Getting an error with no resources when creating a vm that is ongoing - google-cloud-platform

I keep getting an error message that says there are not enough resources in the zone to create a VM (Us-Central F). This has been going on for a couple of days. Is there a way to fix this or report this? Any advice and answers would be appreciated!

You can reserve resources you need or wait and try your luck with creating desired VM. Changing the machine type, amount of ram etc - lowering VM specs will also increase your chances.
Otherwise you have to use other zone or even region - there's no way around it since even GCP has limited resources and due to high demand some of them may not be available. The only difference will be higher latency.


Google Cloud SQL - Database instance storage size increased dramatically everyday

I have a database instance (MySQL 8) on Google Cloud and since 20 days ago, the instance's storage usage just keeps increasing (approx 2Gb every single day!).
But I couldn't find out why.
What I have done:
Take a look at Point-in-time recovery "Point-in-time recovery" option, it's already disabled.
Binary logs is not enabled.
Check the actual database size and I see my database is just only 10GB in size
No innodb_per_table flag, so it must be "false" by default
Storage usage chart:
Database flags:
The actual database size is 10GB, now the storage usage takes up to 220GB! That's a lot of money!
I couldn't resolve this issue, please give me some ideal tips. Thank you!
I had the same thing happen to me about a year ago. I couldn't determine any root cause of the huge increase in storage size. I restarted the server and the problem stopped. None of my databases experienced any significant increase in size. My best guess is that some runaway process causes the binlog to blow up.
Turns out the problem is in a Wordpress theme's function called "related_products" which just read and write every instance of the products that user comes accross (it would be millions per day) and makes the database physically blew up.

Availability of V100 and P100 on Google Compute Engine

I just tried for some time to set up or reserve a virtual machine for machine learning with my personal account that I'm using for some months on n1 with around 8 or more GB Ram and either a P100 or a V100 for machine learning and now tried for at least half of all zones with P100/V100 availability and always get a Resource Error like this one:
Operation type [insert] failed with message "The zone 'projects/lexical-list-285719/zones/us-central1-c' does not have enough resources available to fulfill the request. Try a different zone, or try again later."
no resources available in zone-x. I recently switched from the trial.
A) Is that common?
B) Is there a fix?
C) What (if anything) can I do to get a machine with these specifications, or similar performance?
I know that this is because of the zone not having these specifications available and that I'm supposed to try switching. I'm aware too of managed instance groups. But it can't be that difficult, can it?
Is google that booked out?
Possible Solutions
Currently my ideas to fix it:
multizone managed group (still have to check if my project is compatible with that)
cloud shell script that iterates through all available zones (would need to research how shell scripts works)
Anyone with experience in this topic sharing their experience with the solutions or with better solutions is very appreciated.
A good answer for me would not include any of the following:
Zone Switching (tried that)
Smaller machine (tried that and project doesn't work with too small machine)
Reserving (tried that)
Waiting (already know about that and doesn't help if I want a machine right now)
Though I recommend anyone with less persistent or urgent issues to do just those.
It's not an issue, events like this happens from time to time.
This error message means that there's no available resources like CPU/RAM/GPU on the Google's side in the particular zone. More details the you can find at the documentation Troubleshooting VM creation section Resource availability:
Resource errors occur when you try to request new resources in a zone
that cannot accommodate your request due to the current unavailability
of a Compute Engine resource, such as GPUs or CPUs.
Resource errors only apply to new resource requests in the zone and do
not affect existing resources. Resource errors are not related to your
Compute Engine quota and only apply to the resource you specified in
your request at the time you sent the request, not to all resources in
the zone.
Resource availability are depending from users requests and therefore are dynamic.
There are a few ways to solve this issue:
Try to create your instance at another zone where GPU is available (request an increase in quota if needed).
Wait for a while and try again.
Request some smaller VM (if possible), later you'll be able to try to request some bigger VM (same principle as for quota requests).
Reserve resources for your VM by following documentation to avoid such issue in future (extra payment required).
I had the same issue, I was trying to create V100s, I was able to get it working by switching zones to europe-west4.
What I tried if you're curious: All the sub zones in us-central1 (failed), One sub zone in us-west1 (failed), finally europe-west4 (Success).
This tells me it's due to the zones not having the GPU available. I really wish google wouldn't list it as an option since it doesn't actually have the ability to provision it. Or provide another way of knowing.

