I have the following problem:
I have a line with numbers that I have to read. The first number from the line is the amount of operations I will have to perform on the rest of the sequence.
There are two types of operations I will have to do:
Remove- we remove the number after the current one, then we move forward X steps in the sequence, where X=value of removed element)
Insert- we insert a new number after the current one with a value of (current element's value-1), then we move forward by X steps in the sequence where X = value of the current element (i.e not the new one)
We do "Remove" if the current number's value is even, and "Insert" if the value is odd.
After the amount of operations we have to print the whole sequence, starting from the number we ended the operations.
Properly working example:
Input: 3 1 2 3
Output:0 0 3 1
3 is the first number and it becomes the OperCount value.
First operation:
Sequence: 1 2 3, first element: 1
1 is odd, so we insert 0 (currNum's value-1)
We move forward by 1(currNum's value)
Output sequence: 1 0 2 3, current position: 0
Second operation:
0 is even so we remove the next value (2)
Move forward by the removed element's value(2):
From 0 to 3
From 3 to 1
Output sequence: 1 0 3, current position: 1
Third operation:
1 is even, so once again we insert new element with value of 0
Move by current element's value(1), onto the created 0.
Output sequence: 1 0 0 3, current position: first 0
Now here is the deal, we have reached the final condition and now we have to print whole sequence, but starting from the current position.
Final Output:
0 0 3 1
I have the working version, but its using the linked list, and because of that, it doesn't pass all the tests. Linked list traversal is too long, thats why I need to use the binary tree, but I kinda don't know how to start with it. I would appreciate any help.
First redefine the operations to put most (but not all) the work into a container object: We want 4 operations supported by the container object:
1) Construct from a [first,limit) pair of input random access iterators
2) insert(K) finds the value X at position K, inserts a X-1 after it and returns X
3) remove(K) finds the value X at position K, deletes it and returns X
4) size() reports the size of the contents
The work outside the container would just keep track of incremental changes to K:
K += insert(K); K %= size();
K += remove(K); K %= size();
Notice the importance of a sequence point before reading size()
The container data is just a root pointing to a node.
struct node {
unsigned weight;
unsigned value;
node* child[2];
unsigned cweight(unsigned s)
{ return child[s] ? child[s]->weight : 0; }
The container member functions insert and remove would be wrappers around recursive static insert and remove functions that each take a node*& in addition to K.
The first thing each of either recursive insert or remove must do is:
if (K<cweight(0)) recurse passing (child[0], K);
else if ((K-=cweight(0))>0) recurse passing (child[1], K-1);
else do the basic operation (read the result, create or destroy a node)
After doing that, you fix the weight at each level up the recursive call stack (starting where you did the work for insert or the level above that for remove).
After incrementing or decrementing the weight at the current level, you may need to re-balance, remembering which side you recursively changed. Insert is simpler: If child[s]->weight*4 >= This->weight*3 you need to re-balance. The re-balance is one of the two basic tree rotations and you select which one based on whether child[s]->cweight(s)<child[s]->cweight(1-s). rebalance for remove is the same idea but different details.
This system does a lot more worst case re-balancing than a red-black or AVL tree. But still is entirely logN. Maybe there is a better algorithm for a weight-semi-balanced tree. But I couldn't find that with a few google searches, nor even the real name of nor other details about what I just arbitrarily called a "weight-semi-balanced tree".
Getting the nearly 2X speed up of strangely mixing the read operation into the insert and remove operations, means you will need yet another recursive version of insert that doesn't mix in the read, and is used for the portion of the path below the point you read from (so it does the same recursive weight changes and re-balancing but with different input and output).
Given random access input iterators, the construction is a more trivial recursive function. Grab the middle item from the range of iterators and make a node of it with the total weight of the whole range, then recursively pass the sub ranges before and after the middle one to the same recursive function to create child subtree.
I haven't tested any of this, but I think the following is all the code you need for remove as well as the rebalance needed for both insert and remove. Functions taking node*& are static member function of tree and those not taking node*& are non static.
