it is summing the entire table)
I'd like to use the slicer to filter the fact table and then have the DAX query run on the filtered list. Is this possible?
If you want these tables to be responsive to filters or slicers on your report, then you can't write these as calculated tables that show up under the Data tab since those are computed before any filtering happens.
To get what you want, you have to do everything inside of a measure, since those are what respond to slicers. If you're looking for the max loss year once the grouping and summing are completed, you can write a measure along these lines:
Year Max =
VAR CalculatedTable = SUMMARIZECOLUMNS(FactForwardLookingAccumulation[Year], "Losses By Year", SUM(FactForwardLookingAccumulation[Net Loss Our Share Usd]))
RETURN MAXX(CalculatedTable, [Losses By Year])
Writing it this way will allow the calculated table to respond to your slicers and filters.

How can I have a measure adhere to slicer filters?

I'm trying to figure out how to get a measure to adhere to the filter set by a slicer in Power BI.
My DAX query is: Block Time Cost = SUMX( FILTER(v_Invoice_Line_Items, v_Invoice_Line_Items[IV_Item_RecID]=9), v_Invoice_Line_Items[billable_ext_price_amount])
I know very, very little about DAX so my initial query may be way off base.
It calculates as I expect, but when filter with a date range silcer the value does not update as expected or at all.
I'm pulling my data from two views in the same database, v_Invoice and v_Data_Combined. I have a page level filter on the row Record_Description to limit the data to the types I'm looking for and the measure pulls it's data from rows in the v_Data_Combined view.
The rows in v_Invoice are below.
A sample copy is here.
and the rows for v_Data_Combined, if you click they will enlarge.
A sample copy is here.
I have no relations set between the views.
How can I have a measure adhere to slicer filters?
The slicer has to be on the same table as the measures you're filtering, or on a table related to that table. If your slicer is on a column in v_Invoice and your data is from v_Data_Combined - and the 2 tables are unrelated in Power BI, the slicer from one table will have no effect on the data from the other table.
Without sample data (which can be fake data), it's hard to make further recommendations.
However, if the two tables you have aren't really related to each other, then I would recommend exploring the possibility of "lookup" tables. E.g. if you have Company_Name in both tables, then you might add a 3rd table that is a unique list of companies (their name, address, etc). Then, when you want to slice by company you would slice on this 3rd table. That slicer will then filter both related tables (without having to have the tables related to each other).
You can read more about data modeling in Power BI, and how to design lookup tables, here: https://powerpivotpro.com/2016/02/data-modeling-power-pivot-power-bi/