AWS, map multiple domains to one website but different path - amazon-web-services

I would like to know if is possible to have one website hosted on aws for example but then to have the possibility to map different domains to different paths. for example:
map domain (just an example) to
then another person to map his domain to
i want to say that the is an api end point which generates an html webpage depending on the specific parameter used.
If such tecnologies are present may somebody guide me what to learn, study?
Thank u very much.

Well, it's pretty simple to do. You can use S3 bucket static web hosting to do the redirection. For example,
map domain (just an example) to
Create an S3 bucket called and then set redirection domain/path to
then another person to map his domain to
Create another S3 bucket called and then set redirection domain/path to
Now, when a user visits or, he/she will get a 301 redirection to the corresponding destination.
Next, you can use Amazon API Gateway to generate dynamic response depending on the request parameter.


How can I only allow a specific origin to access content from Cloudfront/S3 Origins when requested via iFrame?

Here is an image of the general idea I want to accomplish
I have a react application that is hosted as a Zendesk app via an iFrame from, the iFrame fetches the content from Cloudfront / S3 (using S3 Origins) and displays it within the Zendesk UI.
I'm trying to secure it and want to restrict access to the content to a specific origin ( for example) so that if anyone was to view the Cloudfront distribution directly (by navigating to it would reject the request.
How can this be achieved? I have tried using AWS WAF and creating a rule that looks at the request origin header and matches it against the subdomain url (example origin: but that doesn't work so I think i'm barking up the wrong tree using that.
I have also tried creating a custom origin request policy on the distributions behaviour but again that didn't yield any results.
Zendesk does offer signed url functionality where the initial request becomes a POST request to the server that contains a JWT as form data in the request payload, I read that it might be possible to use Lambda#edge to accomplish this, I tried to implement this but I have not had any luck so far.
Any tips, examples or outlines as to what I am misunderstanding about these services would be very much appreciated.
In order to get a better support from the community, share the specific use-cases in your question and share in detail what you tried and what are the errors.
There are various ways to achieve what you mentioned in the picture:
Create multiple CloudFront Distributions for each domain and they can have either same or unique origins as per the need
Instead of domain, redirect traffic using "paths" or "routes" for e.g.: etc
Use Lambda#Edge and redirect the traffic based on domains
you can't have redirection (Behaviours functionality of CloudFront) using multiple domains

AWS API GateWay can't have multiple paths?

I just got my custom domain name setup via AWS API Gateway, and now I have several domain names all routing to one lambda function. which just serves a webpage.
The setup looks like this:
And I have several of these with different domains that I want all to serve the same content.
Now, I'd like to add another path like /getdata or something which will just serve some data from a database instead of serving static HTML.
But when I try to add another path I get this error:
Only one base path mapping is allowed if the base path is empty.
How can I have a single domain with multiple paths then?
I tried just using the wildcard path: *, and that works for multiple paths like /test or /getdata, but it doesn't work with just the domain name, and I can't tell every single user to make sure to type something in like /home everytime
Ahh I figured it out!
So, unfortunately, the page that shows you the custom domains is not where you need to be making your routes.
The correct procedure is to create an API (or use an existing API, and modify the resources) and give it a proxy resource, and a plain GET method that originates from the root path.
First, go to your API GateWay console, and create a new API.
Then once you give it a name, and choose the type (regional, or edge), it will show you the resources page
Here, you will do 2 things: Create a catch all proxy resource, and also a get resource to the root path.
Step 1: Make a catch all proxy resource:
Click Actions, and choose Create Resource
On the wizard, click Configure as proxy, and give it a name. Leave the resource path as it is. Then click create resource. The {proxy+} is notation that tells AWS that this resource should accept any path that has anything after the /. This means /test will work as well as /test/1/2/3/etc. However just / alone will not work!
Next, it will take you to this screen where you choose your integration type. We want lambda, which is the default. Make sure to select the correct region, for me the default was the right one. Then start typing in your lambda function name, and it should dynamically pop up a list of your lambda functions. select the one that you want for your application. If that doesn't work, you can copy and paste your lambda ARN from the lambda function console. Click Save.
Step 2: Make a get resource for the root path
Click the root slash at the top, right under where it says resources. Then click actions, and choose Create Method. It will pop up a little selection thing under the root slash, and there you should select GET, and then click the little checkmark.
Here, make sure to check Use Lambda Proxy Integration, and then the rest of this form should be the same as the last one you did. Just select your region, and your lambda function, and click Save.
Step 3: Deploy
Once that's done, go to actions, and choose Deploy API, give it a name for a stage, and some description, and then you are ready to attach this API to your custom domain.
Step 4: Attach
On the left tab scroll down to where it says Custom Domain Names, and create a new domain name (or attach it to an existing one if you have it)
Enter your domain name, and choose regional or edge. Then choose your certificate (there are many good guides for how to make a certificate through AWS)
Once you click save, it will look something like this:
Click Show Base Path Mappings, and then Edit.
In the path field just leave a slash, in the Destination field, choose from the dropdown the API that you just deployed. And on the right, select the stage that you made when you deployed your API.
Lastly, it will sit at initializing for a while, so while you wait for that, remember that you need to make a route53 record set for this domain, and map it to the cloudfront target URL that the API GateWay gave us. This target url looks like: Copy that, and go to Route 53, Choose the hosted zone for your domain. Create a record set, and give it the same name as the domain you just created, so if you made, in the name field of Route 53 you need to type in www. or if you made you need to type in test. Then choose Alias: Yes, and for the Alias Target, paste in the cloudfront url from API GateWay.
When the custom domain name is done initializing, you can make calls to as well as
Hope this helps anyone who was stuck as long as I was. Please let me know if there's anything I missed, or if something is inaccurate.
In this case you need to configure a path different to "/" for each api you need to serve through custom domain. AWS Api Gateway don't let you to serve several api into the same custom domain if you serve at least one api with no base path.