unsigned tree::remove(unsigned K)
node* removed = remove(root, K);
unsigned result = removed->value;
delete removed;
return result;
// static
node* tree::remove( node*& There, unsigned K) // Find, unlink and return the K'th node
node* result;
node* This = There;
unsigned s=0; // Guess at child NOT removed from
This->weight -= 1;
if ( K < This->cweight(0) )
s = 1;
result = remove( This->child[0], K );
K -= This->cweight(0);
if ( K > 0 )
result = remove( This->child[1], K-1 );
else if ( ! This->child[1] )
// remove This replacing it with child[0]
There = This->child[0];
return This; // Nothing here/below needs a re-balance check
// remove This replacing it with the leftmost descendent of child[1]
result = This;
There = This = remove( This->child[1], 0 );
This->child[0] = Result->child[0];
This->child[1] = Result->child[1];
This->weight = Result->weight;
rebalance( There, s );
return result;
// static
void tree::rebalance( node*& There, unsigned s)
node* This = There;
node* c = This->child[s];
if ( c && c->weight*4 >= This->weight*3 )
node* b = c->child[s];
node* d = c->child[1-s];
unsigned bweight = b ? b->weight : 0;
if ( d && bweight < d->weight )
// inner rotate: d becomes top of subtree
This->child[s] = d->child[1-s];
c->child[1-s] = d->child[s];
There = d;
d->child[s] = c;
d->child[1-s] = This;
d->weight = This->weight;
c->weight = bweight + c->cweight(1-s) + 1;
This->weight -= c->weight + 1;
// outer rotate: c becomes top of subtree
There = c;
c->child[1-s] = This;
c->weight = This->weight;
This->child[s] = d;
This->weight -= bweight+1;
You can use std::set which is implemented as binary tree. It's constructor allows construction from the iterator, thus you shouldn't have problem transforming list to the set.
A ={1,2,3}
For Sum value = 5
Possible Combination
{3,2} , {1,1,1,1,1} , {2,2,1} and all possiable one
here is my approach:
int count( int S[], int m, int n )
// m is the size of the array and n is required sum
// If n is 0 then there is 1 solution (do not include any coin)
if (n == 0)
return 1;
// If n is less than 0 then no solution exists
if (n < 0)
return 0;
// If there are no coins and n is greater than 0, then no solution exist
if (m <=0 && n >= 1)
return 0;
// count is sum of solutions (i) including S[m-1] (ii) excluding S[m-1]
return count( S, m - 1, n ) + count( S, m, n-S[m-1] );
My approach Disadvantage: : It have to recalculate the many combination again and again. So it the value of sum is very high so it is very slow. I want to implement this using dynamic programming please provide me an explaination how can i store the calculated value so i can reuse it and reduce time of my program
A very simple change to your solution would be to just add "memoization".
Considering the array S fixed the result of your function just depends on m and n. Therefore you can do the following small change:
int count( int S[], int m, int n ) {
if (cache[m][n] == -1) {
cache[m][n] = count( S, m - 1, n ) + count( S, m, n-S[m-1] );
return cache[m][n];
This way you're only compute the result once for each distinct pair of values m and n.
The idea is to keep a 2d array indexed by (m,n) all initialized to -1 (meaning "not yet computed"). When you're about to compute a value in count you first check if the value has not been computed yet and if this is the case you also store the result in the 2d matrix so you will not recompute the same number again in the future.
I would do it differently:
generate coin array to match sum
genere one coin type
start with the biggest one
add them as much as you can
but the sum must be <= then the target sum
if target sum is achieved store result
recursively call step 1 for next lower coin
but remember last coin array state
if there is no coin=1 then sometimes the result will be invalid
move to next combination
restore last coin array state
remove last coin from it
if there is none to remove then stop
else repeat step 2
count permutations/combinantions if also the order matters
so take valid result and permute it by rules of your problem
to get more solutions from it
it is faster then try every possibility in 1.
example (for 1.):
coins = { 5,2,1 }
5 | 2
5 | - | 1 1
- | 2 2 2 | 1
- | 2 2 | 1 1 1
- | 2 | 1 1 1 1 1
| separates recursion layer
there is one recursion level per each coin type
so you need memory for 3 array states in this case (the lengths depends on target sum)
this is acceptable (I saw solutions with much worse space complexity for this problem)
for very big Sums I would use RLE for memory conservations and speedup the process
[edit1] C++ source code
void prn_coins(int *count,int *value,int coins) // just to output solution somewhere
int i;
AnsiString s="";
for (i=0;i<coins;i++)
s+=AnsiString().sprintf("%ix%i ",count[i],value[i]);
void get_coins(int *count,int *value,int coins,int sum,int ix=0,int si=0)
if (ix>=coins) return; // exit
if (ix==0) // init:
ix=0; // first layer
si=0; // no sum in solution for now
for (int i=0;i<coins;i++) count[i]=0; // no coins in solution for now
//1. genere actal coint type value[]
count[ix]=(sum-si)/value[ix]; // as close to sum as can
si+=value[ix]*count[ix]; // update actual sum
//2. recursion call
if (si==sum) prn_coins(count,value,coins);
else get_coins(count,value,coins,sum,ix+1,si);
//3. next combination
if (count[ix]) { count[ix]--; si-=value[ix]; }
else break;
void main()
const int _coins=3; // coin types
int value[_coins]={5,2,1}; // coin values (must be in descending order !!!)