not have enough resources available to fulfil the request try a different zone

not have enough resources available to fulfill the request try a different zone
All of my machines in the different zone
have the same issue and can not run.
"Starting VM instance "home-1" failed.
The zone 'projects/extreme-pixel-208800/zones/us-west1-b' does not have enough resources available to fulfill the request. Try a different zone, or try again later."
I am having the same issue. I emailed google and figured out this has nothing to do with quota. However, you can try to decrease the need of your instance (eg. decrease RAM, CPUs, GPUs). It might work if you are lucky.
Secondly, if you want to email google again, you will get the message sent from the following template.
Good day! This is XX from Google Cloud Platform Support and I'll be
glad to help you from here. First, my apologies that you’re
experiencing this issue. Rest assured that the team is working hard to
resolve it.
Our goal is to make sure that there are available resources in all
zones. This type of issue is rare, when a situation like this occurs
or is about to occur, our team is notified immediately and the issue
is investigated.
We recommend deploying and balancing your workload across multiple
zones or regions to reduce the likelihood of an outage. Please review
our documentation [1] which outlines how to build resilient and
scalable architectures on Google Cloud Platform.
Again, we want to offer our sincerest apologies. We are working hard
to resolve this and make this an exceptionally rare event. I'll be
keeping this case open for one (1) business day in case you have
additional question related to this matter, otherwise you may
disregard this email for this ticket to automatically close.
All the best,
XXXX Google Cloud Platform Support
So, if you ask me how long you are expected to wait and when this issue is likely to happen:
I waited for an average of 1.5-3 days.
During the weekend (like from Friday to Sunday) daytime EST, GCP has a high probability of unavailable resources.
Usually when you have one instance that has this issue, others too. For me, keep trying in different region waste my time. (But, maybe it just that I don't have any luck)
The error message "The zone 'projects/[...]' does not have enough resources available to fulfill the request. Try a different zone, or try again later." is always in reference to a shortage of resources in a zone.
Google recommends spreading your workload across different zones to reduce the impact of these issues on your workload. Otherwise, there isn't much else to do other than wait or try another zone/region
Faced this Issue yesterday [01/Aug/2020] when GCP free credit was over and below steps helped to workaround this.
I was on asia-south-c zone and moved to us zone
Going to my Google Cloud Platform >>> Compute Engine
Went to Snapshots >>> created a snapshot >>> Select your Compute Engine instance
Once snapshot was completed I clicked on my snapshot.
Ended up under "snapshot details". There, on the top, just click create instance. Here you are basically creating an instance with a copy of your disk.
Select your new zone, don't forget to attach GPUs, all previous setting, create new name.
Click create, that's it, your image should now be running in your new zone
No worry of losting configuration as well.

Recover session after Network Error in AWS

I'm a beginner user of AWS and I'm using an EC2 instance for MCMC sampling which requires some hours of time. Unfortunately I had a network problem in the middle of the sampling and got the message:
Network error: Software caused connection abort
So that I had to reboot the instance losing all of my work (but not my data).
Is there a way to set up the instance to avoid this issue?
Thank you in advance
I'm unsure what MCMC sampling mean but will try to guess.
The only way not to lost information in such cases is to store it at reliable solution, e.g. S3.
If you meant long calculations then you need to parallel them or at least subdivide to smaller chunks then store the queue, its status and the intermediate results at the reliable storage. Merhaps the code have to be modified. If your calculations can be parallelized then you may want to check SQS and spot instances, sometimes you can save a lot of money.
If my guess is incorrect then pls clarify.
instead of restarting, rebooting the instance will fix this issue most of the time. Instance reboot persist any data on its instance store volumes.

RDS eating all the swap space

We have been using MariaDB in RDS and we noticed that the swap space is getting increasingly high whithout being recycled. The freeable memory however seems to be fine. Please check the attached files.
Instance type : db.t2.micro
Freeable memory : 125Mb
Swap space : increased by 5Mb every 24h
IOPS : disabled
Storage : 10Gb (SSD)
Soon RDS will eat all the swap space, which will cause lots of issues to the app.
Does anyone have similar issues?
What is the maximum swap space? (didn't find anything in the docs)
Please help!
Does anyone have similar issues?
I had similar issues on different instance types. The trend of swapping stays even if you would switch to higher instance type with more memory.
An explanation from AWS you can find here
Amazon RDS DB instances need to have pages in the RAM only when the pages are being accessed currently, for example, when executing queries. Other pages that are brought into the RAM by previously executed queries can be flushed to swap space if they haven't been used recently. It's a best practice to let the operating system (OS) swap older pages instead of forcing the OS to keep pages in memory. This helps make sure that there is enough free RAM available for upcoming queries.
And the resolution:
Check both the FreeableMemory and the SwapUsage Amazon CloudWatch metrics to understand the overall memory usage pattern of your DB instance. Check these metrics for a decrease in the FreeableMemory metric that occurs at the same time as an increase in the SwapUsage metric. This can indicate that there is pressure on the memory of the DB instance.
What is the maximum swap space?
By enabling Enhanced Monitoring you should be able to see OS metrics, e.g. The amount of swap memory free, in kilobytes.
See details here
Enabling enhanced monitoring in RDS has made things more clear.
Obviously what we needed to watch was Committed Swap instead of Swap Usage. We were able to see how much Free Swap we had.
I now also believe that MySQL is dumping things in swap just because there is too much space in there, even though it wasn't really in urgent need of memory.