Can we deploy QlikSense on serverless architecture? - amazon-web-services

Can we deploy QlikSense/QlikView on serverless architecture?
Currently using Monolithic architecture, any other way to move on to serverless?

While I am not familiar with Qlik's products, it is unlikely they would be suitable for serverless architecture.
Companies generally offer the products either as:
Downloadable products that you run on your own server (which could be a virtual server in the cloud), or
Software-as-a-Service, where you access their website directly and no server is required (eg Salesforce)
"Serverless architecture" is a design decision that can be made when designing a software product. It means the the application is broken-down into small components ('microservices') that can be run on services like AWS Lambda, with no actual server.
However, such architecture would normally only be used for your own applications that you create. If another company has designed their system to be 'serverless', then they would normally run it on a cloud system (eg AWS) and offer it to users as Software-as-a-Service. It would be highly unusual to have a 'download' product that runs on a serverless architecture.
I notice that Qlik has product offerings that run on AWS (AWS Marketplace: Qlik), which runs on an Amazon EC2 instance, rather than serverless.

If you look into the Qlik Core product then yes Qlik can be deployed on an elastic containerised enviroment. But then as I understand it you don't get the standard objects and visualisations, user management etc. So you have to code your own stuff that ties into the Qlik Data Analytics Engine via apis.
So, how do you get it? Licensing info here but let’s talk components
Linux-based Associative Engine – provided as a Docker image with built-in support for Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platform
Supporting APIs – these ingest your data into the Qlik Associative Engine through connectors
Supporting Open Source Libraries – these various libraries by Qlik expose the engine to help you build solutions faster
It’s all language agnostic but JavaScript lovers will find it easier to work with given the number of our open source tools available in JavaScript. Other top languages and tools used include R, Go, Shell, C#, Python, Java and D3. Qlik Core can also be managed with the orchestration tool of your choice for implementing, scaling and managing containerized applications.

It really depends on what exactly are you building. As The Budac mentioned you can use Qlik Core
If you just want invoke Qlik API (for example some automation jobs) then serverless functions are making sense.
Qlik Sense (both Enterprise and Kubernetes versions) expose a lot more different API which can be called from technically everywhere.
QlikView on the other hand is more ... conservative. QV is an older software and the API/integrations are more limited. For example: to call the Management API you have to be on the same domain as QV. Personally I've only connected to QV Management API only with C# and pretty sure you cant use JS/Node


Manually install every thing in GCP VM module

I am new to cloud and still learning GCP, I exhausted almost all my free credit for GCP within 2 months while learning different modules.
GCP is great and provides a lot of things to ease the development and maintenance process.
But I realized using different modules cost me a lot.
So I was wondering if I could have a big VM box, install MySQL, Docker, and Java and React required components by myself, I can achieve pretty much what I want without using extra modules.
Am I right?
Can I use the same VM to host multiple sites by changing ports of API, or do I need to have different boxes for that?
Your question is out of GCP domain but about IT architecture. You can create a big VM with all installed on it. But you have to manage it by yourselves and the scalability is hard.
You can also have 1 VM per website, but the management cost is higher (patching and updgrade)! However you can scale with a better granularity (per website).
The standard pattern today is to explode your monolith server into dedicated services. The database on a specific server, the docker and Java in another one, and the react in a static component (like Google Cloud Platform).
If you want to use VM, you can use GKE and you containerize your application. It's far more easier to maintain your VM with an automatic tool like K8S.
The ultimate step, is to use serverless and/or full managed solution. Cloud SQL for your database, GCS for your static content, and App Engine or Cloud Run for your backend. Like this, you pay as you use and if you website is not very used, you won't be charged on it (except for the database).

WSO2 / Mule vs OpenStack / CloudStack - what are the differences, similarities, benefits?