int count[_coins]={0,0,0}; // coin count in actual solution (RLE)
this code took ~3ms on mine HW setup
just change the prn_coins function to your form of print (I used VCL memo and AnsiSring)
in this code the solution state is automaticly rewriten back to previous state
so no need to further memoize (else it would be necessary to copy the count array before and after recursion)
Now the permutation step would be necessary if:
each coin is unique? (1 1 2 5) != (1 1 2 5)
or just coin type? (1 1 2 5) != (1 2 1 5)
in that case just add the permutation code to prn_coins function ...
but that is different question ...
For dynamic programming you need to generalise your problem. Let S(a, x) be all possible sums of value x, only using values from A starting at index a. Your original problem is S(0, X).
Since you have a discrete function with two parameters you can store its outcomes in a 2d array.
There are some simple cases: there is no solution for a = A.length and X > 0.
There is the set only containing an empty sum for X = 0.
Now, you should find a recursive formula for the other cases and fill the table in such a way that the indices you depend on have already been calculated (hint: consider looping backwards).
I have these following methods to get the height of a red black tree and this works (I send the root). Now my question is, how is this working? I have drawn a tree and have tried following this step by step for each recursion call but I can't pull it off.
I know the general idea of what the code is doing, which is going through all the leaves and comparing them but can anyone give a clear explanation on this?
int RedBlackTree::heightHelper(Node * n) const{
if ( n == NULL ){
return -1;
return max(heightHelper(n->left), heightHelper(n->right)) + 1;
int RedBlackTree::max(int x, int y) const{
if (x >= y){
return x;
return y;
Well, the general algorithm to find the height of any binary tree (whether a BST,AVL tree, Red Black,etc) is as follows
For the current node:
if(node is NULL) return -1
h1=Height of your left child//A Recursive call
h2=Height of your right child//A Recursive call
Add 1 to max(h1,h2) to account for the current node
return this value to parent.
An illustration to the above algorithm is as follows:
(Image courtesy
This code will return the height of any binary tree, not just a red-black tree. It works recursively.
I found this problem difficult to think about in the past, but if we imagine we have a function which returns the height of a sub-tree, we could easily use that to compute the height of a full tree. We do this by computing the height of each side, taking the max, and adding one.
The height of the tree either goes through the left or right branch, so we can take the max of those. Then we add 1 for the root.
Handle the base case of no tree (-1), and we're done.
This is a basic recursion algorithm.
Start at the base case, if the root itself is null the height of tree is -1 as the tree does not exist.
Now imagine at any node what will be the height of the tree if this node were its root?
It would be simply the maximum of the height of left subtree or the right subtree (since you are trying to find the maximum possible height, so you have to take the greater of the 2) and add a 1 to it to incorporate the node itself.
That's it, once you follow this, you're done!
As a recursive function, this computes the height of each child node, using that result to compute the height of the current node by adding + 1 to it. The height of any node is always the maximum height of the two children + 1. A single-node case is probably the easiest to understand, since it has a height of zero (0).
Here the call stack looks like this:
height(A) =
max(height(A->left), height(A->right)) + 1
Since both left and right are null, both return (-1), and therefore this reduces to
height(A) = max (-1, -1) + 1;
height(A) = -1 + 1;
height(A) = 0
A slightly more complicated version
The recursive calls we care about are:
height(A) =
max(height(B), height(C)) + 1
height(B) =
max(height(D), height(E)) + 1
The single nodes D, E, and C we already know from our first example have a height of zero (they have no children). therefore all of the above reduces to
height(A) = max( (max(0, 0) + 1), 0) + 1
height(A) = max(1, 0) + 1
height(A) = 1 + 1
height(A) = 2
I hope that makes at least a dent in the learning curve for you. Draw them out on paper with some sample trees to understand better if you still have doubts.
I am having trouble understanding this maxDepth code. Any help would be appreciated. Here is the snippet example I followed.
int maxDepth(Node *&temp)
if(temp == NULL)
return 0;
int lchild = maxDepth(temp->left);
int rchild = maxDepth(temp->right);
if(lchild <= rchild)
return rchild+1;
return lchild+1;
Basically, what I understand is that the function recursively calls itself (for each left and right cases) until it reaches the last node. once it does, it returns 0 then it does 0+1. then the previous node is 1+1. then the next one is 2+1. if there is a bst with 3 left childs, int lchild will return 3. and the extra + 1 is the root. So my question is, where do all these +1 come from. it returns 0 at the last node but why does it return 0+1 etc. when it goes up the left/right child nodes? I don't understand why. I know it does it, but why?
