Failed to send get core worker stats request [closed] - ray

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I test ray on local with different machines. Most of them run fine but one of these got (pid=raylet) E0515 16:26:30.978312 358451] Failed to send get core worker stats request: IOError: 8: Sent message larger than max (290460356 vs. 104857600) this warning. And the performance in this machine dose lower then others. If there are any connections between them?

When Ray head cluster is initialized, it starts a built-in dashboard which collects metrics across the cluster. I guess since your cluster is really large, some of this requests exceed the max request size.
In this case, you can turn off the dashboard. You can do this by setting an argument --include-web-ui when you launch the head node. For example,
If you launch the head node from the script.
If you launch the head node using the command line tool
ray start --include-webui=False


ECS CannotPullContainerError no space left on device [closed]

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Closed 9 months ago.
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I am trying to deploy my app to AWS ECS via codepipeline and I see the following error in Codepipline console:
Waiting for the task to finishes...
==> The one-off task has failed!!
Container exit code: None
Container exit reason: CannotPullContainerError: write /var/lib/docker/tmp/GetImageBlob021600560: no space left on device
Stopped reason: Task failed to start
Container output: None
Could someone explain to me how to clear out this space or increase it.
I have logged into the box of both the main app and the worker and ran docker system df.
I see the following:
I'm not sure where to run the prune command or if I need to do something else.
If you are using EC2 based cluster :
The Error message you got means there is no enough space left on the host to download the wanted Image.
Which means you need to create some space / increase the disk on the Instance
For cleaning the current disk you can delete unneeded logs / run docker system prune
For increasing volume size(disk size) - Link

AWS synchronous method wrapping in Task [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I am currently trying to use the AWS method GetPreSignedURL which doesn't not have a asynchronous alternative. Why would it not provide an asynchronous option?
As this makes an http request which could in theory take a long time, should this operation be be wrapped in a Task to mitigate this and make the application more performant? e.g
public async Task<string> GetPreSignedURL(GetPreSignedUrlRequest request)
return await Task.FromResult(awsClient.GetPreSignedURL())
catch (Exception e)
// Do something
This would then be called by something like
await GetPreSignedURL(request)
this makes an http request which could in theory take a long time
^ Here's the misunderstanding.
The HTTP request is not actually performed at this time. What this method does is it takes an HTTP URL (including parameters) and then signs it using your service's credentials. It then returns a new URL that is signed with your credentials, which you can pass elsewhere (e.g., return to your caller). At some point in the future, some other code will issue the actual request using that new URL.
Since your service credentials are already in-memory, and since signing is a CPU operation with no I/O, this operation is properly represented as a synchronous API.

Django: Sending e-mails asynchronous [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I've got a Django application, which has an form to order stuff. After the form is submitted you should be forwarded to a confirmation site, while two e-mails should be send as well.
Sending an e-mail with Django is not the problem
send_mail(subject, plain_message, from_email, [], html_message=html_message)
but it seems not happening in a asynchronous way as it takes some time.
I would just like call my send_email method, let the sending be handled asynchronous and then proceed with forwarding.
How would I accomplish this, what kind of possibilities do I have? I am fairly new to Django/Python but I imagine creating a Thread or sth like it? Whats best practise for this case?
As suggested in the comments you need to implement a task queue and worker. In my projects I use django-rq and Redis.
See the repo here:
Then you can push the send_mail function into the queue as shown in the example:
import django_rq
# process stuff here
# queue the email for sending
django_rq.enqueue(send_mail, subject, plain_message, from_email, [], html_message=html_message)
But make sure that you'll need to also have a worker in the background to actually process the items in the queue.

Sabre web service unsupported command [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I am trying to move a traveler profile into a PNR by sending the "NM" Sabre command via the SabreCommandLLSRQ web service call and get "Invalid Input for GDS" as the response. This command works via Sabre Red, but for some reason doesn't seem support via webservice.
Is there a list of unsupported commands, or is there something I'm missing?
Apparently, the Output format of the request was set to "SDS" instead of "SCREEN" and that apparently has some serious side effects on what commands can be executed.
Is this for Legacy Stars or new Sabre Profiles?
Have you checked out the Move Profile to PNR service API?
Might not be relevant, but if you're using PassengerDetailsRQ you can just set UniqueId on ProfileRQ
Blockquote I like to connect Flights api App using php file dsbridge.php by making
ajax request to the class curl Bridge getting array response
error - invalid_client
error_descr - Credentials are missing or the syntax is not correct.
When I make the _dsAppKey using base64 tool using this procedure.
1. Base64 your Client Id
2. Base64 Client Secret
3. Concatenate both Base64 values with a :
4. Base64 the concatenation.
It still gives me the Response code as NULL. This code gives me the
Access token. You have to send another request to the Sabre Api.
Pl. help me with the complete example.

Asynchronous request in RESTFul WebService [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I need to create a REST based web service where the request will be handled asynchronously.
By asynchronous, I mean that the client will make the request and continue with its execution with out waiting for the response from the service.Is it possible to achieve this?
I need to deploy the service in WebSphere Application Server.
So I am not sure if your question is about how to do asynchronous processing on the server, or how to handle asynchronous operations in a RESTful manner. If it is the latter, then here is a summary of the approach suggested at:
Code your service method to
(a) handle the requested operation asynchronously (using a separate
thread most likely).
(b) Immediately return a response code of 202-Accepted
(c) In the response body, return a URI that represents the status of the requested operation.
Then code your client to:
(a) Call the main service method. When the response is completed, if the response code is 202, note the URI returned in the body.
(b) In a background thread, periodically poll that URI, until it returns an indication that the operation is complete.
Yes, you could create a Thread which calls your REST service. Maybe you could see how to achieve this here: