Working with a Fedora g++, I've noticed something anoying for me.
I think I misundertands g++ behaviors with namesapce and header files.
You will see 2 versions of a very simple Class and a main function.
First one is fully embeded in single file named "mainfull.cpp" and compiles silently.
Second one is the same code distributed in three files "MaClass.hpp", "MaClass.cpp" and "main.cpp". The issue come from this version.
$ g++ -o doit MaClass.cpp main.cpp
/usr/bin/ld : /tmp/cc9IOJE8.o : in function « main » :
main.cpp:(.text+0x10) : undefined reference to « test::example::MaClass::doit() »
collect2: error: ld returned exit status 1
But the error vanishes with namespace suppression or when changing the include from the header file to the implementation file.
Here are my questions :
What is the good way to include multifiles classes with namespaces ?
How should one uses g++ in that case ?
But I am a chatterbox ; here is the code :
mainfull.cpp : no pb when compiling with : g++ -o mainfull mainfull.cpp
#include <iostream>
namespace test {
namespace example {
class MaClass {
void doit();
int main() {
test::example::MaClass c;
return 0;
namespace test {
namespace example {
void MaClass::doit() {
::std::cout << "I did it !" << ::std::endl;
And here the version on witch I get doubts: (the whole remaining files)
#ifndef MACLASS
#define MACLASS
#include <iostream>
namespace test {
namespace example {
class MaClass {
void doit();
#include "MaClass.hpp"
namespace test {
namespace example {
void MaClass::doit() {
::std::cout << "I did it !" << ::std::endl;
#include "MaClass.hpp"
int main() {
test::example::MaClass c;
return 0;
The issue occurs with :
g++ -o doit MaClass.cpp main.cpp -std=c++11
I don't know the reason of that. I know that the problem come from me and not from Fedora.
Any help would be apreciated.
I have no problem on Visual Studio 2019 neither with the one nor the other version ; everything is automatic, I should have miss something.
please may you advise how I may compile & run main.cpp while compiling and linking the my_class.cpp & my_class.h class files,please note that this is running on an iPad using the “Code” app by “thebaselab”, which has offline clang++ 13.0. developer says its possible to work using the below method, however theres no output.
I compile seperately:
clang++ main.cpp -c
clang++ my_class.cpp - c
It seems to produce the main.o and my_class.o files so I may run using:
clang++ main.o my_class.o
This doesnt seem to run as no output, please may you advise if you can see the problem in my code or in compiling.?
I believe there is an issue with linking these files together, as when I have the class defined in main there’s no issues.
My code base:
// Created on iPad.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include "my_class.h"
using namespace std;
int main() {
cout << "Hey\n";
my_class obj1 = my_class("test");
cout << "Hello World!";
return 0;
#ifndef _my_class_H_
#define _my_class_H_
class my_class
std::string name = "";
my_class(std::string name_tmp); // No-args constructor // Copy constructor
~my_class(); // Destructor
void display();
#include <iostream>
#include "my_class.h"
// 1-args constructor
my_class::my_class(std::string name_tmp){
name = name_tmp;
// Destructor
my_class::~my_class() {
std::cout << "Destructing\n";
void my_class::display(){
std::cout << name << "\n";
Thanks to #Quimby,
I ran clang++ -o a.out main.o my_class.o then just a.out and it works on my iPad.
**PROBLEM SOLVED. It appears that i had created an extra header by mistake, and since i deleted him , it worked. **
So i am trying to understand about classes and headers and how i can make them work together.
I am following an online tutorial but it seems that something is going wrong in my code.
The problem is that when i try to run the main it gives me this error:
multiple definition of Cat::speak() and all the other functions.
#include <iostream>
#include "class.h"
using namespace std;
int main()
Cat jim;
Cat george;
return 0;
#include <iostream>
#include "class.h"
using namespace std;
void Cat::speak()
if (happy)
cout << "meoww" << endl;
cout << "sssss" << endl;
void Cat::makehappy()
happy = true;
void Cat::makesad()
happy = false;
class Cat
bool happy;
void makehappy();
void makesad();
void speak();
From what you have shown here there should be no problems. What you could do to temporarily resolve this to find out if you are actually defining this function in several places is to wrap your class in a namespace.
namespace myNamespace {
class Cat {
bool happy;
void makehappy();
void makesad();
void speak();
} // namespace myNamespace
#include <iostream>
#include "class.h"
// using namespace std; // Don't Use - This is Bad Practice
// Can cause name clashing when trying to resolve name lookup
namespace myNamespace {
void Cat::speak() {
if (happy) {
std::cout << "meoww" << std::endl;
} else {
std::cout << "sssss" << std::endl;
void Cat::makehappy() {
happy = true;
void Cat::makesad() {
happy = false;
} // namespace myNamespace
#include <iostream>
#include "class.h"
// using namespace std; // Again -Bad Practice
int main() {
using namespace myNamespace;
Cat jim;
Cat george;
return 0;
Try this to see if you are getting the same compiler error. This should help you to see if you are defining this function in multiple spaces. Also by removing the using namespace std; and just using the scope resolution operator to the std:: namespace will help to eliminate any possible problems and any possible future problems.
