OCaml: list # [x] vs x :: list [duplicate] - ocaml

I've recently started learning scala, and I've come across the :: (cons) function, which prepends to a list.
In the book "Programming in Scala" it states that there is no append function because appending to a list has performance o(n) whereas prepending has a performance of o(1)
Something just strikes me as wrong about that statement.
Isn't performance dependent on implementation? Isn't it possible to simply implement the list with both forward and backward links and store the first and last element in the container?
The second question I suppose is what I'm supposed to do when I have a list, say 1,2,3 and I want to add 4 to the end of it?

The key is that x :: somelist does not mutate somelist, but instead creates a new list, which contains x followed by all elements of somelist. This can be done in O(1) time because you only need to set somelist as the successor of x in the newly created, singly linked list.
If doubly linked lists were used instead, x would also have to be set as the predecessor of somelist's head, which would modify somelist. So if we want to be able to do :: in O(1) without modifying the original list, we can only use singly linked lists.
Regarding the second question: You can use ::: to concatenate a single-element list to the end of your list. This is an O(n) operation.
List(1,2,3) ::: List(4)

Other answers have given good explanations for this phenomenon. If you are appending many items to a list in a subroutine, or if you are creating a list by appending elements, a functional idiom is to build up the list in reverse order, cons'ing the items on the front of the list, then reverse it at the end. This gives you O(n) performance instead of O(n²).

Since the question was just updated, it's worth noting that things have changed here.
In today's Scala, you can simply use xs :+ x to append an item at the end of any sequential collection. (There is also x +: xs to prepend. The mnemonic for many of Scala's 2.8+ collection operations is that the colon goes next to the collection.)
This will be O(n) with the default linked implementation of List or Seq, but if you use Vector or IndexedSeq, this will be effectively constant time. Scala's Vector is probably Scala's most useful list-like collection—unlike Java's Vector which is mostly useless these days.
If you are working in Scala 2.8 or higher, the collections introduction is an absolute must read.

Prepending is faster because it only requires two operations:
Create the new list node
Have that new node point to the existing list
Appending requires more operations because you have to traverse to the end of the list since you only have a pointer to the head.
I've never programmed in Scala before, but you could try a List Buffer

Most functional languages prominently figure a singly-linked-list data structure, as it's a handy immutable collection type. When you say "list" in a functional language, that's typically what you mean (a singly-linked list, usually immutable). For such a type, append is O(n) whereas cons is O(1).


Correct way to add an element to the end of a list?

I was reading on this Haskell page about adding an element to the end of a List.
Using the example, I tried it out for my self. Given the following List I wanted to add the number 56 at the end of it.
let numbers = [4,8,15,16,23,42]
numbers ++ [56]
I was thrown off by this comment:
Adding an item to the end of a list is a fine exercise, but usually
you shouldn't do it in real Haskell programs. It's expensive, and
indicates you are building your list in the wrong order. There is
usually a better approach.
Researching, I realize that what I'm actually doing is creating a List with 56 as the only element and I'm combining it with the numbers list. Is that correct?
Is using ++ the correct way to add an element to the end of a List?
++ [x] is the correct way to add an element to the end of a list, but what the comment is saying is that you shouldn't add elements to the end of a list.
Due to the way lists are defined, adding an element at the end always requires making a copy of the list. That is,
xs ++ ys
needs to copy all of xs but can reuse ys unchanged.
If xs is just one element (i.e. we're adding to the beginning of a list), that's no problem: Copying one element takes practically no time at all.
But if xs is longer, we need to spend more time in ++.
And if we're doing this repeatedly (i.e. we're building up a big list by continually adding elements to the end), then we need to spend a lot of time making redundant copies. (Building an n-element list in this way is an O(n2) operation.)
If you need to do this, there is usually a better way to structure your algorithm. For example, you can build your list in reverse order (adding elements at the beginning) and only call reverse at the end.
It's the correct way in that all ways of doing it must reduce to at least that much work. The problem is wanting to append to the end of a list at all. That's not an operation that's possible to do efficiently with immutable linked lists.
The better approach is figuring out how to solve your specific problem without doing that. There are a lot of potential approaches. Picking the right one depends on the details of what you're doing. Maybe you can get away with just using laziness correctly. Maybe you are best off generating the list backwards and then reversing it once at the end. Maybe you're best off using a different data structure. It all depends on your specific use case.

