Python script on Django shell not seeing import if import not set as global? - django

I have searched the stackoverflow and wasn't able to find this. I have noticed something I can not wrap my head around. When run as normal python script import works ok, but when run from Django shell it behaves weird, needs to set import as global to be seen.
You can reproduce it like this. Make a file in folder with Code you can test with is this.
This doesn't work, code of
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import chardet
class LoadList():
def __init__(self):
self.email_list_path = '/home/omer/test.csv'
def check_file_encoding(file_to_check):
encoding = chardet.detect(open(file_to_check, "rb").read())
return encoding
def get_encoding(self):
return self.check_file_encoding(self.email_list_path)['encoding']
This works ok when chardet set as global inside file:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import chardet
class LoadList():
def __init__(self):
self.email_list_path = '/home/omer/test.csv'
def check_file_encoding(file_to_check):
global chardet
encoding = chardet.detect(open(file_to_check, "rb").read())
return encoding
def get_encoding(self):
return self.check_file_encoding(self.email_list_path)['encoding']
First run is without global chardet and you can see the error. Second run is with global chardet set and you can see it works ok.
What is going on and can someone explain this to me? Why it isn't seen until set as global?

Piping a file into shell is the same as piping it into the python command. It's not the same as running the file with python I suspect it's something to do with the way the the newlines are interpreted as to how the file is really parsed, but don't have time to check.
Instead of this approach I'd recommend you write a custom management command.


Add method imports to shell_plus

In shell_plus, is there a way to automatically import selected helper methods, like the models are?
I often open the shell to type:
proj = Project.objects.get(project_id="asdf")
I want to replace that with:
proj = getproj("asdf")
Found it in the docs. Quoted from there:
Additional Imports
In addition to importing the models you can specify other items to
import by default. These are specified in SHELL_PLUS_PRE_IMPORTS and
SHELL_PLUS_POST_IMPORTS. The former is imported before any other
imports (such as the default models import) and the latter is imported
after any other imports. Both have similar syntax. So in your file:
('module.submodule1', ('class1', 'function2')),
('module.submodule2', 'function3'),
('module.submodule3', '*'),
The above example would directly translate to the following python
code which would be executed before the automatic imports:
from module.submodule1 import class1, function2
from module.submodule2 import function3
from module.submodule3 import *
import module.submodule4
These symbols will be available as soon as the shell starts.
ok, two ways:
1) using PYTHONSTARTUP variable (see this Docs)
#in some file. (here, I'll call it "~/path/to/"
def getproj(p_od):
#I'm importing here because this script run in any python shell session
from some_app.models import Project
return Project.objects.get(project_id="asdf")
#in your .bashrc
export PYTHONSTARTUP="~/path/to/"
2) using ipython startup (my favourite) (See this Docs,this issue and this Docs ):
$ pip install ipython
$ ipython profile create
# put the script in your profile_default/startup directory.
# django run ipython if it's installed.
$ shell_plus

ipython showing gibberish when debugging Django with Netbeans

I'm using Netbeans for coding Django. When I insert:
import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()
Flow execution gets stopped but it shows gibberish, such as:
[1;32m 343 [1;33m [1;32mimport[0m [1;37mipdb[0m[1;33m;[0m [1;37mipdb[0m[1;33m.[0m[1;37mset_trace[0m[1;33m([0m[1;33m)[0m[1;33m[0m[0m
[0m[1;32m--> 344 [1;33m [1;32mreturn[0m [1;37mself[0m[1;33m.[0m[1;37msenderId[0m[1;33m([0m[1;33m)[0m [1;33m==[0m [1;37muser_obj[0m[1;33m.[0m[1;37mid[0m[1;33m[0m[0m
[0m[1;32m 345 [1;33m[1;33m[0m[0m
I can use next, skip and everything from pdb. But I can not see where I'm in the code, which forces me to use pdb instead of ipdb.
for me worked fine with just commenting the line and add a pass sentence in ipdb/
from IPython.utils import io
def update_stdout():
# setup stdout to ensure output is available with nose
#THIS IS THE LINE TO COMMENT #########################
#io.stdout = sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
from IPython.Debugger import Pdb, BdbQuit_excepthook
from IPython.Shell import IPShell
from IPython import ipapi
These are ANSI escape codes, which are used for the text colours in ipdb's output. For some reason, the terminal you're debugging in is not accepting the codes and is printing them as text. You may be able to find a setting in NetBeans to either change what the terminal is reporting itself as, or what it actually accepts.
This is the problem:
and you can solve it by commenting out a line in ipdb/_ _ main _
What I have done to be able to use ipdb with Django Netbeans, is disable coloring output in ipdb. There are several ways to do this. If you have installed ipdb through easy_install you can edit the code in leaving it like:
import sys
from IPython.Debugger import Pdb
from IPython.Shell import IPShell
from IPython import ipapi
shell = IPShell(argv=[''])
def set_trace():
Also you can create yourself a hook to import ipdb without colors. I hope this helps :)

Django timer thread

I would like to compute some information in my Django application on regular basis.
I need to select and insert data each second and want to use Django ORM.
How can I do this?
In a shell script, set the DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE variable and call a python script
export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=yourapp.settings
In, set up django and import your modules (look at how the script sets up to run Django)
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import settings # Assumed to be in the same directory.
except ImportError:
sys.stderr.write("Error: Can't find the file ''")
sys.path = sys.path + ['/yourapphome']
from yourapp.models import YourModel
Then call your shell script in a cron job.
Alternatively -- you can just keep running and sleeping (better if it's every second) -- you would still want to be outside of the webserver and in your own process that is set up this way.
One way to do it would be to create a custom command, and invoke python your_custom_command from cron or windows scheduler.
For example, create myapp/management/commands/ which reads:
from import NoArgsCommand
class Command(NoArgsCommand):
def handle_noargs(self, **options):
print 'Doing task...'
# invoke the functions you need to run on your project here
print 'Done'
Then you can run it from cron like this:
export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=myproject.settings; export PYTHONPATH=/path/to/project_parent; python myapp_task

