"no such file or directory" while trying to install gcloud commandline tool - google-cloud-platform

OK so I am trying to download gcloud compute but I am unable to for some reason. I followed the step by step guide from this page but when I type ./google-cloud-sdk/bin/gcloud init the terminal returns zsh: no such file or directory: ./google-cloud-sdk/bin/gcloud
Should I move google-cloud-sdk out of download into some other places? Any help will be greatly appreciated.
If it is any help, I am currently using Mac OS catalina 10.15.4.

It looks like you have downloaded the SDK into a different directory than you are currently in with your terminal.
Try moving the downloaded google-cloud-sdk folder into your home (or cd into your Downloads folder with the terminal), and then running the command. You can also use ls to make sure you are in the correct directory and can see the google-cloud-sdk folder.


Dont open project from github

I download project from github in my Termux terminal, but after download, when I pass the command "сd /*projectname*" termux said me: No such file or directory
I tried find this project in file manager in my Android, but the all folders in /com.Termux are empty.
Then I'm pass the command git clone https:/github.com/developer_name/project_name and Termux told me - destination path *projectname* already exist and is not an empty directory
Ive got 2 question
How I can open projectname in Termux?
Which full path from downloaded project from github?
use (apt-update && apt upgrade) first then other commands

bq command not found

I am currently working on windows machine. Installed WSL to be able to work in Linux env.
Installed the Google Cloud SDK and am able to run gsutil and gcloud commands.
However, while trying to run bq, I get the bq command not found error.
Can someone help me here?
"bq" is one of the default Cloud SDK components, and gets installed by default.
Please check with the command "gcloud components list" to confirm if "bq" is available.
If not, maybe somehow your installation got corrupted. Please try re-installing to fix this issue.
Otherwise, try running these commands, see how the path for all are set and same like "/usr/bin" in the given example. This may reveal some path setting related issues which need to be fixed.
I've run into a similar issue when working on a Windows environment. I have found that calling bq.cmd helps to get the BigQuery commands to execute.
So running:
bq.cmd ls
instead of running:
bq ls
To list datasets in your current project.
In WSL2, install the Google Cloud CLI with this command as shown in the documentation.
curl https://sdk.cloud.google.com | bash
Then restart your WSL installation. The bq command works at both a Windows command prompt and a WSL terminal.

Where is StarCluster Installed on MacOS

I installed "StarCluster" using the terminal on my MacOs by following instructions from the link provided below. Now, I need to edit the configuration file to add my AWS credentials. However, I am not sure which folder "StarCluster" is installed on my hard drive. Does anyone know how to locate the folder ? I would appreciate your help.
According to the easy-install docs:
By default, packages are installed to the running Python installation's site-packages directory, unless you provide the -d or --install-dir option to specify an alternative directory, or specify an alternate location using distutils configuration files.
Here's a guide to finding your site-packages directory.

ERROR: could not open extension control file "/usr/pgsql-9.6/share/extension/postgis.control": No such file or directory

I want to deploy my project to VPS Centos7. But i am getting error while installing postgres. When i type
create extension postgis;
Getting error
ERROR: could not open extension control file
"/usr/pgsql-9.6/share/extension/postgis.control": No such file or
Because postgis.contol is located in another place,
find /usr -name postgis.control
But postgres trying to create it from /usr/pgsql-9.6/share/extension/postgis.control
This question already was asked before, but my problem is other.
For me, I run below command in Ubuntu, and the issue was resolved.
sudo apt install postgresql-10-postgis-scripts
then run
It works fine for me.I hope it helps.

Trouble installing AWS Elastic Beanstalk Command Line tool packages

I'm having trouble installing AWS Elastic Beanstalk command line tool and I don't understand why. I've downloaded the package from AWS and followed the instruction carefully. Following is the installation instruction:
== Installation
Once you have downloaded the CLI package:
1) Unzip this archive to a location of your choosing.
Eb is located in the "eb" directory. The complete CLI reference
for more advanced scenarios can be found in the "api" directory.
To add eb files to your path:
Linux/Mac OS X (Bash shell):
export PATH=$PATH:<path to eb>
set PATH=<path to eb>;%PATH%
I'm using Mac OS X so I've used export PATH=$PATH:. For the path to eb, I've just copied the file into the terminal, which resulted export PATH=$PATH:/Users/lydia/Downloads/ElasticBeanstalk/eb/macosx/python2.7/eb. I'm not sure what I'm missing and I can't deploy without downloading eb command line first.
Remove the eb at the end so it's just
this worked for me although i can only get it to work if i export the CLI into the specific website folder i am working on see my question here https://askubuntu.com/questions/428417/aws-elastic-beanstalk-command-line-tool-setup
Fix that worked for me (if you installed python using brew) is remove python via
brew uninstall --force python
and then install it again from https://www.python.org/downloads/.
Then just follow the instructions from AWS.
You only add directories to your $PATH. Is ~/Downloads/ElasticBeanstalk/eb/macosx/python2.7/eb a directory? Or is it the actual command?