Split String into 2 sub strings on first occurrence of comma? - regex

I am trying to split String in to 2 sub_strings on the first appearance of comma character.
Also the first occurred comma must be removed.
Example :
Suppose this is the string
Manhattan Ave, Brooklyn,NY,USA
dividing this into this
Manhattan Ave
also to note that first comma has been removed.
and finally saving these sub_string into variables.
String Place = "Manhattan Ave, Brooklyn,NY,USA";
String result_1 = Place.substring(0, Place.indexOf('.'));
String result_2 ="";

You can try this,
String place = "Manhattan Ave, Brooklyn,NY,USA";
int index = place.indexOf(',');
String result1 = place.substring(0,index).trim();
String result2 = place.substring(index+1).trim();


How to check one string contains another sub string in dart/flutter

I want to check weather a String contains or not a specific substring in dart/flutter.
String mainString = "toyota allion 260 2010";
String substring = "allion";
I want to check weather substring is in the mainString or not?
Please help me to find a solution
String mainString = "toyota allion 260 2010";
String substring = "allion";
mainString.contains(substring); //return true if contains

Sort a String array

I have as input the string in the below format
What I need to obtain is the same string but with the number after the _ sorted:
Dim tmprequestedArea_selectionAreaIn As String = "[1_5,3,7,1],[1_2,4,1,9],[],[1_1,,4,,,9,2]"
tmprequestedArea_selectionAreaIn = Regex.Replace(requestedArea_selectionAreaIn,"\],\[","#")
tmprequestedArea_selectionAreaIn = Regex.Replace(tmprequestedArea_selectionAreaIn,"\[|\]","")
bracList.AddRange(tmprequestedArea_selectionAreaIn.Split(New Char() {"#"c}, StringSplitOptions.None ))
If sortNumber Then
'Split braclist by _ and puts the value in strList
'If after _ is only one number put only that number, else split it by char "," and put in strList the join of the split by , array
'Sort the array
'in previous example strList will contain a,b,c in position 0 and _d_f (instead of f,d) in position 1
For i As Integer = 0 To bracList.Count -1
Dim tmp As String()
Dim tmpInt As New System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Integer)
If Not(String.IsNullOrEmpty(bracList(i))) Then
Dim tmpRequested As String = bracList(i).Split(New Char() {"_"c})(0)
Dim tmpSelection As String = bracList(i).Split(New Char() {"_"c})(1)
If tmpSelection.Contains(",") Then
tmp = tmpSelection.Split(New Char() {","c})
For j As Integer = 0 To tmp.Length -1
strList.Add("[" + tmpRequested + "_" + String.Join(",",tmpInt ) + "]")
strList.Add("[" + tmpRequested + "_" + tmpSelection + "]" )
End If
End If
Next i
I'm looking for a better way to manage it.
Try this, as a possible substitute for what you're doing now.
Given this input string:
Dim input As String = "[1_5,3,7,1],[1_2,4,1,9],[],[1_1,,4,,,9,2]"
Note: this will also deal with decimal values without changes. E.g.,
You can extract the content of the brackets with this pattern: \[(.*?)\] and use Regex.Matches to return a MatchCollection of all the substrings that match the pattern.
Then use a StringBuilder as a container to rebuild the string while the parts are being treated.
Imports System.Linq
Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions
Dim pattern As String = "\[(.*?)\]"
Dim matches = Regex.Matches(input, pattern, RegexOptions.Singleline)
Dim sb As New StringBuilder()
For Each match As Match In matches
Dim value As String = match.Groups(1).Value
If String.IsNullOrEmpty(value) Then
Continue For
End If
Dim sepPosition As Integer = value.IndexOf("_"c) + 1
sb.Append("[" & value.Substring(0, sepPosition))
Dim values = value.Substring(sepPosition).Split(","c)
sb.Append(String.Join(",", values.Where(Function(n) n.Length > 0).OrderBy(Function(n) CDec(n))))
sb.Append(","c, values.Count(Function(n) n.Length = 0))
Dim result As String = sb.ToString().TrimEnd(","c)
If you don't know about LINQ, this is what it's doing:
String.Join(",", values.Where(Function(n) n.Length > 0).OrderBy(Function(n) CDec(n)))
values is an array of strings, generated by String.Split().
values.Where(Function(n) n.Length > 0): creates an Enumerable(Of String) from values Where the content, n, is a string of length > 0.
I could have written values.Where(Function(n) Not String.IsNUllOrEmpty(n)).
.OrderBy(Function(n) CDec(n))): Orders the resulting Enumerable(Of String) using the string value converted to Decimal and generates an Enumerable(Of String), which is passed back to String.Join(), to rebuild the string, adding a char (","c) between the parts.
values.Count(Function(n) n.Length = 0): Counts the elements of values that have Length = 0 (empty strings). This is the number of empty elements that are represented by a comma, appended at the end of the partial string.
If you are looking for a "way"
I think it is easier to fetch each char of the string and if it is a number you put it in array (and when the char is ']' you start new array) the sort the arrays and replace each number from the string with it's sorted number (so you will just do allocation without the need to reconstruct with regular expression
I wish that I had Visual Studio to provide you the code (it is joyful to code a riddle) ^_^
ps:for the commas you can use a counter for each blank commas an the put it in the end