How to test custom django-admin commands

I created custom django-admin commands
But, I don't know how to test it in standard django tests
If you're using some coverage tool it would be good to call it from the code with:
from import call_command
from django.test import TestCase
class CommandsTestCase(TestCase):
def test_mycommand(self):
" Test my custom command."
args = []
opts = {}
call_command('mycommand', *args, **opts)
# Some Asserts.
From the official documentation
Management commands can be tested with the call_command() function. The output can be redirected into a StringIO instance
You should make your actual command script the minimum possible, so that it just calls a function elsewhere. The function can then be tested via unit tests or doctests as normal.
you can see in example
see here
def test_command_style(self):
out = StringIO()
management.call_command('dance', style='Jive', stdout=out)
"I don't feel like dancing Jive.")
To add to what has already been posted here. If your django-admin command passes a file as parameter, you could do something like this:
from django.test import TestCase
from import call_command
from io import StringIO
import os
class CommandTestCase(TestCase):
def test_command_import(self):
out = StringIO()
'my_command', os.path.join('path/to/file', 'my_file.txt'),
'Expected Value',
This works when your django-command is used in a manner like this:
$ python my_command my_file.txt
A simple alternative to parsing stdout is to make your management command exit with an error code if it doesn't run successfully, for example using sys.exit(1).
You can catch this in a test with:
with self.assertRaises(SystemExit):
I agree with Daniel that the actual command script should do the minimum possible but you can also test it directly in a Django unit test using os.popen4.
From within your unit test you can have a command like
fin, fout = os.popen4('python yourcommand')
result =
You can then analyze the contents of result to test whether your Django command was successful.

How can I call a custom Django command directly from a test driver?

I want to write a unit test for a Django command that does a backend operation on a database table. How would I invoke the management command directly from code?
I don't want to execute the command on the Operating System's shell from because I can't use the test environment set up using test (test database, test dummy email outbox, etc...)
The best way to test such things - extract needed functionality from command itself to standalone function or class. It helps to abstract from "command execution stuff" and write test without additional requirements.
But if you by some reason cannot decouple logic form command you can call it from any code using call_command method like this:
from import call_command
call_command('my_command', 'foo', bar='baz')
Rather than do the call_command trick, you can run your task by doing:
from import my_management_task
cmd = my_management_task.Command()
opts = {} # kwargs for your command -- lets you override stuff for testing...
the following code:
from import call_command
call_command('collectstatic', verbosity=3, interactive=False)
call_command('migrate', 'myapp', verbosity=3, interactive=False) equal to the following commands typed in terminal:
$ ./ collectstatic --noinput -v 3
$ ./ migrate myapp --noinput -v 3
See running management commands from django docs.
The Django documentation on the call_command fails to mention that out must be redirected to sys.stdout. The example code should read:
from import call_command
from django.test import TestCase
from django.utils.six import StringIO
import sys
class ClosepollTest(TestCase):
def test_command_output(self):
out = StringIO()
sys.stdout = out
call_command('closepoll', stdout=out)
self.assertIn('Expected output', out.getvalue())
Building on Nate's answer I have this:
def make_test_wrapper_for(command_module):
def _run_cmd_with(*args):
"""Run the possibly_add_alert command with the supplied arguments"""
cmd = command_module.Command()
(opts, args) = OptionParser(option_list=cmd.option_list).parse_args(list(args))
cmd.handle(*args, **vars(opts))
return _run_cmd_with
from import mycommand
cmd_runner = make_test_wrapper_for(mycommand)
cmd_runner("foo", "bar")
The advantage here being that if you've used additional options and OptParse, this will sort the out for you. It isn't quite perfect - and it doesn't pipe outputs yet - but it will use the test database. You can then test for database effects.
I am sure use of Micheal Foords mock module and also rewiring stdout for the duration of a test would mean you could get some more out of this technique too - test the output, exit conditions etc.
The advanced way to run manage command with a flexible arguments and captured output
argv = self.build_argv(short_dict=kwargs)
cmd = self.run_manage_command_raw(YourManageCommandClass, argv=argv)
# Output is saved cmd.stdout.getvalue() / cmd.stderr.getvalue()
Add code to your base Test class
def build_argv(cls, *positional, short_names=None, long_names=None, short_dict=None, **long_dict):
Build argv list which can be provided for manage command "run_from_argv"
1) positional will be passed first as is
2) short_names with be passed after with one dash (-) prefix
3) long_names with be passed after with one tow dashes (--) prefix
4) short_dict with be passed after with one dash (-) prefix key and next item as value
5) long_dict with be passed after with two dashes (--) prefix key and next item as value
argv = [__file__, None] + list(positional)[:]
for name in short_names or []:
for name in long_names or []:
for name, value in (short_dict or {}).items():
for name, value in long_dict.items():
return argv
def run_manage_command_raw(cls, cmd_class, argv):
"""run any command as python object"""
command = cmd_class(stdout=io.StringIO(), stderr=io.StringIO())
with mock.patch(''):
# patch to prevent closing db connecction
return command