Consider this part (of a bigger tree):
Now we want to calculate the depth of this treepart, so we pass pointer to A as its param.
Obviously pointer to A is not NULL, so the code has to:
call maxDepth for each of A's children (left and right branches). A->right is B, but A->left is obviously NULL (as A has no left branch)
compare these, choose the greatest value
return this chosen value + 1 (as A itself takes a level, doesn't it?)
Now we're going to look at how maxDepth(NULL) and maxDepth(B) are calculated.
The former is quite easy: the first check will make maxDepth return 0. If the other child were NULL too, both depths would be equal (0), and we have to return 0 + 1 for A itself.
But B is not empty; it has no branches, though, so (as we noticed) its depth is 1 (greatest of 0 for NULLs at both parts + 1 for B itself).
Now let's get back to A. maxDepth of its left branch (NULL) is 0, maxDepth of its right branch is 1. Maximum of these is 1, and we have to add 1 for A itself - so it's 2.
The point is the same steps are to be done when A is just a part of the bigger tree; the result of this calculation (2) will be used in the higher levels of maxDepth calls.
Depth is being calculated using the previous node + 1
All the ones come from this part of the code:
if(lchild <= rchild)
return rchild + 1;
return lchild + 1;
You add yourself +1 to the results obtained in the leaves of the tree. These ones keep adding up until you exit all the recursive calls of the function and get to the root node.
Remember in binary trees a node has at most 2 children (left and right)
It is a recursive algorithm, so it calls itself over and over.
If the temp (the node being looked at) is null, it returns 0, as this node is nothing and should not count. that is the base case.
If the node being looked at is not null, it may have children. so it gets the max depth of the left sub tree (and adds 1, for the level of the current node) and the right subtree (and adds 1 for the level of the current node). it then compares the two and returns the greater of the two.
It dives down into the two subtrees (temp->left and temp->right) and repeats the operation until it reaches nodes without children. at that point it will call maxDepth on left and right, which will be null and return 0, and then start returning back up the chain of calls.
So if you you have a chain of three nodes (say, root-left1-left2) it will get down to left2 and call maxDepth(left) and maxDepth(right). each of those return 0 (they are null). then it is back at left2. it compares, both are 0, so the greater of the two is of course 0. it returns 0+1. then we are at left1 - repeats, finds that 1 is the greater of its left n right (perhaps they are the same or it has no right child) so it returns 1+1. now we are at root, same thing, it returns 2+1 = 3, which is the depth.
Because the depth is calculated with previous node+1
To find Maximum depth in binary tree keep going left and Traveres the tree, basically perform a DFS
We can find the depth of the binary search tree in three different recursive ways
– using instance variables to record current depth and total depth at every level
– without using instance variables in top-bottom approach
– without using instance variables in bottom-up approach
The code snippet can be reduced to just:
int maxDepth(Node *root){
if(root){ return 1 + max( maxDepth(root->left), maxDepth(root->right)); }
return 0;
A good way of looking at this code is from the top down:
What would happen if the BST had no nodes? We would have root = NULL and the function would immediately return an expected depth of 0.
Now suppose the tree was populated with a number of nodes. Starting at the top, the if condition would be true for the root node. We then ask, what is the max depth of the LEFT SUB TREE and the RIGHT SUB TREE by passing the root of those sub trees to maxDepth. Both the LST and the RST of the root are one level deeper than the root, so we must add one to get the depth of the tree at root of the tree passed to the function.
i think this is the right answer
int maxDepth(Node *root){
if(root){ return 1 + max( maxDepth(root->left), maxDepth(root->right)); }
return -1;
I am trying to understand how the following algorithms works.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int maxsimum(int a[], int l, int r) {
if (l == r)
return a[l];
int m = (l+r)/2;
int u = maxsimum(a,l,m);
int v = maxsimum(a,m+1,r);
return u>v?u:v;
int main() {
int a[] = {34,23,45,56,30,31,57,33,55,10};
int n = sizeof(a)/sizeof(int);
cout << maxsimum(a,0,n) << endl;
return 0;
First, what I am interested in is that in spite of algorithm's working correctly, it is mysterious for me how it finds the maximum element. I will show how I understood this algorithm:
Step 1: we say that in case of an array, l=0 and r=10, it checks if (l>r) which does not hold of course so it calculates m=(0+10)/2;. Then do again the procedure for new bounds. The first pair is (0,5), the second is (6,10) and after the final operation it compares two returned values and finally returns the maximum element between them.