How to redirect a naked URL in an AWS S3-powered web site?

I will be hosting a static web site on S3. The problem is that the web engine behind S3-as-a-web-server does not transform into
When configuring the web site, there is a provision for the root document (the one which will be displayed when calling, but not any deeper URLS (such as my example).
Is it possible to use the redirect rules to achieve that?
I actually have a solution for this problem, but is is really convoluted:
host the web site on an S3 bucket
deploy a CloudFront instance which origins in that bucket
use a Lambda#Edge which will rewrite the call once it hits CloudFront
I hope there is something more straightforward (I have hope in the redirect rules, though "redirect" suggests that something was already attained, which is not the case in my problem as S3 does not seem to understand what is.
When you specify the default index file and wants to serve index.html in a subpath,
You need to have the index.html in every level.
The documentation for S3 specifies the following
If you create such a folder structure in your bucket, you must have an
index document at each level. When a user specifies a URL that
resembles a folder lookup, the presence or absence of a trailing slash
determines the behavior of the website. For example, the following
URL, with a trailing slash, returns the photos/index.html index
document. However,
if you exclude the trailing slash from the preceding URL, Amazon S3
first looks for an object photos in the bucket. If the photos object
is not found, then it searches for an index document,
photos/index.html. If that document is found, Amazon S3 returns a 302
Found message and points to the photos/ key. For subsequent requests
to photos/, Amazon S3 returns photos/index.html.
Alternatively, If you want ALL paths to server index.html, this thread might be useful

AWS S3 Redirect only works on bucket as a subdomain not bucket as a directory

Many people have received 100s of links to PoCs that are on an internal facing bucket and the links are in this structure.
I added a redirect using AWS's Static website hosting section in Properties and it ONLY redirects when the domain is formatted like this:
Is this a bug with S3?
For now, how do I make it redirect using both types of links? My current workaround is to add a meta redirect tag in each html file.
The s3-website is the only endpoint that supports redirects unfortunately. Using the supposes that you will be using S3 as a storage layer, instead of a website. If the link is to a specific object, you can place an HTML file at that url with a JS redirect, but other than that there is really no way to achieve what you are trying to do.
In the future, i would recommend always setting up a Cloudfront distribution for those kinds of usecases, as that will allow you to change the origin later on.

Amazon S3 web site parameters

I'm hosting a website on s3 and I have a list of users.
Example structure: user/index.html
So when somebody want's to see a specific user he goes to url like, what I wan't to do is use path like
I hope it can be done with redirect rules, but I can't figure out how to do it.
I think I need something like that:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<RoutingRule><Condition><KeyPrefixEquals>user/?id=$id</KeyPrefixEquals> </Condition><Redirect><ReplaceKeyPrefixWith>user/$id</ReplaceKeyPrefixWith> </Redirect></RoutingRule>
Amazon S3 Website Configuration Routing Rules Redirect Rule Property only supports ReplaceKeyPrefixWith, which allows redirection to a different path. The rules do not support any form of logic.
Your web application would need to perform such logic, then redirect users to the appropriate objects in Amazon S3.
Amazon s3 does not process query string parameters and, therefore, don't return different versions of an object based on parameter values