I've started my journey with cloud related technologies very recently. I'm trying to understand the basics as to be able to prepare the foundation for a basic cloud setup in my Internet of Things oriented company.
While browsing the Internet I've stumbled upon the following two groups of open source projects:
WSO2 / Mule / ...
OpenStack / CouldStack / Eucalyptus / ...
I'm trying to understand:
what kind of service do they offer? (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, other?)
what are the differences between them?
what do they have in common?
how do the play with other cloud related technologies like Amazon AWS?
which one would you recommend to get some basic experience and for some early proof-of-concept? (I'm looking for the easiest option first)
Cloud stack and Open stack are open source softwares designed to manage, deploy virtual machines and networks which can deliver cloud services. Mainly these provide Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). There are alot of comparisons on the internet on these two. So these softwares needs to be intalled on your hardware and maintain it and you provide a cloud service from it. When it comes Amazon AWS it is a readily available service where you don't do installations or maintain hardware, you just take service from them.
WSO2 and MuleSoft are different from above two and they are software platforms where several products(such as ESB). Both provide cloud platform facilities to deploye their products.
We cannot say which one to use but base on your requirements you may choose one or two (WSO2 products deployed on Amazon AWS or WSO2 products deployed on CloudStack VM's). Since you are willing to set up Internet of things, i think you may need to refer about products provided by above providers. Following source [1] will give you an idea about Iot platform setup by several free open source WSO2 products.

django deployment with java and c++

I have created a django app that contains c++ for some of the views as well as a java library. How would I deploy this app? What kind of hosting service allows for multiple languages? I have looked at EC2, GAE, and several platforms (like heroku) but I can't seem to find a definitive solution.
I have never deployed anything to the web so a simple explanation would be much appreciated.
PaaS stuff is probably not your best bet. If you want the scalability and associated buzzwords(muh 99.9999999999% availability because my servers are hosted in a parallel dimension without electrical storms, power outages, hurricanes, earthquakes, or nuclear holocausts) that comes with hosting your application on a huge web company's platform, check out IaaS(Infrastructure as a service) systems like Google's Compute Engine or AWS. With these you just get a virtual server (or servers), running your Linux distro of choice, and you can install and run whatever you please on them without being constrained to a specific platform like App Engine or Heroku(where you have to basically write your app to specifically run on that platform). If you plan on consuming a ton of bandwidth/resources from the get-go, you will almost certainly get a better deal using a dedicated server(s) from a small company.
Interested in what specifically you are executing C++ for in a Django view. Image/video processing?
Well. Deployment is not really something where a simple explanation helps much.
First I would check what the requirements to the operating system are (compilers, dependencies,…). That will maybe reduce the options quickly.
I guess that with a setup containing C++ & Java artifacts, the usual PaaS (GaE, Heroku,…) offerings will not be sufficient because they define the stack. And a mixture of Python/C++/Java is rather uncommon I'd say.
Choosing an IaaS offering (EC2, …) may be an option. There you can run your whole self-defined stack and have the possibility of easier scaling.
Hosting the application on your own server(s) is also always possible. Check your data protection regulations to find out if it's not even a requirement.
There are a lot of ways to get the Django application to run. The Django documentation has some information about deployment. If you have certain special requirements, uwsgi may be a good application server.
You may also want a web server in front of the application. Possibilities range from using uwsgi's built-in http server or using e.g. Nginx with uwsgi.
All in all every component of the whole "deployment" has hundereds of bells and whistels and it's not easy to give advice without knowing specific requirements and properties of the system itself. You'll also probably need a database you have to deploy.
But before deploying it to the web, it's also important to have a solid build process to assemble all the parts. And not only on the development machine. With three languages involved this should be the first step solve. If it easily and automagically deploys in a development environment, moving it to a server is easier.

What are the pros and cons of developing a web app using Parse vs. AWS?

