How to strip the resource pool name from 'vim.ResourcePool:resgroup-151' - vmware

The data type is <class 'pyVmomi.VmomiSupport.vim.ResourcePool'> and when I return the rp I get 'vim.ResourcePool:resgroup-151' (with the single quote characters there) but are there any methods that can just return the resgroup-151?

Managed objects can have both properties and operations.
<class 'pyVmomi.VmomiSupport.vim.ResourcePool'> is a managed object and few of it properties are :
summary, owner, alarmActionsEnabled, configIssue, configStatus, customValue, declaredAlarmState, disabledMethod, effectiveRole, name, overallStatus, parent, permission, recentTask, tag, triggeredAlarmState


Doctrine 2 custom entity loading and persisting

is it possible to implement a custom hydration and persistence in Doctrine 2 on a per entity basis?
Doctrine 2 has some major limitations regarding value objects (e.g. collections and ids). I wonder if it would be possible to use custom mechanisms (or implementations) for the mapping from object properties to the database (loading and persistence).
I know there are some possibilities to "solve" this problem but I like none of them:
Fake entities require proper handling in the entity which leaks the persistence layer into the domain objects
real entities require a lot more work in persistence (more repositories and more complex handling)
Embaddables have the mentioned limitations
Custom DBAL types with serialization makes querying for certain values impossible or at least extremely slow
I know there are the lifecycle events in doctrine which may be usable. I could't find out if the postLoad event carries an already constructed entity object (with all the VOs)? Becuase in that case it would be useless to me.
best regards,
Yes, you can register new hydrators in your config/packages/doctrine.yaml like this:
dbal: ...
CustomEntityHydrator: 'App\ORM\Hydrator\CustomEntityHydrator'
mapping: ...
You can then use it in your queries like this:
public function findCustomEntities(): array
return $this->createQueryBuilder('c')
...your query logic...
Note, that you can only specify which hydrator you want to use for the root entity. If you fetch associated entities you might end up with a more complicated setup that is hard to debug.
Instead you could consider dealing with value objects (VOs) only in the interface of your entity. In other words, the fields are scalar values, but your method arguments and return values are VOs.
Here is an example with an entity that has a id of type Uuid, a location (some numeric identifier), status (e.g. ternary true/false/null). These are only there to showcase how to deal with different type of value objects:
* #ORM\Entity()
class CustomEntity
* #ORM\Id()
* #ORM\Column(type="string", length=64)
private string $id;
* #ORM\Column(type="int")
private int $location;
* #ORM\Column(type="bool, nullable=true)
private bool $status;
private function __construct(Uuid $id, Location $location, Status $status)
$this->id = (string) $id;
$this->location = $location->getValue();
$this->status = $status->get();
public static function new(Location $location, Status $status): self
return new self(Uuid::v4(), $location, $status);
public function getId(): Uuid
return Uuid::fromString($this->id);
public function getLocation(): Location
return new Location($this->location);
public function activate(): void
$this->status = true;
public function deactivate(): void
$this->status = false;
public function isActive(): bool
$this->status === true;
public function isInactive(): bool
$this->status === false;
public function isUninitialized(): bool
$this->status === null;
public function getStatus(): Status
if ($this->status === null) {
return new NullStatus();
if ($this->status === true) {
return new ActiveStatus();
return new InactiveStatus();
As you can see, you could replace new() with a public constructor. It would work similar with setters. I sometimes even use (private) setters for this in the constructor. In case of the status you don't even need setters if you instead use multiple methods that set the value internally. Similarly you might want to return scalar values instead of a VO in some cases (or the other way around as shown with the status getter and issers).
The point is, your entity looks from the outside as if it would use your VOs, but internally it already switches to a representation that works better with Doctrine ORM. You could even mix this with using VOs and custom types, e.g. for the UUID. You just have to be careful, when your VO needs more info for being constructed than you want to store in the database, e.g. if the numeric location in our example would also use a locale during creation, then we would need to store this (which makes sense as it seems to be related to the numeric id) or we have to hardcode it in the entity or add an abstraction above, that has access to the locale, in which case your entity would likely not return a Location or at least not a LocalizedLocation.
You might also want to consider not having a VO for each and every property in your entity. While it definitely can be helpful, e.g. to wrap an Email into a custom VO to ensure validity instead of just type hinting for string, it might be less useful for something as generic as a (user's) name, which should be very lenient with which strings it accepts as there are a wide variety of names. Using the approach above you can easily introduce a VO later, by adding a new getter for the VO, changing new() or any other method that mutates your property and then not having to change anything in the data model below (unless there is a more drastic change to how the value is represented).