Does this algorithm always work? In each iteration it does not do any comparison, only the final step. How can it determine the maximum element at each recursive iteration? It checks only what. For example: take pair(0,5), is (0 more than 5)? No, so repeat again and divide these bounds into two so get new average value m1=(0+5)/2 then again again and return some element but not the maximum. Also for second subarray we can say the same.
What is the main idea of this algorithm?
Your confusion is understandable: the algorithm as written contains a couple of bugs. It accesses memory past the end of a, which is very, very bad. Also, the test whether a range contains only one element is incorrect. If not addressed, this leads to a stack overflow.
The way the maximum function is called suggests that the lower bound is included in the range, but the upper bound is not. a[0] is valid, but a[n] accesses memory past the end of a. When splitting the range, we want the first part to run from l up to but not including m, and the second part to start at m and run up to but not include r. In other words: the "exclusive" upper limit of the first part is equal to the "inclusive" lower limit of the second part. The first internal call to maxsimum is correct. The second internal call should be:
int v=maxsimum(a,m,r);
This leaves us with the problem of detecting a range of length 1. As it stands, the algorithm actually looks for an empty range. The proper test is to look at the difference between the upper and the lower bound:
if (r-l == 1) return a[l];
The complete function is as follows:
int maxsimum(int a[],int l,int r){
if (r-l==1) return a[l];
int m=(l+r)/2;
int u=maxsimum(a,l,m);
int v=maxsimum(a,m,r);
return u>v?u:v;
Now that we have a correct program, the explanation of how this works is straightforward:
If the range contains only one element, then this element is the maximum.
If the range contains more than one element, we split it in two parts. We call the function recursively to compute the maximum of each part. The maximum of these two values is the maximum of the entire range.
The main idea is that if we divide the array in 2 subarrays, then the maximum must be in the left or in the right part of the array; there's no other possibility.
So we find the maximum in the left part, we find the maximum in the right part and the global maximum will obviously be the maximum between the two maximum, that is what is returned by the last line of the maxsimum function.
Your error is here:
In each iteration it does not do any comparison, only the final step.
This is wrong. In fact, it does a comparison in every step of the recursion (except in the base cases, i.e. where the array size is 1).
Let me comment the maximum part of the code for you, and try not to add confusion:
if (l==r) return a[l]; //trivial case, if there is only one value in the array return it
int m=(l+r)/2; //find value halfway into the array
int u=maxsimum(a,l,m); //find the maximum value for the lower part of the array
int v=maxsimum(a,m+1,r); //find the maximum value for the top part of the array
return u>v?u:v; //return the highest value of them.
So the array 0..10 is splitted into 0..5 and 6..10 and passed into the same function. Only when there is only one value the recursion ends and that single value is passed to their callees. Then in the second lowest cases, like value a[0] and a[1] it will do the first comparisons. The results of these will be passed up to the higher cases until it will exit the function for the final time returning with the largest value of all the cases.
I hope was able clarify a bit for you.
Error in main() function, test array has 10 elements, should be:
cout << maxsimum(a,0,n-1) << endl;
This answer might be so late, but it may be useful to someone to grasp the recursion calls, I modified the above code to trace out the function calls.
After seeing the output it is easy to see how a recursive tree is made.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int maxsimum(int a[], int l, int r) {
if (l == r)
return a[l];
int m = (l+r)/2;
cout<<"values gonna get computed in 1st recursive call"<< l<<" "<< m<<"\n";
int u = maxsimum(a,l,m);
cout<<"value of u "<<u<<"\n";
cout<<"value gonna get computed in 2nd recursion call "<<m+1 <<" "<<r<<"\n";
int v = maxsimum(a,m+1,r);
cout<<"value of v : "<<v<<"\n";
cout<<"current u value :"<<u <<"current v value "<<v <<"\n";
return u>v?u:v;
int main() {
int a[] = {5,6,7,8,9};
int n = sizeof(a)/sizeof(int);
cout << maxsimum(a,0,n-1) << endl;
return 0;
Here is the recursion tree for the above program, the tree first goes towards the left side i.e for the first recursive statement, then each call returns its base value, the return condition makes sure only the maximum element is selected in each calls.
/ \
7 / \9
(0,2) (3,4)
/ \ / \
6/ \7 8/ \9
(0,1) (2,2) (3,3) (4,4)
/ \
5/ \6
(0,0) (1,1)