Best practise for an AWS Task Role policy - amazon-web-services

I'm learning AWS ECS Fargate, well I created a Task Role for my ECS Containers, and I have just added some custom and non custom polices to the role.
I can see my new role with 6 different polices attached. Anyway I saw an example were many policies were nested in the json policy file and they were separated by the SID name.
I wonder which one is the best approach: to attach many policies or to build one single json policy file with all the policies nested and separated by SID?, thanks a lot.

It really doesn't matter. Whatever is easier to maintain for you personally.
As a rule of thumb, I create managed policies if I expect to reuse it later. This way I can just reference it in new role without writing all the same stuff all over again. If it's a policy which will never be reused, then I do it in-line.


List of services used in AWS

Please how can get the list of all services I am using.
I have gone to Service Quotas at
on the dashboard. I could see a list of Items e.g. EC2, VPC, RDS, Dynamo etc but I did not understand what is there.
As I did not request for some of the services I am seeing I even went into budget at
and also credits. Maybe I can get the services I have been given credits to use
Also, how can I stop any service which I do not want?
The Billing service is not giving me tangible information also. I do not want the bill to pile up before I start taking needed steps.
Is there a location where I can see all services I am using or maybe there is a code I can enter somewhere which would produce such result?
You can use AWS Config Resource Inventory feature.
AWS Config will discover resources that exist in your account, record their current configuration, and capture any changes to these configurations. Config will also retain configuration details for resources that have been deleted. A comprehensive snapshot of all resources and their configuration attributes provides a complete inventory of resources in your account.
There is not an easy answer on this one, as there is not an AWS service that you can use to do this out of the box (yet).
There are some AWS services that you can use to get you close, like:
AWS Config (as suggested by #kepils)
Another option is to use Resource Groups and Tagging to list all resources within a region within account (as described in this answer).
In both cases however, the issue is that both Config and Resource Groups come with the same limitation - they can't see all AWS services on their own.
Another option would be to use a third party tool to do this, if your end goal is to find what do you currently have running in your account like aws-inventory or cloudmapper
On the second part of your question on how to stop any services which you don't want you can do the following:
Don't grant excessive permissions to your users. If someone needs to work on EC2 instances, then their IAM role and respective policy should allow only that instead of for example full access.
You can limit the scope and services permitted for use within account by creating Service Control Policies which are allowing only the specific resources you plan to use.
Set-up an AWS Budget Notifications and potentially AWS Budget Actions.

Describe permissions of a resource

I have create a stack, in there we create a lambda, execute some code from SDK, access to s3, write to dynamo and some other stuff, the problem now is that we are trying to deploy to a different account/region that we never deploy again, but now we are facing a lot of issues related to permissions, some of them my team already see them and are properly documented, but other cases, other teams may be facing those errors and we do not have that context, we try to go one by one as they appears but is something painful and my question is if there is a way to describe/analyze the policies that the rol that I assume has in order to execute that stack before the provisioning or how I can figure out which permission my resource needs? or basically it is go throughout all permission one by one
I'd really like something like this to exist but I do not foresee a reliable one being developed anytime soon. However, since I've been down that road myself I would suggest you something a bit more manageable.
AWS CloudFormation service role allows you to pass a role with greater permissions than the one gave to a normal user. In a nutshell, you must first create a role with some decently large permissions or even administrative permissions. Then you need to allow normal users to perform the iam:PassRole action for that resource (the role). Lastly, when you deploy a CloudFormation stack, make sure you specify the role you created as the "service role" in the stack options.
From a security standpoint there is pros and cons to both using a service role or giving a lot of different permissions to normal users. You have to assess for yourself if it's a risk you can manage.

Attach IAM role to multiple EC2 instances

There seems to be plenty of documentation that outlines making a role with its corresponding policies and then attaching that to a new or pre-existing (single) EC2 instance. However, when you have many instances and the task it to attach a role to all of those instances, I can't find or figure a way that avoid doing the process one-by-one.
So, how does one attach an IAM role to multiple already-launched EC2 instances efficiently?
You'd have to do this one by one. It would generally be attached at launch but you can do it afterwards.
Programatically looping would probably be the most efficient
There is no way to bulk-assign roles to EC2 instances.
You can do this programmatically using the CLI or the SDK in your language of choice.
If using the CLI you'll want to use the ec2 associate-iam-instance-profile command. Note that this command still just accepts a single instance identifier at a time so you'll need to iterate through a list of instances and invoke repeatedly.

AWS equivalent for Azure Resourcegroup

Azure Resource group is one thing which ties one complete stack together, so in case you want to know what your complete stack looks like just open up your RG and all resources are there(not talking about very big stacks ).
Do we have any service in AWS like this ??
AWS also has Resource Groups. It's not identical to Azure resource groups. But it will work for your need. You need to use tags for the resources and then group them using AWS Resource Groups. Tags are very powerful and widely used in AWS.
An AWS Cloudformation template creates a "Stack" with all the resources defined in the template. In the AWS console what you see under the Cloudformation service are these stacks. They seem to me to be very much like an Azure Resource Group. The life cycle of the resources in the template are managed by the stack. If you delete the stack all the resources are deleted; very much like an Azure Resource Group.
As mentioned in comments you can group together AWS resources using resource groups. If you are looking for more than mere grouping then there is AWS OpsWorks Stacks. AWS OpsWorks Stacks is nothing but chef under the hood. Here you can get the full view of associated resources and you can manage as well.
I've been playing in Azure for a while with Kubernetes (AKS) and Terraform. I was used to deploying an Azure resource group and everything in it:
Key vault
storage account
Data Factory
SQL Server (or some other database)
Simple enough. So, I just tried to deploy a similar data stack in AWS. It's not at all the same, and a lot more effort.
The VPC seems to be the first place to start. You'll also have to
think about CIDR addresses too.
Subnets (you'll be defining CIDR blocks here too) and deciding availability zones come next.
You'll need security group
You'll also need IAM resources and to attach the relevant roles/policies. In Azure, once permissions and Service Principals are in place, you don't have to worry about these things.
All this is before you've deployed anything.
Now that's my immediate feeling trying to replicate what I was doing on Azure. I didn't let how long it takes to deploy these resources on AWS (in the EU region - YMMV) compared to Azure 🙄 cloud my judgement either...
A Cloudformation 'stack' was created when I tested using the AWS EKSCLI command line tool to provision a kubernetes cluster and nodes. Deleting a stack on Cloudformation will remove all the associated resources, like if you were to remove a resource group on Azure.
I think using Terraform is probably a good idea, which is the conclusion you may arrive at after having to chase down why you can't delete a certain resource because something is still using it (and it's not all in the same place (resource group) like in Azure.

Is it possible to describe existing resources in CloudFormation?

I have a scenario where I want to enable flow-logs for all the existing VPCs(by existing I mean ones which are not created by Cloud-formation stack) which are there in my AWS Account. For these I would need to describe all the existing VPC from my AWS Account(let say region specific) and get their Vpc-id which then I will fed it to create-flow-log.
Is it even possible to describe existing resources through Cloud Formation Stack, because I didn't find any AWS Documentation for this purpose? Is there any other possibility by which this can be done and still using Cloud-Formation?
Malay - It is possible to refer existing resources which are not created by CFN. But, it's not possible to modify them.
Here's an example to take the existing VPC IDs as an input parameter:
An array of VPC IDs, such as vpc-a123baa3, vpc-b456baa3.
Hope it helps.