Why is List.length linear in complexity?

I understand that lists are implemented as singly linked so they don't really have a constant structure that you can pin a length on, but each node should know how many nodes till the last element right? There isn't a way to add a node to some existing list and for that node not to be able to determine the length of the list it represents in constant time provided that the existing nodes already have that info.
I can understand why that wouldn't work in Haskell, for example, due to lazyness, but as far as I know F# lists aren't lazy. So, is the problem just in the extra memory overhead?
Seems to me like typical memory vs time performance consideration.
If standard f# list had the implementation You suggest, then it would need much more place in memory (consider one million long list of bools). And everyone using such list would have to deal with it. There would be no simple way to opt out of this other than writing completely new implementation of list.
On the other hand, it seems to be fairly simple to create a new type that would store length of succeeding list with each element basing on F# List. You can implement it on Your own if You need it. Those, who don't need it will use standard implementation.
I don't often find myself needing to know the length of the list, it's not like you need it to exit a for loop like you would with arrays in imperative languages.
For those rare cases when you really need to know the length asap, you can go with Carsten König's suggestion from a comment and make your 'a list into a ('a * int) list, where each node keeps the length of the tail as a tuple element.
Then you can have something like this:
let push lst e =
match lst with
| (_, c)::_ -> (e, c + 1) :: lst
| [] -> [e, 0]
and length and pop functions to match.
For all the other cases I'd call it a premature optimization.

About lists:suffix/2 in Erlang

The source code:
suffix(Suffix, List) ->
Delta = length(List) - length(Suffix),
Delta >= 0 andalso nthtail(Delta, List) =:= Suffix.
How about rewriting it like the follow:
suffix(Suffix, List) ->
prefix(reverse(Suffix), reverse(List)).
If Delta >=0, the first one will traverse four times, and the second one will traverse three times, is it correct?
The first one (from stdlib lists.erl) will traverse both lists twice each, yes. On the other hand, on the second traversal all the list cells will probably be in L2 cache, and it doesn't have to allocate any data. Your suggestion works too, but has to build two reversed temporary lists on the heap, which both has a cost in allocating and initializing data structures as well as causing garbage collection to happen more often on average.
If you think about the same problem in C (or any similar language): testing whether one singly linked list is a suffix of another singly linked list, it becomes more obvious why it's hard to do efficiently, in particular if you want to avoid allocating memory, and you aren't allowed to use tricks like reversing pointers.
I don't think it is correct. As far as I know, length is a build in function which does not need to traverse the list to get the result (it is the reason why it is allowed in guard test), and the andalso is a kind of shortcut. if the first term is false, it does not evaluate the second term and directly return false.

Does appending a list to another list in F# incur copying of underlying objects or just the pointers?

I've always thought that appending a list to another one meant copying the objects from the first list and then pointing to the appended list as described for example here.
However, in this blog post and in its comment, it says that it is only the pointers that are copied and not the underlying objects.
So what is correct?
Drawing from Snowbear's answer, a more accurate image of combining two lists (than the one presented in the first referred article in the question) would be as shown below.
let FIRST = [1;2;3]
let SECOND = [4;5;6]
In the functional world, lists are immutable. This means that node sharing is possible because the original lists will never change. Because the first list ends with the empty list, its nodes must be copied in order to point its last node to the second list.
If you mean this statement then the answer is seems to be pretty simple. Author of the first article is talking about list node elements when he says nodes. Node element is not the same as the list item itself. Take a look at the pictures in the first article. There are arrows going from every element to the next node. These arrows are pointers. But integer type (which is put into the list) has no such pointers. There is probably some list node type which wraps those integers and stores the pointers. When author says that nodes must be copies he is talking about these wrappers being copied. The underlying objects (if they were not value types as in this case) would not be cloned, new wrappers will point to the same object as before.
F# lists hold references (not to be confused with F#'s ref) to their elements; list operations copy those references (pointers), but not the elements themselves.
There are two ways you might append items to an existing list, which is why there seems to be a discrepancy between the articles (though they both look to be correct):
Cons operator (::): The cons operator prepends a single item to an F# list, producing a new list. It's very fast (O(1)), since it only needs to call a very simple constructor to produce the new list.
Append operator (#): The append operator appends two F# lists together, producing a new list. It's not as fast (O(n)) because in order for the elements of the combined list to be ordered correctly, it needs to traverse the entire list on the left-hand-side of the operator (so copying can start at the first element of that list). You'll still see this used in production if the list on the left-hand-side is known to be very small, but in general you'll get much better performance from using ::.