instance creating instances

How can I create an instance which creates as many instances as I want?
I think I have to create a class Manager for example and inside that class with an aggregation relationship to create the class name salary and bottles.
I want to create an instance of Manager which creates as many instances of bottle and salary I want. How can I do that?
It's called a factory and it looks something like:
class Factory {
Product create(int n);
// ...
class Product {
// ...
class Prod1 : public Product {
// ...
int main() {
Factory factory = Factory();
Product prod[10] = factory.create(10);
// ...
with create simply returning a Product object of some derived type. Of course, there's usually some context passed into the Factory::create function to hint at the type of Product you want.
Use pointers. You can have a pointer which points to as many instances as you want and new them whenever you want.

How to select all member which has a given attribute name with UDA?

Considering an attribute which take a delegate ( predicate function as std.algorithm.filter )
struct Section( alias pred ){}
This is used to annotate a field like this:
struct A {
#Section!( ( words ) => words[0] == '#' )
string b;
int c;
Field b is annotate by a delegate which return true if a string start by # when called
So how to retrieve all field which are annotated by #Section ?
Is it possible to called at runtime his delegate with a string as parameter and know if is true or not ?
So how to retrieve all field which are annotated by #Section ?
First, use allMembers or .tupleof to enumerate over all the fields of the struct.
Then, enumerate over all attributes attached to each field using getAttributes. Check if #Section is present in the field.
Is it possible to called at runtime his delegate with a string as parameter and know if is true or not ?
You should save an alias within the Section structure. For example:
struct Section(alias pred)
alias fun = pred;
Then, just reference the getAttributes result tuple member.

MVC 4 - String Custom Template messing with Enums

I have a custom template ~/Views/Shared/EditorTemplate/String.cshtml and it seems to be causing the Exception:
The model item passed into the dictionary is of type 'Proj.Models.EnumType', but this dictionary requires a model item of type 'System.String'.
It seems to only happen to Enums. It also goes away if I remove the template. The template doesn't seem to cause it, I don't think it's even making it that far. I can put ANYTHING in there and the exception is the same.
So... can I not use an #Html.EditorFor with a model with an enum if I have a custom template?
Some context:
namespace Proj.Models
public enum EnumType
A = 0,
B = 1,
C = 2,
public class Mod
public String Name;
public EnumType Letter;
#model Proj.Models.Mod
#Html.EditorFor(m=>m) // Exception happens here
Here is what I found to work for me.
In your template, make sure you declare your model as nullable enum type. Then, in code, check to see if it has a value and based on that do appropriate formatting.
#inherits System.Web.Mvc.WebViewPage<Proj.Models.EnumType?>
Proj.Models.EnumType v = Model.HasValue ? Model.Value : {*some-default-value*};

Why is my IQueryable LINQtoObject being treated as LINQtoSQL and throwing no supported translation to SQL

I have a LINQ dbml class that I am wrapping in a POCO. I have built overloaded constructors that take the DBML class and init. the wrapper objects properties based on the dbml object passed in.
For example
public class MyPerson{
public MyPerson(DBMLPerson p)
this.ID = p.ID;
this.Name = p.Name;
if I then do something like this where I return an IQueryable
return from p in datacontext.DBMLPerson
select new MyPerson(p){};
When I try to do further queries on that Iquearble I get "System.NotSupportedException: The member 'MyPerson.ID' has no supported translation to SQL.."
However if I do this
return from p in datacontext.DBMLPerson
select new MyPerson(){
ID = p.ID;
Name = p.Name;
I don't get an error at all and everything works perfect. Basically I want to have my class handle the conversion from LINQ object to POCO itself.
Basically I have to use the Object Initializer or I am unable to match on that field.
Ok not sure this will actually help anyone but but myself but my whole problem is the I shouldn't be using IQuerable after a certain point(outside of my repository)