How are you compiling the code? You need to make sure that you are building the specific "class.o" and "main.o" files separately before linking them together. Here is an example Makefile.
all: main
main: main.o class.o
g++ main.o class.o -o main
main.o: main.cpp class.h
g++ -c main.cpp
class.o: class.cpp class.h
g++ -c class.cpp
It looks like you are using double inclusion guards so I don't think that is the problem. Check out this answer for a more in-depth explanation of what is happening: Error with multiple definitions of function
I get this /tmp/ccnL7Yz1.o: In function 'main':
main.cpp:(.text+0x70): undefined reference to 'dng::genDungeon()'
main.cpp:(.text+0xf0): undefined reference to 'dng::clrDungeon(char**)'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status error when I'm trying to compile my program. It worked great before I added namespace functions. I'm compiling it like this: g++ -std=c++11 main.cpp Dungeon.cpp
namespace dng {
char** genDungeon();
void clrDungeon(char**);
class Dungeon {
//Methods and variables
#include "Dungeon.h"
using namespace dng;
char** genDungeon()
void clrDungeon(char** dungeon)
//Another Stuff
/*Implementation of class methods
void Dungeon::genStart(){} -> like this */
#include "Dungeon.h"
int main ()
auto dungeon = dng::genDungeon();
return 0;
I also tried to make .o files by myself g++ -std=c++11 -c main.cpp g++ -std=c++11 -c Dungeon.cpp and then link them, but got the same error. What can be the problem?
Enclose the function definitions in the namespace dng where they are declared.
#include "Dungeon.h"
namespace dng
char** genDungeon()
void clrDungeon(char** dungeon)
//Another Stuff
Or use qualified names.
include "Dungeon.h"
using namespace dng;
char** dng::genDungeon()
void dng::clrDungeon(char** dungeon)
//Another Stuff
Otherwise, the functions are defined in the global namespace, and as a result, you declared four functions: two in the namespace dng and another two in the global namespace.
I'm having one of those "undefined reference to " errors when compiling a c++ program. I know this is common pitfall, but so far was unable to figure out what I'm doing wrong.
Here's the relevant code. Ex1Two_Sum.h:
#ifndef EX1TWO_SUM_H
#define EX1TWO_SUM_H
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
namespace ddc {
class Ex1Two_Sum
void f();
#include <vector>
#include <cstddef>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
namespace ddc {
class Ex1Two_Sum {
void f(){
cout << "works" << endl;
And finally, main.cpp:
#include <iostream>
#include "Ex1Two_Sum.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace ddc;
int main()
Ex1Two_Sum ex1;
return 0;
I compile as follows:
g++ -std=c++11 -c Ex1Two_Sum.cpp
g++ -std=c++11 -c main.cpp
g++ Ex1Two_Sum.o main.o
yielding the following message:
main.o: In function `main':
main.cpp:(.text+0x2c): undefined reference to `ddc::Ex1Two_Sum::f()'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
Your source file redefines the whole class, with an inline function definition, when it just needs to provide a non-inline function definition.
#include "Ex1Two_Sum.h"
void ddc::Ex1Two_Sum::f() {
std::cout << "should work\n";
Also, please don't put using namespace std; in a header. Not everyone wants the global namespace polluted in potentially surprising ways.
First, which line of the command throws that error?
Second, I think you forgot to include the Ex1Two_Sum.h in the Ex1Two_Sum.cpp
Third you need to change class ....... in Ex1Two_Sum.cpp to:
void Ex1Two_Sum::f(){...}
Is the following approach correct? Well i get a compilation error.
a.hpp is
#include <iostream>
class a
void classa_f();
a.cpp is
#include "a.hpp"
void a::classa_f()
std::cout<< "a::classa_f\n";
#include <iostream>
namespace myname {
#include "a.hpp"
int main ()
myname::a obj;
return 0;
I get the following error
g++ main.cpp a.o
/tmp/ccOOf5s7.o: In function main':
main.cpp:(.text+0x11): undefined reference tomyname::a::classa_f()'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
Well my question is, is it possible to have just the includes under the namespace but not the actual implementation, because I can see that compiler is searching the namespace for he definition of the function.which is actually not there.
namespace myname {
#include "a.hpp"
Declares a class method myname::a::classa_f , which obviously doesn't exist in your program. It's not valid.
In the implementation, you must
namespace myname
void a::classa_f()
std::cout<< "a::classa_f\n";
and please remove #include <iostream> from the hpp file, it gets imported into the namespace too.