From what I know, Parse offers convenient communication stacks for various platforms such as iOS, so it is easy to build clients that use your web app.
But Parse also seems to be tightly integrated with Facebook. If you were to build a web app that does not need Facebook, but that may integrate with Facebook in the long term, is Parse the clear winner over deploying directly to AWS, or are there important disadvantages to consider?
As far as I understand their page Parse is a PaaS (platform as a service) provider like Heroku and others while AWS is a IaaS (infrastructure as a service) provider.
Pros for PaaS:
They care about the infrastructure
You build your app on an existing platform
For the start you don't need "ops-guys" as you don't do ops
You can take their knowledge and prebuilt tools for your advance
Pros for IaaS:
You have full control about the underlaying infrastructure
You can start with a greenfield and build what ever you want
You can use tools like Puppet / Chef / ... to control your servers
You don't have to pay for the additional stuff you get when using PaaS
(but have to pay your people for it)
So there is not a winner of this "battle" but you have to decide whether you want to use prebuilt tooling and give some independence for this or whether you want to have the absolute control over everything (nearly as you can't touch the hardware) and invest time and manpower into building your own tooling.
"Better, Faster, Cheaper.."
If you are pursuing mobile first strategy, Parse is a great tool for bootstrapping a mature, full web-presence from nothing more than an original beta app.
I dont have direct experience with AWS.
I have used Heroku/Parse integrating (very quickly) a stand alone mobile app with the back-end where the back end needs to cover following:
Workflow - async tasks
REST API interface HTTP
Once the mobile app existed with only stubbed local data , Parse allowed a single engineer to build out ALL infrastructure mentioned above very quickly, taking the app from single user to multi-user with full DB and workflow that backs client side events with considerable server-side and cloud side business logic and process. Scaling related startup stuff that used to take weeks took only days.
The compression (time&money) when scaling up an app stack is really something. The Parse API did almost everything that i needed with one small exception (remuxing UGC media).
Personally, i abandoned the parse/android SDK in favor of a more robust REST API (threading on client-side and heavy HTTP activity ).
Developers used to Curl/REST dev stacks will take to Parse.

advantage of WSO2 AS instead of other application servers

Why would anyone use WSO2 Application Server instead of other application servers?
I rather encountered only problems with it, mainly due to class loading issues, so I would appreciate if someone could point out what are the advantages or the use cases when using WSO2-AS really makes a difference.
I can see the benefits of other standalone WSO2 products, but as far as the AS is concerned, I would rather rely on more lightweight servers and just package the libraries I need.
There are number of advantages on WSO2 Application Server.
1.) It provides in-built support for multi-tenancy, in case if you have isolated departments like organization there is no real need to have number of server instances you could simply create a new tenant.
2.) Automatic lazy loading support for tenants, web applications and web services. In a production system a particular tenant/web application/web service can be ideal for sometime it's a waste to allocate hardware resources continuously to such ideal applications specially if you use IaaS. WSO2 application server can detect such ideal tenant/web application/web service and release their resources and tenant/web application/web service will load again when a new request dispatch to the particular tenant/web application/web service.
3.) Wide range of deployment options, support to deploy on-premise, public or private IaaS , public or private PassS such as Apache Stratos. An an example one can deploy his application into WSO2 App Cloud ( instantly without downloading anything, later he can get same experience one of above platforms.
4.) Deployment synchronization feature, a clustered environment you may have very large number of nodes and upgrading application version and configuration changes across the cluster can be headache. Using Deployment synchronization feature you can modify only one node labeled as manger node and Deployment synchronization will take care about synchronize changes across the cluster automatically and consistently.
5.) When developing applications on WSO2 Application Server you can leverage carbon platform level features such as identity, registry, logging, distributed caching, multi-tenancy etc. As an example one can use identity features provided by the platform to mange users, roles permissions also for authentication and authorization without write something own.
6.) Inbuilt support for security standards such SSO among other WSO2 products.
7.) In-build monitoring capability for web services and web application through WSO2 BAM.
8.) Enhanced and rich dashboard for applications and services which facilitate to basic statistics, application management, security wizards, code generations, Try -It tools, run time logging configurations etc.
9.) Enhanced classloading mechanism (starting from AS 5.1.0), within one Application server instance you can have number of virtual server environments per application level. As an example one can specify an application run on minimal Tomcat mode or can assign to run Carbon mode which is ( Tomcat + Carbon platform).
When it come to your specific issue if you can specify your Application Server version and elaborate more on your classloading issue I can provide you more specific answer.
Having said above I want to mention that I'm from WSO2.