List design in functional languages

I've noticed that in functional languages such as Haskell and OCaml you can do 2 actions with lists. First you can do x:xs where x is an element ans xs is a list and the resulting action is we get a new list where x is appended to the beginning of xs in constant time. Second is x++y where both x and y are lists and the resulting action is we get a new list where y gets appended to the end of x in linear time with respect to the number of elements in x.
Now I'm no expert in how languages are designed and compilers are built, but this seems to me a lot like a simple implementation of a linked list with one pointer to the first item. If I were to implement this data structure in a language like C++ I would find it to be generally trivial to add a pointer to the last element. In this case if these languages were implemented this way (assuming they do use linked lists as described) adding a "pointer" to the last item would make it much more efficient to add items to the end of a list and would allow pattern matching with the last element.
My question is are these data structures really implemented as linked lists, and if so why do they not add a reference to the last element?
Yes, they really are linked lists. But they are immutable. The advantage of immutability is that you don't have to worry about who else has a pointer to the same list. You might choose to write x++y, but somewhere else in the program might be relying on x remaining unchanged.
People who work on compilers for such languages (of whom I am one) don't worry about this cost because there are plenty of other data structures that provide efficient access:
A functional queue represented as two lists provides constant-time access to both ends and amortized constant time for put and get operations.
A more sophisticated data structure like a finger tree can provide several kinds of list access at very low cost.
If you just want constant-time append, John Hughes developed an excellent, simple representation of lists as functions, which provides exactly that. (In the Haskell library they are called DList.)
If you're interested in these sorts of questions you can get good info from Chris Okasaki's book Purely Functional Data Structures and from some of Ralf Hinze's less intimidating papers.
You said:
Second is x++y where both x and y are
lists and the resulting action is y
gets appended to the end of x in
linear time with respect to the number
of elements in x.
This is not really true in a functional language like Haskell; y gets appended to a copy of x, since anything holding onto x is depending on it not changing.
If you're going to copy all of x anyway, holding onto its last node doesn't really gain you anything.
Yes, they are linked lists. In languages like Haskell and OCaml, you don't add items to the end of a list, period. Lists are immutable. There is one operation to create new lists — cons, the : operator you refer to earlier. It takes an element and a list, and creates a new list with the element as the head and the list as the tail. The reason x++y takes linear time is because it must cons the last element of x with y, and then cons the second-to-last element of x with that list, and so on with each element of x. None of the cons cells in x can be reused, because that would cause the original list to change as well. A pointer to the last element of x would not be very helpful here — we still have to walk the whole list.
++ is just one of dozens of "things you can do with lists". The reality is that lists are so versatile that one rarely uses other collections. Also, we functional programmers almost never feel the need to look at the last element of a list - if we need to, there is a function last.
However, just because lists are convenient this does not mean that we do not have other data structures. If you're really interested, have a look at this book http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~rwh/theses/okasaki.pdf (Purely Functional Data Structures). You'll find trees, queues, lists with O(1) append of an element at the tail, and so forth.
Here's a bit of an explanation on how things are done in Clojure:
The easiest way to avoid mutating state is to use immutable data structures. Clojure provides a set of immutable lists, vectors, sets and maps. Since they can't be changed, 'adding' or 'removing' something from an immutable collection means creating a new collection just like the old one but with the needed change. Persistence is a term used to describe the property wherein the old version of the collection is still available after the 'change', and that the collection maintains its performance guarantees for most operations. Specifically, this means that the new version can't be created using a full copy, since that would require linear time. Inevitably, persistent collections are implemented using linked data structures, so that the new versions can share structure with the prior version. Singly-linked lists and trees are the basic functional data structures, to which Clojure adds a hash map, set and vector both based upon array mapped hash tries.
(emphasis mine)
So basically it looks you're mostly correct, at least as far as Clojure is concerned.