Manipulate string to extract address

I'm currently doing some work with a very large data source on city addresses where the data looks something like this.
137 is the correct address but it belongs in a building that takes up 135-138A on the street.
137 9/F 135-138A KING STREET 135-138A KING STREET TOR
i've used a function which removes the duplicates shown on extendoffice.
the second column has become this:
137 9/F 135-138A KING STREET TOR
what I want to do now is
find address number and add it in front of the street name
remove the numbers that are connected to the dash - ):
Would the the best way to accomplish this?
The main problem I'm having with this is there are many inconsistent spaces in address names ex. "van dyke rd".
Is there anyway I can locate in an array the "-" and set variables for the 2 numbers on either side of the dash and replace it with the correct address number located at the front
Function RemoveDupes2(txt As String, Optional delim As String = " ") As String
Dim x
With CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
.CompareMode = vbTextCompare
For Each x In Split(txt, delim)
If Trim(x) <> "" And Not .exists(Trim(x)) Then .Add Trim(x), Nothing
If .Count > 0 Then RemoveDupes2 = Join(.keys, delim)
End With
End Function
Regular Expressions are a way to (amongst other things) search for a feature in a string.
It looks like the feature you are looking for is: number:maybe some spaces : dash : maybe some spaces : number
In regex notation this would be expressed as:
([0-9]*)[ ]*-[ ]*([0-9]*)
Which translates to: Find a sequential group of digits followed by zero or more spaces, then a dash, then zero or more spaces, then some more digits.
The parenthesis indicate the elements that will be returned. So you could assign variables to the be the first number or the second number.
You might need to tweak this if a dash can potentially occur elsewhere in the address.
Further information on actually implementing that is available here: How to use Regular Expressions (Regex) in Microsoft Excel both in-cell and loops
This meets the case you want, it captures the address range as two separate matches (if you want to process further).
The current code simple removes this range altogether.
What logic is there to move the 9/F to front?
See regex here
Function StripString(strIn As String) As String
Dim objRegex As Object
Set objRegex = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
With objRegex
.Pattern = "(\d+[A-C]?)-(\d+[A-C]?)"
If .test(strIn) Then
StripString = .Replace(strIn, vbullstring)
StripString = "No match"
End If
End With
End Function
I'd just:
swap 1st and 2nd substrings
erase the substring with "-" in it
Function RemoveDupes2(txt As String, Optional delim As String = " ") As String
Dim x As Variant, arr As Variant, temp As Variant
Dim iArr As Long
With CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
.CompareMode = vbTextCompare
For Each x In Split(txt, delim)
If Trim(x) <> "" And Not .exists(Trim(x)) Then .Add Trim(x), Nothing
If .count > 0 Then
arr = .keys
temp = arr(0)
arr(0) = arr(1)
arr(1) = temp
For iArr = LBound(arr) To UBound(arr)
If InStr(arr(iArr), "-") <> 0 Then arr(iArr) = ""
RemoveDupes2 = Join(arr, delim)
End If
End With
End Function

Verify and cut a string using regexp in matlab

I have the following string:
I would like to verify the format of the string that the word 'variable' is the second word and i would like to retrive the string after the last '/' in the 3rd string (In this example 'D_foo').
how could i verify this and retrive the sting i search?
I tried the following:
without success
The string to analysis is not splited after the komma, it is only due to length of the string.
my string is:
and not a cell, which could be understood. I added the sybol ' at the start and end of the string to symbolizied that it is a string.
I realise that you mention using regexp in the question, but I'm not sure if this is a requirement? If other solutions are acceptable you could try this:
parts1=textscan( str, '%s','delimiter',{',','{','}'},'MultipleDelimsAsOne',1);
parts2=textscan( parts1{1}{3}, '%s','delimiter',{'/',''''},'MultipleDelimsAsOne',1);
To answer the first part of your question, you can write this:
str = {'output',{'variable','VGRG_Pos_Var1/Parameters/D_foo'},'date',734704.60904050921};
temp = str(2); %this holds the cell containing the two strings
if cmpstr(temp{1}(1), 'variable')
%do stuff
For the second part you can do this:
str = {'output',{'variable','VGRG_Pos_Var1/Parameters/D_foo'},'date',734704.60904050921};
temp = str(2); %like before, this contains the cell
temp = temp{1}(2); %this picks out the second string in the cell
temp = char(temp); %turns the item from a cell to a string
res = strsplit(temp, '/'); %splits the string where '/' are found, res is an array of strings
string = res(3); %assuming there will always be just 2 '/'s.

Regex Error in currency

I have a big problem, I used this codes to generate the number to currency,
Dim reg = New Regex("\d+")
Dim str As String = dZ.Rows(y).Item(14).ToString().Replace(",", ""). _
Replace(".00", "").Replace("$", "").Trim
Dim match = reg.Match(str)
If match.Success Then
str = reg.Replace(str, Decimal.Parse(match.Value).ToString("C"))
End If
yes it works, but what if my amount is:
1,900.50 POC
kelvzy your solution is not very flexible. I will suggest my solution:
string cellValue = dZ.Rows[y][14];
string cleanedCellValue = Regex.Replace(s, #"\s[^\d.,]+", "");
//this will replace everything after the last digit
string decimalValue = Convert.ToDecimal(cleanedCellValue, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
string str = decimalValue.ToString("C");
This solution will work, when each cell uses comma as thousand separator, dot as decimal separator and any symbols as currency symbol.
In other case give me please more examples